Forms :: Using DSum In Text Box

Jun 23, 2015

I have a volunteer information database, and I am working on the form that will show the details of each volunteer's hours worked, among other things.

I've attached screenshots of a more or less final version of the Relationships (I've tweaked it a little in the last day or so but nothing life-altering), the section of the form in question, and a query I wrote (probably incorrectly) that does return hours on a given month sorted by NameID, which is useful, but doesn't put the information into fields like I'd imagined I could. If I can't figure out how to make what I'd like work, I guess I could just put a subform that displays the results of the query, but I'd rather do it another way.

I tried this in the controls for each field:

Code : DSum( [tblHoursWorked]![MonthWorked] , "MonthWorked='November'")

Obviously switching out the months, but I'm getting the response of #Name? in each field. No syntax error so I'm not sure if I have something configured incorrectly in the text boxes or if there's a problem with the function.

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DSum In Text Box Control Source

Oct 26, 2012

I have the following tables and am trying to populate a text box on a form, and store that value in a field


LineNum SegLength
1 3
2 9
2 10

LineNum TotalSegLengths

So when I create a new record in tbl_Lines from the form (Form is bound to tbl_Lines) it should query the tbl_Segments, add up the SegLengths for the corresponding LineNum and store that value in TotalSegLengths.

So for example, with the data as per above, from the form, create a new record with LineNum = 2 and it should display 19 in a text box and store 19 in the TotalSegLengths field.

I was trying to use DSum in the text box Control Source but was just returning an #Error in the text box.

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Forms :: DSum Function In Form

Dec 7, 2013

How is the collection of a sum of money to a particular substance.There is, for example, in the table named baby milk product.How can I collect the amounts of such material only.I used a DSum

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Forms :: DSum - 2 Values In One Criteria

Sep 30, 2014

I'm trying to filter from dsum criteria the two values, here is my code :

Code: =DSum("Amount","qry_sumawpo","[Status] = 'FBLNG'" OR "[Status] = 'BLLD'")

How to correct this code. I need 2 different values in 1 criteria.

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Forms :: DSum With Multiple Criteria

Apr 30, 2014

I have a dsum statement with multiple criteria that I cant get to work. Basically it returns no records, when it should return records that have a CategoryID = 1 and a State/Province = 14.

TotalSMECount = Nz(DSum("WorkingDays", "qryTotalUsageForDashboardNew", "CategoryID = 1" And "State/Province = " & Me.cboProvinceFilter.Column(2) & "")) + Nz(DSum("UsageDays", "qryEquipmentDaysRapidProtoCumulative", "CategoryID = 1"))

I am guessing that I just have the criteria portion written incorrectly Is there anything obviously wrong? For the record, when I debug.print Me.cbo Province Filter.Column(2) it returns the value '14', which is correct for my test data.

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Forms :: DSum Bigger Or Smaller Than 0

Jun 26, 2015

This is my code : (I am using 2007-2010 and its working like that)

=Dsum("*";"Table Name";"[Field Name] < 0")

I need to calculate only bigger than 0 or smaller than 0 doesn't matter..

I checked from Forum etc. there is only between 2 dates options.

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Forms :: Trying To Create A Running Total - DSUM?

May 9, 2015

So I'm trying to create a running total, to be able to graph a cumulative total. After looking around, I think I've figured out that I need to use a DSUM formula.I basically want to get a cumulative sum of profit in the 4th column.

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Forms :: Getting Error With DSum Function In Subform?

Feb 16, 2015

How to use Dsum Function? Am using below following Dsum functions but they are not working and shown an error result.


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Forms :: DSum On Main Form From Subform

Aug 11, 2015

I have a subform from which I want to calculate values into a text box on the main form, to keep a running total of weeks for individuals. Using the expression builder to just add the fields, I only get the total for the current sub-form record. If another record is added to the subform, the total reverts to zero, and then it takes that record's input as the total. Which makes logical sense.

I think I need to do a 'DSum' from the subform/table, but I'm not sure how to sum for just the current ID/individual. I have tried to bodge it myself with the expression builder, but it tells me that 'the function contains the wrong number of arguments'.

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Forms :: Restrict User To Enter Data If Dsum Exceeds Total

Sep 8, 2014

I need to be able to restrict users enter a value in the text box (on Form B) called "FTE Assigned" if Dsum of a field called "FTE Allocated" in another form A is less than what is going to be sum of FTE Assigned after the value is entered.

Both these forms are used by users to enter data in the 2 separate tables which are linked together through a join.

