Forms :: Add People's Names Into Database Using Two Fields?

Jul 24, 2014

How important is it to add people's names into a database using two fields ? [FirstName] and [LastName]. Would it be ok to put their full name into one field if you also had a unique Identity Number for each person in the same table ?

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People's Names With Special Characters

Jul 31, 2006

My search has been unsuccessful due to the search function refusing to play nicely with me and the fact that it's mixing up the problems with using special characters with field names, which isn't what I want.

My problem is I have comboboxes that looks up people's name and has a NotInLIst event to allow addition of new person. It uses split function and concentating query to keep data normalized while displaying the full name.

Access trips over, very hard, whenever there is a name that uses special character, which for obvious reasons, causes confusion. Example:

Mike O'Leary
Thomas O'Calloway
Janet Smith-Johnson
Mary-Ann Johnson

Can anyone point me to a snippet I could use to trap for those names and help Access deal with it accordingly?

Thanks in advance.

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Can Two People Enter In The Same Database At The Same Time?

Apr 11, 2007


I was wondering if two can people can enter into the same database at the same time? What pitfalls do I need to look out for if it is possible?



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Making Daily List Of People From Database?

Feb 14, 2013

I have created a database of club members in Access 2010. Each day I need to generate a report of who comes to the club. Up to this point I have been using an Excel spread sheet of members that I copy and paste to new daily spreadsheets each day. how to do this.

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Stop People Printing Forms

Mar 22, 2006

Hi all,
I have a form that i use for data input, I have limited all of the menu's how ever the print option is still available. This leads to muppet users printing out the form and using it.
There is a print button on the form that prints a report out that lays out the form into a useable item.

So the question is... How can I stop people being able to print out the form?

Thanks in advance


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Forms :: Adding People To A Record

May 3, 2013

I am building a database for running a shoot. I want to be able to add Firers, Beaters and Picker Ups to each day. All of those people are held in a [Contacts] form and have a checkbox to designate them as Shooters, Beaters or Picker Ups or a combination of them

I have a form where I can create the shoot date and timings etc. Now I want to add people to the form.

My idea is to have a seperate form with a list of all the Shoot Dates, on the same form will be three more lists showing Shoot Date and ID, List of all Guns, List of All Beaters, List of all Picker Ups in the Database.

You would then select the shoot date from the first list which would highlight, then go each of the other three lists and select a checkbox next to each person that you wanted to attend that day.

I know what I want to do but dont know how to do it!

I have attached a picture....

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Forms :: Display Number Of People In Group For A Certain Flight In Subform

Apr 19, 2015

I have an access form that displays some data about customers and their booking for flight. so lets say if there is a group of five people that made a booking for a certain flight, i have to assign ticket numbers to them and store it in some table.

Now i can display the number of people in a group for a certain flight in a subform, i want to have another textbox in front of their names so i can type in the ticket numbers. So i went to design view and added another textbox, but the problem is if the subform in displaying 5 rows (for 5 customers) when i type in a ticket number for one customer, all the following rows gets and displays the same ticket number. How can i type something and let it not be repeated infollowing rows.

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Forms :: Sortable Lists In A Form - Show People Who Have Product

Jan 14, 2014

I have a form I need to sort based on criteria in a persons record. We sell certain products. And we need the ability to only show the people who have a product. For example, we sell EPLI and WCF. I want to be able to pick a drop down list and it only shows and goes through the EPLI people. How do you do this?

I attached my database can you take a look on how to do this?

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Forms :: Entering Values For Multiple People On One Form Based On Month

Jan 31, 2015

I need to enter workload counts for 10 people, and it is done on a monthly basis. So I have a table of Months (Jan-Dec), a table of names, and a joined table with the months, names and a field for the workload counts.

I would like to make a form where I could select the month and all the names show up so I could go and enter the counts for everyone at the same time. I've attached a diagram to show what it would look like

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Forms :: Group Membership - Select Which People Belong To Specific Groups

Mar 11, 2013

I need to create a simple database where I have a list of people, a list of groups and all I want to do is select which people belong to specific groups.

All I need is to create a form where I have a list of my people and a tick box next to the groups to show who belongs to which group.

