Forms :: Filter A Form Based On A Field With Wildcard - Make Search Case Insensitive

Jan 9, 2014

Access 2003

Trying to filter a form based on a field with wildcard. My form has a txtCustFilter control where a customer's name can be entered in part or whole. The Customer's name is in PCCustomerName

This code works but, I'd like to make it case insensitive

Dim strFilter As String
strFilter = "[PCCUSTOMERNAME] LIKE ""*" & Me.txtCustFilter & "*"""
Me.Filter = strFilter
Me.FilterOn = True

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Forms :: Applying Parameter Based Wildcard Search On Subform Filter

Jul 31, 2014

I have a Main form, and a subform which lists client details. On the Main form I have an unbound field. I want to be able to type a word into this unbound field and have it display all company names that have this word in them. ie. I type "Ltd" into the unbound field and it displays all companies with "Ltd" in the title.

I have created a query that does exactly this (Like ("*" & [Enter Word] & "*")), it displays a dialog box and I type in "Ltd" and it displays all relevant companies.

I have tried everything I know to make this work when I use the unbound field on the Main form, but I've had no luck.

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Forms :: Filtered Search Form Using Asterisk As Wildcard Default Value In Combo Boxes

Aug 23, 2013

I'm trying to make a filtered search form using "*" as a wildcard default value in combo boxes, this works for all the text fields except for the account number field (Numeric primary key). After quite a bit of reading up and searching, I tried using the following as the row source;

SELECT customers.ACCOUNT_NO, customers.CUSTOMER FROM customers; UNION SELECT "*", "All" From Customers;

But am still getting "#Error" in the combo box.

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Forms :: Filter A Form Based On A Field In Another Form

Jul 13, 2014

I have a form (Suppliers) with a button that opens another form (Product List).

At the moment the form (Product List) is set as a pop-up form and when opened lists all products.

I want to filter the pop-up form to only display products for the current supplier displayed in the Supplier Form.

I have tried the following below without success - I have varied this but the filter does not apply ...

Private Sub Form_Load()
DoCmd.OpenForm "Product List", acNormal, , "SupplierID = " & SupplierID
End Sub

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Forms :: Search Form Creating Error When Type First Letter As Lower Case I

Oct 6, 2014

When I type the first letter I into the search text area I get the following error

Run-time error '2110'
Microsoft Access can't move the focus to the control SearchResults

Most of the code is below

SELECT Clients.ClientId, Clients.ClientFileNumber, Clients.ClientShortFileNo, Clients.Salutation, Clients.FirstName, Clients.LastName, [Group Branches].BranchCode, Clients.Phone, Clients.Mobile, Clients.Fax, Clients.BpayRef, Clients.TradingAs, Clients.EntityType, Clients.ABN, Clients.ACN, Clients.Address1, Clients.Address2, Clients.Town, Clients.State, Clients.PostCode, Clients.Country, Clients.Email, Clients.ClientGroup, Clients.DateCreated, Clients.Notes, Clients.LastModified, Clients.UserCode, Clients.BdmCode, Clients.CollLongNo, Clients.CollShortNo,

[Code] ....

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Queries :: Query To Return A Wildcard Search On A Field

May 21, 2015

How do I design a query to return a result in a wildcard format? So that I could enter a part of a name, and it returns all the names that include that part of name?

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Upper Case Wildcard?

May 26, 2006

Just been searching around, found a few posts of uppercase questions, none that quite fit with mine, anyway,

Basically, the data I am working on produces names as such "JoeBloggs" "FredPerry"

Anyway, Im going to use a query to seperate these out into first name and last name, but, I can't seem to find a way to specify a capital letter as a wild card. So far:

CapPos: InStr(2,[calllogs]![CalledNumber],"A")

Then I am going to use the mid function to seperate the two, depending on the position of the first capital letter.

But I just need to replace "A" with something that will find any capital letter.


