Forms :: After Update Checkbox With Text Appear If Criteria Met

Jan 31, 2014

Is it possible in Access 2010 to have an after update that if a criteria text is met, then a checkbox with the text "completed" appears next to it?

Private Sub Text45 ()
If Me.Text45 = "Test" THEN ...

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Sync CheckBox To Update/Write To Text Field

Jul 14, 2006

Hey Guys,

I'm looking to create a "Same As Billing Address" check box that would automatically udpate the address in an order to reflect the customer's billing address.

I understand how to sync a combo box to an option group ( -- great article by the way)

I Guess what I'm looking to do is:

1. Sync a "Same As" Checkbox to multiple text boxes in the form (Unit, StreetAddress, City, Province, Postal) such that these fields are UPDATED (writen to) with the same information as the billing address

2. [U]IF the "Same As" Option is selected, I need the updated fields to lock, allowing no further update... but must by unlocked if the "Same As" option is NOT selected.

Please help me out with this one guys.. I really need it.

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Forms :: Update Table With Unbound Checkbox

Oct 17, 2014

How do you update table with unbound checkbox? I'd like to add basic yes/no, true/false on update. Currently I'm using a workaround like this

If Me.chkInkt = True Then
status = "true"
status = "false"
End If

Which is ok if there's one of these, but sometimes I have more...

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Forms :: Filter Text And Checkbox?

May 24, 2013

I'm having a hard time with this (what I thought) was a simple filter. I have an unbound checkbox (chkFlag) and an unbound text box (txtfilter). The filter was working fine till I decided to also try to filter on the checkbox.

I'm trying to filter records that either have either a check in the [Flag] field or have some part of the text in various other fields. The problem is I can get the records to filter if the checkbox is checked or on text in the various fields, but not both. I've tried using AND and OR, but it's not working.

Me.RecordSource = "SELECT * from tblContacts; "
strWhere = ""


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Forms :: Checkbox Be Visible Only If A Textbox Has Text In It

Jun 12, 2014

I would like to have a checkbox be visible only if a textbox (Text246) has text in it.


Private Sub Text246_AfterUpdate()
Me.Check275.Visible = Text246
End Sub

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Forms :: Opening A Form / Text Box When Checkbox Is Ticked?

Aug 19, 2015

I'm a novice user of Access 2013.

I would like to be able to use a checkbox control to make either text boxes or forms appear when ticked, ultimately to stop a form being so untidy/to conserve space. I'd be using this on multiple occasions.

(If actioned, would it automatically shift the other controls in the form down to make space, or would it just overlap?

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Forms :: Checkbox Based On Status - Updating A Text Field

Mar 8, 2013

My database has a text field "Status" where the text is either, A, W, C. There is a form to update this field; currently it uses a standard Access created text field. The users want a checkbox which will show up as checked when the status is W, if the status is anything else, the checkbox will be blank. If the user clicks the checkbox within the form the status will be changed to W.

If [table.status] = 'W'
then checkbox = 0
checkbox = -1

and then somewhere on the update it would be

if checkbox = -1 then [table.status] = R

Except that Access doesn't think the way I do.

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Forms :: Find And Update A Record Using Multiple Criteria

May 30, 2015

I Have a forms which brings up a record in textboxes when you hit a search Button using a value that you type into a Textbox called BarTxt. My problem is that this value may not be unique. Therefore I'm trying to find and update the table using 2 values from the table (Barcode and PurchaseOrder).I have entered the code


Private Sub SearchBtn_Click()
PNTxt = DLookup("PartNumber", "BookInTable", "BarCode ='" & [BarTxt] & "'" And "PurchaseOrder ='" & [POTxt] & "'")
End Sub

This however is just bringing up a Type mismatch error. Even though both are text fields.Also even if I just use Barcode to search which works. My update Code


DoCmd.RunSQL "Update BookInTable SET DateBookedOut = '" & Me!DateTxt & "' WHERE BarCode ='" & [BarTxt] & "'" AND PurchaseOrder ='" & [POTxt] &

I get an Compile error saying "expected expression".

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Forms :: Update Query Not Pulling Criteria From Form

Jul 17, 2013

I'm trying to update a record in a table, from a query that is run as part of an event from a command button on a form.

I have a table called 'Assets', a table called 'Disposals', and a form called 'Disposal Entry'. I would like the user to select an Asset ID from a combobox on the form, then when the button is clicked it adds a record to the 'Disposals' table, and updates the Status for that specific Asset in the 'Assets' table to "Disposed".

It adds to the Disposal table fine, but I can't get it to update the Asset table.

My query looks like:
Field: Status Asset ID
Table: Assets Assets
Update To: "Disposed"
Criteria: [Forms]![Disposals Entry]![Asset ID]

I've checked the spelling and everything looks ok.

