Forms :: Combo Box Not Updating Upon Moving To New Record
Jun 26, 2014
I have a tab control with a Counsellor Training tab on it inmy form frmCounsellors. The issue I am having is that when I select a training type from the drop down in the sub form on the tab control on the counsellor training tab and then go to a new record of the main form, not on the sub form, the training type I selected on the form stays the same. If I change it on the second record, it stays at whatever I changed it to, even if I return to the first record it stays at what I changed it to as well.
How do I get it to stay with the counsellor and have it zero out for a new counsellor and it to allow me to enter something different for the new counsellor then save it for that counsellor?I just realised, I am having the same issue with the location combo box but I am sure I could apply a fix to both boxes if I knew one.
I have this database I'm working on and have a couple of issues I can't work out.
The first is this, I want to have my sub forms go to the last record when moving through the main form, currently I can only get this to work when I open the form?
If I move through the records in my main form (forward and backwards), the two sub forms go to the first record only, so how can I get them to go to the last recor?
I've attached the DB to show you what I mean. Thanks in advance Tez
Combo box on continuous form should have the control source listed as the field on the form that will be updated. The Row Source, however, is a query that includes 2 things: the field on the form that will be updated (this part will be nonvisible in your form) and the table/query of selections you want to show up in the combo box (visible). Then ensure the Bound column is set to 1 and the Column count is set to 2 with Column Widths as 0";1"
When I add a record in the subform and then move to the next record whilst still in the subform, the main form jumps back to its first record? I then have to move back to the right record in the main form to update the next record in the subform.
I want to move to the next record in the subform without affecting the main form.
I have a subform with records of call details (date, time, subject) - the date and time are autogenerated and subject is a text field. After entering text in the subject field and then clicking on the close button in the main form, or clicking anywhere else in the main form, the record is saved to the table. However, if I enter text in the subject field and then move up to view previous records (within the subform) and then click the close button in the main form the record is not saved in the table. How can I either save the record before allowing the user to move to another record within the subform or before exiting the subform set the focus to the new record so that it will be saved on exit?
When moving from a subform back to the mainform and requerying one of the mainform controls, the record selector of the subform moves back to its first record. ...
GoToRecord (,,Next) '(in the subform-this is correct) SelectObject Object Type Form Object Name pv '(go back to the main form) In Database Window No GoToControl (SubTot)
Requery (SubTot)If I remove the Requery, the record selector remains where it is supposed to be. The SubTot data source does include the aggregate dsum value of the subform's underlying table. What is strange is that this has been running properly for many years until it was upgraded from .mdb to .accdb format. Is there an easy way to make the record selector stay put?
However on the form, LineMachine is taken from the tblLineMachine where LineID and MachineID are FKs. This has a large list of machines as one line can have many machines and a machine may appear on more than one line
So on the form, i would like to select the LineMachineID by inserting fldLineID (which would be a combo box) where the user could select which line e.g. Line1 and then the combo box for the LineMachineID would only display the relevant machines for the entered line instead of all the machines for every line.
I managed to achieve this,but I am experiencing a problem where if, in the Line combo box, i choose a different Line e.g. Line2, the LineMachineID does not then display the machines on Line2, but keeps showing the machines for the line I originally selected (Line 1).
How do I get the LineMachineID combo box to update every time a different line is chosen in the LineID combo box?
I would like to be able to switch between these two forms and the form automatically set focus to the record that I was on the form prior. Meaning if I am on record 3 on Form A and navigate to Form B, I would like to automatically set focus to record 3. Is this possible?
A possible issue after this gets sorted out is what happens if with the same scenario above record 3 does not exits? is it possible in that instance to simply requery the form?
I have created a Form based from a Table. On one of the fields, I need to be required inside the Form before moving to the next record of that form. I can not make the required field in the table, because I have to append information day to day.
Also, the required field is a combo box option that is limit to the list.
What kind of Code I can do inside the form of the specific field to make it required before clicking onto the next record. It does not matter if the processor closes out of the form before updating, only if moving to the next record.
updating my table when I use cascading combo boxes in my form.What is happening is that my table is being populated by the xxxxID column vice from the xxxxName column that is being used from that specific table.
here is my visual basic code that I am using to determine what the subsequent combo box will display.
