Forms :: Create Partially Completed Datasheet On-the-fly For Data Entry

Dec 6, 2014

I have a primary school database. I'm trying to create a form that allows a teacher to select their class, then select a subject and then be presented with a data entry form in a table layout that lists only their student's names in one column and an empty column to input results for the selected subject.

To simplify my explanation to just three tables, lets say my tables are:
> Students....which stores student names plus a foreign key for their class
> Classes...which stores the class name
> Results...which stores all the results (fields are: ResultID (key), StudentID, SubjectID, Result, DateofResult)

I have no problems creating reports where the teacher selects their class from a combo box to generate a report based on a crosstab query. But this one has me stumped.

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Forms :: Create Data Entry Form To Input Data For Field

Mar 5, 2015

I an trying to create a data entry form (IndividualsEntryFm) to input data for fields such as (First Name),(Birthdate) etc., these to be saved to the (IndividualsTbl)

I also have another table (NamesTbl) which has family names etc. The two tables are linked by a (MainID) field. I want a combo box on the individualsEntryFm so that I can select the family name. Then I wish the empty fields for the IndividualsTbl to be available to enter data.When I press the save button I then want this data saved, together with the MainID from the combo box to the IndividualsTbl.

I have set the IndividualsTbl with a (PersonID) field as an auto number each individual therefore has a unique PersonID but may well share the MainID. I'm trying to link many people to the same address.

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Forms :: Create A Form To Be Used For Data Entry

Apr 5, 2015

I have created a form to be used for data entry, Where i have identified standard data, I have set the Combo Box on the form to be a "Value List" so as to standardise the data entry.This creates two problems for me.

1. When Using the form, instead of saving the text value to my table it is entering a numerical character?

2. On two of my combo boxes, whilst they have been configured the same, when i try to select an option for the list, it does not accept it? when i try to type the same option into the field of the form it tells me that the option is not in the list?

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Forms :: Create A Data Entry Form To Order Table Using 2 Cascading Combo Boxes

Jan 31, 2014

What I am trying to do is create a data entry form to an "order table" using 2 cascading combo boxes. I have created a data entry form based on a query. I can't get the cascading combo boxes to work properly.Here is the code:

Private Sub Combo0_AfterUpdate()
Combo2.RowSource = "SELECT L2_ID,L4_Element_name,L5_Category FROM qry_ord WHERE L3_ID = Combo0.Value;"
Combo2.DefaultValue = [Combo2].[ItemData](0)
End Sub


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Data Entry At The Top Of A Datasheet

Jul 6, 2006

I have a subform that I would like to have people use for data entry. It's in a data sheet view and sorts by date (the most current date at the top).

This works fine -- when there are only a few entries. But as time goes on and the list grows, it means the users will have to scroll to the bottom to get to their data entry field. Yes, I know they can use the record selector, but I want to make it easy and intuitive as the users of this data base have very little formal training and aren't very computer savvy.

I'd like for them to go to the form, and just start typing the new info in the top line. Is there a way to make the "new" line appear at the top of a datasheet?

Thanks all of you for your help on this forum!

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Modules & VBA :: Datasheet Mode Form For Both Data Entry And Data Retrieval

Feb 9, 2015

I want to use the same form in datasheet mode for data entry and retrieval. When retrieving, all controls are disabled and locked. I am trying to enable and unlock them for modifying but that isn't working.

DoCmd.OpenForm "PO_Practice Data", , , , acFormEdit, acHidden

Forms![PO_Practice Data]!PO_Name.Enabled = True
Forms![PO_Practice Data]!PO_Name.Locked = False
Forms![PO_Practice Data]!Practice_Name.Enabled = True
Forms![PO_Practice Data]!Practice_Name.Locked = False


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Data Entry Interface (Create New Record) Help

May 1, 2005

Could anyone of you give me some sugguestions on designing a nice/efficent Data Entry interface (Form design) for adding new records?:

I have bound a Form with a table and linked all the textbox with the relevant fields in the table. I created a add new record button through the wizard provided by MS-Access as: DoCmd.GoToRecord,, acNewRec.

While, each time when I opened that Data Entry Interface, the current always pointed to the first one rather than leaving the blank field for data entry. Even I changed the value in those textbox, the system didn't create a new record in the table at all, only modifying the first record.

I know how to write the VBA code to open table and add new records by retrieving data from the Form interface, but I wonder whether there is more efficent solution by combining the default function/facilities from MS-Access itself and some VBA code. Also, it can have some validation before storing data into the tables.

Many Thanks

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General :: Create A Form For Data Entry

Apr 22, 2014

I am trying to create a form for data entry. I would like the Total Balance in the last record to become Total Cost in the new record. However, if the total balance in the previous record is =<0 it prompts the user to enter a new total cost else use the last Total Balance. The form in question is FrmSubClients in the attached file.

