Forms :: How To Find What Data Is Actually Being Passed Between Forms And Subforms

Nov 22, 2013

I have several Suppliers, each of whom holds several SalesEvents. At each SalesEvent I might buy none, one or more Bundles. Each Bundle then contains one or more Items. These relationships are all reflected in my Access 2013 desktop db as one-many relationships with cascaded updates.

My form structure for data entry reflects the Relationships, in that I have a Supplier form with a SalesEvents subform. On that subform I can enter data about each of that Supplier's SalesEvents, and each SalesEvent row has a button to call up a SalesEvent form which has a Bundles subform. Then each row of that subform has a button which calls up a Bundle form containing an Items subform. That Bundle form identifies the Supplier, Sales Event and Bundle number, and within its Items subform I can then enter the data for each Item.

Problem : All used to work fine, but I've clearly changed something because now when I select the Items button on the Items subform in the Bundle form, the system gives me the data for the first record in the SalesEvents table, rather than the one selected. I have checked the raw data and that's as it should be. I have tried to undo all the steps I took since it last worked properly, but to no avail. Restoring the last backup (taken when I'm sure it worked properly) still has the do I find what data is actually being passed between forms and subforms ?

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Forms :: Continuous Form - Saving New Record When Data Passed To It

Dec 11, 2013

I have a continuous form it has a field (DateStart) and a field (DateStartCarryOver). There is an event on (DateStart) for the (DateStart.Value) to be passed to a new record in (DateStartCarryOver).

My probem is that the new record dosent get saved (i.e. it dosent get an ID so a record isnt created. How can I create that record once the data has bee pased to it?

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Forms :: How Data Is Passed Using Foreign Keys - Cannot Display Proper Information

Jan 25, 2015

I'm trying to understand how data is passed using foreign keys.

I'm using Allen Browne's 'Don't use Yes/No fields to store preferences' at: [URL] ....

I've also downloaded his sample DB, RelationBasics, to use as a guide.

Attached is my version of the Student / Sport DB as described on the webpage.

I use 2010 at home (saved as 2003 version) and 2003 at work (JPNSE OS). Both result in the same thing.

The problem I'm having is I cannot get the actual sports to display in the combo-box, only the Sport_ID number.

I've tried building both forms with and without actual data in the TBL_Student & TBL_Sports tables, but no mater what the result is the same.

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Forms :: Take Data From A Form With Many Subforms

Dec 6, 2013

I need to take data from a form with many sub-forms. The letter has to be in word to allow for edits. Its an appointment letter, however is has a table with 1-100 lines.I need to be able to add the name, address, date of appointment and table with however many lines are needed for that client.I can get the table to work by itself or the name, address and date of appointment but not both.

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Forms :: Subforms And Many To Many Relationships - Data Not Retained

Jun 4, 2013

I have created a form with two subforms. The context of this is a litigation database. The main form is for testimony. Among other things, it includes a field for a question and an answer. Any given piece of testimony may relate to one or more documents, and any document may be referenced in one or more pieces of testimony. So have two subforms, one for documents produced by the Plaintiff, and one for documents produced by the Defendant. It worked out easier that way because I originally created indices of those documents in separate Excel tables which I then imported to Access.

So the relationship for both document tables relative to the testimony table is many to many, which is established using two junction tables.

I also have a combo box in each subform where I can autofill fields based on selection of the document number.

My problem is that while the combo-box works great, once I select a document in the subform, that selection is carried over into the next entry of the master form, but also the selection is not retained in any of the master forms. So I can browse the document listing from any entry in the master form, but I can't get the document selection in the subform to stick and create a lasting relationship to a given record in the master form.

Is my problem that it is just impossible to have a subform based on a many to many relationship, or is it in the parent child relationship of the form and subform, or is it in the properties of the subform?

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I've Never Passed A Variable Between Forms... This Is A First!

Jun 10, 2005

I have a form set up where a user chooses a page tab. Either statistical reports or detail reports. Then they have to choose between 2 toggle buttons. Candidate or hire.

So a user chooses detail, then candidate. An option group below that shows the different groupings of detail candidate reports that they can choose.

A couple of examples - detail report of candidates by office applied to, department, application source etc.

Once that is chosen a button is visible to continue. Now they are taken to the appropriate form. This is done by a global variable gstrformname defined in the afterupdate of the group option that they chose (office etc.)

