Forms :: How To Assign Vba Query To List Box

Mar 6, 2014

I am total green in access specially in VBA world and trying to learn during my free time..I am able to learn to learn how to assign values to LISTBOX, based on already created Query (using Wizard).Now I am trying to learn, HOW to create the query through VBA and assign to listbox instead of first creating query..What exactly I am trying to learn is upon opening of the my listbox show already existed records (for information)

Following the information
tlb name = Currency


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Assign Query Output To Multi Select List Box

May 10, 2005

Morning - I have been searching a bit but to no avail. I have a query (qryTopTenList) set up in a database that selects the Top Ten "Classes" from a table with a key field of "insclass".

I have a multi select list box (LstInsClass) that allows end users to select multiple insurance classes. What I would like to do is set up a standard button that when clicked, will loop through all of the insclass in the query "qryTopTenList" and then select those same insurance classes in my multi select list box. So the end result is that 10 records in the List Box would be selected.

This is helpful b/c it prevents the need to go through the entire list box to select the top ten classes.

Thx in advance for any insight. I appreciate it.


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Forms :: Assign A Query To The Record-source Of A Form Dynamically?

Apr 27, 2013

Is it possible to assign a query to the recordsource of a form dynamically? I assume the answer is yes. Can this action be done when the form is not open? If yes what is the correct syntax to use when the code is in a normal module as a public sub? I tried many possibilities and could not get it to work.

Dim ForNm as string
Dim Qry as string
ForNm = "PersonalFm"
Forms(ForNm).Recordsource = Qry
Forms![PersonalFm].Recordsource = Qry
[Forms]![PersonalFm].Form.Recordsource = Qry

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Use List Box To Assign Multiple Values To Records?

Jan 12, 2005

I hope the title actually conveys what I'd like to do.

I want to assign records on a subform to a group header on a form. For example, I have groups A, B, C, and D and I want the records on a subform to be assigned to groups A, B, and D. (The number of groups and their names will change so I can't simply use an "A," "B," "C" option box.) My idea is to have a Multi-Select List Box on the main form and choose all the groups to which the records on the subform need to belong. So I'd select the groups, enter the records on the subform, then create a another record on the master form and assign records to another group.

Is it possible to make this happen without a lot of programming?

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Assign Employees To Task Then Remove Employee From List Of Available For Other Tasks

May 6, 2015

I need the ability to assign employees to a different task in each of four different timeslots on a daily basis. What I would like to do is as I assign an employee to a task in timeframe 1, I would like for them to become unavailable to assign to another task in the same timeframe.

For Example: Three employees to assign to three tasks at the 8 AM to 10 AM time slot.


Emp 1, Emp 2, Emp 3
Task 1
8 AM to 10 AM
Emp 2-Task 1

Emp 1, Emp 3
Task 2
8 AM to 10 AM
Emp 3-Task 2

Task 3
8 AM to 10 AM
Emp1-Task 3

It would be nice to set this up in a form where my person doing the scheduling can assign an individual to a task and that individual name disappears from the combo boxes, list boxes, or is "greyed-out" in a listing of employees available for the time period for the remaining assignments.

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Forms :: Can't Assign A Value To Object

May 6, 2013

I have an unbound form, with a subform datasheet (sfmStaffDS) - not linked to the parent form, which displays a list of all staff. There is another subform (sfmStaff), which displays data based on a field in the form which takes its value from the DA subform.To add a staff member I press the button and this clears the fields down as expected.

However, when I start entering data (in the First NAme field), I get the error as stated in the title. Interestingly, I can carry on and the data gets saved as 'normal'.I have used this technique before with success, except that the DS subform is linked to a value on the parent form.

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Forms :: How To Assign Values In Combo Box

Nov 1, 2014

I am new to access. In a form, I have a combo box(combo1) that store values in field(remarks1) in a table.The values in combo box are:


These all values are being saved in remarks1 quiet easily. I have more fields in the table:


I want when I selet SL from combo1 it saves SL in remarks1 and save "1" as well in SL1 field.I want to have same result with all five combo1 values

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Forms :: Error / You Can't Assign A Value To This Object

Dec 2, 2014

I'm building a simple database for storing records about books.

I'm currently working on one of the data entry forms. Part of this form is supposed to enable the user to add details about the book and the series that it belongs to (if it does belong to one).

The relationship is One-to-Many: One series can have many books. I've made the series part a sub form.

When I enter some data to test that it works, I get an error message when I try to add a new series using the sub form. It says:

"You can't assign a value to this object.
*The object may be a control on a read-only form.
*The object may be on a form that is open in Design view.
*The value may be too large for this field."

As far as I know there isn't anything wrong, so I'm not certain why this error message comes up. I think it may have something to do with the primary key being the AutoNumber data type, but I just click 'OK' and ignore it, and it works fine.

