Forms :: Yes Or No Confirmation At Field Level

Mar 9, 2013

My training table consist of 3 fields and using unbound form

1st field custid (text field)

This can't be NIL or Can't duplicate

What I am looking for learning point of view (duel check at same field with different behaviour).If record is duplicate "Popup message" and curser move back to same field.If field is empty "popup message" Do you want to continue, If yes, move back to field if NO, close form..Therefore, on Before Update event I wrote the following.

Private sub txtcid_beforeupdate (cancel as Integer)
If Dcount("[custid]", "[customerdetails]", "[custid]='" & me.txtcid & "'") > 0 Then
MsgBox "Customer ID already Exists !!!!"
Cancel = True


Just a quick update "I tried to used YES or NO option in Exit event too, but no success.

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Forms :: Field Level Size Appears To Change

Aug 12, 2015

I have a form that contains a blank text box for each field in a record. Until very recently it functioned correctly for years. Lately data enterers tried to fill a ten character field with five characters (ANNNN format, example X9999). Some records require an entry in this text box, some do not, so their field is left blank. Lately when a new entry is tried in this field, only the first three characters are accepted, blocking character four through ten from being entered. It acts as if the text length for this text box has been changed to three characters, but it is still the correct length in the Properties box.

The system keeps track of clients who have attended a nutrition education class and the form involved is the location the class was taught.

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Forms :: Registration Form Confirmation Message Not Appearing

Jan 4, 2015

Before my registration form is submitted i have created a message box saying "would you like to submit?"

but it pops up as if it were to be an error message.. i will attach my coding and the pop up ..

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Forms :: Cannot Get Edit Access In Popup (Confirmation) Form

Jul 7, 2014

I am designing a transactions database for some of my clerical staff. I've inserted a data entry subform into the main transactions form (which also has a subform that summarizes all the selected company's past transactions). This data entry subform actually has as it's record source a table that simply stores that one record temporarily.

So when the user is finished entering their current transaction, I have a Save button that actually just opens a popup form which displays the data they entered into the data entry subform, giving them a chance to verify their entry is accurate. This form has a Save button which runs an append query and a delete query, adding the record to the permanent Transacations table and also clearing the temp table.

The problem I have, I think, is that when the popup form opens, the main form data entry subform still has that record locked as exclusive. I believe this is the case because while I am indeed able to make changes to the fields on the popup form, none of these changes appear in the temp table. In other words, the user is not actually able to use the confirmation pop up form to make any necessary edits to their entry. This makes the form sort of useless!

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Report With Three Labels As Heading On One Level / Display Rest Of Headings On Another Level

Nov 21, 2011

I need to create a report that has three labels as a heading on one level and then it will display the rest of the headings on another level.

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Forms :: 2 Level Navigation Form Auto Loading First Tab

Oct 11, 2014

I have a 2 level navigation form, which loads various subforms (obviously) - however i have an issue - i have mutiple security levels and for example when i click on 'view errors' it shows me 4 subtabs - Departments - now certain people are only able to view certain departments

However if say the depts are laid out like this - Dept 1 - Dept 2 - Dept 3 - Dept 4

Then i can on form load say if strsec = 1 then dept2.enabled=false etc - however if i want to set dept 1 enabled to false it loads it by default - is there a way around this?

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Forms :: Three-Level Navigation Form - First Two In Horizontal And Third In Vertical Orientation

Sep 20, 2014

How to Creating a Three-Level Navigation Form, First and second level must be in horizontal orientation, third level desirable be to vertical orientation and dependent of level 2.

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Forms :: How To Apply Workgroup Security Level In Access 2007

Oct 1, 2013

The purpose of this project is to aim the security mechanism an allow and restrict of individuals or group of individuals of the database. Define the security accounts and groups of users allowed to access.

Users: Can view / add / edit of data into the database.

Superintendent: Has view access to database but is limited only to their section.

Manager: Has full access to database but is limited to their section.

Administrator: Acts as the overall administrator for the database. Has full control over all data and objects contained in the database.

Most likely the closest example of this database is annual leave application. If individuals is/are adding data and only his immediate Superintendent can view with limited to his group and the same with the Manager as we have four (4) sections (Finance; Procurement; Services; & Management) in one unified department.

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Delete Table Confirmation

Aug 2, 2005

is there any way to get rid of deletion confirmation when you run a make-table query. though I unchecked all boxes under Confirm on Edit/Find tab, still popping up.

thanks in advance

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Save Data Confirmation

Sep 11, 2005

I'm wondering if its possible to have a "would you like to save changes, yes/no" thing pop up after data has been added or changed to a form, or have the option to save when closing a form and if no is chosen then any data changed is not saved.

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Delete Message Confirmation Issue

Jun 1, 2006

I am trying to create a button to delete record, I have used the wizard and it works fine but now I want to have a confiirmation message to confirm that they really want to delete this record.

below is my code. The prompt works but the record never deletes.

Any Idea's

Private Sub cmdDeleteRec_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdDeleteRec_Click

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete this record?", vbYesNo, "Warning.........") = vbYes Then
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDeleteRecord
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
DoCmd.SetWarnings True
End If

Exit Sub

MsgBoxErr.Description , vbExclamation, "Error #" & Err.Number
Resume Exit_cmdDeleteRec_Click

End Sub
:confused: :confused:

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How To Suppress The Confirmation Messages In Access?