Once they click to continue to the criteria form, they are choosing the criteria. (for example purposes) the choice below takes the user to a criteria form for choosing an application source ( email, etc) or click a button and all types are given. I have all of that set up. But now I want to change what report the command button is opening, to a variable. A variable that would be set by the below form when the type of report and grouping for the report are chosen...that defines a certain report.

I specified on this main report menu that it is a candidate report that I want, but when I get to the criteria form, I need a way to pass that choice on. I am not sure how to best do that.

I am trying to avoid making 2 copies of the same form 1 for candidates and 1 for hire. :crazy: I undertstand that I should pass a variable here.

So basically on the main form they choose candidate or hire report, then they choose group. The grouping information tells the command button what form to open (the application source criteria form, the office criteria form, etc). The thing is, this form is the criteria for the candidate report and the hire report. The command button on the criteria form would ideally be -

docmd.previewreport gstrreportname, acpreview

my question is, how or where do I define, from the point that they choose candidate or hire, to the next form, that they want the candidate by office or hire by office report? (define the gstrreportname variable as one of those too.)

Make sense?

Here is a pick of the report form (menu)

For the afterupdate of the frame for the grouping of the report, I have a select case. In that I define gstrreportname for the report it is, if the choice goes right to a report. If it goes to a form first (for criteria), I define that form with a global variable gstrformname. Can I also define the report there (gstrreportname)? If I do that, will the criteria form know that? Even if I close the main report form?

I hope someone understands me! :shrug:

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Tearing Hair Out - Data Entry Forms/Subforms

Jun 18, 2006

Hi Guys,

The asset managment system I have been developing is due to go live next week and I am really struggling with the data entry and search forms.

I have attached a picture of the main form (and outlined each subform) to give you an idea of my project.
The attached form is actually a Main Equipment Type Detail form with a child subform AssetMain which has a number of child subforms i.e. Asset Details, Purchase Details etc.

When a user clicks to add a new asset a popup form asks them to select an equipment type i.e. PC. When they click it opens the attached form. Their selection filters the equipment type detail values in the combo i.e. Laptop, Tower, Server etc.
When a value is then selected in the combo you can then add an asset for that equipment type detail. (One Equip Type > Many Equip Type Detail > Many Assets)

1st Problem)
I have set the Asset Main subform to allow additions only. When the whole form opens, the Equipment Type combo (at the top) does not display a value but does actually contain the first value.
How do I force my user's to select a value in the combo before it actually filters the child subform?

2nd Problem) The Asset Main Subform (filtered by selected Equip Type) should only be used for data entry. I set the data entry property of the form to True but when the value in the Equip type combo changes, it displays all the relating records in the subform. My only solution so far is to stick

Subform.DataEntry = True
in the Equip Type combo's after update event. However, this doesnt look to good as it flashes up with the data and then displays a blank record.
Any ideas?

3rd problem) Due to the fact that I am using a number of subforms, my tab order is such that values are entered for the main form (i.e. ID, Condition) then subforms (i.e. manufacturer) then back to the main form (i.e. allocated to). This means that:
a) I am having problems validating the record beforeinsert as I have had to change the required property to "no"
b) Once the user has tabbed through all the forms what is the best way to go to a new record? Alternatively if I add a new record button I need to check that the necessary fields have been filled in (on all of the forms/subforms).

and finally the 4th)
I have a search form that queries the assets. The search results are displayed in a list box. When you dblclick the list box I need to show the asset details.
Question: Can I use the above form to do this? My only problem is that I need to open the AssetMain form which is a sub form in the above. If I try and use the existing form it will not open as many of the controls refer to the form as a subform. Do you think I need to create a separate form for showing the data to entering it?

Would really appreciate some help (not that you havent heard that before :) )
My head is going to pop in a minute!!!


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Forms :: Lock / Unlock Form AND Subforms From Editing Data

Mar 24, 2014

I have a form with several subforms within (tabbed subforms). I've used the code:

In the Current event of the parent form -

Me.AllowEdits = False
Me.AllowDeletions = False
Me.AllowAdditions = False

In the Current event of each of the subforms -

Me.AllowEdits = Me.Parent.AllowEdits
Me.AllowDeletions = Me.Parent.AllowDeletions
Me.AllowAdditions = Me.Parent.AllowAdditions

In the Click event of the button -

Me.AllowEdits = True
Me.AllowDeletions = True
Me.AllowAdditions = True

So the main form is locked upon opening and unlocked with the click of an unlock button. How to apply this to the subforms as well. They just stayed unlocked the whole time.