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Queries :: Wildcard In Query Fed From A Search Form

Jan 9, 2014

I have built a search form to feed information to a query. The form uses combo boxes tied to table values, and all have wild cards built into them so if the user leaves the combo box they get all the records. I also have to text boxes representing start date and end date. I would like to allow the user to leave these blank and get all there as well. I have been looking through my one Access book, as well as searched all over the internet, but I cant seem to find the way to do this. My filter criteria for the text based combo boxes are like this:

Like "*" & [Forms]![ReportDesignF]![Company] & "*"

My filter criteria for the Start and End Dates looks like this:

Between [Forms]![ReportDesignF]![StartDate] And [Forms]![ReportDesignF]![EndDate]+#11:59:59 PM#

In this case of the user leaves the date values blank, the query returns nothing. I would like to return all dates if that is the case. I am assuming it is my lack of knowledge of wild cards and how they work with date values.

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Forms :: Parameter Based Query - Filter A Form Based On Another Form

Mar 20, 2013

I have a form which uses a parameter based query to present an individual senior doctor with a list of names for of individual juniors to provide an assessment report on. When the first form opens the user enters their RespondentID.

Once senior has decided which names to comment on I have another form which has the questions to be answered which is opened by clicking a button on the first form.

How can I pass a parameter from the first form to the second so that only the records relevant to that senior doctor are displayed? The underlying table has 60 senior doctors and 20 junior doctors. The senior doctor is identified by the field RespondentID in the first form. I've tried putting a WhereClause in the FormOpen command but I still get a dialogue box asking for the parameter RespondentID when the second form is opened.

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Queries :: Wildcard Search Does Not Work With A Form Control

May 24, 2015

I am trying to get a wildcard search to work with a form.

I have a query, in which the criteria is:

Like "*" & [Enter a word] & "*"

That works fine. I enter a word, and I get the few records in which the word appears.But if I try to replace [Enter a word] with a word entered on a control on a form, it doesn't work - I get all the records. This is my code:

Like "*" & [Forms]![Myform]![Mycontrol]&"*"

What am I doing wrong?

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Modules & VBA :: Search Form Will Not Return Exact With Wildcard SQL

Jul 4, 2014

I did export the table data into a tabbed delimited format and will include that at the end. If you want to reproduce my bug copy that data in a txt file and import that into the table tblMain. Make a search form and a sub form. the sub form is linked to the table and the main form is unbound with two search buttons.

Problem Statement:The code works fine. I did find a bug that seems to arise with the wild cards when the entire field values are entered. You can replicate the bug by testing the search criteria listed below.

This is a brief example of the bug. A detailed description is near the code below.

If my name is "Devtycoon" and I search "Dev" the SQL statement will build "*Dev*" and it will pull up my name, "Devtycoon". On the contrary if I search "Tycoon" the SQL statement will build "*tycoon*" and it will pull up my name, "Devtycoon". If i search "DevTycoon" the sql statement will build "*Devtycoon*" and no results will be returned. That is buggy because the name is in the database but no wildcards would be needed.

Table structure:

Surname [text]
Organization [text]
ProgramTitle [text]
City [text]
Zip4 [text]
Telephone [text]

Form1 contains the controls for search criteria. Three text box controls are used to filter a sub form control called "DS". The sub form is called sFrmMain and is a datasheet that shows results of the search. there is a button that runs the code and another button that clears search criteria and shows all records. Both button's code set the sub form's record source using an SQL string built using a function that returns a segment of the overall search string using the contents of each control that then is concatenated into a SQL statement used to set the record source.

There is a function for the following components of the SQL statement

controlA = me.txtSurname
controlB = me.txtOrganization
controlC = me.txtProgramTitle
This is how you can replicate the bug.

I tested two additional surnames organizations and program titles as follows:

Try example (1). you will get both the 4's and the 14's records returned.

If you type in letter for letter of the second record (the one with the 14's) no records populate. It is like the wild card does not like it if you type in the entire field value. Uncle Gizmo's and Allen Brown's method do the same thing were no records populate if the 14's entire surname organization and program title are entered into the text controls. Can you reproduce this error? Other than that I think either method is bulletproof.

