Forms :: Get Some Fields To Show Automatically On The Next Record?

Mar 31, 2014

1.) I need the formula to calculate 15% in a new field from an an existing field.

Something like: =([15%] of [price])

2.) How can I get some fields to show automatically on the next record?

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Automatically Show Next Record

May 12, 2007

hi, can anyone help me? i have created a database for the use of a distribution centre which consists of order details and other information. the main idea is for the system to show the next order listed automatically to the user. i have a table of new order details. each order can be one of three either completed, pending or awaiting delivery. so i want the system to automatically clear the completed ones for the user and for the next order details which are pending or awaiting delivery to be shown. how can i do this?

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Basic Fields Must Automatically Show Up In The 2nd Database Table. Plz Help. Thanks.

May 29, 2007

Hi Everyone.

I am new to MS Access. I got two databases. The 1st database consists of the basic fields like the department,adress,salary etc of the employers(Primary key is the ID). Now in the 2nd database I have the same basic fields and some extra fields. Now my requirement is to when I enter the ID in 2nd database, all the basic fields have to be filled up based on the 1st database( May be I should link the 2 databases).

I really appreciate your help.

Thanks in advance,

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General :: Automatically Show A New Blank Text Box For New Record

May 5, 2013

I would like to input data into textbox and it will automatically open up a new blank textbox for another data.

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Forms :: Automatically Filter Combo To Show Only Projects That Match Training Type

Sep 13, 2014

I've attached a rudimentary example db to give an example of what I'm trying to achieve.

There is a form on the db called Resourcing with several combos.

When I choose a Training_Type from the first combo it automatically filters the Project_Title combo to show only the projects that match that training type. When I choose a Trainer_Name the text box for team automatically completes.

The bit I'm struggling with is Trainer_Name. As you will see from the table Course_Details not every trainer can deliver every Project_Title. So what I want is to display only the trainers associated with the project title chosen rather than displaying the whole team in the Trainer_Name combo.

Someone suggested a junction table but I'm not sure how this would answer my question. I'm thinking some sort of Dlookup but don't know how I would write it when it has to include data from four fields.

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Not Show New Record Fields In A Form.

Jul 26, 2005

I have a form that is just a display/edit type form and I don't want a blank "new" report to show at the bottom when it is opened up. Is there any way to turn this off or disable it?

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Forms :: Other Fields To Find Data Automatically

Nov 13, 2014

In a form I have Two fields (which are of interest):

1) EmployeesName which is a lookup from another table named

TBLEmployees that contains two Fields

2) Second Field named EmployeesNumber which currently also using a lookup from table named TBLEmployees

if possible what I want to try and do when I select EmplyeeName from the dropdown list of names I want the EmplyeeNumber to be inserted into this field automatically rather than searching through the dropdown list again is this possible?

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Forms :: Automatically Clear Fields Between Entries?

Dec 23, 2013

I have made a form with a subform to search for existing records based on inputting a postcode then selecting the relevant address from the subform which then fills the form with details of that chosen record ready to issue a further package linked to that original record.

To prevent errors and confusion by the users I coded the following:

Private Sub CmdFindAddress_Click()
If IsNull(Me.TxtPostcode) Then
MsgBox "You need a Postcode to use this button. Please type one in."

[Code] ....

'Where the postcode entered does not exist in records or if there is a mistake typing in the postcode, below will remove residual record details from previous postcode ready for a new postcode search:

For Each ctlCurr In Me.Controls
If ctlCurr.Tag = "clear" Then
ctlCurr = Null
End If
Next ctlCurr
End Sub

The problem is that if I test the system by inputting a postcode where I know there are no records, the CtlCurr is highlighted and the error message is:

Compile error: variable not defined

This does not happen if I have already selected a postcode so the record fields are filled and then change the postcode - so the record fields are cleared.

Previously, entering a postcode which did not match existing records generated the "there are no records...." error message instead. How do I define CtlCurr?