Mar 7, 2007

When i try to insert data into a backend Oracle table (with ODBC) using a form, (i use docmd.runsql "insert....") Access gives me a message like"You are trying to append 1 row to the table are you sure you want to append?"

i want to suppress this message as i have to insert into 2 tables and delete from 3 tables when the user enters some data in the form, so it asks the user five times (say 2 times for insert and 3 times for delete..) when it inserts or deletes each table. the user doesnt want this to click every time when they do that...
how do i suppress these messages, is it Access-specific or oracle specific?
I am not able to do this..!
is this any kind of exception that i have to put in??

Thanks for all ur help!!

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Data Confirmation Screen On Form

Mar 28, 2015

I have a form and I have created an event procedure on the "before update" property of the form. My procedure is:

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
Dim pwd As String
pwd = InputBox("Is the information you entered correct?")
If pwd <> "yes" Then
MsgBox "Record Not Saved"
MsgBox "Record Saved"
End If
End Sub

the record is not saving under any situation. What do I have wrong?

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How To Customize Append Query Confirmation Message

May 11, 2005


Is there any way to customize append query confirmation message? Unclicking Confirm Tools-->Options-->Edit/Find-->Confirm-Action Queries disables all warning messages.

My query takes some records from one table and append them to another table. When I run the query, first warning message says "Warning you r about to run an append query that will modify data in your table" (this is the message I do not want to see) and then if OK is clicked, the message says "you are about to append XXX rows...(this is the message I would like to customize)

How can I customize the 2nd message?

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A Warning/confirmation Message For User Before Printing??

Mar 12, 2006

Hi all,

I am building a simple db from scratch using the limited knowledge i have, and a lot of the information gained from searching these forums as a guest. I've now reached a point where I can't seem to find what I'm looking for, so any help would be gratefully received!!

I have a single table, single form and single report (told you it was simple;)). The table has nearly 2000 records and 2000 pictures (linked). On the form I can print every record with a single click of a command button. This is great, but I would like a message box to popup and confirm the print action, as this is gonna be expensive if its clicked on every record!!

If anybody can help, I would be chuffed!! I searched the forums and can't seem to find anything on this!!


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Bypassing Access Query Update Confirmation Dialog Boxes

Sep 26, 2005

I have a database that logs complaints. I've added a field to calculate the age of a complaint based on the date received and the date resloved. To update this field I have an update query that runs after someone closes an update form. My problem is that I recieve two dialog boxes one that confirms that I'm will be updating the table and another that tells me how many rows were updated. I would not like those boxes to appear so the update would look transparent.

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Security Level Help..plz

Jul 17, 2006

Hi. I am trying to complete my access database by creating some security for it. I want to know how to setup the database file so when I execute, let say in my document folder so that when it opens it only shows my switchboard and not the editable(table,queries...) panel on the left hand side. I know i can hide it via the startup option but I want to completly blocking it so it doesn't allow any user to edit the design of the database.
If anyone can help I realy appreciate it...thank you

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Low Level Security

Apr 4, 2007

how to make low security level, when i'm installing database only with access runtime? i my computer i have low level, but when I installing DB on other computer i need access to set level of database from medium to low.

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A Level Course Work

Feb 28, 2008

im doing a booking database for my a level coursework, i have got everything working in the tables and queries, just need to know how i can search a query in a form using a subform, and enter a new appointment into the query and have it update the current table?
ive done the subform bit before but have forgotten how lol.. help would be appreciated thanks:)

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2nd Level Subform

Aug 13, 2006


I've created some subforms and wanted to create a subform of one of the subforms. When I try that Access creates just another subform of the original parent form.

Is there a way of doing that please? It doesn't seem to be covered in the Help section.

Thanks in advance.

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Low Level Parameter?

Jul 18, 2006

I was wondering if somebody new how to make a query that started off asking (as parameter) for a number (this number represents the low number of performance) and the query would only show the performance below this amount.

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Two-Level Checklist

Sep 27, 2007

Hi - I am an Access newbie. I would like to use Access to develop a checklist that uses a two dimensional parent table (with row and column titles) that, when a check box is selected in a given row/column location, a specific sub-table is displayed. Likewise, when certain conditions are satisfied on a given sub-table by clicking on a check box(es), I would like to indicate the status with color and/or text in the associated row/column location on the parent table. Any ideas on how to accomplish this would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks - Mike F.

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A Level Database Test Please

Apr 26, 2006

I have offered to help a local school ICT Dept with their A level projects. the first database they send me and I can't get further than the sub menus.
I would appreciate any assistance as I don't know wether it is something I am doing wrong or something within the structure. I've opened it using the Shift key to look at the code and can't see anything wrong. Any help will be very much appreciated. Regards. Bernard

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Macro Security Level

Oct 6, 2006

Why does Excel have an emphasis on macro security level (high, medium, low) but Access doesn't? Both use VBA.

Also when Excel loads it always requests a virus scan but when Access loads it just loads? How come?

On another note why doesn't Access have a Macro Recorder?


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User-Level Security

Mar 12, 2007

Hi, I need to add a security feature to my database. Basically I want different users to access the database with different permissions. I want a "basic user" to be only able to access the the forms with their respective default settings. I want an "admin" to obviously be able to access all the content and edit the design. I know I can do this with User-Level Security somehow, but i've tried it and it isn't working like I want it to. DOes anyone know or have any experience with this security feature.

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Access Level Question

Nov 26, 2007

How can i make the following access level in a MS ACCESS 2003 database?
level1----------->[Table A : Data Entry],[Table B : Only view]
level2----------->[Table B : Data Entry],[Table A : Only view]

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