I an trying to create a data entry form (IndividualsEntryFm) to input data for fields such as (First Name),(Birthdate) etc., these to be saved to the (IndividualsTbl)
I also have another table (NamesTbl) which has family names etc. The two tables are linked by a (MainID) field. I want a combo box on the individualsEntryFm so that I can select the family name. Then I wish the empty fields for the IndividualsTbl to be available to enter data.When I press the save button I then want this data saved, together with the MainID from the combo box to the IndividualsTbl.
I have set the IndividualsTbl with a (PersonID) field as an auto number each individual therefore has a unique PersonID but may well share the MainID. I'm trying to link many people to the same address.
I have a form called frmStartTimeEntry where a user inputs data using a barcode scanner. In this form there is a field called Part_No where after a value is inserted, I'd like the form to check if table_lines_per_part includes this part. If not found, then I'd like the form to open another form called frmLinesPerPart where the form would pull the same Part_No inserted in the previous form to fill in the Part_No field (which is hidden) and then the user would type in a qty for the LinesPerOrder. A user would then click a button btnOk to append this new record to table_lines_per_part and be returned to the frmStartTimeEntry to continue filling out the rest of the form.
This is the idea I have but I don't know how to code the part where the form checks after update if the part_no exists in the other table, nor how to capture the part_no to the other form and then append both the part_no and the lines per part to the other table.
I am a novice to access. I am building a database in an effort to learn in the process. I wished to enquire about the possible issues that could be with defining the relationships that i have created in the project. (attached img).
I cannot seem to define a form based on these relationships to input the data.
I have 5 tables that I would like to input data in. It can only be done with a single form. The fields I want to input in have the same names in all 5 tables, for example:
Table 1: Name Age DOB
Table 2: Name Age DOB
Table 3: Name Age DOB
Table 4: Name Age DOB
Table 5: Name Age DOB
Is it possible to input data into all of these fields in each table using one textbox for each field?
Preferably without having to use code but if it cannot be done without it then that would be fine.
I have an unbound control in data input form requiring to input a 6-digit number. I have put a validation rule restricting more than 6 digits. Most users prefer to enter, say 123 and the system can enter the 3 leading zero for them.
I would like to filter data from a table using a query (from an data input form). The objective is to output all results if input form field is empty and to output results higher or equal to the type in the field if field is not Null. The query code is as follows:
I am building a very comprehensive Membership Management Database with extremely useful facilities initiated by some 20 or 25 Queries..
The database includes 5 Tables which store data relevant to members, another which stores details of Interest Groups and a 3rd which stores which members are affiliated to which Group or Groups.
Currently the database is accessible only by a very limited number of persons and data can be entered/edited by only one person. The database, using Access 2010, is maintained on a desktop computer and synchronized to a copy on a Cloud.
My requirement is to permit some 50 Group Leaders to input/edit data on a Password protected Group Members Form such that that is the only element of the database that they can access. The Forms would have only 2 fields from which the user would select entries from drop down lists.
My query is ; is such a procedure feasible in principle and would I be correct in assuming that the user would require to have available a copy of Access.
I have a form, and on the form there is a Provider Rate which is a combo box, if the user select a zero rate, then it has the description please enter manual rate in box below. There is another box which the user can enter a manual rate.
how I can limit entry into these boxes, as currently a user can select a rate in the provider rate box and still enter something into the manual rate box. I want it so that if a rate other than zero has been selected in the provider rate box, then they can't enter anything into the manual rate cell.
When I learnt to use vba in excel (to basic level) I was always advised in a userform to validate data at end of record input i.e. when pressing enter and next. Is this true also with access or should i be putting validation rules at the afterupdate stage of a particular control?
The database was developed on a computer with only English input setup. The user group is a combination of computers with only English input setup and both English and Chinese input setup. For those computers with both English and Chinese input setup, when they use the form to enter the records, the data input is in Chinese input. The users are very annoying to change to English input before data input. It is not the worse case and the most worse case is that when go to next new record, the input is automatically set back to Chinese and the user needs to manually changes to English before continue the data input. Is there any way to set the data input to English by default and if need, the user manually change to Chinese?
We have a database where we are trying to limit the amount of data that users need to input.
We have a form, which contains order information. Where a customer has specific requirements, we add those requirements to a separate document review table MasterSpecification and DetailedSpecification.
When a customer has specific requirements, we can open the frmMasterSpecification and search for the document.
Assuming a review has been done the requirements will be shown on the subform Frmsubcoverage. I would like to be able to select the record source from this form and have the details entered into our order entry form.
Under the specification form there could be many sub coverage records depending on the type of item ordered to that specification.
I try to input data in table 1 with a form that is based on a join from table 1 and table 2.
I do a right join, so if there are no records for the join condition in table 1, null values are created. My idea is to change these null values, so 'real' values exist in table 1.
Can anybody help me, or show an alternative way to do this?
I just started my project database on my subject ITM4. My Database is entitled PCExpress Inventory System. I would like to know how to input (Text) in a Field where the Data Type is (Number) just like the North Wind.
I have a form with a list box on it that has 4 teams (Team1-4)..Below this list box I have a text box:"People on shift tonight"..I want to be able to select a team from the listbox and this prepopulate the people on shift box with the names of the colleagues from the team specified, is there a way to do this?