Master table - having FTE Allocated values and secondary table having FTE Assigned values.

Basically a message box would do if Dsum (of FTE used) is coming out higher than FTE allocated.

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Forms :: DSum - Calculate Purchase Quantity With Criteria Of Product And Quantities Before Sale Date

Nov 2, 2014

I have a form with subform . I want to calculate purchase quantity with criteria of product and quanties before sale date. If i use with specified date it gives correct result.but if i use field address it ignores date criteria

Nz (dsum ("pqty","purchasequery","product=" & [sales.product] & "and clerancedate<=#31/07/2014#"),0)

Nz (dsum ("pqty","purchasequery","product=" & [sales.product] & "and clerancedate<=#" & [forms!salesm!sdate] & "#"),0)
But it is not working

Sdate is date and it is on main form

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Forms :: How To Populate Bound Text Field With Text From A Unbound Text Field

Mar 22, 2014

I have 4 fields that are unbound on a form. img1 img2 img3 img4..When these are entered they are all combined and autofill another unbound textbox = imagename.. what i would like to do is from this unbound textbox 'imagename' ..i would like to populate a textbox that IS bound called FileName

[Event Procedure]
Private Sub imagename_Click()
Me.imagename = Me.FileName
End Sub

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Forms :: Display Row Text From Subform Column In Unbound Text Box Of Main Form

Jan 6, 2014

My database has Main form and a Sub form. On main form i place one unbound text box named investigations. In subform of which datasheet there is a column named TestCode. I want unbound text box (Investigations) to display row values which selected in a column (TestCode) of subform.for example:Investigation field should display "CBC,HB,ALP".

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Forms :: Change Text Color On A Form If Text In Field Contain Certain Word

Jul 12, 2013

I have a Form Display Data in my Access Database, which is working really well. However, users was asking if there is a way we can make Font Color Could/would change if The text in A field or Any field in my display form contained the word "SAD or MAD". Is there code for such thing in display form?..

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Forms :: Text Box Search On ID And Populate Other Text Boxes In Same Form

Nov 12, 2013

I am trying to search on EmployeeID field and populate corresponding data like EmployeeName, EmployeePay in other text boxes in the same box .

In my Unbound Form I have three unbound Text Boxes and one Command button:


In my table EMPLOYEE i have three fields

EmpID -- Autonumber
EmpName -- Text
EmpPay -- Text

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Forms :: Gray-out / Disable Text Fields By Checking A Text Box

Nov 21, 2013

how can i disable a textfield or two in a form when the textbox is unchecked also how do i add a default value for it while the textbox itself is disabled, can i get away with it by adding a default value on the textbox?

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Forms :: Text Box Search To Populate Other Text Boxes?

May 10, 2015

I have a form with two text boxes and a button. I want to be able to type a value into the first Text box click the button and the second text box to be filled with the value which is stored in the Table.

The first Textbox is called barTxt, The second Textbox is called CustTxt The button is called SearchBtn and the Table is called BookInTable. I have been trying to use the code.


Private Sub SearchBtn_Click()
DoCmd.FindRecord Me.BarTxt.Value, , True, , True
CustTxt.Value = "SELECT BookInTable.Customer FROM BookInTable " & _
" WHERE Customer = """ & Nz(Me.BarTxt) & """" & _
" ORDER BY Customer"
End Sub

This however instead of displaying the Value for customer which is stored in the BookInTable. Displays The code SELECT BookInTable.Customer FROMBookInTable " & _ " WHERE Customer = """ & Nz(Me.BarTxt) & """" & _ " ORDER BY Customer"

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Should I Use DSUM?

Jul 30, 2007

I want to add to values based on if yes or no is selected in an option group.

My thinking is to use DSUM. When 'yes' is selected I want to grab a value from one field and add it to a value in another field giving a running total. I am currently using the following code but it throws back an error. Is DSUM the way to go?

Case 1

txtTotal.Value = DSum("[s1]", "[s2]")

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Using Dsum()???

Mar 29, 2008

Hi there guys, ill keep it short and snappy,

Im trying to use the Dsum() function to add together the "Quantities" of specific products bought in transactions i.e. the total quantity for a product called "red t-shirt" and the total quantity for another product called "blue t-shirt". the following was the code i tried to use but it just adds together all quantities of all products:

DSum("[Quantity]","Query2","[Product Name] =[Product Name]")

Does anyone have any ideas at all please?


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DSUM() I Think!

May 17, 2005

Ok, I have a commercial database over which I have no control. It is ticket sales and I want to view them over time...

