Forms :: Embedded Within A Loop To Send Various Filters Of Report To Different Recipients

Aug 15, 2013

In a form I have a button which creates (in preview) an outlook message with a pdf report. It opens and displays just as I want it to, but if I chose to save that message in outlook and either send or cancel (i.e. allowing user to save to drafts and send later) then MS Access crashes.To ensure this wasn't to do with any compile / corruption within my full application I mirrored the process in a very simple 1 table / 1 form / 1 report db and still the same - access crashes after saving the outlook message and either sending the message or cancelling out the message.

Form code is as follows;Private Sub Command0_Click()
On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, "Table1", acFormatPDF, "someemaddress", , , , "REQUEST FOR INFORMATION"
On Error GoTo 0
End Sub

In my main application this process is embedded within a loop to send various filters of the report to different recipients, which works fine if 'save' is not used within Outlook..

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Modules & VBA :: How To Send Different Attachments To Different Recipients

Jul 22, 2015

I currently have a code set up which sends an attachment from a drive on my computer to all the email addresses in a certain query. I would like to change the code so that I can add a button that will allow me to send an email with a specific attachment depending on their individual code in a table, e.g each person will receive a specific attachment. At the moment, the attachments are saved with the same file name as the person's specific code.The code I am currently using is:

Private Sub Command9_Click()
Dim MyDb As DAO.Database
Dim rsEmail As DAO.Recordset
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim prm As DAO.Parameter
Dim strEmail As String
Dim strMsg As String
Dim oLook As Object


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Modules & VBA :: Send Emails To Defined Array Of Recipients Using CDO

Sep 18, 2013

I am trying to send emails using CDO to an array of recipients loaded from a query. I have made this work using Lotus Notes so i know the first part of my code is correct, and the current code I have works when I input an actual email address. But when I try to add the Array name into the 'To' field I get a data mismatch error.

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Modules & VBA :: Send Single Email To Multiple Recipients?

Jul 31, 2013

What is the best way to send a single email to multiple recipients?

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Embedded For Next Loop Based On Value

Feb 18, 2008

Ok, say I have a table with the following fields, custid, mainnum, subnum
whereas the data would look like this:
Code:Cust Main SubA101 1 2A101 2 1A101 3 4A101 4 2A101 5 3B202 1 2B202 2 4B202 3 1C303 1 2C303 2 1

The main number always counts up from 1 on each new customer, I already have code to do this. I am running a for next loop based on the highest main number (I already have this part), for instance, for Cust A101, the for next loop would essentially be: for x = 1 to 5.... like I said, I have this part.

What I want to do when x is counting, to pull up the mainnum value that equals the value in the for/next (in other words equals X), and run a for next loop based on the sub number based for that record. For example using C303's data:
Code:For X = 1 to MaxOfMainNum '<---I already have this 'code to pull up subnum where mainnum=X For Y=1 to SubNum_For_Selected_Mainnum 'I will be doing an insert to table here custid,x,y Next YNext X
The parts in Bold in the above code is what I'm needing an answer to.

I tried to be as concise as possible, but I know it might be confusing.

Thanks in advance,

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Modules & VBA :: How To Send Embedded Word Document As Email

Dec 17, 2013

I'm using ACCESS 2010. I have a form which is having a embedded word document. What I'm trying to do is i want to enable user to format a mail in the embedded word document which will contain rich text and screenshots then with a click of button an outlook mail should open and content of this document should be pasted there. Once user sends this email, I want to save content of embedded document in the database.

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Forms :: Creating Report Menu To Allow User Filters

Aug 26, 2013

I have been tasked to create a report menu for my users to select a report (there are about 20), select which filters that they want to apply to that report, then run based on what the user selected as the filters.

I have about 30 different filters to create, and based on which report the user selects, the filters that apply will need to be shown. I'm thinking the reports will be in an option group, and based on which report the users selects the filters that apply to that report will be displayed. From there the user can choose to apply a filter or not, and run the report.

I am trying to figure out the best way to tackle this. Should I try to create a table that contains the report name and type of filter to loop thru the controls to set visible, and build the SQL?

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Modules & VBA :: Send Individual Pdf Attachment To Individual Recipients

Feb 3, 2014

I have created a database that generates a report with customer debts. I have a lot of customers and in a report each page is a different customer with individual debts info. What i would like to do is to create a button and distribute individual report page as pdf to individual customer by email. I'm using Lotus notes. I have searched the forums i found something but it was not what i was looking for.

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Modules & VBA :: Loop Through A Recordset And Send Appointments

Aug 2, 2013

I have this code (below) that loops through a recordset and sends appointments. It executes the queries correctly and sends all appointments in the table, but sends them only to the contacts listed in the first record of the query. How do I get it to loop the contact details?

Private Sub SchedFollowUp()
Dim rsFollow As DAO.Recordset
Set rsFollow = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM Follow_Up WHERE HR_Approved = True AND Added_to_Outlook = False AND Cancelled = False;", dbOpenDynaset)
Dim rsEmployee As DAO.Recordset

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: Automatically Loop And Send Email

Oct 18, 2013

I am setting up a database to track preventative maintenance required for testing equipment in our repair shop. Some of my associates would like to be able to send e-mail notifications via the database when maintenance is due. I set up a query to show the people who need to receive an e-mail and a query to show the maintenance each person needs to perform.

