Forms :: How To Change Am Or Pm Based On Time Entered
Nov 1, 2013
I have a form where I am capturing StartTime and EndTime of certain events. I have set the input mask as 99:00 >LL;0;_
My users think it is too much to enter am or pm. What they want is the system to calculate the am pm based on the time entered.
If the time entered is between 8:00 to 11:59, the system should save it as 11:59 am and if the time entered is between 12:00 to 7.00, the system should save it as 7.00 pm.
I have a form and I want the dates to be displayed based on predefined time. In this case, I want my form to show present date from present day's 7:00 AM to next day 7:00 AM.
On that form we have 4 tabbed pages, 3 of which get used regularly. Unfortunately though, the Notes page does not get used very often. The reason is because people say that they don't want to click on the page if there is not going to be any information there to read, and they don't want to enter information if no one is going to read it.
Therefore, I was wondering if there was a way to have the page name, "Notes", change color if notes have been typed? Or, maybe an asterisk (*) shows up next to the page name if notes have been typed.
How to disable fields in Access based on data entered in a previous field? For example if "yes" is chosen from a drop down show "Date field" if "no" is chose hide "Date Field".
I have a form that request the User to enter a Parcel ID number (99-9a-99-99aaa-aaa-aaaa). The sub form asks for the subdivision number, block number, and lot number. The subdivision number, block number and lot number are normally part of the Parcel ID number but sometimes they can be different. I want the sub form to fill in the Subdivision number, block number, and lot number as a default but allow the user to change the value if needed. currently the sub form will only show what is entered into the table itself if a change is made on the main form the sub form does not reflect the change.
I am needing to design a form that allows a user to add or overwrite a number of records by copying and pasting the information from an Excel Spreadsheet, however one of the problems is that the information being sent has times stored as text - so, for 04:45, it is simply stored as 0445 on the spreadsheet.
Is there a way to have these autocorrect once pasted into the datasheet?Also, is there a way to make a datasheet form that copies a number of records into itself depending on a user selection? The basics of what I am trying to achieve is:
I have a number of services that operate on a number of services (public transport), each vehicle has a unique identifier (Bonnet), and each place in the schedule has a unique identifier (RunNo); there are different schedules for different day types (Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday to Thursday, Friday and so on), and the times that each RunNo goes out and comes in differs depending on the day type.
At the moment, I have a table which has the following fields:
ID (Autonumber, PK) DayType Route RunNumber TimeOut TimeIn
My idea/hope is that a user will be able to open a vehicle allocation datasheet for the day, select the day type (lets say, Saturday) which will then populate the relevant number of rows with the schedule information (looking at a Saturday, that would be 128 rows), and then a blank column to add to the records a vehicle ID that is being used for each RunNo for the day.
Now, on top of all this, I need to also cater for vehicles being substituted during the course of the day - - - if one breaks down, it will have to be de-allocated from the list (so presumably by changing the TimeIn to the current/actual time rather than the scheduled time) and the user will need to be allowed to add a further row to show which vehicle was used next against that RunNo.
Just to further complicate things, there is quite a number of vehicles that will have a time in which is in the following day (ie after midnight) - whilst this isn't a problem in storing the times, I also want this table to be looked up to determine whether a vehicle is currently allocated or not.
The fields for the AllocatedVehicles table are:
ID (Autonumber, PK) RunNumber Bonnet Number DateOfService TimeOut TimeIn
It is hope that all of these with the exception of Bonnet Number can be populated by selecting the day type?
I have a routine than has been working perfectly up to now. My save routine was called by clicking a Command Button called cmdAdd.
I tried to change this Command Button to a toggle button by deleting it then creating the toggle button, naming it cmdAdd and clicking on the event property to link it to the existing procedure. PS It is an UnboundForm
BTW, I've done this for several other commands without a problem but with this particular case I get the following error
Run Time Error 2115.
The macro or function set to the Before Update or Validation Rule is preventing Access from saving etc."
It seems likely that I need to do something to the toggle properties.
