Forms :: Field Of A Form In A Query?

Aug 19, 2013

I want to make a query([query1]) based on a table([table1]) and a field from the [form1] then I want to make another field in [form1] and bound it to [query1] all the fields are number (and double in [table1])

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Forms :: Getting Data From A Query For A Field On A Form

Mar 3, 2014

I have a database I use for tracking IT problems (tickets). The form I use has a field to select who the ticket was opened by. To select this, I created a query that shows only active contacts (users) and set the opened by field to use this query to select the user. It works great except for the fact that once a contact is no longer an active user their name on the opened by field is blank and no longer shows on any old tickets they had. Their name is still associated with the ticket though. I know this because I have the opened by field set so when it loses focus it opens the contact record (form) of the user so that we can update their data. So I find it weird that the opened by field on my old historical tickets wont show the name of a user who is no longer with us but the field itself knows who it was and brings up the contact form for the non active user after lost focus.

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Forms :: Adding Date Field To Query From Form

Sep 23, 2013

I have a date picker field in my form that is used as part of a criteria in a query. I also add it as a result field in the query being that it is appending data to a table. But when the query runs it puts weird characters into the query field with expression.

The Expression is as follows:

BillWk: [Forms]![Invoice Form]![WkEnd]

My Criteria is:
Between [Forms]![Invoice Form]![WkEnd] And [Forms]![Invoice Form]![WkEnd]-6

The Criteria works but the expression does not.

I have attached a png of the field.

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Forms :: Returning Value From A Query To A Form Text Field

Apr 16, 2013

I am using Access 2007. Second, I am using two tables, Inventory and Service Request. Inventory is a list all the Inventory, with has things like location (building & room number), type (desktop, laptop, etc.) and access tag number. Service Request also has Access Tag Number (should link back to Inventory) & date of reported/resolved problem and description of problem/solution.

On my form for Service Request, I have the access tag number as a fill text box, when you double click on that text box, it runs a Query that asks for the 1) Building, 2) Room Number & 3) Type . . . Query currently opens in a the spread sheet view that shows those three things but also the Access Tag Number associated to them.

I would like that Access Tag Number to just return into the field that was double click to start the query.

Is this possible? If so what am I missing?

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Display Field From A Query On A Form Not In The Forms Record Source

Jul 27, 2005

In short can I display a field on a form that is not in the forms field list without using a sub-form? I am trying to show a value from a query on this form. I tried this in the control source:
[qry_op500_entry_delta]![countofphone model]
I get an error stating that this is not in my field list for the form.
If the answer is No or if needed I can give more information on what I am trying to do.

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Forms :: Using OnClick Event To Open Query Text Displayed In Form Field?

Oct 10, 2013

I have a table that holds the SQL texts for ca. 1000 Select queries (mostly minor variants that are used to programmatically swap out RowSource strings for combo boxes). I'd like to have a quick and easy way to open/review/modify these queries.

One strategy would be to display the SQL strings in a field on a Datasheet form, then use an onClick event on a text box linked to the SQL-holding field (or perhaps an onClick event tied to an unbound text box on the form) to open the associated query. That would allow me to view the SQL of the query that I want to open, allow me to quickly scroll through the list of stored SQL texts, and give me options for sorting or limiting the SQL-texts displayed in the datasheet form.

But, I can't seem to get the onClick event to work. The problem seems to be that I can't figure out how to pass the SQL string contained in the field to a function that will use that string to open the query .

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Forms :: Copy Value From Field In Subform To Field In Main Form During Data Entry

Jul 18, 2013

How can I get the value from a field in one table (in the sub form) to copy/insert into a field in another table (in the main form) when adding a new record?The main form and sub form are linked using parent/child linking, and the sub form is in a tab.I have table A (Visit Dates) in the main form which is used to record the date of a visit to a church. Table B (Quarters and Peals) is used to record an event that took place at that church during that visit. Note that not all visits in table A require a record to be created in table B - but half or more do.

In tables A and B I have a field called "QuarterOrPealID" and these are both primary keys, though the field in table B is set to 'no duplicates' and in table A it's set to 'duplicates allowed', as table A has its own auto number/pk. They are both linked in the relationships.

So, when I add a new record to table A using the main form, I might then need to click on the tab in the sub form to create a new record in table B, which has to be linked to the same record in table A. When the "QuarterOrPealID" auto number/pk is generated in the sub form (table B), I need that value to update to the "QuarterOrPealID" field of the main form (table A), so that when I'm viewing these records the form pulls all the information nicely together.

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Forms :: Move Focus From Last Field Of Subform To Another Field On Main Form

Aug 19, 2015

I am currently stuck on set focus property. I have a main from with nested subform. I am trying to move the focus from last field of the subform to another field on the main form.

Customers(mfrm)....>Addresses(sfrm)...>Orders(sfrm Add)......>OrdDetails(sfrmOrders)

Now I have a field name [Securedesign] in frmOrderdetails and I want the tab order to navigate to field [CustomerID] in frmAddresses which is a subform to frmCustomers.