Example criteria

1) put the following criteria in each control then hit the search button

4 surname
4 organization
4 program title
[two records returned]

2) put the following criteria in each control then hit the search button

[no records returned]
14 surname 14
14 organization 14
14 program title 14

Code behind search form:

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub cmdShowallRecords_Click()
Dim strSQL0 As String
Me.txtOrganization = ""
Me.txtProgramTitle = ""
Me.txtSurName = ""
strSQL0 = fSQL_SelectFrom & fWhere & fSurName & fOrganization & fProgramTitle
Me.DS.Form.RecordSource = Left(strSQL0, Len(strSQL0) - 5) & ")"


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Possible To Filter A Form Based On A Calculated Field...?

Apr 12, 2006

I have an Order form that is based on an Order table. In this form there are also a number of text boxes (not bound to table) with calculations, and one final text box with a deadline based on these calculations.
Is it possible to filter this form based on the deadline? I can do this by making the form based on a query, but then again I'm not able to edit the information in the form.... Please anyone???

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Forms :: How To Filter Combo Boxes Individually Based On Value In Another Field On Same Row

Jul 1, 2013

I have a subform with the following fields:

Client name, Country, Country ID

I want to add to every row a combobox with a list of towns depending on the value in the field Country do I filter the comboboxes individually based on a value in another field on the same row?

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Forms :: Search / Filter By Multiple (optional) Textboxes On Form

Aug 1, 2013

I'm relatively new to MS Access (using MS Access 2013 but the db should work on 2010, too) and try to develop a database for an NGO I'm working in. I created almost all the tables (all that I need for now) and made the relationships.

However now I start to create forms and later reports for the actual user. The database will store information about clients and track consultations and assistance the NGO gives to them. There will be around 50.000 to 70.000 clients in the main table. Every client has a specific Individual ID and is member of a family which itself has another specific Group ID.

Now here is my problem: The User usually searches for the respective family by the Group ID. I implemented this with a search query using the ID number of a search text box. All done and no big problem.

But sometimes the ID number is not known so the user needs to search by name (First and Last Name). I use to different textboxes for this and it works in a similar way like the number search by query (Like "*" & [Forms]![frm_SearchIC]![txt_LName] & "*"). All still good However since most of the clients are actually from arabic speaking countries, converting the names into the Latin alphabet is bound to fail and produce a lot of misspellings. Therefore I added 2 more textboxes and 3 comboboxes for the user to give more information about the client and therefore make it easier to search for the person. I was able to produce a query which gives you the right result if you have ALL information at hand. However, this is not always the case.

1) But I cannot find a way to tell the query that if the a certain textbox or combobox is empty, it shall just "ignore" it and use the information at hand. I tried this in the query by adding in the criteria OR .... Is Null. This is alright for one or two textboxes but for the many I have, it seems to be too many different combinations for the criteria. It just worked with some fields but others always had to be filled in...

2) If no information is given at all, the database should inform the user that he needs to enter at least on field. If nothing is found the user should get a msgBox saying "No IC matches your criteria".

3) The results of the searches should be given out in another form where the user can pick the person from 1-to-many results.

I attached a sample database with sample data and reduced tables, fields, and entries ...

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Forms :: Can Make Form Based On Fields From 2 Tables?

Feb 15, 2014

I have created simple data base containing 2 tables connected each other and I wanted to make a form with fields taken from those tables and unfortunately it did not work and I got errors message.

Before I start to build the form do I need to create the query based on those tables and having the fields I need for the form? If yes, what sort of query, simplest one?

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Modules & VBA :: Adding Various Values Based On Select Case To Value Of Field

Oct 1, 2014

I am trying to add various values based on Select Case to the value of field. The problem I face is that each time when I get different Case in select statement, the value of the field rather changing adds the value on top.

Private Sub ProductID_AfterUpdate()
Dim qflPrice As Variant
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim sqlQry As String
Dim instID As Integer

[Code] .....

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Forms :: Way To Limit The Number Of Entries A User Can Make To A Form Based On A Value

Jan 20, 2015

My problem is the following: when I receive say 5 computers in a purchase form, I want to register the serial number of each of them in another form, bound to another table.If I receive 2 units in the purchase form, my user should only be able to input 2 records in the serial form (a continuous form), if we receive 3, then only 3 records,I cannot quite figure out how to build this second (serial number registration form), so that it refuses input after the correct number has been reached.

