Forms :: View Locations In A Map Which Exist In Database?

Apr 20, 2013

I have a database with company locations which I want to have on a map. Is there any possibility to embed a map (Goolge Maps or Bing Maps) where it points all the locations of the companies which exist in my database?

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General :: One Database - Two Users In Different Locations

Feb 3, 2015

I'm an absolute novice at Access. I have a very simple (yet sufficient) database that lists our company's projects, tasks associated with those projects and when to invoice.

Our company consists of myself and my business partner. We both work from our (separate) homes. Our project files are stored in the cloud. This works well. We have investigated a server in the past, but found it to be cost-prohibitive and unnecessary for our business.

Is there a way that my business partner can have the Access database running at the same time as me, and make additions/modifications? I don't know how this would work in terms of updating/saving.

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Combining Data From 3 Locations Into One Database

Aug 19, 2011

I've been given the task of combining data from three locations into one database in Access, something that is relatively new to me. I'm trying to decide whether to have the locations enter data into an Access database or into an Excel spreadsheet at each location. Regardless of the program used to enter data, I would probably like to link each of the files to my main Access file and combine the three into one database there. I do not want the locations to add data directly to the main database if possible.

My question is, would this be done by an append query? If so, how? Also, my thought is that the data at each location would be added to every day. I would need to be able to add the NEW data only to the database without duplicating the previous day's data.

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Adding Primary Key Field To Exist Database

Jan 30, 2008

I have a database with 200.000 records, how I Add Primary Key Field.
I'm getting error "File sharing count exceeded..", tried to increase "MaxLocksPerFile" registry , but without success.

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Forms :: Maps And Locations - Edit Specific Field Records Only

Nov 26, 2014

I want to control the edits of form like if the fields in form are Area, Location, Country, Map, Landline

I want to stop edits on Map and Locations fields once saved yes but user can change rest fields.

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Forms :: Text Boxes Showing In Design View But Not Display In Form View

Apr 19, 2014

I have a Form which I have linked correctly to a subform. The Text boxes are showing in the Design view but are not when one switches to the Form View. Labels for Fields are visible in the Form View. Have even created a new subform and that will also not display the Text Boxes.

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Forms :: Unable To View Object Properties In Form Design View (Access 2010)

May 16, 2014

Why the ability to view the properties of an object within a form is not available when you double click on it in design view?

I was happily working away double clicking on a command button to edit some code when for some reason the next time I tried to edit it did not open up for me.

I was unable to access it even by right clicking on the object & selecting properties as that also appears to be disabled, not greyed out or anything but just does nothing when selected.

Have I inadvertently changed a setting somewhere that prevents the properties from being displayed?

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!!??? All My Forms Are Blank Under Form View - But Fine Under Design View!!!

Jul 13, 2006

Anybody ever heard of this before? I open a form, and it is empty, just a blank window. I open the same form in Design View, all appears well. :mad:

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Forms :: Recordsource Does Not Exist - Combo Box Value Is Null

Mar 14, 2013

I am assigning a recordset using vbs code. The variable "CB_proj" is a combobox value. The problem comes when the combobox is null, the program errors out and even if I try to exit the routine with an if statement, it still compiles the line of code and errors out because the object doesn't exist. how I can get it to not compile that error if my combo box value is null?

CB_proj = Forms!CC_MAIN.CB_proj
strSQL = "SELECT " & [CB_proj] & ".* FROM " & [CB_proj] & ";"
Forms!CC_MAIN.projdat.Form.RecordSource = strSQL

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Forms :: No Filters - Cannot View All Records In Form View

Aug 27, 2013

I have 4 tables and around 440 records but can only view up to 417 in the form I have designed. I have been adding new records via form and it has been added to my main table, but when i try to view it in form view - the record is not available to view. What do I need to do to correct this problem?

I have checked that there are no filters, data entry is set to No, Auto deletions, additions and edits are set to yes.

Also to mention it seems that the problem has arisen since I set up some new queries, there is a one to one relationship between the tables!

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Forms :: From Pivot View To Filtered Datasheet View

Nov 14, 2013

I want to "zoom" to the underliyng data from pivot view. When in excel someone doubleclicks a field in a pivot table, it automatically creates a table containing all the lines that field were made up from. I want to achieve the same behaviour in Access.I started to think towards a VBA coda, that could be initiated from the form's double click event. It should go to datasheet view with the prpoer filter criterias.

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Forms :: Form Indicator If A Specific File Exist

Feb 7, 2014

I have a form with more records lines. For each record I have a button what will open a specific file if exist.

