Forms :: Dates Found To Be Displayed In A List Box

Sep 30, 2013

I'm new to Access VBA and I am having a bit of trouble. I want to find the dates between 2 dates(both inputted into textboxes), when I press a button I want them dates found to be displayed in a listbox.

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Forms :: Combo Box Selecting Beyond Displayed List

Sep 11, 2013

I have a working combo box on a form that displays issue numbers for part number typed into a text box.This all works fine when the list of issue numbers is below the displayed list (16), but when the list is longer than 16 you cannot seem to select anything after item 16.

When the combo box has, say 25 items a scroll bar appears allowing the user to scroll down to item 25, but when you click the mouse the list just reverts back to the first 16 items? The only way to select an item after 16 is to select item 16 which then closes the combo box, then when you reopen it the list now shows items 17 to 25 which you can then select item 25.

This is the same in reverse, when you have item 25 selected, you cannot select item 1. When you click the mouse the list reverts back to items 17 - 25.The combo box is populated in code using the lost focus event on the text box for the part number.

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Forms :: How To Distinguish Text Displayed In Unbound List Box

Jul 24, 2015

i have a form contains unbound listbox , that accumulates values of a field in that form "SalName" , when i move between records of this form i want the value that is in the current record is distinguished in the Listbox ( only where the SalID=SalID).distinguish by A special colour ,Font,undeline.

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Forms :: How To Reorder Displayed Columns In Combo Box Dropdown List

Jan 10, 2015

I'm a newbie with Access, how to reorder the displaying of the columns in a Combo Box dropdown list of have in my Access 2007 application.

The columns that are being displayed are (in the current order):

Part Name
Unit Price

I want the order to be the following:

Part Name
Unit Price

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Field List Window Displayed In Form View

Jul 8, 2014

I have a form with a subform that has started a strange behavior... Periodically (no apparent pattern) whenever I leave the form (go to next record, print report, send an email...) the field list (Add Existing Field) box pops up. I always thought that those boxes (property sheet included) displayed or were hidden based on the state the last time it was used in Design View. I have confirmed that all forms and subforms do not have the boxes in display state in Design View.

I can go into Design View, close the box and all is well for awhile. It seems to happen more frequently when I go to print a report based on the data on the current form. My question is - what causes the Field List or Property Sheet to toggle on/off and can I suppress it either on a form or in the VBA code?

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Forms :: How To Check Date Availability In A Form From A List Of Dates In A Table

Dec 16, 2014

I am making a Car Rental database on Access 2010, and I have a list of the dates available to rent a car in a table. I want to be able to check what dates are available and select a date for hire in a form.

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Newly Entered Field Not Found In Control Source List

Oct 23, 2012

I have an access database where I have added a new field, but I cannot find the name of that field in the Control Source list to link it from where the data will be entered. It IS in the table, too. Why in the world is it not working.

A user enters a New Job Opening into the form for New Job Opening. Later, a user enters a New Interview in the New Interview form.... when they enter the job opening number into the job opening number field, it auto-populates the other information previously entered into the New Job Opening form into an area within the New Interview form. I have made sure the new field is in the table for the New Job Openings table.

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Having A List Of Record Names Displayed And Opening The Full Record Via Click

Sep 13, 2005

Im not sure if this is the right place to put this but I was wondering if you could help me:

Say I have database with forms that display records or people ie name, address, postcode, etc. What I want to do is display a list of Names then from that list I can double, single click and open the record details.

Id call my self and amatuer at access and am probably guessing this is done via vscript or something else, but any help will do.


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Forms :: How Form Is Displayed

Jul 31, 2013

i want to make it equal to my forms adjusted width but i don't know how to do that. Also i thought it would look like a form enwrapped within a rectangle or a square yet its gluded onto Access with no border

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Forms :: Incorrect Name Of Form Displayed

May 6, 2014

I saved my form with a particular name and I have used that name all throughout my code and it still works fine. But when I open that form, the name I see on the top of the form is not that name at all. It's actually some value I gave a combo box a while ago.