It allows the but still says "You must save the current field before you run the Requery action"
The system is looking to save/update and something is stopping it. Funny though that this doesn't occur with Command Button
I have tried decompiling, compact and repair, commenting out every line that involved updating a field or variable (Except for a recordset operation that does correctly do the updates required)
BTW the Toggle button has no Before or After Update events - Only the On_Click
My Edit info form has several fields. The two of interest are: Filestatus - text - open or closed Dateclosed - date format When the file is created, the filestatus field is set to "Open". What I would like to do is when a date is entered into the dateclosed field, automatically change the filestatus to "Closed".
Can you have a form that will make a cosmetic change base on the value of a field?
So I have a Member's Detail form and I would like the form to look a little different (say header background a different color) based on the member type. Is this possible?
So I have a combobox that pulls values from a table. I am being requested to do an update to the database which means that I have to filter some values on that combobox based on a field on a previous form.For example:The main form is called "frmcontacts" and has a table field called "txttypeofcustomer" which can have two values: "customer" or "dealer".
The form that contains the combobox is called "frmnewissue" the combobox is called "cmbissuetype". "frmNewIssue" is opened through a button on "frmContacts". This combobox pulls the values from a table "tblissuetype". The values in that combobox are then: "Repair" "Return" "Question" "Replace".
If the value on txtTypeofCustomer is "Dealer" then all the values for the combobox remain visible. If the value of txtTypeOfCustomer is "Customer" then "Replace" cannot be visible or has to be greyed out.
I will simplify the situation as I can , I have one table in my DB with the following fields :
I want to have a pop-up form 5 minutes before the appointment time !!! (That is it)
- I know it's better to manage the appointments within outlook. - I do not want to connect my DB with outlook appointments. - I want the reminder form to have a "snooze for 5 minutes" button and "Done" Button to change the appointment status (APP_STS) to done. - I think we are going to use on timer event (which is totally new for me)
I have been looking some information on changing image based on form combo box selection on form.
I manage to do case by case but i need it in a simple code because their will be many employees just to avoid adding case by case code for each one.
Private Sub Emp_IDCombo_AfterUpdate() Select Case Emp_IDCombo.Value Case "AM-001" Imageholder.Picture = "C:UsersAMGDesktopam-001.jpg" Case "AM-002" Imageholder.Picture = "C:UsersAMGOne DocumentsHR & Admin DatabaseEmployee Picturesam-002.jpg" End Select
I have employees table where all images location is saved in text field and i have a combo box on form which is employee id.
Tables relationship Employees_table [PK] to Contracts_table [FK] via field name {emp_ID}
Fields Name Combo Box name on form Emp_IDCombo and row source is SELECT Employees_table.Emp_ID, Employees_table.EmployeeName, Employees_table.Emp_Pics FROM Employees_table;
Text field is located in employees_table called [Emp_Pic] for images location.
I have two combo boxes in the form header and command buttons in the form detail. The combos allow the user to select either a customer or a prospect, then the command buttons open forms that only show records pertaining to the customer or prospect selected. Combos are "4Custcbo" and "4Proscbo".
1.How do I change which command buttons are available depending on whether the user has selected a customer or a prospect? Do I use two different subforms or is there a better way?
2.How do I hide the other combo box once the user has selected either a customer or a prospect?
I would like to change the Font and background color based on dates.
-I have a text box (Training Event) on a form populated from a field (Training Dates) in a query.
- I need the font and/or the background in that text box to change to red when the date is 12 month past, yellow 11 months past, white 10 months past and green for 9 months past.
How do I conditionally change the Back Color and Alternate Back Color based on the value of notes.FollowUpDate? I have a continuous form using the following code:
Code: Private Sub b_all_past_Click() Me.resultsFrame.SourceObject = "FollowUp_bystaff" Me.resultsFrame.Form.RecordSource = "SELECT * From notes WHERE (((Notes.FollowUpDate) < Date()+1) And ((Notes.followup_person_id) = GetCurrentUserId()))ORDER BY notes.priority,(notes.FollowUpDate) DESC;" ' End Sub
Here is my problem. We stage outages once 3 tickets have been recieved for the same problem type, but only if all three tickets are entered within 16.65 hours or 999 minutes. I.E. the third ticket is received within 999 minutes of the first ticket. How can I capture this based on the field time entered?