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Forms :: Autofill Field Based On Related Field In Previous Form

Jun 30, 2015

I have my Assets form and the primary key is the ChargerID, in this form I have an "Add New Job For This Asset" button, which opens up the Jobs form at a new record.

How do I make it so that the ChargerID field is automatically filled with whatever the previous record was instead of being blank.

For example if I have Charger12345 open in the Asset form, I'd like to click the Add New Job button and it automatically have Charger12345 in the ChargerID field of the Jobs form.

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Forms :: Validating Text Field On Form Against Another Field In Same Record?

Apr 17, 2014

I have a form where I would like to validate (restrict) choices in subsequent fields.


Combobox choices are Air, Fire, Water, Earth, Space

In the form I have 4 fields = Material1, Material2, Material3, Material4. (all in same record on my table)

Basically I need the validation to not allow duplicates across the 4 fields.

something like....

[Material1] <> [Material2] or [Material3]or [Material4]

I am not sure of the proper syntax for the validation field in the Form Properties. Or if I am even putting it in the right place.

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Forms :: Limit Form Field Selection Depending On Another Field

Feb 5, 2014

I am creating a training database and first I have tables in relationship to the courses:

Course ID (Primary Key)
Course Title

Instructors (lookup field allowing multiple instructors to be selected, meaning they are skilled to teach the course)

Instructor ID (Primary Key
Last Name
First Name
Full Name (Caluclated to put Last Name, First Name)


What I am trying to do on a form to create a new event is once the user selects the Course from the Course ID combo box, then I need the Instructor combo box to only display the instructors who are skilled to teach the course which are selected in the tbl_Courses.

I can get all Instructor ID's, but not the names and the class that has multiple instructors show on one line.Should I have not put the Instructors field in the tbl_Courses? Do I need another table for instructor skills or something?

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Forms :: Move From Last Field In Form To New Record Field On First Page

Aug 27, 2014

What is the best way to move from the last field on the last page of a form to a new record field on the first page?

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Forms :: Coloring Form Field Based On Another Field Content

Jun 4, 2013

I am making a very simple 'registration' database for a children's event in a couple of weeks.I the table/form there is a checkbox field called 'consent' which, if checked, indicates that a child can leave the event without parental consent.

There is a report printed on each child (a registration page which the leaders get a copy of). I would like on this report a 'red box' to appear if the child cannot leave without permission (i.e. the consent box is not checked). I would also like this 'red box' to appear on the form. I had thought of doing it this way - but I'm not sure if it's the best, or if it's possible:

Have a field in my table called 'consentindicator'. When the 'consent' box is checked, there is a period ('.') placed into the 'consentindicator' field. It is set to turn red when a period is present. That way, when the consent box is checked, a get a red 'box'.

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Forms :: How To Bind Form Field To Table Field

Jul 22, 2013

I am creating a table which is called a New Connection Analysis from there I have created a form that is linked to the table. I the form I have created a combo box to show the different division e.g. Central, Western, Northern. Now the combo box is created but when I enter the data in the form once I select the division e.g. Central when I save it the data doesn't go to the Division list on the table.....How can that be fixed????

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Forms :: Populate One Field From Another Form Field?

Jan 20, 2015

How do I populate fieldA in formB with FieldB from FormA..

So Field is the last numeric field in Form I need to the take the calculation value of that field and be the starting value in formB.

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Update A Form Field By Double Clicking A Query Field

Apr 25, 2013

I have 3 peices of data that I am working with: Group number, plans and benefit elections. On my form I have fields for the group number and plan and 2 queries. When I enter a group number the first query displays a list of plan descriptions for that group. From there I can enter the plan description into the form's plan field and that runs the second query to give me a list of valid elections for that plan. This all works fine but I want to make the plan selection a little less tedious. What I would like is to be able to double click the query field housing the plan description and have it copied to the form's plan field. I could use the ID instead of the plan description but I work in a production environment and very key stroke counts so I would really like to have a simple double click process.

Is this even possible? If so how would I set that up? I tried using the double click on event macro builder but it does not seem to have this kind of option.

My form contains fields for group number and Plan. The same form houses 2 querys, one that pulls plans based on the group number and the other to pull elections based on the plan field (not the plan query). Would like to double click a plan within the plan query and have that description populated into the form's plan field.

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Forms :: Open Blank Form Based On Value In Text Field In Main Form

Jun 6, 2013

I have one table containing name of restaurant with its address etc. Then i created another table to list out the restaurant workers names and details. Just as an example,

Restaurant name
Address line 1
Address line 2
Restaurant #

Staff Role

I have the main form that has all the restaurant details only. And i have another form containing the Staff information. Please note the two table have a relation and it works well.

Now to make it user friendly(basically easier for the lazy ones), I dragged the staff contact form on to my main form and displayed it as a datasheet(basically a sub form).