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Forms :: Sorting Combobox Displayed Value

Jan 19, 2015

I have a combobox which lets you select from a list of pseudonyms. Each pseud belongs to an author; authors can have multiple pseudonyms and exactly one main pseudonym. This is the table structure (picture of relationships attached below):

tblStory: StoryID (PK), AuthorID (FK), Title, etc.
tblAuthor: AuthorID (composite PK, autonumber), MainPseudID (composite PK)
tblPseud: PseudID (PK, autonumber), Pseud, AuthorID (FK)

The combobox list shows all the pseudonyms and then stores the corresponding AuthorID. At the moment, the pseudonym displayed in the combobox (once a selection has been made) is simply the first alphabetically for that particular author: for instance, if a story has AuthorID = 5, and Author 5 goes by anon, anonymous, and unknown, the combobox for that story will display "anon".

How can I make the main pseudonym (tblAuthor.MainPseudID = tblPseud.PseudID) be displayed instead?

Control source is tblStory.AuthorID

Row source:

SELECT tblPseud.AuthorID, tblPseud.Pseud, tblAuthor.MainPseudID
FROM (tblAuthor LEFT JOIN tblPseud ON tblAuthor.AuthorID = tblPseud.AuthorID)
LEFT JOIN tblStory ON tblAuthor.AuthorID = tblStory.AuthorID
ORDER BY tblPseud.Pseud;

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List Dates Between 2 Dates?

Jan 2, 2013

Is there a way in this program to create a list of dates between 2 dates?

i.e I have Arrival Date and Departure Date. Is there a function or expression that will list all the dates on and between?

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Forms :: Database User Name Displayed On Welcome Form

May 15, 2013

I have an Assess 2007 database with a user table. This table holds database user names and user passwords an entry permission to the database. I also have a welcome form that activates when user enters the database using either of the user names and user password in the user table. Now, I would like to display the database user name (NOT THE SYSTEM USER NAME] on the welcome form of the user that enters the database.

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Forms :: Label And Field Being Displayed On Another Form

Jun 6, 2013

I've added a label and field to a page on an existing form. However these are now also displayed on other pages on the same form.

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Forms :: Pivot Chart Decimal Displayed

Jul 17, 2013

I have a pivot chart that has site locations, and hours on the bottom, and then count of records with each site. Which is how many people used this site during this time for each bar. My problem is when I generate my pivot chart, every single time I have to fix the scale on the right hand side because it has decimal points in it. They only appear when I add dates/times to it.I want to give this to my boss that has access runtime, so all he has to do is click the button to get the chart and then print or send it off. How do I get rid of those decimal points when the report is generated?

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Forms :: Dates As Column Headers To Update Table With Dates As Rows

May 12, 2014

Any way to have a form with Dates as column headers to update a table where the dates are stored in rows???

The table set up is like this:
DiaryID (PK) - OpDate (Date)

DiaryID (FK) - CostCode - MachineNumber - MachineHours - etc

I'm just wondering if there's any way I can do this with a datasheet or a crosstab type setup?

It's Access 2010.

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Forms :: Export Data Displayed To Excel Spreadsheet

Mar 2, 2014

I have a filter on a form using a combobox.I want to export the data displayed to an Excel Spreadsheet. I have used the Exportwithformatting Macro but it seems to export everything.

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Forms :: Specific Range In Excel To Be Displayed In A Form

Jul 10, 2013

I have a spreadsheet that my company uses that has about 20 clients presented in a single sheet in Excel so I was wondering if it was possible to display only a selected range (i.e. only one client) in a specific form in Access to cleanse this up a bit.

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Forms :: Total Line From A Query Displayed In A Form

Jan 8, 2014

I am looking for displaying the totals from a query onto a form.

I have a query which has a total line showing a count of the number of entry's in each column. I would like to be able to display these totals on one of my forms in text boxes (or any other way). Is this possible and if so how do I do it ?

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Forms :: Msg Box For Record Not Found

Sep 30, 2013

I have created a pop-up search form with the search criteria being one unbound field. When I populate the field and click search I want it to search the records and if there is a matching record, I want it to open the data entry form with the complete record showing and available to view/edit/delete. If there is no matching record, I want a message box to appear stating that a record was not found and when you click 'ok' it opens a blank data entry form to complete a new record. I also want it to automatically close the search pop-up form.The following works great... except that the MsgBox pops up even if the record was found.