I am creating my first database and I'm a beginner. I have a table called customers and another table that has customer and product information. What I would like to do is when a new record for my product is entered it also enters the customer information on another table. I have repeat customers though, so I only want it to enter it once. Right now, I have to enter the customer info separately. Customer table contains: Customer ID, first, last, Phone. My product table also has this same info. Is this possible? To enter info on a product form and the selected info be copied into another table at the same time only once.
My DB has many (!) forms that are based on Crosstabs queries. The headers are years, and therefore my formfields has controlsources like 2014, 2015 and so on.
The table it comes from looks something like this:
The crosstab then takes the EndYear as a coloumn header. Then my forms use these fields, now named 2014, 2015, 2016 .... and give me a nice looking table showing the accumulated "end" for multiple projects.
The problem is when the year changes after 31/12, all fields must manually be changed. This means I have to manually change 2014 to 2015, 2015 to 2016 and so on in all of my formsfields controllsource.
I have played around to find a way to change the source of the field, and hoped I could say something like =year(now()) and for the next year say =year(now())+1 but this only returns that year as a value, and not as a controlsource...
The query functions nicely (ive changed the system time, and it has no issues with this structure), but the forms source is still in the previous year, and returns and error (of course).
When the year changes past new years eve, so will the headers (fieldname) change... but how to make the form change fieldsource?
I have set up a form and only want to display the date and time that will appear automatically based on when the record was created. I definitely don't know how to do this.
The format that I'm looking for is: 07/24/13 11:45:44pm
From what I can see I would need two separate fields to accomplish this. I would prefer to only use one if possible. I would like to execute the value within the new record as it is entered. That date and time from that point should never change.
I will want to use the date and time in the future for quality control.
The main form contains a combobox, populated from a query which pulls in specific data (time) from a table
The subform is linked to the combo box on the main form. Based on the combobox selection, the subform updates with associated records with the combobox selection
I would like to add additional functionality in the form load event, that would read the current time and identify the nearest value in my combobox.
I have tested the code below behind a button and it works
If Time() > "13.00:00" And Time() < "14:30:00" Then MsgBox "The Time is " & Time() cboPricingCADeadline.Value = "14:30:00" Else cboPricingCADeadline.Value = "NA" End If
Would a loop through the recordset of the Combobox be best used here? Set the first and second values of the recordset to variables, query the time and then return the value if statement is true, or move to the next record in the rs replacing the first and second variable values
eg If value1 > time() and value 1 < value2 then cboPricingCADeadline.Value = value1 end if
If this is a good lead, how do I go about setting up my recordset?
Hi all, Please bear with me if I'm asking a dumb question. I've been tasked to create a database from scratch and I've not had much experience working with Access.
**My Question** Using a form is it possible to have the form automatically enter a "value" in one field based on the information inputed by someone in a different field. ie. When some one puts in a value between 0 and 20 in one field it automatically enters a 1 in the other, and when some one puts in a value between 21 and 30 you get a 2 and so on down the line.
I'm attempting to build a simple database for a martial arts tournament registration. The weight division (Fin, Fly, Heavy, etc.) depends on the age, the sex and the weight. I've tried this several different ways, most recently by using one table called "competitors" with all the entrant's information, and several other tables based on the age class/sex (i.e. I have a table called Age 8-9 Male with the weights and divisions in it, and other tables for the other ages/sex). So, basically, what I'd like to have happen is a report that will lookup in the correct table the division, based on the weight entered. In other words, for a record where the age is 8-9 and the sex is Male, the report compares the weight to the values in the 8-9 Male table, or if the record is a 12-13 Female, it looks in the 12-13 Female table for the weight, and places the correct division in the Division field of the report. Probably going about this wrong.....but any help would be appreciated.
I am looking to (on the mainform) have the user enter into a text box whatever date they would like to enter and have that value become the current date of the system. So that all operations are based off of this newly entered date.
I am trying to color code text boxes based on the data entered in. The column is "PHASE" and the items entered in are either "1" "2" or "3". 1 is supposed to be Red, 2 Yellow, 3 Green.
I have Microsoft Access XP (I'm sure). I've tried to do it on VB and had no luck. I couldn't figure out Macro and I don't have On Click or Code Builder.
I have tried a couple of different expressions and no luck. I'm definitely an amateur to Access. I'm only using it cause it's what we have in the office.