Dim strFoldername As String
strFoldername = Me.Scan
If Dir("M:Applications AccessCredit autorisationsDocuments" & strFoldername, vbDirectory) = "" Then
MsgBox "Missing document"
FollowHyperlink "M:Applications AccessCredit autorisationsDocuments" & strFoldername
End If

To verify if the file exist, instate to press the button, I like to indicate on a new field [Ctrl_Doc], the presence of respective file. (Ex: True or False). I tried this, but doesnt work:

Private Sub Form_Load()
If Len(Dir("M:Applications AccessCredit autorisationsDocuments" & strFoldername, vbDirectory) >0) Then
[Ctrl_Doc]= True
[Ctrl_Doc]= False
End If

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Forms :: Validate Field Data If Result Exist In Query

Jun 19, 2013

I have a form that contains two text fields i.e.; [Scat_text] and [STyp], which each can be changed by the users. I would like to combine the results of the two fields together and validate if the results exists in a query. What would be the best way to accomplish this?

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Forms :: Value Missing When No Records Exist That Meet Filter Criteria

Dec 17, 2013

I have a main form with 3 subforms. Each subform is identical except for the value of the filter property. The filter is for the same field, but with a different value for each subform. So, for example, the first subform has a filter of:

[WBS Element]="DEF" And [Period]=Forms!frm_ProjectFinancials!Period

while the second subform has a filter of:

[WBS Element]="PPE" And [Period]=Forms!frm_ProjectFinancials!Period

and the third subform has a filter of:

[WBS Element]="EXP" And [Period]=Forms!frm_ProjectFinancials!Period

The recordset for each subform results in a single record with numeric values in each field or no records at all. When the resulting recordset is empty (no records), the bound text fields on the subform display as blank. I want these fields to display 0 instead of blank so I can use them in other calculated fields. Functions such as Nz or IsNumeric do not work since there are no records and the values are neither null nor numeric.

How I can display zeroes in the bound fields when no records exist that meet the filter criteria? Or is there a way that I can dummy a resulting recordset to have all zero values when there would otherwise be no records?

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Forms :: Check / Uncheck Checkbox On Parent Form If Records Exist Or Not In Subform

Jul 23, 2015

I have a parent form which has a yes/no checkbox in the form's record source. Then in that parent form I have a sub-form. If NO records exist in the sub-form I want the checkbox to be UN checked. If records DO exist in the sub-form, I want the checkbox to be CHECKED.

But I want this to happen as records are added or deleted from the sub-form. In other words, if the parent form is opened and no records exist in the subform then the checkbox should be unchecked. But as soon as the first record has been entered in the subform, the checkbox on the parent form should be checked. Likewise, as soon as the last record has been revoved from the sub-form, the checkbox on the parent form should be unchecked.

What code do I need to accomplish all of this?

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Forms :: Combo Box Search - If Record Not Exist It Will Display Msgbox To No Record Found

Oct 28, 2014

I have a problem with my database I have a combo box that will search for my record. Actually its working I input the specific number it goes to the specific record. But I want, if there no existing record in my database it will display a Messagebox that "No record Found" I try to put a code in a macro builder in a after update property field but nothing happened.

Expression code that it will display the msgbox if there's no record found.

the given code from macro builder is attached. I try to have an if else statement but I dont know how to not equal that giver conditional expression.

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Forms :: Form Name Switchboard Is Misspelled Or Refers To A Form That Doesn't Exist

Apr 23, 2013

I am using Access 2007. I have had an application running now for about 1 year and now getting an error when user opens the database. (Have one for front end and one db for backend)

Here's the error message:The form name Switchboard is misspelled or refers to a form that doesn't exist.Also, multiple users are accessing the database at the same time.

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Multiple Stock Locations

Nov 21, 2006

We have a stock situation, where the balance on hand is calculated by taking into account receipts and issues/sales from a historic balance.

how do stock systems like this normally deal with stock that can be located in multiple locations.

sounds very hard to me!

Thanks in advance

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How To View Images In A Database

Apr 3, 2012

I am working on a computer task for school and i want to add a field to a database that displays pictures of different kinds of fish. I've been searching for a solution on the internet the whole morning, but i cant seem to get it right. Some sights recommend inserting an OLE object, while others say i should insert the paths in a textfield. The second option sounded the best, but how do i insert the path and how do i get the database to display the pictures? I know the images should be saved in the same file in the database. Can I only insert bitmap images or is it possible to use jpeg?

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Database To View Information Only

Dec 12, 2011

I am brand new to Access. I know a fair amount about excel. However I think Access may provide a better platform for what I am looking to do. With that being said i have some questions.

I am looking to create a database. However this database will very seldomly have new information added. Information may be updated here or there. Most of what i have researched uses access to create a database that will constantly have new info added.

What i am looking to do is to create a database that will have drop downs that merely link to other "databases" to view.