The database works as far as I can see, I just want the error message to stop appearing.

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Forms :: Assign One Textbox For Two Fields

May 23, 2013

I'm new to access and I'm struggling with the transfer of a form we use for fieldwork. I want a technician to be able to come in from the field and enter data in a way that is visually similar to how the collected it. To do this, I have created a form that is structured like this:

View 1 View 2 View3 View4
Sediment % XX XX XX XX

In the table 'results' , I would like to collate the information in what I call 'flat format', which is structured like so:

Site Date Parameter Value

XX XX SedimentView1 XX
XX XX SedimentView2 XX

The thing is, I can only figure out how to assign a text box to a single field, i.e. value. What I need is for the field 'Parameter' to autofill based on the value-textbox name, e.g SedimentView1. Is there some simple way to do this?

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Forms :: Assign Next Number To A Field Not Using Autonumber

Apr 24, 2014

Auto number will not work for what I want to do. I am creating a simple database that will assign the user with the next incremental number in a field. The intent of the database is for the user to enter three text fields and then obtain the number. I believe that Dmax would work but do not know how to make populate the table.

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Modules & VBA :: Assign Password To Buttons In Forms

Feb 26, 2015

I have a form called departments . one that form i have 5 buttons. I want this form only to open when some logs onto the database . The buttons represent each department ...

1. sales
2 purchasing
etc etc

Is it possible to assign a password to those buttons so each department has security to their own form ...

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Forms :: How To Assign Variable Shipping Rates

Jan 21, 2014

I am using a basic Order form and Order Details subform to capture my information. Customer is selected, then Products and Quantities are filled in... the subform calculates the total price. This all works great. Then I have a problem.

I have some national customers that require shipping to multi regions. I would need to select the regions and it has to calculate a new case cost for each product for each area. Could be up to 100 (10 products x 10 areas) new calculated prices.

Then for other customers, I will use just the case cost for the whole order (multiple products) and add one shipping fee to cover the drop. 3 products and only 1 fee added to the total.

Currently, my Order Form uses a Tab page and the Order Details are on the first tab. I could put the Shipping Info on the second tab, I just don't know how to add up to 10 different shipping regions to generate 10 new prices or the one drop fee to the total price.

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Forms :: Vba Assign Text Box Control Source

May 30, 2013

I am working with textbox [DispCD] (a date field) on form [Contract]. There is a dropdown on combobox [Searchbox] for selecting the desired record. I am writing VBA in the [Searchbox] OnChange event. The control source for [DispCD] would normally be "=Searchbox.column(11)". If "column(11)" has a date, I want [DispCD] to show that date and then be locked. If "column(11)" does NOT have a date, I want [DispCD] to allow entry of a date with the date picker showing. I've tried to assign the control source to [DispCD] with this:

CSVal = Format(Forms![Contract]!SearchBox.Column(11), "ddd m/d/yyyy") (this works)
If CSVal = "" Then _
Forms![Contract]!DispCD.countrolsource = "=SearchBox.Column(11)"

I get "Object doesn't support this property or method" error.

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Assign The Value At Run Time In SQL Query

Aug 28, 2007


i want to use this query into my code..

DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO joint_ledger (owner_ref, value_settled, ClientONo, trans_against, con_veh,) VALUES (" & G_current_client & "," & (G_value_os = 0) & " , '" & G_clientono & "', " & jjref & ",'" & con & "')

the part of statement highlighted in red the value for the filed value_settled whose data type is yes/no..

now i am confused with thise highlighted part..will it assign the 0 to G_value_os or first use the original value of G_value_os to insert the value into database... please help me...

many thanks...

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Problem To Assign A Query

Aug 8, 2006


i created a query named: qryTest

on a form, i put a subform/subreport (name: resultQuery)

i have also a button

when i click on the button, i would like to run my query: qryTest and i want to display the result to my component: resultQuery

i tried

resultQuerysourceobject = currentdb.querrydefs("qryTest");

i get error syntax....

any idea?


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Forms :: Writing To A Textbox - Cannot Assign Vale To This Object

Mar 28, 2013

Having problems writing to this textbox on my form?

Textbox name is: Last_Name
Text Control Source is :Last_Name
Line of code is :

Me.Last_Name = Me.Combo0.Column(4)

I get the following data in the textbox " #Name?"

And the error:

" You cannot assign a value to this object"

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Forms :: Way To Assign By Design Certain Item Number To Given Control?

May 12, 2015

The code I am modifying looping through Me.controls collection to identify appropriate control types. Is there a way to influence the order (sequence) of that traversing? Or in different words, is there a way to assign by design certain item number to a given control?