Now, my boss does not want users to add/delete on this sub form(datasheet). So,he wants me to create buttons to open new record of staff for each restaurant(new form)

My issue is with opening a new record to enter a new person to the staff list and give them a role as well in form view.The new form has

So i ran a Macro, with open form with Where condition

[Staffcontact]![Rest Name]=[Forms]![MainForm]![RestaurantName]

But, it does not work .

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Forms :: Way To Limit Records Visible In A Form Using Field On That Same Form As A Limitation

Oct 25, 2013

We have a database with one main data entry which stores records in a seperate table. There are several thousand records keyed in using this form. Therefore, alongside the entry we have a search form which allow the user to search for a specific record and display it in the main if he/she needs to edit one.

We have received a request from users for a functionality which allows users to browse all records, using the main form layout, that they have keyed in. I guess what I am asking is: Is there a way to limit the records visible in a form using field on that same form as a limitation (ie. the users name - which is a required key-in)?

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Forms :: Copying Field Values From Form Header To The Form

Sep 18, 2014

I have form named home page in this homepage form in the form header i have inserted some fields from some tables like province, district, community etc. these fields are unbound and are used for filtering purposes, when i select a province all districts related to that province displayed and when i select a a district all related communities displayed, there is a one to many relationship between district table and community table,

What I want is, when i select a district on the form header(it is unbound as i explained before) of this homepage form, the DistrictID should appear in community subform under DistrictID(as there is a one to many relationship between district and community) .

For more clarification find the snap shot attached...

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Forms :: Populate Field In One Form From Text Box In Another Form

Jan 18, 2014

There are two forms invoolved in thi


On a command button in pfrm_AddClientDuplicateCheck I have the following code.

Private Sub cmdAddNewClient_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "pfrm_AddClientPrimary"
DoCmd.Close acForm, "pfrm_AddClientDuplicateCheck"
End Sub

This works great

On the onOpen event of the pfrm_AddClientPrimary form I have this code


Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Me.FirstName = Forms!pfrm_AddClientDuplicateCheck!txtFirstName
Me.LastName = Forms!pfrm_AddClientDuplicateCheck!txtLastName
Me.SocialInsureanceNumber = Forms!pfrm_AddClientDuplicateCheck!txtSOcialInsureanceNumber
End Sub

This fails on the first line with this error
Run-time error 2147352567 (80020009)
You can't assign a value to this object

I am aware of the incorrect spelling of Me.SocialInsureanceNumber this is the way it is in the db.

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Forms :: Filter A Form Based On A Field In Another Form

Jul 13, 2014

I have a form (Suppliers) with a button that opens another form (Product List).

At the moment the form (Product List) is set as a pop-up form and when opened lists all products.

I want to filter the pop-up form to only display products for the current supplier displayed in the Supplier Form.

I have tried the following below without success - I have varied this but the filter does not apply ...

Private Sub Form_Load()
DoCmd.OpenForm "Product List", acNormal, , "SupplierID = " & SupplierID
End Sub

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Forms :: Open Second Form On Related Field From First Form?

Aug 22, 2013

how to write code to open a second form on the click of a button on the first form and specifically to continue on the record set I am focusing on.

I have 2 tables. The first is tblAccount (fields: AccountID [the PK]; AccountHolder) and the 2nd is tblUser (fields: UserID [the PK]; UserName; AccountID). They are linked so that one account can have multiple users. Each has a respective form; frmAccount and frmUser.

My goal is that once the AccountHolder field has been populated in frmAccount I can click a button to open frmUser with the AccountID field already showing in the form header.

I have managed to do something similar by selecting from a combo box before but I am having trouble making this work after directly populating the AccountHolder field and using an open Form button.

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Forms :: Opening A Form By Clicking A Field From Another Form

Jul 18, 2013

I'm creating a database to track new policies request. I have a form in datasheet view that displays a list for all Initial Review and Draft status. I would like to click (... or maybe double click) on the Policy Name field that will display all fields into single form that is link to PolicyID ... to update any info needed. In other words i want to click on that record to be display in actual form.

Private Sub PolicyName_Click()
Dim stDoc As String
Dim stWhere As String
Dim strsql As String
Dim DB As DAO.Database


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Show Query Field In Form Field

Aug 17, 2006

I have sequence field in query and want it show in form.
Please help me. Thanks

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Copying A Field From A Query To Different Form And Field

Dec 12, 2013

I have a Form that has a subform and in that there is a subform that runs a query. I need to take the value of in one of the fields returned in that query and transfer it to a field in my original subform.

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Forms :: Sub Total From A Form To A Field In Another Form

Jun 16, 2015

I wanted to take the values from the frmInvoiveItems' [LineTotal] field, subtotal all of them for a given invoice ([InvoiceApplied]), and place them in a new field under frmInvoiceInfo that I haven't created yet.

(I.E. I have three different items under frmInvoiceItems for one invoice. They all have a different price. I want to add all of their prices together, and display them in a "Total" field in the frmInvoiceInfo table. This new "Total" field should be the total amount due minus the "Deposit" value and anything in tblTransactions [I still have to figure out how to assemble that too... another question for another time]).

Is all of this possible without me having to store the information in a query? How?

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