The [Asset ID] control on the form is bound to the Assets table. If I edit the control and clear out what is in Control Source, then it updates the table and works fine.

However, I want to keep it bound as I have a subform on my home page showing the latest disposals.

How I can get the query to use the Asset ID on the form as the Criteria?

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General :: QBF Will Use Checkbox As Criteria?

Jul 11, 2013

I have a QBF running for 3 text boxes but I can't fiure out the code so the QBF will use a check box as the criteria also? How do I do this. I tried:

Forms![QBF_Form]![WhatInduction] = True

but this didn't work.

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Using Checkbox On A Form For Query Criteria

May 15, 2006

Hey all this is my first post so thanks in advance for any help you can give me.

I am trying to use multiple checkboxes on a form to try and make a select query, when the box is checked the data is queried when unchecked it is not, sounds simple enough, here is my problem.

I set the query criteria with an expression like this:
[Forms]![frmMainLookup]![Check Box Alarm Number]="-1"
As long as the checkbos is checked everything seems to work fine.
If I uncheck the checkbox then none of the data is shows up.
I still get the columns to show up just no data.

I am sure there is something simple I am missing but the Force is not with me today.

Thanks again for any help.

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Queries :: Criteria Based On Checkbox

Aug 12, 2013

I have table.[reconciled] tat allows for a check box. i want to enter in the criteria filed in query design that i only want to see the unchecked or false entries. i have tried writing the criteria multiple ways and i cannot get it to filter out on my sub form query.

SELECT FuelmanImport_tbl.Reconciled, [Driver PIN].Division, [Driver PIN].[Transportation Supervisor],
FuelmanImport_tbl.[Transaction Date], FuelmanImport_tbl.[Card Number], [Driver PIN].Driver,
FuelmanImport_tbl.[Cardholder Name], FuelmanImport_tbl.[Prompted ID], FuelmanImport_tbl.[MCC Description],
FuelmanImport_tbl.[Merchant Name], FuelmanImport_tbl.[Merchant Address], FuelmanImport_tbl.[Merchant City],

[Code] ....

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Forms :: Summing In Subform Text Box With Criteria

Nov 14, 2013

I am trying to sum the values in a textbox on a subform using a textbox in that subforms footer. Currently I have the textbox's control source to be this:


This isn't filtering the appropriate records and is instead summing everything.I want to sum payment amount only if the chkinvoicesent box is checked off. Is the proper way to do this with a Dsum? I wanted to do it with the sum because it is faster and more elegant, or so I thought!

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Forms :: Criteria For Text Box With Control Source?

Mar 19, 2013

My form is based on a table (SOP TBL) and has several text boxes with control sources of the records in the table. I need to add a criteria to one field (SOP Number) so that only current versions of the number show up. I have the SQL for a query that I use in another form for a combo box as shown below. What this criteria does is find the version number which is the last 2 digits of the SOP Number and displays only that record for the SOP Number in the combo box. How can I apply this code to the text box with the control source directly from the table so only the current records are displayed on the form?

In (select max([SOP Number]) from [SOP TBL] group by left([SOP Number], len([SOP Number]) - 2))

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Queries :: Criteria For Multiple Checkbox Status In A Query

Feb 10, 2014

I need to design a query that contains about a dozen fields for stationery items along with another dozen fields (checkboxes) to show whether these items were delivered (Yes, I know, not great db design).

I ran out of space with the the query criteria window.

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Getting Checkbox To Update Visually

Jun 28, 2006

i have a checkbox that i change the value of in my code by saying checkbox.value = true. the value changes but doesn't update visually until the mouse passes over the box. i have 5 boxes and 3 of them are fine, but two of them act this way. all the code is the same. i tried moving the checkbox. value = true statement to different line, tried adding a function that would be called to perform this action, and i tried DoEvents before changing the checkbox value. why is this happening and what can i do to fix it?

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Disable A Checkbox After Update

Feb 10, 2005

Hi I have a simple check box that if ticked puts a big red Cancellation text across the record, how do I stop anybody unchecking it on the particular record...probably dead simple, tried loads of combinations but I can't get the right code,thanking you in advance
Dave Williams
Sunny Lanzarote in The Canary Islands

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Checkbox Update Query

May 24, 2005

I have a Mainform with a subform linked to a table.
Within the subform i have a number of individual checkboxes and a field [Year].
One checkbox, [checkboxIssue] i have wanted to link two update queries in order
to update the field[Year] with the contents of a [textboxValue] on the Mainform,
depending on the state of [checkboxIssue].
I have run both queries manually, one after the other and the table was updated perfectly.

The problem is that when i link it to the click_Event of [checkboxIssue]
in the subform i get zero updates.