Option Compare Database Option Explicit Private Sub cboPlanktonID_AfterUpdate() ' Set the Family combo box to be limited by the selected Plankton Type Me.cboFamilyID.RowSource = "SELECT tblFamily.FamilyID, tblFamily.FamilyName FROM tblFamily " & _ " WHERE OrderID = " & Nz(Me.cboPlanktonID) & _ " ORDER BY FamilyName"
Example of the Combo box Row Source is: SELECT [tblWaterbody].[WaterbodyID], [tblWaterbody].[WaterbodyName] FROM tblWaterbody;
My Control Source is PlanktonAnalysis.WaterbodyName
When I fill in the form with the data, The Waterbody name is visable for selection (example: I see "Lake Lillinonah" in the cascading combo box, But when I save the record in the PlanktonAnalysis Table I get a number in the WaterbodyName column vice the name of the waterbody
I am designing a form based on specific criteria from a table. I have one table "country/region" showing: Country, Region, and then primary numeric ID. I have another table called "contacts" with more info. What I am looking to do is create two combo boxes on the form, one for country and the other for region which will pull from the "country/region" table and feed into the "contacts" table". When the user writes in the specific country, the corresponding region in the combo box next to it should update automatically.
I have a table contains 5/6 column. now i need to filter the table on a form randomly.
Suppose I have 6 different combo box for 6 column. Now on the sub form the control shows the whole table. i this case i have clicked the 3rd combo box, then it will show the whole column in its list. if i select any one of it the table will show the common values below. then i will click the second combobox which will populate the present data shown into the subform table after the first filter.
After that i wish to filter the fifth column where the fifth combobox will populate the data after the second filtering.
By all means the active data into the column will ony populate into the combobox.
I have a combo box on my form which loads fields from a table and displays them using
Code: SELECT DISTINCT FROM table_team;
I then use
Code: =[qry_showteamforedit]![team]
in the default value for the combobox to show the team which is saved in the current record.This is the qry_showteamforedit:
Code: SELECT FROM table_team RIGHT JOIN table_staff_details ON table_team.ID = WHERE table_team.ID =;
My problem is when I move through the records, if I change the selected value using the combo box it changes the actual value in the table from the one that was selected to the new one. If I was on record 1 and the teamid saved in there was 1 . It would display "team one" but if I changed that to "team two" it would change record one to say "team two" instead of "team one".I have been searching and found that this is because it is bound to the table so need to remove the text from Control Source, which when I do, breaks it, and it doesn't display the saved team.
what I would like it to do is display all the teams, but default to the one saved by using the id saved in the main table, but allow me to change this value. I would also like a second cascading combo box which will display a list of subteams dependent on what main team was selected and again, default to the values saved in the main table. I have managed to get cascading combo boxes working but combining them with my tables and queries is proving difficult. This is how my tables would be ( just showing the relevant fields)
Staff_table ID Name teamID 1 Dave 1 2 Tom 1 3 Matt 2
team_table ID team subteam 1 team1 subteam1 2 team1 subteam2 3 team1 subteam3 4 team2 subteam4
Is it is the subteams that will be unique I would like to save the subteam ID to the teamID field of the staff_table. that way i can retrieve the team and the subteam using the same ID.
I am trying to create a login form with the following three basic fields:
txtUsername cboUsertype txtPassword
I would like to be able to populate cboUsertype with User types associated to the user I type into txtUsername. I have found many useful tutorial on the web on login procedures. How ever I hardly found anything on how to populate a combobox after updating a texfield. It bis more than a week that I am trying to find a solution but until now I have just been . I would be grateful if you could provide me with either a link on the web or a vb code to make it work.
Is there any way to update the same record from two forms? The requirement is that in a form I have a checkbox. If I select the checkbox, it will open another form, in which I can update some fields which are of the same record. When I tried, it is updating on another record. Is that possible to do so?
i am attaching a sample db . If anyone knows how to do it, please update the sample db or give me advice.
I have a form (frmHourEnter) with a textbox (Week_No_Calc) which has a calculation, in Control Source, based on another textbox. After exiting from Week_No_Calc how can I get a field (Week_No) in table (tblHourEnter) to be updated with the calculated value?
Within my main form I have a combo box called "workgroup." Also in the main form is a subform called "sfrmSubmissionRecords," and within this subform is a combo box called "covermemo."