Each person will need to perform more than one maintenance step each time. I would like to get it so that the database will loop through the first query and generate one e-mail for each person. I would like the e-mail to list all the steps that person would need to do (as shown in the second query). I know this would require setting up loops and I'm afraid I'm not very good at writing loops.

I think this will need two loops. One to loop through the first query to see all the e-mails that will need generated and one to loop through the actions to be included in each e-mail. The person's name is included in both queries and can be used to set up a link between the two.

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Reports :: Emailing Specialized Report To Multiple Recipients

Jul 20, 2015

I have a large report that generates information specific to a large list of contacts. I would like to email each contact a .pdf of their part of the report. If possible, I'd like access to run a loop and do this in one button click. I'm not even sure to begin with this.

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Forms :: Added A Print Button To Form To Send Report To Printer

Feb 10, 2014

I have a project which produces a report of names, addresses, etc. I added a print button to the form to send the report to the printer. The code is as follows:

Private Sub Command32_Click()
Docmd.SetWarnings False
'Docmd.OpenReport "rptAddresses", acViewNormal
Docmd.RunCommand acCmdPrint
Docmd.SetWarnings True
End Sub

Both alternatives in the code produce the same result described following.However, the printed report includes only the first 2 colums of about 10 of the 90 plus records. If I send to to a PDF, it works fine. If I do a print view on the screen ir looks fine.

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Report With Embedded Subform Pivot Chart

May 21, 2014

I am having a terrible time getting this to work. I have a mainform that contains 11 multi-list boxes. That mainform when I select whatever I want in any of the 11, select all items in each of the 11, or select nothing and click my show results works great. In my detail section it displays the information it should. I need to now take that and put it in a report with a pivot graph. I created a subform that is my pivotgraph and the reason for a subform is the end-user still wants the ability to filter more should they choose.

In addition, the regular graph you can put in the report does not allow me to put in multiple items. For instance I need to have sumofmbrstargeted and sumofmbrsconverted in the values and it will say I can only choose 1 value and then it will say up to 6 items and I have a 8. So, I opted for a subformpivotchart. If I create the following code, the subform updates based on the filters on this mainform everytime. Works like a charm.

Private Sub cmdGetGraph_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "Graph", acFormPivotChart, , GetFilterFromListBoxes
End Sub

The problem is, I want the Graph in my Report. If I take the Report and do the same basic thing:

Private Sub cmdGetReport_Click()
DoCmd.OpenReport "Search", acViewPreview, , GetFilterFromListBoxes
End Sub

It asks for the parameters again. Example, LOB, Plan, Prod_NM. I tried just disregarding the report and created yet another subform for the reporting piece and embedded the graph and that still asked for the parameters. It works great for the subform as the graph and I want to have the ability to use the GetFilterFromListBoxes, apply it to the Search Report with the embedded Graph.

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Updating Embedded Report Using Dynamic Created SQL Statement

May 19, 2015

I have created a database and have a form (searchpartsfrm) with multiple combo boxes and a text box that builds up all the entries and creates a perfect SQL statement and stores this in strisql variable.

I have a report (showallpartsrpt) embedded on the page that is currently showing every record in the database.

Is there anyway to have this form "refresh" and show only the results of the query by clicking a "search" button?

I believe I need to use the filter command somehow but im not sure how to reference the embedded form. If I try with some test code it cannot locate showallpartsrpt.

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Reports :: Have A Form To Generate Report With 3 Filters

Aug 12, 2014

i have a form to generate report with 3 filters,


these are combo selection and the report is working fine with these 3 filters. filtering by a query. all 3 feilds on the same table.what i am unable to do is make these filters as option to select with a check box. like if i dont want the third filter product but to generate report with the other two filters sales_person and client_name.

edt: uploading my DB Form report_generator on medical_request_query and table medical_requeset

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Reports :: Multiple Filters In Access Report Using Vba

Jul 28, 2015

I am trying to link 2 reports so that when a user selects a field in the 1st report it will only return records specific to the filters. I have used the following code via a field in a report to return records in a seperarte report using 1 filter "BudgetPool". What I need to do is add a second filter "ContratorType" to the code to allow the second report to refine the records.

Private Sub BudgetPool_Click()
DoCmd.OpenReport "Budget Expenditure by Pool per Project Type", acViewReport, , "BudgetPool=" & Me.BudgetPool
End Sub

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Forms :: Number Of Buttons Which Open Other Forms And Filter Results Using Embedded Macro

Apr 6, 2015

I have a bit of a problem with a database in Access 2013. On 1 of the forms, I have a number of buttons which open other forms and filter the results using an embedded macro. All has been well until a few days ago when error 2950 pop up box started appearing. After fiddling around for a while it all works OK (without actually changing anything) until next time the database is opened. I checked to make sure the location is "trusted" and all seems OK.

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Reports :: Create A Graph (report) Based On A Query With Form Filters

Apr 25, 2014

I am trying to generate a report that is based off of a query. The query has a form filter that it needs to filter the data. I keep getting a jet engine error and couple others.

