Forms :: Using A Form To Run Multiple Queries?

Aug 6, 2015

I would like to use a form to run multiple queries. It's just that I want the form to be "flexible" .

I have created multiple queries saved in the queries list. And the end users need to select which queries they want. For example:

"Step 1 - Age (Annual Mode)
Step 1 - Age (Monthly Mode)
Step 2 - Premium (Annually)
Step 2 - Premium (Monthly)"

Now, let's say the user wanna choose Annually Method.

So, he will choose to run Step 1 - Age (Annual Mode) & Step 2 - Premium (Annually) and delete the other 2.

Of course, you may say "Why don't you just double click?" I don't do so because there are like 10+ Steps to do.

So i need the form to run these queries 1 by 1 according to the sequence. And it needs to be flexible as the users may choose different combinations of steps to run. Is it a way that i could use the form to run these queries?

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Forms :: Multiple Different Queries As Recordsource For One Form

Apr 5, 2014

I have a query that I am using as recordsource for a form. I also have a list box that I am using to change records on the form.

My issue is I need to use the same form for similar queries. For example, I want to open the form with only "Manager1" records displayed. So I need to do a different query. I don't want to use parameters or have employees type the manager in. It needs to be just a button they click.

So my two options are - make 10 copies of the form each with their own new query recordsource for each manager, or use one form and dynamically input the recordsource before the form opens..

I want to do that -- but when I try the list box gets all screwed up. Because the list box is relying on another SELECT query to populate. I have 10 buttons each with a different recordsource query feeding into the form when I click but I get so many errors in the fields when the form opens.

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Forms :: Have One Form Referencing Multiple Queries

Jul 3, 2013

I have a form that I want to filter by different fields on different occasions. i.e., I might look at all records that have a review date of earlier than today on one occasion and I might look at all records that have a Yes in a Yes/No box on another occasion (date then being irrelevant.)

I have finished the form which has a query as it's Record Source.

The only way I can figure out how to accomplish my goal is to copy/paste the form with a new name, copy/paste the query that is it's record source, with a new name, and then put the criteria I want in the new query and make that query the new form's record source.

Is there a more elegant way I can do this. For example. I have a form consisting of buttons that I use as a Navigation Form. Could I, in the VBA that opens the form when I click on it's button, stipulate which Record Source the form would use?

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Forms Record Source For Multiple Queries

Sep 21, 2004

Currently I have over 600 columns I need to use in a query and since the limit is 255 columns per query, I need to create multiple queries. Currently the form shows the record source of the single query I have created. Now that I need to create the other queries, how do I have the forms record source to recognize the other queries as sources as well?



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Forms :: Toggle Button To Add Not Like To Multiple Queries

Apr 8, 2014

I have a form with about 10 subforms on it, all of which have queries as source objects. All of these queries are based off the same table which contains a field for Customer. What I would like to do is have a toggle button on this form that, once pressed, essentially adds a "not like" criteria to each of these subforms' queries EXNot Like "Customer_A"). When depressed, the queries/subforms should exist as is.

My first issue is that when I add a toggle button, the control wizard does not start. It starts up fine for any other control, however. For example, I imagine that on the After Update event of the toggle button I would requery each of the subforms, but I'm not sure how to add the "not like" criteria to each of the underlying queries.

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One Form For Multiple Queries?

Feb 2, 2005

Hi, I was wondering if it's possible to use one form to display the results of different queries.

I have a form to make a booking, an identical form to display booking search results and another identical form to display today's bookings.

When I update the database, I make identical changes to all 3 forms. Is there a way of displaying results in one single form?



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Forms :: Add Multiple Text Boxes Of Different Sub Forms In Another Sub Form

May 12, 2014

I have multiple sub forms and want to add specific text boxes of different sub forms into one another sub form. Then all sub forms are incorporated in one main unbound form.

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Multiple Queries Output To Be Displayed In The Form

Dec 15, 2004


I am trying view the query output's in different text on the form and I do not want to see them again in query window.How do I hide this.. comments

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Queries :: Update Multiple Tables From One Form

Feb 10, 2014

I have 2 main tables. One with Data that I get from an outside source and cannot be changed. The other is one that needs to be updated as needed. I have a few look up tables so I can identify the codes with the descriptions. In 2003 I was able to make a big query and link my forms to the query to make modifications. I am not able to edit any information in the 2010 query. The people want it to work the way it did in the past but I am not skilled enough in access to do that. Is there an easy way to use a query when updating the form? I used to be able to edit the query itself and it would feed back into the existing tables.