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Queries :: How To Trigger By Date To Create A New Entry In Database Based On Old Entry

Aug 6, 2014

I have a database that makes use of standing orders. That means that if a client has a standing order to receive products during for example 4 time as year (quartely at the end of the month). to automate the new entry by copying an old entry in the database.

Let's say I have a client where we will have to send a product at the end of June, it will look at a field where the next send date is, and when it reaches 2 weeks for that date, to create a new entry in the database based on that entry. This way, it will pop-up in our open cases and we are aware of it and also will be visible in our report.

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Forms :: Exporting Completed Form To PDF VBA

Mar 20, 2013

I have a form that a user fills out and the record is not uploaded to the database until the user hits the submit button. In other words, if the user closes the form without saving, the record is not inserted.

My end goal is to have the user click the button and have 3 things happen:

1) Record inserted into the database
2) A PDF of the record is saved to a per-identified directory
3) An outlook new message window opens with recipients pre-entered and the newly created PDF included as an attachment.

I can achieve steps 1 and 2 no problem. However, the way I get the PDF is by having the VBA simply print and the user selects the Adobe PDF. This does not let the VBA dictate the directory (or file name) and then makes me completely stumped for step 3.

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Forms :: Saving Specific Data From Data Entry Form Depending On User Selection

Dec 18, 2014

I am trying to save specific data from a data entry form to a specific depending on what the user selects from a dropdown/combo box.

So if the user selects "test company from the combo box, that data (from that form) will save to the Test company data table.

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Forms :: Switching Form From Data Entry Only To Data Editing

Feb 18, 2015

My aim is to have my forms open to a new record, which I have done, but if my users need to then update or edit data in previous entries, they can click a button that allows this.

My thoughts were to add a button, then put in code so that the necessary properties changed the form from displaying a new record or records entered since opening it, to showing all records in the associated table....

As an example there is a table for purchase orders. When clicking on this from the main menu form, it opens up the purchase order form to create a brand new PO. At times though, we will need to revisit an order to attach a copy of an invoice, or update the cost of whatever was purchased.

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Forms :: Display Existing Data On Data Entry Form

Sep 28, 2014

My db has multiple linked tables. As time passes and work on a project continues data needs to be added to a separate table that is linked to the first table to be populated.

i.e., Initial design data is entered first, when drilling is complete more data is added to a linked table, when drilling is surveyed yet more data is added to the second table.

What I want to be able to do is to query for a particular set of existing design data, display this on a form and on the same line enable data entry to other fields from other tables which are linked to the existing design data.

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Forms :: Multiple Fields Completed From One Lookup Field

Jan 2, 2014

We have a form, which has a field linked to a "Recipients" table through a lookup. The field is bound to the recipient's name, but the lookup displays additional columns for user to identify the correct recipient in the case of duplicate names.

The "Payment" table's Recipient field only displays the recipient's name. So where duplicates occur, it's impossible to know which recipient is the correct one associated to a payment.

I would like to add an additional field to the "Payment" table called "RecipientIDNo". I need a way to auto-populate this field, based on the already existing Recipient field. Is this possible?

Why I just don't modify the recipient field on our payment form to be bound to the user ID number, there are two reasons.

(1) The field is linked to too many other reports and queries at this point. I believe it could cause an enormous amount of work to modify.
(2) the form likes to display whatever it is bound to. There may be a workaround for this, but I'm not aware of it and don't want the form displaying a number instead of a recipient name.

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Forms :: Update Database Column When Mandatory Fields Are Completed

May 11, 2013

I have a form with lots of combo boxes and text boxes. They are all linked to various MS Access tables and some of the fields are mandatory. I would like do an check to see if all the mandatory fields are not null i.e. are populated with a value and then run an update query for my master table in the database to flag the records as being complete if all the mandatory fields are populated.

If (IsEmpty(tab1.cmb_a)) Then do something

But I am just blank at the moment on how to proceed, especially on how I can do all the checks and then populate the database.

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Populate A Datasheet And Extraction Of Data From Datasheet

Sep 1, 2007


There is a requirement for
1)Populating a datasheet in a subform with a querystring which is dynamically built in VBA.This querystring is constructed based on the search criteria fields selected by the user in the main form.How can this be immplemented?

2_To click/double click a record in the datasheet,extract data and populate textfields,comboboxes with it which are in the main form.How is this achieved?Also,I can't find click events in a datasheet.

Pls let me know.

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Forms :: Auto-populate Current Date And Time When Other Fields Completed

Feb 24, 2015

I have a table called Neutron2015. I want the current date and time to complete when entries are made in two other fields. So I am looking for this date and time to populate in EXLStart when an entry is made in Processed By, and also the current date and time to appear in EXLEnd when an entry is made in Completed By with the bold word being the field names.

Is this possible, and how difficult is it?