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Forms :: Update One Form Automatically Upon Fields On Another

Oct 7, 2013

I would like to update the Previous Education tab based on values on the Courses tab.The aim of this is to keep a clients previous education upto date in order to append it to a CV etc.

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Forms :: Calculated Fields Not Updating Automatically

Apr 17, 2015

I'm still very new to Access.I have a form with subforms.Some of the fields are calculated fields.I cannot figure out what some of the fields will not update automatcally. Once I click out of the form and then back in, it will update.Tried many things like, Refresh, Requery both on the form and on the text box(es).I wish I could figure out how to attach my test database to show you.

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Forms :: Decimals In Number Fields Automatically Rounding?

Aug 5, 2013

I have created a sub form in a form that allows data entry for order details. I have a column that holds order amounts that automatically rounds up or down, and I don't want this. I have examined the back end table properties for this particular field, and the number field is set to general.

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Calculation Across Fields - Show Total Count For Each Record

Nov 14, 2014

I need a solution for the following problem:

For example:

............F1 F2 F3
Rec1 ....4 ..2 ..5
Rec2 ....3 ..3 ..1
Rec3 ....1 ..2 ..1

Now, I want to know how many 1s are there in Rec3 the answer is obviously 2 but I want a field(F4, for e.g) that calculates F1+F2+F3 showing all their 1s 2s and 3s.

A solution I found was...... F4=IIf([F1],1,0)+IIf([F2],1,0)+IIf([F3],1,0)

But I have over 50 Fields that contain 1s and 2s and I can't count them all by using this formula as it will be tremendously long and access will reject it.

So I need another formula(or function) that will look up for the 1s across multiple fields and show the total count for each record in a new field.

Tried 'look up' function but achieved nothing ....

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Forms :: Students Details - Form View Automatically Fill Fields

Oct 25, 2014

I prepared students details in access, but when i look the form view students particulars looks automatically (like name, age, weight and address). But what i need is students details has to come after I enter the name.

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Linking Forms (and Automatically Creating New Record)

Apr 26, 2006

Please forgive me if I don't explain everything properly, I am relatively new to Access.

I have two tables with the following information:

PK: volunteer_ID (autonumber)
name, address, school, etc

PK: scholarship_ID (autonumber)
description (text)
amount (currency)
FK: volunteer_ID (number)

One scholarship can be awarded to only one volunteer.
I have a form to enter all the volunteer information. At the bottom of the form, I would like to place a button to open a new form to award a scholarship to this volunteer. I believe I need to link the forms in the following manner:

VOLUNTEER.volunteer_ID = SCHOLARSHIP.volunteer_ID

The problem is this: The forms are not linked properly because in order to assign a volunteer to a scholarship, the scholarship must already exist. So when I click the button to open the scholarship form, the scholarship form is empty and the volunteer_ID defaults to "0".

I think this could be fixed by somehow making my button create a new scholarship_ID in the scholarship form and THEN linking the volunteer_ID fields.

Does this seem like a solution? If so, how would I implement it? I have a screenshot to help. Thank you in advance for your help.

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Forms :: Automatically Add New Record If Field Is Equal To Certain Value?

May 26, 2014

A have an OrderDetail form where I add the articles to a specific order. My articles can be ordered with 4 different attributes and one of them cost more than the others. If they want the article that cost more, I would like access to add a new record with some information.

4 different attributes to my articles. (A, B, C, D)
if ArticleAttribute = A then Null
if ArticleAttribute = B then Null
if ArticleAttribute = C then Null
if ArticleAttribute = D then add NewRecord with ArticleId = X

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Forms :: Fields Of Form To Show Even When There Is No Data?

Apr 17, 2014

I have form that is tied to a query. When I enter criteria that matches what i have in the table, it returns the infromation on another form fine.

However, if there is no data for the criteria I am entering, I get a blank form. Is there anyway to have the fields of the form show even when there is no data?