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Forms :: Field Not Being Passed To Query As Criteria?

Apr 18, 2013

Instead of the combo box value being passed into the target query as it should I *always* receive a popup that states "Enter Parameter Value"

I set my filter criteria as such in the target query: "[Forms]![Invoice_Form]![comboFamily]" but for some reason, despite there being a value in that combo box, I am always prompted for a parameter. VBA code associated with a "Generate Invoice" button on the form causes the query and the report to open.

I've attached the database, everything is dummy data.

The suspect form is the "Invoice_Form" the suspect query is the "Invoice_Query" and the suspect report is the "Invoice".

If a number is entered in the "Enter Parameter Value" field that matches the primary key of a family in the "Family" table then a report is generated correctly (as it is currently configured). For some reason it seems that the form with the combo box just cannot be accessed by the query.

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Forms :: Open Form If Date Field Is Passed?

Apr 15, 2013

I have a form with numerous fields on it, with the one I'm concerned about being a date field.

I want a different form to open automatically if the above date field is in the past (this will act as a warning to the user).

I've created the warning form as a pop-up view but just want to know the best way to have it open automatically.

Can this be done via a macro in the OnOpen Property (or maybe OnLoad) or will this have to written in vba.

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Forms :: Result From A Query Being Passed To Text Box On Form

May 6, 2014

I am making a database for my work place where there is telephone counsellors and they need to complete a certain number of supervision hours and a few other categories of hours required for training and several other things. The manager wants to be able to see the total supervision hours and the other categories for a worker when the worker is selected and the date range for the queried time entered.

I have a form that has quite a few items on it. I have two text boxes that allow me to enter a start date and an end date, I have a combo box that allows me to select a worker and I have 3 text boxes that I want to populate with the sum of 3 separate columns in another table when the date is entered and the worker selected so the manager can see, at a glance, how many hours each worker has done on the separate items. Maybe I would need an update button at the bottom that, when clicked, would perform the required calculations.

I have 3 queries that return the required information but I need to get one of the columns from the query results put into each of the 3 text boxes. Basically, when I click on the buttons the right query appears, I just want column 3 (which is a sum column) to get put in the corresponding text box and I want all the boxes to display the sum of their corresponding queries when a date and person is selected.The form is called frmSearch, the 3 queries are called qry_sumisshours, qry_sumisshours and qry_sumtcshours. The 3 text boxes I need to get populated from the queries are called txt_ results_ sv_ hours, txt_results_TCS_hours and txt_results_iss_hours.

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Forms :: Calculate Passed Working Days And Show Them In A Form

Jul 8, 2015

I need to calculate the passed working days and show them in a form. I should be also able to use the number in a query later on. in excel I use the formula to get the days passed:

=IF(ISERROR(MATCH(F10,Dictionary!C:C,0)),NETWORKDAYS(D10, TODAY(), Dictionary!$E$2:$E$43),"Status Excluded")
D = "Date_uploaded" in access table "tbl_All_Cases"
F = "Status_Case" in access table "tbl_All_Cases"
c:c = dictionary case status
E:E = dictionary holidays

"Status Excluded" will show up in the cell if a case has one of the status from the dictionary..I created a table: tbl_Dictionary where there are 2 fields: "Case_Status" and "Holidays".How can I translate the above formula into something that access will understand?

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Forms :: Other Fields To Find Data Automatically

Nov 13, 2014

In a form I have Two fields (which are of interest):

1) EmployeesName which is a lookup from another table named

TBLEmployees that contains two Fields

2) Second Field named EmployeesNumber which currently also using a lookup from table named TBLEmployees

if possible what I want to try and do when I select EmplyeeName from the dropdown list of names I want the EmplyeeNumber to be inserted into this field automatically rather than searching through the dropdown list again is this possible?

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Forms :: Find And Replace With New Data In Table

Jan 7, 2014

Is it possible to have a Find & Replace in the table using access forms. ( Like the inbuild option in Excel ), I want the user to search some data & replace with the new data which may present in more than one record.