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Queries :: Set Up A Query By Form With Multiple Criteria

Jul 29, 2015

I am trying to set up a query by form with multiple criteria.For the majority of the criteria I'm using the format: Like [Form]![formName].[txtInputboxName] &"*" .

I copied the Like (...) &"*" from someone else in order to allow for multiple, optional criteria, which does do the trick, however I don't understand why.

I now want to set up a criteria on my query to search for values between two input values to gives the records in the range e.g between 50 and 100 Following the above format, I want to put something that achieves this:

Between Like [Form]![formName].[txtInputboxName1] &"*" AND Like [Form]![formName].[txtInputboxName2] &"*"

with Inputbox1 being 50 and Inputbox2 being 100, however that code doesn't work and I don't know how to get around it as it keeps giving the 'incorrect syntax' error.

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Forms :: Form Already In Use Or No Permissions When Multiple Users Are Accessing A Form

Aug 11, 2015

I have my application split, BE and FE. This is a form with a subform.For both I have the properties set to

Data Entry NO
Allow additions NO
Allow Deletions NO
Allow Edits NO

anyone person can open the form, but when a second person tries to open the same form we get the standard, locked by user or user does not have permission.If user 1 logs out then user 2 can get in. So it seems not a permission issue but some setting I have wrong. maybe at the query or table level?

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How To Find Record On Form Based On Multiple Queries

Jun 23, 2006

I currently have a form to manage inventory. On the left side of the form, I have a list box that shows all of the items in the database and finds the record on the form based on the selection.

I would like to have toggle boxes or something underneath the list box that when clicked will sort the box by vendor and item and another that when clicked will sort the list by part number and then select the record on the form based on the selection at that time.

I have no idea how to accomplish this...can anyone help?

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Queries :: Criteria From Multiple Combo Boxes On User Form?

Sep 29, 2014

I have a user form with six different dropdown boxes. I would like to create a query that gets its criteria from users selecting values from one or more of these boxes.

I have tried:

[forms]![frmName]![comboboxname] or [forms]![formName]![comboboxname] is null

in the corresponding query fields and get a "query is too complex" error message, even when only selecting one criteria.

What am I doing wrong?

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Create Database Consisting Of Table / Multiple Queries And A Form

Oct 28, 2011

I worked yesterday to create a database consisting of a table, multiple querries and a form. Today I went to open it and I got a different database I worked on months ago. The properties say it was created yesterday, but it is not the same database and I can not find the database I created yesterday.

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Counting Results Of Multiple Queries And Displaying The The Reults On A Single Form

Apr 17, 2007

Im making a database about past bid results. In one table i have a list of bidders and which place they came in (along with some other information). I have 20 positions (1st place, second place and so on...), so i made 20 queries that search through the table for my company's name so we can see how many times we came in first, second, third and so on. Now i would like to bring the number of records in each query to a single form. I tried making another query to using the count feature on the other 20 queries but it keeps returning 0 as the number of results per query. But when i open each query up there are obvisouly more that 0 results in each. Is there a way i can bring up the number of results per query all on one form?

Thank you


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How To Handle Multiple Null Values Using Form-based Parameter Queries

Nov 19, 2012

i'm creating a search form giving the end user a range of controls to use when filtering/searching data. See the image.But, i think my range search (using the textbox) to put in a lower and upper preventing this from working. In fact, when i put data into all the controls, no data pops up in my subform.

My query data source can also be seen...showing you how i've handled teh null entries. (i need to put in a null 'handler' for the two textboxes?)

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Forms :: Multiple Records In One Form?

Nov 11, 2014

I want to create a form in MS access for General Journal input for an accounting software. Problem is that my client required a form in which he can input as many Debits and/or credits as he likes, for one transaction on one form. For example it may be 2 debits and 4 Credits in one transaction. Its a simple one table entry with fields; TrNo (Transaction Number), Date, Type (Debit or Credit), Amount, and Narration (for details of transaction). Out of these field TrNo, Date & Narration will be same for all debits & credits in one transaction.

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Forms :: Multiple Records On One Form

Feb 9, 2015

Basically I have a table where freelancers have multiple records for each module they teach. What I am trying to do is show all records for each person onto the same form, but anything I have followed still only brings up the first record.

This information is all on the same table, so would this be easier to be on separate tables to then create relationships?