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Forms :: How To Get Dates To Show In Last Updated And Last Viewed Fields

Mar 18, 2013

how can I get dates to show in last updated and last viewed fields..I did get last updated working but for some reason when I tried to do last viewed, last updated vanished :/

I did try writing code (but im a novice lol, I think that's why last updated vanished).I have got 2 unbound fields called HiddenLastViewed and HiddenLastUpdated thought I might need them.

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Forms :: Expandable Form Option - Show More Fields

Jul 28, 2014

I have a form that I want to expand to show more fields depending on whether a user decides to or not.

Basically there will be 5 fields that a user always completes for this form, however depending on whether they answer yes or no on the final field I want it to expand the form and have some further fields that need completing.

If they select yes it should expand, if they select no then the form is complete.

What are some possible ways of achieving this?

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Forms :: Show Only Most Current Record?

Aug 3, 2013

i've designed a rental database (which seems to do what i want) - it's not perfect....

But i can't figure out how to accomplish this.

If i have a tenant, who has previously had a lease agreement on one of my properties, but then moves out, and then moves into one of my new properties, i can't seem to see how to get access to display just the new lease details.

I've attached a blank copy of the DB with some sample data to illustrate this.

you will see that test tenant has two leases, one expired lease, and one active lease, but on the main form it just shows the expired (original lease)....

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Forms :: Show New Record Row In Subform

Oct 3, 2013

I have a subform in which the users enter job update information. When an update comes in, they simply enter the information in the new record row, denoted by a * in the left hand column. Each record is timestamped (=Now()) and sorted by newest date first.

Is it possible to display the new record row (the blank one with the star) first? I attempted to add the Autonumber ID, hide it and sort by that but it simply comes up with "(New)" in the ID field.

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Forms :: Show Last Record Updated In Table

Jul 12, 2015

I have created a form with two subforms within it.

The TOP subform enables the user to view a specific record (not change it)

The BOTTOM subform enables users to view a datasheet form of all the records and amend them where necessary.

I want the TOP subform to automatically go to the last updated record, meaning that if the user changes the data of a record in the BOTTOM subform it will automatically display the last record on TOP that was updated in the table.

I've looked at the macros available and it only allows me to 'GoToRecord' to either Last, Previous, New etc... Is there any way to go to 'Last modified in the table'??

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Forms :: Open Form And Show First Record In A List

Oct 20, 2013

On a form I have a listbox that allows me to navigate around my records. The listbox is filtered and I get the redords that I waqnt from the table.My problem is that when I open the form the record that is showing is one from the table but not one that is in my listbox. I want it to show the first record in the listbox...This is the command I have on open:

DoCmd.GoToRecord , "", acFirst

which is where the fault lies, but I dont know what I should put in its place. The list is List273 and the form is frm_Profile

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Forms :: Show Current And Total Record Numbers

Nov 27, 2013

This code shows current record number:


This code shows total record number:


How do I combine them in a textbox to say something like "8 of 10"?

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How To Make Associated Label Not Automatically Show With The Field

Aug 21, 2013

I'd sure like to drag fields from the field list onto a report without a label automatically showing with it. I have so many fields to deal with the time just to click it gone adds up.

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Forms :: Field Doesn't Show Full Length Of Record

Dec 4, 2013

My form which is based on a table carrying same name doesn't append the full length of the text to one of the fields.

I don't know where the mistake is occurring or indeed I don't know if the error is in the table or in the form.

The form is showing full length of the text but when I look it in the table, it has just one or two bits of the full length.

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Forms :: Automatically Updating Fields In A Subform From Another Subform

Feb 11, 2014

I am having trouble figuring out the method to automatically update some fields in SubForm from 2 other SubForms.I have attached 2 pics, the first GradeEntry1 shows what the tblTopic_Class_Grade form looks like after I manually enter everything into it. GradeEntry2 is what the form looks like when I fill out the Form starting at the top.

I'd like the tblTopics_Class_Grade form auto-populate the TrainingClassID (it currently does this), TopicClassID, StudentID, TrainingTopicID based off the entry from the above forms.My end goal is that I need to have a grade for each student on each training topic for each class. Like:


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