How to limit input data on the same month for each patient? The field is a data/text box on a subform
I found this code on Form Current Event!:
Code: Private Sub Form_Current() Dim intMaxNumRecs as Integer intMaxNumRecs = 5 'Max Number of Records to Allow If Me.NewRecord Then With Me.RecordsetClone If .RecordCount > 0 Then .MoveLast: .MoveFirst If .RecordCount >= intMaxNumRecs Then MsgBox "Can't add more than " & intMaxNumRecs & " records in the demo database!" .MoveLast Me.Bookmark = .Bookmark End If End If End With End If End Sub
I am trying to filter data in a table using vba where I have a split form setup. My goal is to filter data where the user can input a character such as "a" for the "FirstName" field and have results from the table filtered with persons first name that starts with "a". Here is my code so far one of the text boxes.
Private Sub txtFirstName_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
If Me.Filter = "" Then 'Compares the values that begin with the input values in txtFirstName 'text box from the table field name FirstName Me.Filter = FirstName & " LIKE '" & txtFirstName & "*'"
[Code] .....
I get a error in the else statement and please note that I am linking this form to an sql server so I can not delete or modify existing data in the table.
Hi, I have a big problem. Here is the business rule, I am trying to track meeging request(MR) made. A meeting request is made by a manager,MR can include many analysts, and MR involves 1 project. I need to generate several reports from the MR information so I am trying to make sure the info is inputed correctly. I am trying to creat an input form for the MR table (tblMR) The input form is going to contain all the fields from the tblMR except the manager_ID and and the Project_ID, I am also going to have it track which analysts attended the meeting(1 or more). The problem I am having is in creating the form but having the analyst, manager, project values come from their own tables but after selecting them through combo box or list box, for values of Manager_ID and Project_ID to be entered in the tblMR. And for the analyst involved to be stored in a a composit table called tblMR-Analyst. this table will help me track how many meeting each analyst has been to. Any suggestions will help.
I tried and failed to get this to work using a multiselect listbox..I have a list of departments in tblFunctionalArea...My main table is tblStatic..I want to be able to for each record select multiple departments affected by a record and store them in the tblStatic.After looking around i couldn't find many people successfully maanging to store listbox values in a table...
I decided to create 5 fields in tblStatic and in my form create multiple combo boxes cboFunctionalArea1, cboFunctionalArea2 etc etc which are bound to these fields.I want to be able to ensure the list for any combo box requeries and takes out any selection in the other boxes.
I have this working in a strict cascade fashion i.e. in cbo1 all dept's visible, in cbo2 it takes off whatever was selected in cbo1 etc. But if someone then jumps back and deletes the content of cbo3 then the whole thing breaks or if they amend in the wrong order it breaks
I have a form in Access2000 with 5 text fields which get transferred to the table for each new record. Is there a way i can "LOCK" one field so that once the user has input that data it never changes until closed. I can already lock the field but once i create a new record the field then goes blank.
I have created a switchboard 'front page' through which I hope for users to access the forms for inputting data.
Within this front page I have an 'enter' button - successfully created - everything.
However, I am unclear as to how you activate this, or any other button. I have linked it to the appropriate form and stated the action I want it to undertake, but nothing is happening.
What further instructions do I need to provide ...and where?!
I have created a member data base form in Access2010.
That has been populated with 366 member records
I have two text box fields that are currently free type fields, Member Type & Member Status.
What is the best way I can change these to show only the relevant options:
i.e. Member Type ( Full, Family, Pensioner, Life. ) Member status ( Current, Lapsed, Deceased)
I have tried to right click the field but the "change to" option is greyed out & not available.
I have also tried to insert a combo box or list box to show these options. The "use control wizard" option has been highlighted but when I drag either a combo box or list box into the form. the wizard does not activate.
table name : Schedule Field 1 = Vessel code Field 2 = Voyage Field 3 = ETA Field 4 = berthed Field 5 = Sailed
there is a query by using above table and data entry form based on that query.
need to add following facilitate
While data entering, if given voyage number is already exist for the particular vessel code, msg should be pop up immediately at that time saying " This voyage number is already exist"
I have a table with product numbers and their cost. That table has 3 fields : SKU, Cost, Month. (The cost can change every month, therefore the list is built to have a cost / month)
I want the user to be able to input the data in the table using the form but I would like the form to be sorted Alphanumerically for the SKU numbers and then per month (in their normal order not alphanumerically).
I have a combobox (named month for testing purposes) to force the user to select one of the 12 months and the field type is Text.
Also I am unsure how to "autosort" (or apply a permanent sort) the form whenever it's opened. Will it be applied if I just set the sort and then restrict the user from seeing let's see design mode?
I have a button that when clicked moves a piece of data to a subform. I have put the whole sequence below. The trouble I am having is :
- The event will not happen until the form is saved. I think this is because fkTaskID is a new record (auto) number which hasn't generated yet. - If I force the form to save it does work but then I get an error on the INSERT command when not all required fields of the form are complete (see sample in second part below).
Is there a way to save the record and maintain the integrity of the form input - and still have this code work?
BUTTON CODE ========== Private Sub BTNAddReasonRw_Click() Dim dIndex As Long DoCmd.SetWarnings False For dIndex = 0 To Me.LISTReworkReasonsUnselected.ListCount - 1