Each cover memo is assigned to a specific workgroup, so my intention is for each time a new workgroup is selected from the dropdown, the covermemo combo box in the subform becomes populated only with the covermemos associated with that workgroup. I'm almost finished except for the final step when I try to make the values regenerate...Access says that can't find the referenced form "sfrmSubmissionRecords"
This is the code that I'm using:
Private Sub cmbWorkgroup_AfterUpdate() Forms![sfrmSubmissionRecords]![cmbCovermemo].Requery End Sub
I currently have a query that a subform uses to display some results. In this case, there are 3 columns displaying the name of a sandwich, the ingredients, and the number of servings of each ingredient. It looks like this:
That is the current output to the subform. The SQL statement I use to generate this list is here:
SELECT [TBL_Sandwich].[SandwichName], [TBL_Ingredient].[IngredientName], [TBL_SandwichContent].[SandwichTotalServings] FROM (TBL_Sandwich INNER JOIN TBL_SandwichContent ON TBL_Sandwich.SandwichID=TBL_SandwichContent.Sandwi chID) INNER JOIN TBL_Ingredient ON TBL_SandwichContent.IngredientID=TBL_Ingredient.In gredientID WHERE TBL_Sandwich.SandwichID=6;
I have bolded the last item the 'SandwichID'. It is this number I need to change dynamically based on a button being pressed on the main form. Essentially they enter a new sandwich, put the ingredients in, save it io the database, and I save the servings for each item as 1. Now I'd like the new sandwich to be displayed in the subform using the new ID of the sandwich which was just created.
If I try to put this long SQL statement in the RecordSource property I am told it's too long for the property to handle so I can't set this property dynamically. how to get the subform to requery with the new ID number of the item I just generated. I can get the ID number via DLookup, that's easy, but setting the subform to use this is my problem.
I'm having difficulty updating an existing record in my form. I can enter a docket number on my form and when i hit my button (Find Docket) it brings up all the customers info (name, date, invoice, vat, total, etc.) What i want to do then is be able to amend/update the record. Just wondering do i need to put vba code in my save button and how to code it and is it similar to my find data code below.
Here is my save function code:
Function SaveData() As Boolean Dim db As Database Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Set db = CurrentDb Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("Skips Delivered")
And I can display any existing question and make updates to the question and answer, that works fine. BUT, what I want to do is update which category a question is in. If I change the Category in the form, it updates the 'Category' in the Category table. What I want it to do is update the CategoryID in the question table.
I have a form that currently uses a "catch all" table for listing available equipment to choose from for an equipment field. I call it tblEquipment. What I want to do is to make it so when I type a name in (1 of 35) in one field of the current record, the record source for the equipment field immediately looks at a different table that has equipment available only for that name. To do this I plan on making 35 different tables with limited data originally found in tblEquipment. I would call these tblEquipment1, tblEquipment2, etc. I do not use a sub form, nor do I want to.
So my questions are:
1) can this be done 2)If it can be done, how can I do it?
I am building a student register for a school for disabled children. There is a screen listing all students, one showing detailed student data chosen by #=IIf(IsNull([ID]),"(New)","Open")# clicking on "Open", one listing all the guardians, choosing a guardian by #=IIf(IsNull([ID]),"(New)","Open")# clicking on "Open", to diaplay Guardian details.
From the student list, I select and view student details, including a pointer to their guardian details. After selecting the first student details, and then viewing their guardian data, any subsequent student details and guardian details updates the prior guardian data with the next guardian's data.
How can I prevent the successive guardian details from updating the prior guardian table when it is exited? I view the guardian details using ADO recordsets populating a form. When I exit, it updates the previous record.
I have a navigation tab with 6 sections, of the 6, 5 of them are self-made split view with a form view on top and datasheet on bottom and upon adding records through a command button on form view I would like the datasheets to update.
On other forms it would (I believe) update to the bottom of the datasheet, now on the ones I've been banging my head against it either replaces the top record or doesn't show up unless I switch tabs and switch back. From my searches I assume this is in need of a requery...
I am having a problem updating a record on a table called BookInTable . The field I want to update is called Engineer and the record is found using the field Barcode. I have a form with 2 text boxes BarTxt and EngTxt as well as a button called SaveBtn. on the OnClick event of the SaveBtn I put the following code
Private Sub SaveBtn_Click() If IsNull(Me![BarTxt]) Or (Me![BarTxt]) = "" Then MsgBox "Please enter a value!", vbOKOnly, "Invalid Search Criterion!" Me![BarTxt].SetFocus Exit Sub End If
DoCmd.RunSQL "Update BookInTable SET Engineer = " & Me!EngTxt & " WHERE BarCode ='" & Me![BarTxt] & "'"
End Sub
But this is bringing up the enter Parameter value dialog box for whatever I type into EngTxt. If I enter text into that box and then click okay it then updates to the record. how can I stop the from enter Parameter value dialog box appearing?
I have a problem with my database I have a combo box that will search for my record. Actually its working I input the specific number it goes to the specific record. But I want, if there no existing record in my database it will display a Messagebox that "No record Found" I try to put a code in a macro builder in a after update property field but nothing happened.
Expression code that it will display the msgbox if there's no record found.
the given code from macro builder is attached. I try to have an if else statement but I dont know how to not equal that giver conditional expression.