This is my table of transactions:

tix_header_no_seats - The number of seats sold
tix_header_first_transaction_date - The date of the transaction

The unique ID of the performance is made up of tix_header_year and tix_header_performance_code:

In tix_header_year of 2004 there is a tix_header_performance_code of JSVH01 and in 2005 there is also JSVH01 - but there is never the same tix_header_performance_code more than once in the same tix_header_year...

Now I can get the number of tickets sold on each day using Sum() for a specific performance using:

SELECT SUM(tix_header_no_seats) AS TotalSeats, tix_header_first_transaction_date
FROM master_tix_header WHERE
tix_header_year = "2005"
AND tix_header_performance_code - "JSVH01"
GROUP BY tix_header_first_transaction_date;

This gives me:

TotalSeats tix_header_first_transaction_date
2 14/03/05
9 18/03/05
1 22/03/05

But what I want is:

TotalSeats tix_header_first_transaction_date
2 14/03/05
11 18/03/05
12 22/03/05

Can anyone give me any pointers?

I tried but it returned ambiguous results (seemed to reset the running total at the begining of each year...) or would say the query was too complex to run - I;ve probably missed something simple as I a newbie to the world of access/sql



PS: Access 97 if that makes any difference!

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DSum Help

Jul 5, 2005

I am trying to add up the total amnt under a certain location # under a certain representative #. What im having the query do it pull information from several different tables including the rep # and that rep #'s loc #. I want to find the sum of the sales under the location # for that rrep #. So it will look it up based on the loc # after it finds the rep #'s loc #. What would be the best way to do that.

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Oct 2, 2006

Can someone tell me why the following querie doesn't work?
txtcharges = DSum("[Charges]", "tblcharges", "[DateCharges] >= '" & startdate & "' AND [dateCharges] <= '" & enddate & "'") '



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Dsum... I Think!

Apr 23, 2007


I have a table that contains Product, Manufacturer, Date and Cost and want to have a field that sums up totals based on criteria, for example, total cost for each manufacturer over a set period.

I think I need to use a dsum, but although I've tried to structure this query, I'm getting nowhere fast!

Any help is appreciated!!

P.s. I have no sql expereince, so please can any response not include a brilliant, but greek-to-me sql! :o

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Help With DSum

Jul 17, 2007

What do I do if wanting to sum my data in a table if it is text in the field that groups them together. In the examples, the grouping is by productID, but my grouping is by a text field.

DSum("[Amount Aus]","Costs","[Costs.Area]=" & [Costs.Area] And "[Costs.Project Code]=" & [Costs.Project Code]")

The Costs.Project Code is the text field. The Costs.Area part works fine, but not Costs.Project Code

Any help would be great

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Jan 7, 2008

Hi Guys,
Look, I have a table to record supplier invoices for vehicle maintenance services.

The fields at this table are:

1. [Vehicle_License_Plate] - text - this is to input the vehicle ID, or registration
2. [Supplier_ID] - text - this is to input the supplier ID, or supplier code
3. [Invoice] - text - this is to input the supplier invoice number
4. [Invoice_Date] - date/time - this is to input the invoice date
5. [Service] - text - this is to input the type of service, from a pre-determined list
6. [Amount] - number - this is to input the invoice amount
7. [Accepted] - yes/no - this is to input whether the invoice has been accepted by our services or not
8. [Accounting] - date/time - this is to input the date when invoice has been booked in the accounting system

Furthermore, at my main vehicle table (the one where all the information respective to a vehicle is recorded), I have some fields where I need to have the total amount spent per service type (one field for each type of service).

In my intention to have an update query calculating the values for these fields, based on the supplier invoices table, I'm having a problem...

At the update query, I'm saying that I want to update i. e. field [Cost_Transportation], on my main vehicle table to the result of the following formula:


Problem is that, instead of having the total "Transportation" amount for the each vehicle well calculated and updated at the main vehicle database field, I'm getting the overall total transportation amount from the supplier invoices table, and this total amount is then updated on all [Cost_Transportation] fields at my main vehicle table.

Istead, what I would need was a formula that could calculate, from the "DB_Supplier_Invoices" table, the total [Amount] per service AND per vehicle, and then update the fields at the main vehicle table accordingly.

Any help will be highly appreciated!!
Should you require further clarification, please advise.
Many thanks and best regards.

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Forms :: Enter Text In Unbound Text Box

May 14, 2013

I want to enter text in an unbound text box and for it to be repeated in another on the same form.

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