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Forms :: Search Combo Box To Search For A Field On Form

May 7, 2013

I have a search combo box to search for a field on my form. But it just goes to that particular record. The combo box is for client id and it has more than one record. How can I have it return just the records pertaining to the client id choosen in the combo box.

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Modules & VBA :: CASE Statement - Display Specific Text In A Field Based On Value Of Another

Sep 22, 2014

I have a lengthy CASE statement in my database that displays specific text in a field based on the value of another. Simple stuff but for some reason it randomly will not work on certain values, and never the same one twice. Is there a commonly known cause for this? I have verified that the spelling and spacing etc. are correct in my code so that shouldn't be causing the problem.

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Forms :: Date Selection On Form - Filter Records Based On ID

Feb 15, 2015

I have been building a database for use in a charity shop and am struggling with an issue regarding one of the forms.

I currently have a form which displays all expenses from the shop. I have added a combo box to the top of this form which allows users to filter records based on an expense ID Code. It all works fine but I would like to be able to add a start date and end date box to the form also so that records can be shown between two dates.

I have tried adding parameter boxes to the query which runs the form (which works) but the issue I am having is that when a new id is selected from the combo box the parameter boxes pop up again asking me for start date and end date again. This happens every time a new combo box id is selected.

I think the way resolve this issue may be to add a start date and end date box to the form but I don't know how to implement this.

Please see the attached files for images of what I currently have. The forum won't let me post images directly here until I have 10 posts so I have had to attach the files instead.:

Query running the form - Attachment 1

The Form itself - Attachment 2

Combo Box - Attachment 3

Bound Column on combo box - Attachment 4

Code in Combo Boxes after update event - Attachment 5

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Forms :: Filter A Form Based On Date Selected From Combo Box

Dec 29, 2013

I have a form that is filter based on a combo box. I would like to add another filter for date. but the code I'm using for the first combo box doesn't work for date.

the code is:

Sub SetFilter()
Dim LSQL As String
LSQL = "select * from Preventive_Q_View"
LSQL = LSQL & " where Item_Name = '" & Combo206 & "'"
Form_Preventive_View.RecordSource = LSQL
End Sub

How do I modify this code to work with the date combo box? Also, is there a way to get both filters to work together, as in filter based on the first combo OR the second combo, OR both?

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Forms :: Filter Second Form Based On Text Box In First Form

Apr 30, 2014

I have a button that opens a second form and filters that form based on a text box on the first form(which remains open). the problem is that it does not filter the second form unless the second form is already loaded for some reason.

For example if i click on the button it opens the form Unfiltered then i go back to the previous form without closing the first form, click the button again and it is then filtered .

I attached the screen shot of the macro for the button and there are no other events on the second form.

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Forms :: Filter Form Based On Another Form?

Jun 24, 2013

i have one form filtered based on a field value, now i want to open another form which has only the same member ID but not the actual field on what the first form had been filtered (so i cannot just use the same filter) , so what i want to do is that the 2nd form should only show the members which are in the first form.

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Forms :: How To Create Small Form To Search For Record Based Off Criteria

May 28, 2013

I currently have a database which contains various information for part returns. Among this information is contained a parts tracking number, VIN Number, and Date Code. I want to have a small dialogue box (Form) where a user can enter a tracking number, (or a date code or VIN if tracking number unavailable) to search for a record containing that tracking number. I have already created a replica of my new part entry form to view parts in read only mode to create small form to search for record based off criteria then open the replica form i have made to that record?

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Forms :: Make A Field On Form Invisible

Mar 24, 2015

I have a main form that has 2 subforms. I have a field on both forms that I have marked as "Visible="No". Both are text box controls and I have made sure that both the label and the text box itself are marked "Visible="No". In the first subform, it works correctly, while on the second one, it still displays.

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Wildcard Search Funtionality

Jun 13, 2005

I am working on a form that will be used to search records in a table. I have created the query shown below:

WHERE (((tblSTC.STC) Like forms!frmsearch!txtsearch));

I want my user to be able to enter search criteria and allow the use of a wildcard. When i run the query no data is found??

Can anyone help, thanks.

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