Forms :: Build A Matrix Scoring System

May 20, 2014

I have a form in which I am trying to build a matrix scoring system.I have two fields one called Offending Consequences and one called Offending Likelihood. The first field is limited to a list 1 to 5 and the second to a list A to E. What I want to do in a field called Offending Score is a kind of grid where:

1A scores 2 and is coloured green
up to
5E scores 10 and is coloured red

How do I get the Offending Score field to register the whole list of 25 possible combinations, 9 possible scores and 5 possible colours?My knowledge and understanding of access dbs is only moderate.

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Scoring Sheets!?

Sep 17, 2006

I am in charge of a Dodgeball League for more than 150 kids. I have all the
information put into tables in access 2003.

The Tables are organized by division (3rd & 4th Grade, 5th & 6th Grade,
etc...) so that on one table are all the 3-4 grade players. I have 4 total
tables for 4 divisions.

Each column on the tables are: Last Name, First Name, Team

For each game every week, I have to print out Scoring Sheets. As i have it
right now, I have the scoring sheet created using Tables in Word 2003, and I
have to Type in all the names and team names. The scoring sheet consists of
the two team names with area to write in team scores, and then another table grid listing each teams' players and space to write in how many outs each player makes each game.

This process is very long, as there are 8 games with 16 teams playing every week.

My question is this: Is there a way to have Access fill in all the names and
team names on a scoring sheet? I'd like to have it so I just have to type in
which teams are playing each other, and have it print out the scoring sheet,
completely filled in.

Do I have to design some type of 'report' in access? or can I somehow import
the Access data into the Word document (with the data going into the Word
Table grids)?

Please Help me!

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Scoring Table

Apr 16, 2008

My brain is currently not working and I am hoping for somebody’s help..

I have an access database that collects medical survey info (data is coming from the online form).
I have 3 tables:

There are 30 questions and each question has mostly 5 choices (radio button group). When we receive a survey we would like to attach scoring to each answer. So I am having troubles with my answer table. I have three fields in it:
questionnumber (very important as scoring of answer depends on the question, for example, moderate in question one can be worth 2 points and in question 5 four points)

I can’t figure it out how to properly do this so that I can in my query see the scoring of each answer?

Your help is very much appreciated.


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Scoring Sheets!?

Sep 17, 2006

I am in charge of a Dodgeball League for more than 150 kids. I have all the
information put into tables in access 2003.

The Tables are organized by division (3rd & 4th Grade, 5th & 6th Grade,
etc...) so that on one table are all the 3-4 grade players. I have 4 total
tables for 4 divisions.

Each column on the tables are: Last Name, First Name, Team

For each game every week, I have to print out Scoring Sheets. As i have it
right now, I have the scoring sheet created using Tables in Word 2003, and I
have to Type in all the names and team names. The scoring sheet consists of
the two team names with area to write in team scores, and then another table
grid listing each teams' players and space to write in how many outs each
palyer makes each game.

My question is this: Is there a way to have Access fill in all the names and
team names on a scoring sheet? I'd like to have it so I just have to type in
which teams are playing each other, and have it print out the scoring sheet,
completely filled in.

Do I have to design some type of 'report' in access? or can I somehow import
the Access data into the Word document (with the data going into the Word
Table grids)?

Please Help me!

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How I Can Build Forms For This Question

Dec 25, 2006


I 'm new at this Forum and also I'm new programmer in Access.

I 'm trying to answer project called (Cerulean Bee) ,which is attachment down

I do the table and forms but I don't know how I can let them as it the question (Artwork Order-Employee Work Log-Print Order-Project Cost Analysis).

Her my file

Please help me to find ant error I do , and to get best answer for my question.

I'm realy need your help

Thank you all

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Forms :: How To Build A SetFocus Command

Mar 8, 2014

How can I build a SetFocus command on the fly? I am creating a Find form where the user can select their options. I am building the listing of options for the user to select from based on which form opened the Find form. All forms are set as Modal and PopUp so I have to set the focus to the form and field to be searched before I call the FindRecord command from the Find form. I am stuck on how to build the SetFocus statement when concatenating the pieces together for the obvious is not working.This is what normally works.


This is how I am trying to build the statement without success. How can I do this?

"Forms![frmClients]!" & Me.cboSearchField.Column(1) & ".SetFocus"

Me.cboSearchField.Column(1) = txtStreetAddress1

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Using Forms To Build Sql WHERE Statement For Pass-through Queries

Mar 17, 2006

Hi all, i'm currently working a MDB project that aims to develop a front end access solution for users of the sql database. The system is used only to made adjustments to the WHERE clause of the SQL pass-through statement. The SELECT and FROM statements are pre-determined and users won't need to update this. The result is a read only. You might be wondering why i don't use ADP instead, well one of my limitations is that i won't have write access to the database. They are afraid i will corrupt data...