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Forms :: 1 Form To Multiple Tables

Mar 25, 2013

I currently have 1 form linked to 1 table which data from another table is appended to for editing, re-appended to original table and then rows are deleted. However, this process will need to be done by 4 other users soon and I needed to know if I need to create 4 separate tables and 4 separate forms or is there another way to implement this? The append query has clauses that will display only a specific user data for editing, however, I do believe that if 1 user is in the editing table, then when 1 of the other 4 users attempt to run the query to append their data from the original table, they will get an error message that this table is already in use. I just need to know if there is a way to set up an alternative to re-creating 4 tables/4 forms again.

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Forms :: Multiple Filter Form

Jun 16, 2015

I have a form that has two different option button frames and 1 text box that I would like my users to be able to use to search/filter for specific records. I chose a form because a table does not work as a user-friendly interface for the data that is being stored. The first option button frame allows the user to filter by Month and is named [FilterDate].The second option button frame allows the user to filter by incomplete and complete records and is named [FilterOption].

The text box is used as a search box and is named [txtsearch].I am able to successfully create macros to apply filters for each of the above options; however, each time one of the options is updated, it removes the previous filter. What I need is creating a macro (preferrably) or vba code (if macro is not possible) so that my users can first pick a month (as this will always be the first thing they do when opening the form), then pick complete or incomplete records within that month if desired. The search box then would only filter records that meet the first two criteria (month and complete/ incomplete).

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Forms :: Multiple Entries From One Form

Jan 12, 2014

I need to create a form that will allow the user to enter details about say a water meter - make, model, size for example.

These will be from combo boxes.

Each time the form is opened though, there could be a different number of meters to enter, from 1 to xxxxx

I will need to use this method for entries on other things as well, such as users and a couple of other things. Same basis just different information.

What I want to do is have a form where they enter the number of each thing that is going to be entered, so 3 water meters, 2 users. Then hit "next".

That will then open a form with the right number of spaces to enter the details for 3 water meters, or 2 or 1 or 999 depending on how many have been entered.

As apart from putting a look in and closing/reopening a single entry form each time.

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Forms :: Sum And Count On Multiple Form Criteria?

Apr 19, 2013

I have a form lets call it 'Customer' and I have a table called orders how can I write 'Excel like' Countifs and sumifs formulas? I have been trying the IIf functions I believe correctly but am not getting the results expected or rather nothing at all!

What I am wanting to do is for example look at the table 'orders' and count all 'orders' which are for the 'Customer' in the active form this field is imaginatively called 'Customer Number' and 'orders' that are for simplicity 'rocks'

Basically if the client in the active form exists in the orders field count how many times they have placed an order for rocks.

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Forms :: Filter Form With Multiple Conditions?

Mar 12, 2014

I want to open a filter form with mulitple of them is a date condition.

I'm using access 2013 and the code below:

DoCmd.OpenForm "Edit_Mission", acNormal, , "[Report_Date]= " & Me.Date & " And [Supporter_Name]='" & Me.Supporter & "'"

it's opens the form but with no data. I also tried the # and it's still didn't work.

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Forms :: Show Multiple Records On One Form

May 3, 2015

I need to show 10 records on one form (10 customers info), and for now I have 10 subforms to do that.

Is this the way to do it?

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Forms :: Creating A Form From Multiple Tables

Aug 20, 2013

I am trying to create an input form for input to tables.There is a main TblContacts table with fields such as: LastName, FirstName, Address, etc. There are also ID fields for the Company and Country and joins to the Company and Country tables, each with just ID and name fields.I want to have all the fields from the TblContacts table and the Name fields from the Company and Country tables on the form. I want to be able to select the Name fields from the Company and Country tables from combo boxes and for these also to populate the Company and Country ID fields (from the TblContacts table).

To create the form, I selected Create Form whilst the TblContacts was open. Then, I added the combo boxes pulling the names from the Company and Country tables.My problem is that the selection of the Company and Country names above is NOT populating the Company and Country ID fields on the form (taken from the TblContacts table. I have checked in relationships that the joins have been created.

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Forms :: Form Connecting To Multiple Tables

Oct 6, 2014

I want to create a form that has several parts(5), that will direct to 5 different tables(they will all be connected). I want to keep it as one form because if I'm successful it will be easier for people to transition from a paper to electronic form(if the format is similar). I don't want any subforms, I just want to be able to direct the information to different tables.

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