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How To Pass Table Fields Names From VBA To Query

Aug 15, 2014

I've been developing an Access database to keep track of my company's ongoing projects. There's also a form to browse the history of users actions within the program. It's based on table tbHistory that stores actions and parameters as numbers (for example eventId = 1 is "logged in" and eventId = 2 is "logged out"). I've been using a query to translate those numbers to text with a syntax like:

IIf([tbEvents].[EventId]=1 Or [tbEvents].[EventId]=2;[tbEvents].[EventDesc];IIf([tbEvents].[EventId]=5 Or [tbEvents].[EventId]=6;...

It worked fine but eventually the expression within expression builder has grown to the level that exceeded allowed limit and I couldn't develop my statement any more.. I decided to develop a vba function that would take eventId as a parameter and would retrieve a string, here it is:

Public Function translateHistory(eventId As Long) As String
Select Case eventId
Case 1 To 2
translateHistory = ""[tbEvents].[EventDesc]""
Case 6
translateHistory = "[tbEvents].[EventDesc] & "" <b>"" & [tbFormDesc].[FormName] & ""</b>"""

[Code] ....

And in my query I replaced that extremely long expression with just translateHistory([tbHistory].[eventId]). It seems to work, but the result it brings is a pure string with table names and fields - in other words, the query doesn't recognize it should be replaced with appropriate value. Here's the output I get:

Of course I'd like "[tbEvents].[EventDesc]" to be replaced with appropriate value of field "EventDesc" from table "tbEvents" as it used to be.

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Forms :: How To Search ALL Of The NAME Fields In Database

Jul 21, 2013

Access 2010. I need to be able to search ALL of the NAME fields in the database.I have reviewed some of the search forms already posted but I do not understand how to apply what was done to my database.

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Problem With SQL Looking At Field Names In Database.

Jan 4, 2006

Hi All

I am having a problem running a piece of SQL code for a multiselect box that needs to run a query to generate a report, i think i know what the problem is but cannot get passed it and i really need to. I cannot change the field name because it is linked to another db that is for other business use. Here is the code :

Private Sub response_Click()

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strCriteria As String
Dim strSQL As String
Set db = CurrentDb()
Set qdf = db.QueryDefs("responsecodes")
If Me!response.ItemsSelected.Count > 0 Then
For Each varItem In Me!response.ItemsSelected
strCriteria = strCriteria & "MAXIMO_V_WORKORDERS_FA.WORKORDER-RESPONSIBILITY = " & Chr(34) _
& Me!response.ItemData(varItem) & Chr(34) & "OR "
Next varItem
strCriteria = Left(strCriteria, Len(strCriteria) - 3)

End If
"WHERE " & strCriteria & ";"
qdf.SQL = strSQL
End Sub

The problem is in the

strCriteria = strCriteria & "MAXIMO_V_WORKORDERS_FA.WORKORDER-RESPONSIBILITY = " & Chr(34) _
& Me!response.ItemData(varItem) & Chr(34) & "OR "

The dash between WORKORDER and RESPONSIBILITY is the problem but that is the field name, when i run the query to hold the data of the multiselect box it hold the data but put's the following statement into the query field name, so i cannot access this in my report query.


What i need is for the [MAXIMO_V_WORKORDERS_FA] to be the table name and [WORKORDER]-[RESPONSIBILITY] to be [WORKORDER-RESPONSIBILITY] to be the field name then i know it will work.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


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Forms :: Creating Mandatory Fields In A Database?

Jun 18, 2013

I have a table, which when i first set it up i decided that a couple of the fields had to be mandatory.

So, i set the "Required" property of the field to "Yes" (at table level - which is probably poor practice?)

I now have a form that allows a user at the front end to enter items in the table.

If they complete all the fields on the form i have used macro builder to save the record, present a nice message and move to a New Record. (3 elements in all)

However, if they try to save the record having not completed the "Required" fields then they get an error message instructing them the field is required, but then the macro crashes.

So what's the best way to approach Mandatory fields? Is it best to leave the "Required" property at table level set to No and then have something at form level which checks they have entered a value in the field? (i'm guessing this is probably the correct approach)

I tried removing the table level condition from the [Field] and adding this as the first argument of the macro builder which saves my record:


IF [Field] = "" Then
MessageBox "You Must Complete Mandatory Fields"
Stop Macro
End If

But my macro still completes and saves the record...