I want to use a series of text and combo boxes to build my WHERE statement, which will be added to the main SQL statement and then pass-through to the server, making use of its much beta processing capabilities. However as i'm trying to read up on VBA, i still have very little knowledge on how this can be done. Its actually similar to the Filter By Form option in datasheet view when i open a pass-through query. However, conditions applied through here means the processing is done on the user's computer, through testing i found this to be unreliable as it causes access to hang frequently. I would love to have this filter by form view available up front to the user before he even executes the query. As i mentioned, he keys in the criteria/conditions and access builds an sql where statement and appends it to the main SQL statement.

any idea how to do this? how do i capture user input and make access construct a WHERE statement from it For example

textbox daterange
Enter range of dates in here: date 1 and date 2
the where statement would then be "WHERE date BETWEEN date1 AND date2

Or is there other more efficient alternatives? sorry i'm very new to VBA and form development, would appreciate lots of advice and answers.

Many Thanks

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Forms :: Multiple Checkboxes In A Form To Build A String?

Mar 18, 2015

From a dropdown field in the form it's currently possible to choose a geographical region for which to generate a report. The data populating this dropdown is pulled in from a Value List as follows:

" ";"*";1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8;9;10;11;12;13;EU;WD

I now need the ability to choose various different regions simultaneously which is not possible with the current method. I've looked into a nested continuous form and a multi-select combo box or list box, but none of these are as user friendly as my preferred method.

What I would like is 15 checkboxes plus a 16th to select/unselect all. When any of these checkboxes is checked, I need to create something like a dynamic value string or temporary table to hold the list of chosen regions until the generate button is clicked at which point the data is used to generate the report and cleared. I also need a piece of code to check/uncheck all the boxes.

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Tables :: Primary Web Based Inventory System - Update Raw Data From Another System

Mar 13, 2014

I have our primary web based inventory system that I am exporting to Excel and using this as an import to Access for the main raw data for my database. This being inventory it changes daily so I am updating this table every day. When I try to append the table it ads all the records. I am wanting an easy way to add only the new records/take out the ones that are no longer there. Basically update the table with what is currently there.The only have I have found to do this is by running non-matching queries and update queries.

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Forms :: Build Up A Database For Multiple Choice Questions Quiz In MS Access 2010

Aug 23, 2014

I'm trying to build up a database for Multiple choice questions quiz in MS access 2010.My requirement are as follows

My quiz consist of 15 questions. Each questions carry some weightage. Suppose a question carries a weightage of 5 and there are two correct options like A & C. If user selects option A then he gets half marks.Multiple users can access the test at the same time.

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Forms :: Default Date Of System

Jan 7, 2015

I would like to have the date of each new record as the system date IF the field does not already contain a valueThe code below works but changes the fields date even if the field already contains a value

Date ()
Tried the following as the Default value, but they do not work

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Forms :: System Variables For Previous Form?

Sep 2, 2013

I've inherited an Access 2010 database that needs tweaking. I have a form, let's call it CALLED_FORM, that is loaded from various places - ie there are quite a few places that do the following

DoCmd.OpenForm "CALLED_FORM", , , , , , coupleofarguments

This works great when called from most places but if it is called from 1 specific form there is a likelihood that some code is executed that shouldn't be.

So I want to be able to do the following

In CALLED_FORM I want to be able to skip some code if the previous form is say FORMX. For all other forms I want it executed. E.g.

more code
even more code
End If

Is there a system variable for PREVFORM.

I know I can change coupleofarguments to threearguments and pass something over in that to show which form it has been called from but that is a bit difficult.

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Tab Control With Subforms / "Can't Build A Link Between Unbound Forms" Error

Jan 23, 2007

I am trying to create a database for a cub scout pack that just keeps scouts information, medical info, parents info, and parents medical info each is a seperate table. I have created a Tab controlled form with 4 tabs. On each tab the ONLY thing I have is a subform that contains the appropriate information. Each table has it's own form with the table as it's record source. I link the scouts table to the medical table by SID which is a primary key in the Scouts table. I link the Scouts table to the Parents table with a PID which is the Primary Key in my Parents table, and I link the Parents with the ParentsMed with a PMedID, key in the ParentsMed table.

Question #1 - Using a Tab Control you can only have 1 record source. What should I use? I have tried the tblScouts and I have also created a query with every field from every table.

#2 - When I try to use the parent and child links on the subform I get the error "Can't build a link between unbound forms" but each form is bound to the table and the record source on the tab control has had a table and my qryEverything, neither work. I can type in SID but it still doesn't function properly.

Any suggestions or comments on a better relationship method or any insight on how tab controls are supposed to be setup or anything would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks a lot


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Forms :: Booking System - Time Picker Function?