I want to do it with forms, because i dont want the user to use the tables.

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Forms :: Find Data Using Field In Form

Jul 19, 2013

I have a form that is bound to a query. The user inputs their id in a text box and the form should find the corresponding record with 5 different pieces of data displayed in separate text boxes. There is at any given time only one record set per id. The query has in the EmpID the criteria: [Forms]![frmProdStopEntryNew]![EmpID] to reference back the EmpID as the filter.

On the form, after the employee enters their ID, the afterupdate should pull-up the record that corresponds to that id. The code for the afterupate is:

Private Sub Emp_ID_AfterUpdate()
Me.Filter = "EmpID = '" & Me.Emp_ID & "'"
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdApplyFilterSort
Me.StopTime = Now()
End Sub

I also have a form load to go to a new record just so that the form is blank when the user enters it.

Private Sub Form_Load()
On Error GoTo Form_Load_Err
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.GoToRecord , "", acNewRec
Exit Sub
MsgBox Error$
Resume Form_Load_Exit
End Sub

The problem I'm experience is that the query to find the record has a 50/50 hit and miss success rate. I think this is because the form load gets activated each time the query is refreshed afterupdate. And the form load has the new record syntax so it sort of nullifies it each time. How do I fix that?

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Forms :: Conditional Formatting Changing Field Color Based On Hours Passed

Jan 7, 2015

I'm having a spot of trouble trying to get conditional formatting to work. I have an overview form which displays current quotes going through the system, the QuoteStartTime field is generated from the Now() command.I Would like if possible to show, 1 hour = Green, 2 hours = Amber and 3+ hours Red.

I've tried variations of

I've done this before with a date only field before, but working with time is taking too much time.

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Forms :: Forms With SubForms Opening With New Record?

Mar 8, 2013

I have a main form with multiple subforms in tab view, right now the forms only open in edit mode, I would like all forms to open to new record mode. I know I can set the main form with the switchboard manager but what about the subforms?

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Forms :: Show Tabs And Subforms In Tabs Only If Data Exists

May 6, 2013

I'm trying to clean up a form a bit and have it only show certain subforms/graphs if the data exists. I already have columns in a combobox query to show an "X" for if certain data appears:

Now, I know I could build another query and have some system go through and identify these things, but the easiest thing would be to reference the "X" in the columns of the combobox. Is there an easy way to reference values in the other (non-primary) columns? Or can you think of an easy way to make these subforms only be visible when the data exists? Maybe have an on load event for the subform?

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Forms :: Find Hex Or RGB Value For Blue Color That Access 2010 Uses By Default For Buttons On Forms?

Sep 5, 2014

Where can I find the Hex or RGB value for the blue colour that Access 2010 uses by default for buttons on forms? I need to change some buttons to yellow (I know the code for that) but later change them back to the previous shade of blue, which is shown in the Properties pane "Accent 1, Lighter 40%".

By clicking in the standard colors area at the bottom of the colour chooser I can find a very similar blue #D6DFEC but it doesn't look quite right. And the "accent" colour does not give me a Hex value.Is that "usual" blue even one colour? How can I reset a button to that style having changed it?

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Forms :: Using ID Value Passed To Form From Previous Form In Query

Aug 17, 2014

I have a big table, EquipmentDetails and separately I have job plans.Job plans can have many pieces of equipment. I store the relationship in EquipmentDetails_JobPlanDetails, but am feeling frustrated as I can't seem to get Access to build the SQL query from this in the way I want.

I am generating a List Box in a form which is populated from a query.The query calls on a table which lists ItemID from EquipmentDetails and JobID and in the current form (where the list box is) I want to pick up and display the ItemIDs associated with that JobID. The current JobID reaches my form correctly (I've proven this by displaying it in a text box) from the previous form.

The problem I have is that I can't seem to get the SQL query to only get ItemIDs that are linked to the current JobID. No matter what I try, it either gets all of the ones in that table, or I can't compose one.What kind of SQL do I need to only grab the ones relating to the current JobID please?I've tried building it in the design view but it says that it can't do it because the outer joins are ambiguous.