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Forms :: Creating New Rows For Data Entry In Access Forms

Dec 26, 2014

I am creating a simple data entry form wherein the user will enter the product id and on change the product description and retail price must be displayed.

When the order quantity is entered, the total cost need to be calculated. I am able to do this using DLookUp and simple multiplication.

However, after doing the above, I need another row to appear so that I can accomplish the same for another product.

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Data Entry To 2 Or More Forms, Help!!!!

Aug 29, 2005

I am an Access beginner.

I am trying to set up an inventory system.

I have 2 tables, one is called item list which contain item description and item part number.

second table is a "shipping and receiving log" which contain date, item description (linked to item list), unit in/out.

I am trying to create a form with data entry function. this form will be called "new item entry form".

what i am trying to do is whenever i have new item to enter in to the table, I will enter the name and the part number of the new item to the "item list" table, then enter an entry in the log to initialize an opening balance.

I am trying to achieve this using only 1 form, but i can't figure out how.

the relationship between this two table is item -> log (1 to many)

if i didn't make myself clear please let me know. I will try to explain more.

I am not sure if it made sense

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Data Entry Through Two Forms

Jul 6, 2006


as many of us here, I'm new to Access...:o And running in some problems. Here's my biggest one:
I'm trying to set-up a sample managment system for a laborory. I have two forms linked to two tables.
Form1/Table 1 (just the interesting fields)
Sample ID
Lab ID

Form2/Table 2
Sample ID
Names of the required tests (with yes/no checkboxes).

What I'm trying to do is to display Form1, let the user fill in the data, click on a button. Then Form2 should show up, sample id filled in from the previous form. I couldn't find a way to do so.
Using sub forms wouldn't help me, because from the second form I need to add more forms for additional info.
I tried to ovecome the problem by adding a filter when the second form opens. But of course there's no record with that sample ID, yet (they are uniq ID's).

I suppose there's a solution for this question. Could you point me to the right direction?


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Data Entry Using Unbound Forms

May 20, 2005

Hi All!

I have written a call log system in Access 97 for a busy customer help desk. Now I never bind any of my forms as I like to use VBA code to verify the entry first before writing it to the table. However, every now and then that million to one shot occasion occurs where 2 help desk operators click "close call" on the form simultaneously and therefore one of them gets a debug error (ie the system is busy).

So to prevent this error I have included a "on error" statement within my code which utilises the "RESUME" command to go back to the top of my procedure (in effect trying again). Now I have coded this on error trap to present the user with a message box along the lines of "system busy click OK to retry" as I was unsure about just leaving the code to continually loop until succesful? Is my uncaertainty justified or can I just leave the code to keep looping until it carries out a successful write to the table? This would be preferable as really I dont want the user to even be aware as if they are presented with this message too many times they might start getting worried!!!

My final question is should I send the code back to a point preceding the "On Error" statement at the top or does the system still remember this and so I can send it to a point after this? This is only a issue as I can envisage a time when by the time the system has re-tried another user is also writing a record and so the "on error" (or system busy) may be triggered again.

Any help most appreciated.


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Search And Data Entry Forms

May 23, 2006

Hi all
I reread this and it was way to long. What I want to do is use a combo box to list values from a table field, when an option is selected, the rest of the fields update. Not sure what I have to do to achieve this. Any advise would be welcome.

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Clear Data Entry Forms

Nov 2, 2004


I'm completely new to Access and would greatly appreciate your help in this problem.

I have a form name frmDataEntry with 10 fields, which enters data through an append query in Access. Firstly I was wondering whether I could do mutiple data entries, say 5 different entries of 10 fields each at the same time? Secondly, I wanted the form to clear all the entries after the user has submitted the data(I have made a submit button for this). I would greatly appreciate it if you could help me overcome these problems.

Thanks a lot,

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Forms :: Data Entry With Combo Box

Mar 31, 2014

In my database I have the following:


-trainer to course (many to many)
-course to programme(many to one)

I have created an input form to add new trainer. In the input form i have combo box to enter trainer's course n trainer's program.

Each time i save a new record. A new data is created in the course and program table. I dont want that to occur. I want the data to be saved in the trainer query with the existing course and program.

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Calculations And Tests In Data Entry Forms

Feb 22, 2005

Hi all,

I have a data entry form with several values that could be calculated and entered if I knew how. The FAA requires logging and tracking values that result in the following fields:

My last flight resulted in entering 3.4, 3.4, 0, 3.4, 0, 3.4, 3.4

My question is: is it possible to add some sort of test expression in the TimeXC field which would examine an associated check box (i.e. "Was flight XC?") and if it was checked then would automatically calculate the flight hours (TachStop-TachStart) and enter the value in the TimeXC field?

Thanks for any help.

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Forms :: Combo Box In A Form For Data Entry

Jun 3, 2015

I want a combo box in a form for data entry. Is the best method in doing this creating a new combo box in the form and linking it to a table, or using a lookup field in my table?

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