Dec 2, 2013

Is there some kind of Time picker function , i can see the date picker however i am using a booking system and have a field named 'time of booking' and i need something that can dump the exact system/online time into the field.

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Forms :: Option Button Traffic Light System

Aug 1, 2013

I have set up a group of 3 buttons to select between on my form which works fine.

However I want this to be a bit more visual than it is so Id like to introduce a traffic light system which lights up RED ORANGE or GREEN depending on which one has been checked.

I am not too sure how I would go about achieving this, im not sure if you can import images and hide them or show them depending on the selection or if it requires something further.

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Forms :: Referencing A Control On Access 2010 Navigation System

May 29, 2015

I have an Access 2010 Database frontend to SQL Server 2008 Backend. So far there are 3 Tabs in the Navigation System. The first one is the primary Data Entry form which has a tab control with 3 subforms.

Here's the problem. The database is designed to track potential members based on different types of Ads. The primary Data Entry form holds all of the demographic data for the person that called in response to an ad. The first tab has a subform to track how many times that person has contacted us. The second subform tracks which advertisements the person is contacting us about and the third tracks which Events that person attended. There is no correlation between contacts, Ads and Events.

On the Advertisements we have about 7 different types of Ads we do and each ad can be run multiple times on different days. We want to be able to track which Ad the person contacted us about. The Advertisement subform has a comgo box for the Ad type and a combo box for the ad date. the source for the combo box for the ad date includes the combobox for the adtype as the criteria. That criteria is what's giving me the problem. I've used:

forms!mainmenu!navigationsubform.form!potential_me mbers!frmAdvertisements!cboadvid

Along with every other variation I can think of. The form itself is frmAdvertisements but I'm using it in a tab control and I also tried:

forms!mainment!navigationsubform.form!potential_me mbers!adv!cboadvid

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Forms :: Timer Event Causing System Resource Exceeded

Dec 9, 2013

I have Access 2010 and have made a small system that creates a table as a result of an query based on linked tables. The result is approximately 40 records that are grouped in 4 different priorities where each record has a status of green, yellow or red.

By using the timer event I want to loop through 6 different forms starting with the overall view and herafter priority 1 form, priority 2 form and so on. When the last form has been displayed start over again. Loop for ever until stop button has been pushed on the first form.

The timer is set to 15000 on each form, when I open a form the first thing that happens is that I close the previous open form.

After the system has looped 4 times it gets "SYSTEM RESOURCE EXCEEDED".

I have used 3 days on the internet to try to get a solution on my problem with no luck. I have got so far that it must be something with the timer function. Since if I run it manually (open form, close previously, open next form etc) then no issues.

I have the latest service pack for access 2010.

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Apparel Matrix

May 1, 2006

I'm trying to setup an apparel matrix that will allow me to validate user entry on my inventory database.
We have garment styles and each style can have a variety of different colors and sizes. Some garment styles are available in some colors/sizes and not others. I created a table each for Style, Color and Size which contain the possible values for each of those. I then setup a form that lets the user pick a style and then in a subform create however many combinations of color and size they need. From this I would like to generate an item number such as 1100-Red-XL(style-color-size). I would also like to create a table from this that is essentially a list of all possible item numbers. Then later, when the user is adding/removing inventory I want to check to make sure that the style/color/size combo they are trying to Add/Remove exists.
I would also like to use the item number list to generate inventory status reports.
I'm stuck at how how to take the matrix form data, concatenate each style/color/size into a single field and then generate a new table with that.

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Matrix Of Data

Oct 13, 2004

I need to have MS access track various quantities of each of 500 items at 200 different locations. What is the best way to handle this.

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Forms :: Make Specific Textbox Become Current System Date To All Records

Sep 24, 2014

I have a problem in my Database system. The title of my Database is Employee Evaluation. This is my problem.. I already make the default value the txtbox a current system date. but for the next day.. the txtbox for all record should become a current system date. but only the for the new record is the current system date. the all records are not current system date... I want from the opening of my system the textbox of all records are should be current system date.

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Setting Up Basic Hospital Record System - Linking Forms With Patient ID Or Name?

Aug 21, 2015

I work for a charity in the Pacific. I am trying to develop a very basic patient electronic health record for a new hospital, to be used until we get a more comprehensive patient management system in place.

I have set up basic tables, forms, and a welcome screen.

The idea is that the doctor or nurse will start at the welcome screen. From there, they can either enter a new patient, or add a new patient encounter.

There are four types of patient encounters: assessment, treatment/surgery, refraction, and follow-up. I have made tables and forms for these encounters.

My issue is finding an easy way for the doctor or nurse to quickly and easily make sure that the encounter form they are filling relates to the appropriate patient. I already have a patient form, and patient ID field across the tables. But I would like to be able to add a 'search for patient' button on each of the encounter forms (or any other relatively easy method) to make sure everything lines up.


