Forms :: Updating Field On Multiple Records Selected In Continuous Form?
Jun 12, 2013
I have a form listing tasks to which I make personnel assignments with a multi-value list field type. It takes some time to select from 15-25 employees on the list for each task, especially considering that small groups of employees will be assigned to the same selection of tasks.
What I want to do is select multiple records with the mouse, then click a command button opening a form in dialog mode with the selection list. The user then clicks to make his selections and clicks ok, which then updates the multi-select field for the selected records.
I have continuous form in Access 2010. I highlight selected record. Now I would like when user will select record, that record will display button to give ability user delete it. For not selected records button not visible and disable. How to display button only in selected record in continuous form?
I have a continuous form that is using a select query to populate all of the bound controls. The drop downs and text boxes are displaying the values from the correct places. But, the form is not updating in the places I expected.
The select query that is being used to populate, combines information from 3 tables.'TimeEntries' table (the one that I want records to be updated in). This holds employee ID, and numeric values for Project Name and Project Task.
'ProjectInfo' table (nothing should be updated here). This table holds other details about the project (ex. Project Name) that is used to populate a combo box. 'ProjectTasks' table (nothing should be updated here either). This table holds details about project task (ex. Task Description) that is used to populate a combo box.
The issue I am having is that when records are updated on the form, they are adding records to all 3 tables that are a part of the query, instead of just updating the time entries table.
Record Source (form) = Select Query "EmployeeTimeEntry"
Combo box on continuous form should have the control source listed as the field on the form that will be updated. The Row Source, however, is a query that includes 2 things: the field on the form that will be updated (this part will be nonvisible in your form) and the table/query of selections you want to show up in the combo box (visible). Then ensure the Bound column is set to 1 and the Column count is set to 2 with Column Widths as 0";1"
I have a form (Form4) which has a a list box (list11) that allows multi select. When I select on the records I need I hit a button that opens a form up with the selected records. This form is a continuous form. I have an unbound combo box (Combo55). Its values come from a specific table. I want to hit a button and change the field "Assigned" on all the records showing to the value that I selected in Combo55.
The problem is it only changes the value of the currently selected record. How Do I get it to change the value of all records that are showing?
I am only testing this idea with default field names. Before I implement the database I have to get a working model and present it. So I am building this and naming at the moment isnt important.
I have a screen with multiple records from a database. At the top of the screen I have a button that lets the user change the mode between read only and edit modes. The current mode is displayed near the button. When the user decides to update a record or records he goes into the edit mode and starts changing the records. The user may change any number of records on the screen. When editing is finished he presses a button called save and close gets feedback and leaves the screen. Now in this process how do I keep track of the records that are changed on the screen . Plus he can hit the page down key and go to the next page and make changes there also. Is it possible to stop the hitting of the page down key. What indicators can I use to spot the records changed?
One shows my form with the Transporters Subform with 3 entries, and 1 entry.The three line items that say "Transporter" are in one subform. I used this code
Code: Private Sub Form_Current() If Me.RecordsetClone.RecordCount >= 3 Then Me.AllowAdditions = False End If End Sub
to limit the number of records I can add to 3 or less.My issue is that I lost the blank text box that allows you to add another record. So, if I only have one Transporter listed, there's no box to let me add a second or third.I have the following properties for the Transporters Subform set to "Yes":
Data Entry Allow Additions Allow Deletions Allow Edits Allow Filters
I have a bound continuous tabular form,However, based on data content in one field of a record, I want a checkbox in the same record enabled, so the user can check it if necessary. I have created a record set using the form as shown below, and I am looping through each record. To show that my code is referring to the field with required data content, I display it as a message box and it works, yet my checkbox does not enable.
I have the code in the form_load event, however, for testing purposes I have it behind a button.If I am seeing this properly, the code behind the button enables the checkbox for ALL records once the criteria in the required field is true, and based on the last record, which has no data content, it disables the checkbox in ALL records. I also have the PK ID for each record hidden in the form. Can I utilize that to target the checkbox of each individual record??
Form Detail -Form does not allow additions or deletions. Edits allowed -All fields are disabled and locked -I only want the check box to unlock if data is found in the "RequiredField" as referred to below. I have also tried if not isNull(requiredfield.value) then -enable checkbox, which yields the same results
Here is my code
Dim rstMyForm As DAO.Recordset Set rstMyForm = Forms!MyForm.Form.Recordset rstMyForm.MoveFirst Do While Not rstMyForm.EOF If Not RequiredField.Value = "" Then
I'm developing a database where people basically can fill in an order form and then the database can track if the order has been placed, when it came in etc.I have a form called frm_Suppliers to be Ordered that runs off a query. The tables that relate to the query are called tbl_Products, with a primary key called ID and tbl_Suppliers, with a primary key called Supplier ID.
The form called frm_Suppliers to be Ordered, shows a list of suppliers that have open orders. Each supplier may have several orders open. I want to be able to click a button after each supplier name and bring up a continuous form that relates to all the records from that supplier that have open orders.
I have tried using the code found in the thread called "open a form based on the record that is selected in current form" from 06-08-2011, however it will only work when my form lists each open order separately, not when they are grouped by supplier.
Is there any way to highlight duplicates across a number of records on a continuous form (conditional formatting I presume)? My continuous form is filtered on load to show only the records relating to the specified date (specified before opening the form), and there is one field that I would like to highlight if there is a duplicate value in the same field on another record on the form. Is this possible?