Private Sub Search_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Search_Click
Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String
stDocName = "MgrData"


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Forms :: Identifier Cannot Be Found

Mar 3, 2015

I have a database with several tabs. On each tab is a form in datasheet view. I have a field that when clicked, will open the corresponding form in a dialog. The code used to open the dialog is: =IIf(IsNull([SalesOps_ID]),"(New)","Open") This creates an underlined Open link which, when clicked, opens the dialog.

An embedded macro is attached to this code, telling it which dialog form to open...and a bunch of other stuff I really can't explain (I'm great at stealing shamelessly from other similar projects but don't completely know what the heck I'm doing).

That said, all the other dialog forms work splendidly using this same type of embedded macro, except one very stubborn dialog form that is giving me fits! Interestingly enough, this form has a subform (all the other forms don't). The form opens, I can edit data on the main part of the form, but if I enter data in the subform, when moving to the next record, I get the error message: The identifier [Tasks].[Project ID] could not be found.

Interestingly enough, I don't have any tables, forms, queries, macros or fields that contain anything like [Tasks] or [Project ID]. If I move off the main record, then return to the record, the data in the subform does not display (however, it is in the table - just not displaying). As if that isn't interesting enough, when I open the dialog form on its own, without using the Embedded Macro from the datasheet form, all that data shows just fine and the form works like it's supposed to.I wish there was a way to simply copy all the text from the macro here, but I can't seem to figure out how in Access 2013.

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List Dates 3 Months Ago

Mar 19, 2007


I need to find Customers who have not had a meeting for over three months and i need to list them in a query, please could someone help me as this is getting very frustrating

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Querying A List Of Dates

Apr 19, 2007

I have a db for a list of people who have attended courses.

Each year they have to attend a refresher.

I can easily query those people who are in date.

How do i query to find people who attended a course but not a refresher?


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Forms :: Send Single Record Displayed On Form Not All Records

Apr 21, 2015

I've created a button on my ACCESS 2010 form that will send a PDF via email. However I only need to send the single record displayed on the form not all records.

The on click command of the button sends the PDF of the report. (I read that this is what should be sent; but still get the same results.)

I don't understand how and where to attach VBA code:

Me.Filter = "RequestsID=" & Forms![OD Reversal Requests]![RequestsID]
Me.FilterOn = True

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Forms :: How To Ensure That Textbox Value Displayed Is Based On Combobox Selection

Nov 4, 2014

I am designing a Web Database with a bound form to a submit table.

On the form, I have a combo box with selections that should influence the value to be displayed in a textbox also on same form.

For instance the combo box for Staff Name contains list of all Staff and I want the textbox to automatically display the level of the staff that was just selected in the combobox.

I know how to get this done using a combobox but my boss insists that the level should be automatically displayed in the textbox once combobox selection is done.

Using the combobox for level, I used the select statement in the RowSource property :

SELECT Staff_List.Level, Staff_List.Staff_Name FROM Staff_List WHERE (((Staff_List.Staff_Name)=[forms]![frmtest]![cboStaffName]));

I am in a dilemma of how to replicate this for the textbox because textbox only has control source and no RowSource where I can put this select statement.

Also, I will still need to bind this textbox to the submit table with the column name "TxtLevel" in the control source

Please see attached sample access db.

Also note that I cannot use action queries or VBA because it is a Web database and not a client database.

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Forms :: Search Key Was Not Found In Any Record

Jun 9, 2015

I have a continuous form that I would like to filter with a combo-box in the forms header. The combo box is populated with the table's primary field [ID] which is an Autonumber. When I click the caret on the combo box, it provides a list of ID's but when I select one, I get this error message "Run-time error 3709, the search key was not found in any record". The code is:

Private Sub Combo 31_AfterUpdate()
If Me.Combo31 & ""<> "" Then
Me.Filter = "[ID]= '"& Me.Combo31 & "'"
Me.Filter = ""
End If
Me.FilterOn = True
End Sub

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