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Creating A Crosstabulation / Matrix

Feb 20, 2007


I have a dataset with the following structure.

ClassA -------->OtherStud----->WorkWith----->PlayWith

AA --------------> DD ----------> 1 ------------> 0
AA --------------> EE ----------> 0 ------------> 1
AA --------------> BB ----------> 1 ------------> 1
BB --------------> FF ----------> 1 ------------> 0
BB --------------> GG ----------> 1 ------------> 1
BB --------------> KK ----------> 0 ------------> 1
CC -------------> AA -----------> 1 ------------> 1
CC -------------> BB -----------> 1 ------------> 1

ColumnA refers to students in ClassroomA, and Column B refers to "Other Students" in the school who could act as work and/or playmates. Note, ColumnB could also include some of the same students in ClassroomA who work or play with each other (For example, Students: AA and BB).

If a Student in Classroom A works with a student in ClassroomB, ColumnC takes the value of 1, and 0(zero) if otherwise

If a student in Classroom A plays with a student in ClassroomB, ColumnD takes the value of 1, and 0 (zero), if otherwise

So, looking at ColumnA, we find that there are three students: AA, BB and CC.
Student_AA for instance interacts with three students but only works with DD and BB. Similarly, Student_CC interacts with two students and works and plays with each of them.

Now, I am interested in constructing 2 separate matrices indicating which students in ClassroomA (1) Work and (2) Play with each other. This means that student_AA for instance works with student_BB, who is in his/her classroom, hence the cell in their matrix will have a "1". Again, Student_CC in ClassroomA works with and plays with 2 other members of his/her own class. So CC would have two "1s" in the matrix.

The resulting matrix for the "Works With" relation (ColumnC) among the 3 students in ClassroomA would look like this.



This matrix is the output I am interested in. I would need to produce this matrix for the relation specified in columnC and ColumnD.

I would certainly appreciate some ideas to help me produce this.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Sincerely, DK

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Non-Values & Matrix Linking

Mar 2, 2006

Hey all,

I'm not sure whether I should put this in two separate posts, but here goes...

I have just started constructing a database which has many levels.
Some of the field records may not have an entry (as they may not be known) and calculations must be done between these levels. The bottom level is in the form of matrices and I am unsure of what implications this could cause to implementing them in the calculations.

1) I assume from what I know that non-values (or empty record fields), will not work in queries (i.e. they will not be ignored, they will be given a value such as 0 to be used in the calculation). I therefore ask, is it easier to exclude these non-values from the query - or is it better to assign a default value such as -9999, then filter these values out?
Would it be easier to do this exclusion using a filter, or using code?

2) My second question may not even be possible but...
My calculations will involve using values from matrices. I am not sure of the most effective way of using these values in a query? I think there are several options, of which, these two may be the best options.
- turn a matrix from Excel into a table in Access (will mean lots of records - but can be done)
- link a matrix in Excel to an existing query in Access.

Now, the second option may not be possible, but what I would like to do is link a certain cell from Excel to a certain query - depending on the calculation.
i.e. Cell A4 used in Query1 and Cell A5 used in Query2.

I am sorry that I am so ignorant in these matters, but I have been asked to find out what the best way of approaching this is.

Thankyou all very much for your time, I hope what I am trying to achieve is clear!

Kindest regards,


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Making A Matrix In A Form

Aug 4, 2006


I am looking to create a matrix like table in a form. It would be used for accessing the capability of Project Managers for a recruitment company. On the X axis there will be different industries (ie IT, Finance etc). On the Y axis there will be different categories (like strategy, applications etc). Then I will need some kind of drop down box to link it all together and give each person a score out of 5. So for example somebody could have a score of 2 for their Strategy knowledge in IT Companies but a score of 5 for their Strategy knowledge in Applications etc...

Does anyone know if this is possible and if so any help on how to construct this would be much appreciated,

Many thanks in advance, Alex

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Forms :: Login System That Assign Security Clearance - Form Not Found Error

Jun 24, 2013

I am relatively new to Access and VB. I am trying to create a log-in system that assigns a security clearance to each user and then restricts access to certain forms and reports based on security clearance. Right now, I have set up the log-in system - that seems to work fine. But when I try to lock the form based on security clearance, I get the 2450 - Form Not Found - error.

The code I am using on the form is as follows:

Private Sub Form_Open (Cancel As Integer)

If Forms!frmLogin!cboUser.Column(4) <> 1 Then
MsgBox "You do not have access to this form", vbOkOnly
DoCmd.Close acForm, "formname"

End Sub

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Forms :: Format Text Boxes On Continuous Form Based On System Date

Aug 14, 2014

I have a continuous form (2003) with 6 text boxes (StartTime, StopTime, Comments etc...). I would like all the text boxes to have a gray background if the StartTime for that row is less than Today().

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