I have data that needs to be entered. It is the same data across 3 tables but only for the first three columns, then it is different. I can create a form for one of these but not for all three.
I have a continuous form with a number of unbound fields and bound fields. However, I would like to sum an unbound fields (Text28). Text28 is an unbound calculated field based on another calculated unbound field (Text22). I would like to sum Text28 in the footer or somewhere in the form.
Here are the codes for my field:
Code: Text28 = iff([Text22>0], [Text22], [Text20] --- This works Text29 =sum(iff([Text22>0], [Text22], [Text20]) --- this is not working
Every member of a group do savings once every 15 days and each group has maximum 20 members, group has one to many relationship with customer and customer having one to many relationship with Savings (there is no direct relationship between group and savings) i have created a continuous form for saving entry. in this form i select a group which is unbound and based on that group, its members are listed in the combo box named CusID, after selecting customer other saving details are entered.
What I want, is that for every group i want a total saving for all that specific group's members selected in the mentioned unbound combo box in that continuous form, this total should be based on the group selected in the mentioned unbound combo box, in case i select another group the total should also be based on newly selected group.
I m having a subform in datasheet view. whn i use a join query as the record source for the sub form, i am not able to add or update any record in the datasheet. Is there anyway to use a linked query as record source of the datasheet with editable property.
I have a continious form with textfields as records. Its about total course hours that are calculated. There is a field in the records that holds and calculates the hourse that one have done and another field that holds the max hours they may follow for one year.
Every record has h different year.
When the amount of hours in the transmission textfield is negative, they can transmit the hours to te next year. Therefore i have to calculate the Max hours per Year + the transmission hours.
So the calculation is not a problem. Though i don't actually know where i can trigger the calculation. I have tried it with a button on the form, but then the user always have to click to see the right amount of hours for the next year. That's not handy. I am looking for a way to automatically calculate the field Max hours per year. Given that the Max hours per year is a bound field, its bound to a table where i stock the Max hours that i have calculated.
I also tried it with the button that's used for inserting new course hours, but then it calculates with the old values instead of the new ones.
How can i trigger the calculation automatically without using a button.
Any way to change the default way a field is selected in a form so that it doesn't highlight all the text when you tab?I have the standard black text on a white background but when the whole field is highlighted it looks ugly and I think is quite difficult to read until you click into it.
I have a form that is displayed continuously and there is a text field in it (Text12).In the footer of this form I would like to add a textbox that is the sum of all Text12's on the form.I tried =Sum([Text12]) in the textboxes control source but that is just displaying an error when I run the form.
My form is setup with Continuous view, with data feeding from a table. The structure is straighforward (excel style). AgentID, workHrs, holidayPaid, holidayUnpaid, sickHrs etc. The structure is not normalized, and I know the risk. This is basically only for human interpretation, not really a structure that will cause instability or patched up working of the DB.
I have the continuous form view, so it can be viewed in one single display, I have placed a Totals at the footer, which is populated by nothing but a simple = Sum(columnName). This works great in most of the computers, except one. My boss's computer. Which is where it actually needs to work. I am baffled, because I have tested it on almost every single computer in my office, everyone's work. Just his computer is playing up. I am unable to pin point the problem. The status bar keeps going "Calculating..." but even after giving it a solid 5 minute it does not seem to work !
I have a popup form that user will select for updating 4 fields in table. I have a update button that has code behind it that verifies the record is complete before closing the popup form. That works well.
However, I want to add an abort button that will close the form and save nothing entered however, I getting incomplete records and blank records. How can I code the button to not update the table and just close the form?
Access 2002 . Can I condition a field to 'locked' on just one record of a continuous form subfile, based on the contents of a 2nd field in same record?
in a continuous form i want to click on one record and have the one field change the background colour to highlight it. When I use the code: Field. BackColor = vbYellow it changes the background on all the records. Is there a code to say only for the record with focus?
I'm pretty good with setting up a very simple database such as inventory, profiles, etc.. However I'm creating a database to keep track of a football (soccer) team's players and match statistics.What I have so farsample attached)
Tables: * Players - PlayerID, Fname, Lname, position, goals, assists, etc (all details regarding a player) * Position - Positons (Table containing positions eg: defender. Data is selected in player's form as a combo-box) * Competition - Competition types (Cup, League, Friendly. Data is selected in Match's form as a combo-box * Venue - similar to Competition table * Opponent - Similar to above two tables * Match - MatchID, Competition, Venue, etc (form corresponding to table attached)
Forms: * Player form * Match form
Now as shown in the sample, I choose players using the combo-box. Then whatever stats they had during the match are entered on the fields provided. How to link the player (selected using combo box) to the stat fields (goals, assist, YC, etc).
I am working on a web database with a form which is bound to an underlying web table where the submissions occur.My challenge is that the fields on the form get submitted to the table even before the submit button is clicked regardless of whether the form was completely filled.
My request is that I want the form to only submit to the submission table only when the submit button is clicked.When I searched on the net, the only solutions I got are VBA written code but my web database cannot use VBA code.
VBA code:
Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private blnGood As Boolean Private Sub cmdSave_Click() blnGood = True Call DoCmd.RunCommand(acCmdSaveRecord) blnGood = False End Sub