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Forms :: Fields Duplicating Across Tabs In Database

Feb 12, 2014

I've created a tabbed form in a database. When I drag fields into one of the tabs, the fields are duplicating across the others. When I then try to edit/delete the fields from one tab, they are also deleted in the others.

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Changing Database Names In External Queries

Nov 19, 2004

I have a database that I used as a back-end for an Excel spreadsheet. Now that the database has been moved from one place on the network to another, I need to update the information in my spreadsheet to reflect the database's new name and location. Is there any way of doing this short of deleting and recreating the queries in Excel?

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Get Table Names From Another Database File VB Code

Nov 6, 2013

I'm trying to find all the table names from another database file using VB code. This is what i have so far:

Function getFileNameOpen(path) As String
Dim f As Object
Dim varFile As Variant
Set f = Application.FileDialog(3)

[Code] ....

This function will show a browser window so that the user can select a file, and returns the file path.

Function OpenFile()
Call getFileNameOpen(path)
Dim db As Database
Dim td As TableDef
Database = path

[Code] ....

I have this function. I need to get all the table names from the selected access file into a list so I can do a for loop after.

I can't figure out how to set the CurrentDb() to the path one. This code gives me the table names and some other names of stuff which I don't know what they are. But for the current database not the one in the path.

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Tables :: Merging Table Data Fields If Names Are Identical

Sep 24, 2012

Have 2 tables:

...TableA: 1 indexed field "Name" and many data fields in ~ 1000 records
...TableB: 1 indexed field "Name" and 2 data fields (DataB1 and DataB2) in about
~ 50 records

Tables currently have NO relationship set.

Want to add TableB data fields to TableA if Name are identical.

DataB1 and DataB2 fields are Not currently in TableA but could be added very easily.

Update (or whatever) will be done weekly where all previous data for DataB1 and DataB2 will be cleared from TableA before job is run.

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Forms :: Update Database Column When Mandatory Fields Are Completed

May 11, 2013

I have a form with lots of combo boxes and text boxes. They are all linked to various MS Access tables and some of the fields are mandatory. I would like do an check to see if all the mandatory fields are not null i.e. are populated with a value and then run an update query for my master table in the database to flag the records as being complete if all the mandatory fields are populated.

If (IsEmpty(tab1.cmb_a)) Then do something

But I am just blank at the moment on how to proceed, especially on how I can do all the checks and then populate the database.

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Forms :: Create A Button That Search In All Fields Of Database Table

Dec 1, 2013

I am new to MS Access! I have design a database and a form to record the information of customer feedback.

The first thing I want is to search the record from the whole database. Secondly I want to print that searched record. And finally I want to make a Form Reset Button.

I have made a "Clear" button but it is not working correctly and removes the record from the database after saving.

I have attached the database!

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Forms :: Default Property / Using A Control Of Main Form Without Using Names Of Forms?

Nov 8, 2013

In the default property of a subform control I want to use a control of the main form without using names of forms, but using me and parent.

I used in default property of cboVATDetail: =Me.Parent!cboVAT, but it is not accepted. My aim is to use cboVAT of parent as default in cboVATDetail of child.

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Field Names Don't Match Names On Form

Nov 7, 2006

I have a form with several data fields on it. I also have a button on the form that allows the user to duplicate a record . The reason for this duplication is so that if there will be an additional client record for the same customer, but only one piece of data will need to be changed, it's easier to copy the record and then change the one field.

However, I am getting the following message:

"some of the field names you tried to paste don't match fieldnames on the form"

and then not all data in all fields gets duplicated.

I need to figure this out, but am going nuts with it. If anyone has an idea or two they'd care to toss my way, I would be happy.

Thanks one more time, in advance!!

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Reports :: Repeating Row Names And Column Names

Jan 17, 2014

How can I repeat column names and row names on multiple pages of the report ?

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Forms :: Spreadsheet Won't Allow To Delete Or Add Names?

