Forms :: Access Records Of A Table In A Form?
Aug 13, 2013
access 2013. I am working on a project which I should design a form as program.
in that form I want to make a field with expression builder to retrieve some data which satisfy a condition (that condition is based on some input form who work with the program) I want to access records one by one and check if they satisfy the condition but i do not known how can I do this?
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Jul 15, 2013
I am trying to display a table records on the form with this code:
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim str As String
On Error GoTo Err_cmd_vimport_Click
'defining the form recordset
[Code] ...
MsgBox "Error No: " & Err.Number & "; Description: " & Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmd_vimport_Click
End Sub
however i could not be able get any results in the form as if the debugging is not showing an error.
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Oct 12, 2014
I have a form linked to a table and in my form there is a listbox reflecting the records in my table. Evereytime I tick a record in the list box the information on its corresponding columns appears on the text field.
So far I am able to add, modify and save record to my table using this form but I am having a problem on deleting a record which I selected on the listbox. I created a delete command button but it is not working. Please see attached database.
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Jul 15, 2014
When I add new records to the form and close the form, the tables are updated with the new records, but the new records don't show in the form (navigation).
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Jun 18, 2014
I have a tabular form with many rows of records. Users add some additional information and now I would like to insert it into a new table.
I tried to use below code and it works but it inserts only first row out of many. So I just wonder how to amend it to insert all data?
CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO [PO Lines - Table] ([SKU], [SKU Description], [Barcode], [Qty], [Unit Price], [PO Number], [Range])" & _
" VALUES ('" & Me.SKU & "','" & Me.SKU_Description & "',''" & Me.Barcode & "''," & Me.Qty & "," & Me.Unit_Price & ",'" & Me.PONumber & "','" & Me.Range & "')"
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Dec 20, 2013
I have a form that has a few combo boxes that I use as drop down lists that the user can choose from. After the form is completed, the user clicks "Submit" and the query/table is updated. However, 2 records are added instead of 1. The first record leaves the first field blank and every other field completed. The second record has every field filled out with the same info as the first. In other words, the first of the 2 records is unnecessary. How do I eliminate this from happening?
Data Entry set to "Yes"
Submit button:
Private Sub cmdSubmit_Click()
DoCmd.RunSQL "Insert Into qryEarlyPoints(empName,dateOfOccurrence,leaveEarly,early6Mins) VALUES('" & Me.txtEmpNameInf & "','" & Me.txtDateInf & "','" & Me.cmbEarlyPoints & "','" & Me.cmbArriveEarly & "')"
Application.SetOption "Confirm Action Queries", 0
Application.SetOption "Confirm Document Deletions", 0
Application.SetOption "Confirm Record Changes", 0
Exit Sub
End Sub
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Apr 16, 2015
I have an unbound new contact data entry form that adds records to many different tables. I have no problems adding one record to a child table at a time, but one of the things we are collecting is a list of online networks a person belongs to, and I want to be able to stick a "check all that apply box" on my form and have it add multiple records to the child table. Here's the basic set up, I have a parent table with the main contact information with a primary key field "IID", a lookup table with "Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter..." etc in it with a primary key field "online_id", and a bridge table to link the two which should have multiple entries for IID, one for each online_id. I want to use a listbox (or something like it) that the user can select multiple online networks and then have records added to the bridge table. I can figure out how to add the listbox on the form, what I can't figure out is how to get the values out of the listbox. T
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Sep 11, 2013
I have a form that has the following fields: Ticket Date From, Ticket Date To, Pawnshop, Property Category, Item Description, Make, and Serial Number.
The purpose of this form is to allow an unexperienced user of Access to query a database. Thus far, when I specify the query to include dates from/to, pawnshop, property category (eg, jewelry), and item description (ring) the records retrieved are the correct number. None of these fields contain null values. However, the Make field has some null values and the Serial Number field has an extensive number of null values.
My problem is that I have noticed because the Make field has some null values a few number of records aren't retrieved after my query (even if I leave the Make field blank). This problem is much worse with the Serial Number field. For instance, I ran a basic query via my form specifying the dates and property category-jewelry and got back 229 records but when I verified this with a separate query I got 960 records, which is the correct number.