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Forms :: Linked Table - How To Assign Image To A Control In A Form

Dec 7, 2014

I have a linked table in ms access and it has a column as details. in ms access when i click on this button i will go to another form. i want to assign a picture (for opening a form) to this column but i don't know how i have to do this. my form opens as a datasheet view.

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Forms :: Hex Number Conversion - Assign Back Color To A Control

Aug 9, 2014

I'm using Access 2010

What I want to be able to do is to assign a back colour to a control from VBA. There are many colours and what I thought would be an easy process was to choose a suitable colour to be assigned using the colour picker for a control, note the hex number then in my vba code would be

if... then me.mycontrol.backcolor=&HF0AD34

This compiles OK, but produces a completely different colour - I'm expecting an orange colour but getting blue and in another example a pale blue is coming out a brown.

Research indicates adding an ampersand to the end changes the value from integer to long but if I type

if... then me.mycontrol.backcolor=&HF0AD34&

The second ampersand disappears. In the immediate window


All produce the same value of 15772980, which if I copy back to the control backcolour property produces the blue colour and not the required orange - which if i debug.print me.mycontrol.backcolor give me 3452400 - the correct number for orange.

The problem seems to be converting the hex number to a long.

Also how to modify the properties window to show the decimal value rather than the hex value, but can't see anywhere to do this.

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Assign Dynamic Query Value To Text Box ???

Feb 20, 2005

I have the following query, which I know works.

The query is called "products_due_in_query"

SELECT Sum([Supplier_order_line].[quantity]) AS [Due_in]
FROM Supplier_order_line
WHERE (((Supplier_order_line.order_line_status)="Awaiting delivery") AND ((Supplier_order_line.product_number)=[product_number_combo]));

product_number_combo is a combobox on a form called "product_enquiry".

I have a text box on "product_enquiry", which I want to show the value of "Due In" (from the query), when the user selects a product_number from the product_number_combo combobox.

How can I do this? I have tried setting the text box control source to products_due_in_query.Due_in but all I get is "#name".

I thought about doing it with VB code, but dont know how.

I have used .recordSource before, to assign a value to a combobox, but I dont know how to do it for a text box.

Can anyone help?

Thanks very much.

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Queries :: Get Values From One Query And Assign Them To Another Query

Dec 18, 2014

I have created a query that counts the AppSizerPerUD for every User Drive (UserDriveID). Now I want to assign these values to the other query (UserDrive Usage) for every UserDriveID. So I want to create a new column in the UserDriveUsage query that will contain the AppSizePerUD. In this case in the first two rows must be 23.6, then one row 18.38, the third one 45,39 etc.I need something like a VLOOKUP in Excel. I have tried DLOOKUP but probably I am not uisng it correctly.

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Queries :: Assign Query Results To A Tempvar?

Nov 14, 2013

The Query

'SELECT Count(clubbox) AS MTSingles
FROM moves WHERE (((moves.cmrdate)>[Forms]![CPanel]![Text44] And (moves.cmrdate)<[Forms]![CPanel]![Text46]) AND ((moves.driverid)=[Forms]![CPanel]![Text38]) AND ((moves.move)=35) AND ((moves.clubbox)=32));'

returns about 60 records, how do i assign the results to a tempvars

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Forms :: Use List Values In Query?

Mar 26, 2015

I have a list in a form where the user can select multiple values. The list "Projekte" is based on the table "Projekte".

I want to be able after the user selects multiple values from the list to use them in a query to show the respectful records. For example if the user selects Project 1 and Project 2. I want to show the records where there are either Project one or Project 2. Is that possible without VB as I have no knowledge of VB.

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Forms :: How To Get Multi Value From List Box To Be Used In A Query

Apr 25, 2014

i need to know how to get the multi value from list box in my form to be used in a query the list box worked great when it was not multi value

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Forms :: Login System That Assign Security Clearance - Form Not Found Error

Jun 24, 2013

I am relatively new to Access and VB. I am trying to create a log-in system that assigns a security clearance to each user and then restricts access to certain forms and reports based on security clearance. Right now, I have set up the log-in system - that seems to work fine. But when I try to lock the form based on security clearance, I get the 2450 - Form Not Found - error.

The code I am using on the form is as follows:

Private Sub Form_Open (Cancel As Integer)

If Forms!frmLogin!cboUser.Column(4) <> 1 Then
MsgBox "You do not have access to this form", vbOkOnly
DoCmd.Close acForm, "formname"

End Sub

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Forms :: Query Does Not Show Selections From List Box

Jun 19, 2014

I have a list box (SUB CATEGORY) on my form where I can select multiple items. I have a query (Final) that has this field in it.

Problem - I cannot seem to get the list box selections to appear in the query results. What the "Criteria" should look like or maybe some code that I can try.

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