Linked to the Dirty_Event of the subform i get good results for all except the last ammended
record and zero results if ammending only one record.

I am a relative Newbie and have learned a great deal from this forums expertise.
Can anyone enlighten me to what i think will be my very basic error.

Basic or not i have driven myself mad trying to solve it..:-(

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Update Records Via Checkbox

Feb 12, 2007

Dear all:

I have an access database with about 200 records. Names, ID's, addresses, a checkbox called "apply_to_all" and a date field which is selected via a combobox.This combo box is called "date_started", and a textbox called "prefix". This textbox has a default value of "Given on".

What I am trying to accomplish is: A date is selected from the combobox, then a checkbox("apply_date_to_all") is checked and this date is applied to ALL records in the database along with the default value that is in the prefix textbox. (Concantenattion?)

I assume this can be accomplished by some soft of sql statement?

An help is greatly appreciated.

thanking in advance,


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Checkbox After Update Event

May 24, 2007

I have a main form with 2 subforms. I have a checkbox on subform1 "frmExpediteS" that when checked i would like the Value in Feild "PO" of this subform to appear in "PO" in a second subform2 "frmExpediteDetails". I think I need an after Update event but not sure of the code to use.
Can someone please steer me in the right direction.


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Update Checkbox Value With IF Statement

Aug 5, 2014

What is the correct way to update the checkbox value in a table with an IF statement?

Desired Result:

Check if UserID is not 'ME'
If it is not 'ME' then uncheck the box in the table.

My current faulty code below:

NoUser = DLookup("[UserID]", "[TABLE]") If NoUser <> "ME" Then
[AllowLogin] = 0
End If

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Forms :: Using Text Box To Update A Table

Jun 11, 2013

I have a form to view/update records. it works great but now i want to enter an ID# into textbox6 then enter in a Name into textbox8 and have it update a table. the table already has the ID#'s and what i want is for the textbox's to add in the Name based on the ID#.

I tried making qryUpdate to select tblMainData.ID# and tblMainData.Name then to use criteria [Forms]![frm1]![textbox6] and textbox8 respectively. i entered this in a select query, then changed it to an Update query and added tblMainData to the "update to" field. but it keeps saying "you are about to update 0 fields"...

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Queries :: CheckBox On SubForm Based On Query To Toggle Criteria

Aug 16, 2013

I have a SubForm "assignments" based on a Query, which has criteria to filter dates and also to filter 0 and 1 of the checkbox ...

The question is:

How do I put in that SubForm one or more Checkbox to "enable" and "disable", only the criteria of such query? So, toggle, for example, those jobs that are not completed (Checkbox of the query=0) and those that do ...

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General :: CheckBox On A SubForm Based On Query To Toggle Criteria

Aug 16, 2013

I have a SubForm "assignments" based on a Query, which has criteria to filter dates and also to filter 0 and 1 of the checkbox ...

The question is:

How do I put in that SubForm one or more Checkbox to "enable" and "disable", only the criteria of such query? So, toggle, for example, those jobs that are not completed (Checkbox of the query=0) and those that do ...

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Keystroke For Checkbox And Update Calculation

May 25, 2005

I'm attempting to create a form that has a checkbox in addition to some numeric entry fields. The checkbox is True/False and it is a tab stop on the form.

1. Is there a keystroke that can change from True to False (check/uncheck), or is a mouse click required? This form will be used extensively to update some records and a keystroke would be handy instead of having to move from the keyboard to click a mouse button.

2. After update, if the checkbox is True, then a numeric adjustment must be made to a calculated value. If False, then do nothing. Does a checkbox have a numeric value that can be used in an equation? Name of the checkbox is "Option".

These seem fundamental needs, but not obvious to me from using Access Help.

Later on in the same evening . . .

Oh, never mind. Of course "Space Bar" toggles checkboxes. And I discovered by just writing the equation that True = -1 and False = 0. So the name "Option" can be used in an equation just like any other number. Too obvious.

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Forms :: Trapped By Text Box Before Update Events?

Aug 3, 2015

We use the before update events of text boxes for error checking and normally that works exactly the way we want it to. The focus remains on the text box until valid data is entered. However, there are a couple of situations where we would like to be able to release the user from the constraints. One being a button that clears the form and the other being a button that closes the form without saving the date.

In these situations the action of the before update events are just an irritant. Imagine a user who starts to fill out a form and just started entering a date, when he realizes he doesn't need to enter the record. He clicks on the close button and then is forced to complete a date for a record that will never be saved.

If there were just some way of determining what event triggered the before update event, i.e., determine that it was the close button, we could tailor the before update event code to handle these cases. Is there any way to do this?

We realize we could avoid this by postponing the error checking until the record is saved, but we want to provide the user immediate feedback on data errors.

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