My criteria from my querry are as follows:
Between [Forms]![PawnProperty_PawnerQueryForm].[TicketDateFrom] And [Forms]![PawnProperty_PawnerQueryForm].[TicketDateTo]
Like "*" & [Forms]![PawnProperty_PawnerQueryForm]![Pawnshop] & "*"
Like "*" & [Forms]![PawnProperty_PawnerQueryForm].[PropertyDescription] & "*"
Like "*" & [Forms]![PawnProperty_PawnerQueryForm].[Make] & "*"
Like "*" & [Forms]![PawnProperty_PawnerQueryForm].[SerialNumber] & "*"
The bottom two I've had to remove because the correct number of records were not being retrieved. I suspect that the null values in the Make and Serial Number fields are the root of the problem. to make these queries all work together!!
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Dec 16, 2013
How to update data from one table to another table using form.
I have data coming from design team in Database 1 and using form i want search data and assign the job to a person and store it in the database with his name. I have to do this because database from design team is read only.
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Dec 16, 2014
I have two tables (Access 2010). One with a list of names (List1) and another with a very similar list of names (List2), but they differ in very small ways. For example, List1 might have John Smith, and List2 would have Smith, John L.; and Smith, John. List2 also has a unique ID associated with these names that I need to append to List1.
I need to design a form that will allow me to look up names in List1, and have it return all names that are similar in List2. I then need to be able to choose with record in List2 matches with the List1 entry (based on a few other columns in List2, such as birth date) and have the form add that unique ID to the List1 record.
PS: I am using Access 2010
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Sep 30, 2013
I have a data entry form to add new records to an Access database file called Claims. An auto-incrementing sequence number (SeqNbr) needs to be kept PER YEAR. If the user enters a date the sequence number pertaining to the year of this date needs to be incremented. The first record within a new year of course takes value 1.Records can be added at random for different years.
A simple SQL-statement can be made to determine the new sequence number:SELECT max(Claims.SeqNbr) + 1 from Claims where year(this.value) = year(Claims.EventDate)...this.value meaning the value of the date control in which the user entered the date.I need to return the new sequence number to another field on the form in which also the COMPANY CODE, YYYY and MM from the EventDate, the new sequence number and the USER INITIALS are concatenated.
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Dec 21, 2014
IN Access 2007 when a Continuous form is opened there is no records shown.
Only after hitting the page down records are shown.
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Jun 26, 2014
I have an append query that appends records to a table, and I have a form based on that table.
Users will click a button that will run the append query and then open a form for users to fill in remaining empty cells. How can I filter the form to show only the newly appended records?
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Aug 3, 2015
I've attached screenshots of the table relationships and some nested forms that I need to discuss in my database.
If you look at the forms screenshot you'll see I have a main form "business/cmc issues" that uses a combo box to select a business name; nested into that I have a second form "policy issues log" that holds details of policy issues about that business; then inside that I have a sub form "issue updates" that records brief details about the actions carried out in trying to resolve each policy issue.
The same policy issue can affect more than one business (because of a relationship between the two companies etc) but still needs to be viewed separately. So for example in the business selector combo box I might have business "ABC". In the policy issue it might say "doesn't pay on time". The "doesn't pay on time" issue might also apply to business "123" and so if I picked that business from the combo box you'd see the same policy issue.
Because it's the same issue for two separate businesses, the actions carried out will be the same, so what I want to do is, after a new action is carried out (where relevant) to be able to click a button that would run some code that copies the actions entered in the sub form for business ABC and pastes them into the sub form for business 123 where the product area and policy issue are equal. This is to avoid having to enter the same data twice.
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Sep 12, 2013
I have an existing Main form that has a sub form that the user uses to enter multiple records into a works fine EXCEPT that I need to make it even easier and more intuitive and add a lot of labels. Basically the user selects items from a drop down list that adds items to a Work Order. I need to add some labels to the form to make it more descriptive for the user.
So, what I want to add multiple records using a single main form.
Is is possible to?:
1. simply turn the subform into a single main form? Can this be done by using a Command button or something similar?
2. copy all of the controls etc from the sub form into a new main form and have it all work nicely?
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Nov 24, 2014
I have a Lost/Found property database which we use to keep record of the lost/found property and it is working fine.