The form has year, start week, and end week on it. I can get the query to work fine. When I try to open the report, Access says it doesn't recognize the " [Forms]![frmUptimeFilter]![StartWeek] " as a valid field name or expression.

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Forms :: Access Form With Tab Control Pages Each With Embedded Forms

Apr 13, 2013

I have an access form with tab control pages each with embedded forms.In one page I have a list of records as a datasheet form with the record identifier field configured as a hyperlink. When I click on this it passes its value to a form field in the form in the following tab page (works without the hyperlink but its a useful way of highlighting which field to click) which is a display/edit form of the details of the individual record. The Subroutine which does this sets the focus on this field it is passing the value to on the other form and the 'On Got Focus' event in that triggers the query that fills the editor form.

When I click back on the following tab to select another record to view/edit, the identifier value of the other record is passed to the other form but the data displayed in the rest form doesn't change. I understand this is because the field with the 'On Got Focus' never lost focus and so the query function was not called. To correct this I tried adding the same function call to the 'On Change' event however this does not work (the field is a text box set to 'locked' if that is relevant).I can get the form to do a new query properly if I click on a different field in the form before going back to the list tab or (as this is removing the focus allowing the On Got Focus to work again) if I click on a button to select a different record (which just takes me back to the list form).

Is there any way I can get this to work without having to manually remove the focus from the problem field? I have tried setting its On Got Focus event to move the focus to another field after the query function call however this prevents the Setfocus line in the code in the previous form from working. Here is a snippet of my code below.This code is for the list form and passes a value to the editing form:

Private Sub SalesID_Click()
Forms!Mainform!Sales_Admin_Form!Sales_Admin_SalesI D.Value = SalesID.Value
Forms!Mainform!Sales_Admin_Form!Sales_Admin_SalesI D.SetFocus


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Forms :: Embedded Value Into Table

Mar 31, 2013

I have a form with a calculated time difference between a "Start" and "Stop" time I have managed to get the correct formula however I would like to display this value in a more civilized forma as HH:MM on the example attached I have some values that appear as 4:8 and it should be 04:08.

The second problem is I need to embed this calculated value on my tblTime as doing so I can run more easily some queries.

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Reports :: Possible To Send Report As XLS And Keep Format Exactly As Report Looks

Jul 11, 2013

I am wondering if it is possible to send a report as xls file and keep the format exactly as the report looks.When I try to send it now, it automatically changes back to the column names from the table, which I in the report have changed and want to keep in my excel output!

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Forms :: Hyperlink URL With Embedded Reference To A Value

Jul 2, 2013

I would like to know if it is possible in Access 2007 to add a button/hyperlink where by the order number (as in the example below) is being sourced from another field [ORDNR]

i.e. replacing the 0996653 for example with a lookup to the ordernumber held in another column?!

[URL] .....

this link is one from a web url - I want to copy this in my DB.

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Reports :: Create A Form Which Filters A Report Based Off Of Combo Boxes Selected By User

Jan 2, 2014

I'm trying to create a form which filters a report based off of combo boxes selected by the user. The code I'm using currently is:

DoCmd.OpenReport "rptProgramAttendees", acViewReport, , "ProgramIDFK = " & cboProgramTitle

This works great to return a report if the user selects something from the combo box. How do I adapt this so that the user can also leave the combo box blank and filter the report to return all records?Additionally, what if I want to have the user filter between dates selected on the form; i.e. between 'txtStart' and 'txtEnd'

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Forms :: Embedded Macro - If True Go To Control

May 21, 2013

I'm trying to create a simple embedded macro for a checkbox control on a form [Company?]. The default value for this checkbox is No.

I want to write an If statement that basically says "If[Company?] = Yes, then GotoControl[CompanyorNameCombo], Else GotoControl[CustomerFN]

Although the checkbox field label and the control itself IS named [Company?] in the table and set as a Yes/No field, when I try to write the If statement I get an error that says "Microsoft Access cannot find the name 'Company?' you entered in the expression"

That's the name of the control and it is included in the table and shows in the field list.

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Forms :: New Buttons Are All Suddenly Embedded Macros?

Feb 3, 2015

I've been developing a new db and have been adding buttons to forms all along without any issue.

I would create a button and under the event tab in the properties sheet all the buttons used to indicate "On Click" would produce an [Event Procedure]. Suddenly the "On Click" now indicates an [Embedded Macro] is going to run, which is not what I really want to have happen......

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Linking An Embedded Image From A Form To All Reports And Other Forms

Mar 4, 2005

I thought this would be pretty simple, but I cannot figure out how and wasn't able find the solution here or anyway.

I have a source form. (I can resort to having a Table with OLE Object if I must, but prefer not to.) On this source form I wish to include different things such as company logo. This will determine what logo shows up in all the reports, so all the reports will have an image linking back to this embedded image on the source form.

Pseudo-code Example:
frmSource contains imgLogo
rptSample contains an image whose
control source = Forms!frmSource!imgLogo

How can I do this or achieve the same effect in a more-or-less simple way?


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