Example: I have have a database in excel that has one main interface. when you click on a cell it takes you to a new worksheet with multiple entries that fall under that group. and repeats itself. each cell on this page will is linked to another worksheet.

Lets say these groups are named; 1,2,3,4. Any time you click on on of these, it takes you to a new worksheet that has info for each group. Once on the new worksheet, it will give you the drop downs for these values and if one is selected it will take you to the new worksheet (show the new info) once again.

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Updating Programs In Separate Locations

Jan 10, 2006

Hi All,

I need some advice as to what is the best way for me to update a program in 3 different locations.

I have developed a program that I now have running in 3 separate locations. Each location uses the same program structure and tables, but they will have different data.

When I make a change to the one in our office, I would like to update the other 2 offices so that we all are using the latest version.
CURRENTLY: I make a database file with the “forms, Reports, Queries, and modules” necessary to accommodate the changes. Then I, email the file to the other offices. I then try to walk someone there at the office through; “Get Files: Import”, then delete the old files and rename the new ones. This is risky!!!!!:(

I know there is a better way of doing this, I just don’t know it.
Can some one help me on this issue?
Thanks for all your help….ENVIVA :)

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General :: Track Locations On A Grid?

Feb 16, 2013

I am writing a database to track our (and others) wine collections. i'm wanting to track what bottle is where. so i can look up what i have, look up where i have put it and away i go to get it, simple right?

just to complicate things i want a system in place. where the end user and use forms to add/remove or modify wine racks.

assuming that all racks are rectangular i would like to be able to add a rack and call it rack 1. rack 1 has 4 shelves all able to hold 5 bottles. the database would then say that bottle X is in rack 1 shelf 1 position 1.

if possible there will aslo be a screen that is auto generated by the database showing a simple grid with grrn and red squares denoting if the position if full or empty. the ability to click on a position to see what is in there or to add a bottle there would be amasing but not fussed if that can't be done.

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Exporting Data To Particular Locations In A Text File?

Sep 30, 2007

Ok, I have a question. It might be a ridiculously simple question. Also, i'm under the impression that I may have to learn some VB, which i'm okay with. I've never really used MS Access, it has sat neglected on my desktop for a number of years and now I am starting to see just how powerful it is. By the way, I'm Jamie, nice to meet you all :) Now, onto the questionWhat i'd like to do is take the following database (for example)field1 = namefield2 = locationfield3 = favourite movieNow, i'd like to generate the following text from this database, for each entryDear <<name>>I once knew a man from <<location>>Was never really much of a <<favourite movie>> fan.Optionally, i'd like it to store the text for each seperately generated document in a file named <<name>>.txt, but that isn't needed urgently.It reminds me of a mail merge I learned to do a few years back in high school using appleworks (I am assuming it was appleworks).Anyway yes, thankyou in advance for any help with this.Jamie

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Access 2007 Trusted Locations All Users TS

Jan 15, 2008

At work we have a terminal services setup for most of the staff which is being configured now. We have hit a snag with access security settings basically we need macros to run for relinking odbc databases and various vba functions (some run overnight so we don't want to deal with the security dialogs). We though the best way to do this would be setup trusted locations. We did this logged in to terminal server as admin hoping this would be a machine level setting but it seems to be on a per user basis.

Is there a way to set a trusted location for all users of a machine I have google and come up with nothing. The other option is enable all macros which I don't want to do.

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Help In Creating Lookup Tables For Geographical Locations

Oct 30, 2004

Hi, I am fairly new to ACCESS. I understand the basics, thus i am a novice user.

I am trying to create a new database for managing booking and storing info on various artists.
In my main table where bands' info will be stored I am trying to make data input as efficient as possible and to ensure consistancy.

So, it leads me to ask this question... regarding inputing info of bands' location.
I want to use a lookup table to enter data for:
1 Country (Canada/US),
2 Province/State
3 Cities?

1 Whats the best way to organize this?
2 Do i have to create seperate tables for each country and province? Or any kind of suggestion would greatly appreciated.

Furthermore, when entering data on the form, for instance if i select:
Canada --> then I'd want only Canadian Provinces to show in the following field ---> then i select Ontario --> then i'd like only ontario cities to show in the next field....
3 What would require for me to create this kind of thing... Not sure if there are 'if' functions in ACCESS.

Could someone please guide me towards the light?

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Tracking And Receiving Inventory In Multiple Locations?

Jun 16, 2012

The company I work for has inventory at our physical location (our shop) and we also have inventory on trucks. I need to track the inventory in the shop and trucks so that when items get below a certain preset level I can run a report to find out how many of each part I need in each location. Create purchase orders and receive the inventory to whichever location I need it at. I would like to at some point be able to track where the parts are going.

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