As per our organization's policy, we keep the item(s) for up to three months in which if it gets restored to the owner then fair enough otherwise after three months the item(s) can be claimed by the "Finder". But for this very purpose we issue the Finder with a "Claim Receipt" which he/she should bring in when claiming for the item(s) after three months period. Therefore, It's just the right time to upgrade the database to a more professional level.
The database has one table and two forms.
One form (LostFoundForm) is visible to the user in which they enter data, this form has two sections; Item(s) & Finder's details and the second section is about Restoring details.
However the second form (ClaimReceiptForm) is hidden to the users (for manual data entry) and has only one section which is exactly the same as the first form's first section, i.e., Item(s) & Finder's details. This second form takes the data automatically from the first form because the table behind them is same and fields are same (please see attachment). Up to here it's all working fine.
I would like to introduce a Checkbox or a CommandButton in the LostFoundForm which when we click should pull up a msgbox asking "Do you want to print the receipt for this item(s)?" with a Yes/No option. On clicking "No" it should, obviously, settle down but on clicking "Yes" it should print the "corresponding record" from the ClaimReceiptForm.
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Jan 14, 2014
I am relatively new to Access 2007, I am having an issue with a sub form not showing all the data from a table.
Basically I have 2 tables: Headers and Line Details, they are linked via an order number. The headers will only ever have 1 record per order number but there can be multiple records on the line details table.
I have imported the data into both tables. When I open my main form, all the data from the header file is all visable and all correct for all records. However when I look at the data in the sub form, it is only showing data for some of the records.
I have checked and the data is correctly linked, and if I change the "source object" to point directly at the table in the sub form it shows the record is there. When I point it back to my sub form it is blank.
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Jan 21, 2015
how to create a form in access to insert/update/delete data from a table in sql server?
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May 21, 2013
I am new to Access 2010. When working with a form, how do I display the field list? The list of fields for the table associated with that form.
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Jul 21, 2006
I am rebuilding an application for a client and I have an Access table that I am using as a temporary table. Once the user is done entering information into the temporary table through a form, the user presses an update button that appends the records using an Append Query in Access to an SQL Server Table.
The following error message occurs:
"ODBC -- insert on a linked table 'linked tblname' failed.
[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server] Explicit value must be specified for identity column in table 'linked tblname' when IDENTITY INSERT is set to ON. (#545)
I am using a form, subform combination to record a bill with many details. The bill summary is posted into a tbl_TransactionsMain table in SQL Server using the ADO AddNew method. The PK for the tbl_TransactionsMain is then entered into the temporary table in Access. When the temporary table records are appended into tbl_TransactionDetail the error message occurs.
What is also interesting is while typing out this post I thought to test the error by manually trying to run the query. The query worked like a charm! :confused: When the orginal error occurred off of the form I tried to run the query manually and it failed. I am guessing that this might have something to do with the ODBC timeout.
I think SQL Server/ODBC connection is not liking how I have a set of records in an Access table with foreign key numbers assigned when I am attempting to append the records. I am new to SQL Server and any ideas are most appreciated! :)
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Mar 22, 2013
One shows my form with the Transporters Subform with 3 entries, and 1 entry.The three line items that say "Transporter" are in one subform. I used this code
Private Sub Form_Current()
If Me.RecordsetClone.RecordCount >= 3 Then
Me.AllowAdditions = False
End If
End Sub
to limit the number of records I can add to 3 or less.My issue is that I lost the blank text box that allows you to add another record. So, if I only have one Transporter listed, there's no box to let me add a second or third.I have the following properties for the Transporters Subform set to "Yes":
Data Entry
Allow Additions
Allow Deletions
Allow Edits
Allow Filters
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Dec 12, 2014
I have a form which needs update ever month. When the form is opened, the end user can see the old records and data, and also a new record is added for any new data. I want to protect the old saved data and the user can only add, edit, or delete the new data in the newly added record. The problem is once a user adds the new data and moves to another record or another form, then he/she cannot edit or change the new data in case if there is any mistake or need to change something after couple of minutes.
I changed the Form Data Properties "Allow Additions", "Allow Edits", and "Allow Deletions" many different times and situations to solve this problem but with no success. I tried the following with NO success too: One of the Fields of the Record is (Month). In the Data Properties, I set a Default Value for this field as(December 2014) for instance. I set the Data Properties "Allow Additions", "Allow Edits", and "Allow Deletions" to (Yes). Then I put the following code in the Form's Current Event:
Private Sub Form_Current()
If Me.month.Value = "December 2014" Then
Me.AllowAdditions = True
Me.AllowEdits = True
Me.AllowDeletions = True
[Code] ....