Jun 14, 2013

I took over as officer for a club & the previous officer e-mailed me his spreadsheet containing club member names in alphabetical order. I copied & pasted his list of names, 7 pages, into my "OpenOffice" spreadsheet. I then clicked on "Tools" & put "X"s in each box if those members had paid for the 2013 year which was fine. I then converted this form to a PDF & saved it as same.

The problem is that I find there are some old, old members who are no longer active in this club & I would like to "Delete" them but seems that I cannot.

Additionally, I have new members written w/ pen on separate sheets of paper that I would like to add to this spreadsheet, in alphabetical order but don't know how to do that either so I'm left with outdated spreadsheet plus sheets of paper with new club member names.

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Forms :: Selecting Few Names From A Long List

Mar 22, 2013

I am currently designing an employee personal development and training database.I have 100 employees and the number that would go on a training course might be a handful so selecting four or five names in a subform list from a 100 seems a bit impractical.

I thought of selecting the course in a form from a combo box, selecting the employees using a tickbox in a subform and then running an append query.

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Forms :: Report Names Changing Randomly

Jul 15, 2014

In my database, my "switchboard" consists of two listboxes: "Available Forms" and "Available Reports". The Available Forms listbox lists all the forms that can be accessed, and Available Forms listbox lists all the reports that can be accessed. I did this so that I wouldn't have to create buttons for each new form or report. They all are automatically listed in the listbox for the user to double-click on to open.

Since all my form and report names are not user-friendly (ie: fmComplicatedAndUglyName, rpComplicatedAndUglyReport) I want a way for the db admin to easily assign captions for each form that the average database user would find intuitive and easy to understand (ie: "Car Maintenance" instead of fmCarMaintenance). To do this, I built a table called tbDBObjectsCaptions consisting of these fields:

dbObject_ID (PK - Long Integer)
Caption (Text)

Next, I have an unbound form (fmDBObjectsCaptions) consisting of two subforms:

1) sbfDBObjectsCaptions_Forms, which lists all Forms with captions
2) sbfDBObjectsCaptions_Reports, which lists all Reports with captions.

Each subform's record source is tbDBObjectsCaptions with an Inner Join between the table and the MSysObjects table so that I can show only forms (Type field in MSysObjects = -32768) or only reports (Type field in MSysObjects = -32764). So, the record source looks like:

SELECT tbDBObjectsCaptions.dbObject_ID, tbDBObjectsCaptions.Caption
FROM tbDBObjectsCaptions INNER JOIN MSysObjects ON tbDBObjectsCaptions.dbObject_ID = MSysObjects.Id
WHERE (((MSysObjects.Type)=-32768));

(Except the Report's subform record source Where statement would have "-32764" instead of "-32768".)Each subform also consists of a "Caption" textbox and a combobox that lists all the forms or reports in MSysObjects. The Row Source for those comboboxes are:

SELECT MSysObjects.Id, MSysObjects.Name
FROM MSysObjects
WHERE (((MSysObjects.Name) Not Like "*sbf*") AND ((MSysObjects.Type)=-32768));

(Except the Report's combobox row source Where statement would have "-32764" instead of "-32768".)My first day playing with fmDBObjectsCaptions went fine. Both subforms' comboboxes list either Reports or Forms and would easily let me choose a form or report. The subforms would record the same "Id" from the MSysObjects table into the tbDBObjectsCaptions table and each Caption I typed in was recorded into the tbDBObjectsCaptions table for each "Id" I chose. It worked just fine.

However, the next day, I noticed that the captions I assigned for forms/reports were now assigned to different forms and reports! In fact, the fmDBObjectsCaptions no longer shows any captioned reports as their Types have somehow changed from -32764 to -32768 and are therefore now displayed in the Forms subform.

Either the dbObject_ID is somehow mysteriously changing for each record in the tbDBObjectsCaptions table or the Id is somehow mysteriously changing for each record in the MSysObjects table. I don't know how or why but that's what's happening. So now, in the fmDBObjectsCaptions form, my Forms subform is displaying the wrong captions for the forms, and is also displaying records that were originally Reports (items that have captions but blank comboboxes were originally entered in the Reports subform).

I attached a copy of the database. Any different solution that allows for easy Admin'ing of displayed form/report names?

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