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Dec 29, 2014
I have a table and a form. I need to input data in the form and click on a button to add this data into the existing table.
This is part of a bigger application which will be compiled and given away for use.
id = autonumber
name = text
InHand = integer
Price = float
txtname = textbox
txtInhand = textbox
txtPrice = textbox.
I need to coy frmNew.txtname into and so forth.
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Mar 6, 2013
I have created a booking system for a set of resources for schools. Most schools have a membership which entitles them to 2 free sets. I have a booking form with a membership subform (membership table), and a booking details subform (kitloan table).
Once a school is selected on the main form, the membership subform shows the most recent record for that school based on schoolID.I want to display the number of sets they have already had within their membership period (can start at any time of the year, and lasts for 1 year) on the membership subform, so we know how many free ones they have left.
I therefore need to count the number of KitBkID (ID of the booking) in the Kitloan table where SchoolID = the SchoolID displayed on the membership subform, and the DateOut (booking date on kitloan table) is between the DateJoined and DateRenewal displayed on the membership subform (from membership table).
I can do this with a query which works when run and provided with the parameters SchoolID, DateJoined, and DateRenewal.
SELECT Count(Kitloan.KitBkID) AS CountOfKitBkID, Kitloan.SchoolID, Kitloan.DateOut
FROM Kitloan INNER JOIN Membership ON Kitloan.SchoolID = Membership.SCHOOLID
GROUP BY Kitloan.SchoolID, Kitloan.DateOut
HAVING (((Kitloan.SchoolID)=[Me].[SCHOOLID]) AND ((Kitloan.DateOut) Between [Me].[DateJoined] And [Me].[DateRenewal]));
What I can't do is get it to run on the form and take those values from the form.From the searching I've done, I'm thinking a DCount should be the way to go, but I cannot get the criteria right. I created a query (KitloanCountQry) so that criteria could come from both the kitloan and membership tables.
SELECT Kitloan.KitBkID, Kitloan.SchoolID, Membership.DateJoined, Membership.SCHOOLID, Kitloan.DateOut
FROM Kitloan INNER JOIN Membership ON Kitloan.SchoolID = Membership.SCHOOLID;
I have put the DCount as the control source for a textbox on the Membership subform (but have tried it in VBA too):
This works but obviously gives me the total for all bookings.
Although I have to admit to getting lost in the syntax. This produces #Error.
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May 16, 2014
I have three tables: Members, Promotions, Ranks.
Members has all the data specific to a member and contains just one record per member.
Promotions contains information on member promotions and contains multiple records per member.
Ranks is a table of ranks and data specific to each rank such as name, description, title, fee.
I have a Promotion Detail form used for adding new promotions. I use some VBA that auto completes other fields on the form with information from the Ranks table based on the rank selected. The user has the ability to modify any of the data.
What I would like to do is update the Member's title (in the Members table) when a new promotion is added to the Promotions table. Their title is determined by the information from their latest promotion.
I'm trying to automate as many processes as possible.
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May 29, 2015
I have a bound continuous tabular form,However, based on data content in one field of a record, I want a checkbox in the same record enabled, so the user can check it if necessary. I have created a record set using the form as shown below, and I am looping through each record. To show that my code is referring to the field with required data content, I display it as a message box and it works, yet my checkbox does not enable.
I have the code in the form_load event, however, for testing purposes I have it behind a button.If I am seeing this properly, the code behind the button enables the checkbox for ALL records once the criteria in the required field is true, and based on the last record, which has no data content, it disables the checkbox in ALL records. I also have the PK ID for each record hidden in the form. Can I utilize that to target the checkbox of each individual record??
Form Detail
-Form does not allow additions or deletions. Edits allowed
-All fields are disabled and locked
-I only want the check box to unlock if data is found in the "RequiredField" as referred to below. I have also tried if not isNull(requiredfield.value) then -enable checkbox, which yields the same results
Here is my code
Dim rstMyForm As DAO.Recordset
Set rstMyForm = Forms!MyForm.Form.Recordset
Do While Not rstMyForm.EOF
If Not RequiredField.Value = "" Then
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