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Forms And Subforms

Jul 2, 2007

I am attempting to create a database for my users to input new data via a main form. I have this main form where I use subforms as look up tables/queries to pull my stored data from. My problem is that I want to try and not have the subform on the main form; I want it to be its own window. Bear in mind I am new to using Microsoft access, and trying to learn as I go.

I have created all the forms with queries. I use the open form command to get me to my subform, which is a common findings form. From there I am able to search and filter, and once I find my desired record I want to be able to link certain fields back to the main form. (basically if possible use a command button to select this information and insert it on the main form). Typically, my users will have a generic finding to to record so I have inputted these findings so that they can select them and not have to type them themselves. Is this even possible for me to do this way, with a command button by writing a VBA code and linking criteria? The reason I am creating a separate form is so that the main form is not cluttered and is user friendly.

The fields I want to link are the same, however they are not from the same queries, and essentially the main form has its own since as of right now there is not data because it’s run of user input. The findings form has data. There are relationships established.

Thanks for any help, I feel like this might be confusing since I am unsure of exactly what I am trying to do, but any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Continuous Forms With Subforms?

Feb 8, 2005

Okay. I am trying to build a form where I could get information like this but also editable. It can be either bound or unbound with enough information to update the records. I could do this several other ways but would prefer it just like it is below. Any ideas is greatly appreciated. Sam.

ELEMENT_1 Included(y/n)
ELEMENT_2 Included(y/n)
ELEMENT_3 Included(y/n)

ELEMENT_1 Included(y/n)
ELEMENT_2 Included(y/n)
ELEMENT_3 Included(y/n)

ELEMENT_1 Included(y/n)
ELEMENT_2 Included(y/n)
ELEMENT_3 Included(y/n)

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Complex Forms As Subforms

Mar 3, 2005

I have a complex form (in that it contains a lot of VB code and events) to display the information of various articles in my database. I would like to add some browsing options to the form (like a list of all articles on the left, and some different back/forward options), but I also need to preserve the form in its current state.
Rather than make a new copy of the form (and have to maintain TWO near-identical copies of the same form), I attempted to make a new form, with just the browsing list, and insert the old article information form as a subform on the left. However, it seems that any of the code from the original form which refers to Forms!Article Information!Article_ID ("Article Information" is the name of the original form) are not able to load the correct information, as I am prompted to supply it myself. Needless to say, I don't want the user to be prompted for the article number each time they open the form :).

I'm wondering how I would go about opening the old form as a subform in such a way that I am not prompted each time. Or alternativley, if there's a better way to do what I'm trying to do, how should I do it?

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Tabbing In Forms/subforms

Feb 21, 2006

I have search the forum and have found many solutions to this same problem but so far none have worked for me. I am fairly new to Access so maybe I am just not understanding properly.

I have a form with a main form and many subforms. All subforms but one are continuous and the other is a single form that does not allow additions.

1. I can tab from the main form to the first subform but can’t get the next subform.
I have tried this on the exit of the first combo box in the subform

Private Sub EventInitialActionTaken_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
If IsNull(Me.EventInitialActionTaken) Then
End If
End Sub

This works until I open a new record from one of the subforms and then I get an error.

2.Then, my last subform is the single form with no additions and I want it to tab to a command button on the main form. Right now it just goes in circles throughout the sub form

3.Also, if I ask to start a new record while my cursor is in one of the subforms, the new record will open with my cursor in that subform field. How do I get it to default to the first field in the main form? I tried Me.EventID.Setfocus on the On Load Event of the main form but this didn’t work.

I think that if I get the answer to question 3 then the code I previously used in question 1 might work.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.

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Dependent Forms? Subforms?

Oct 4, 2006

I have 3 tables:
FAID, FAName, Active(y/n)
SubFAID, SubFAname, Active(y/n)

What I need is all possible Functional Areas listed on a form where you can click on active checkbox to activate that Functional Area.
Then on the next form I need Sub-functional Areas listed, but only those that tie back to Functional Areas that have been activated.
Is this at all possible to achieve? I really don’t know how to go about doing this. Do I need a form, or may be I need a subform? I'm at a loss.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

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Controlling Forms And Subforms

Dec 10, 2006

Howdie y'all

I need a few pointers wrt the relationship between a form and its subform.

I have the following form:

Top part of the form is for adding/editing etc.

The subform is based on a query. The two are linked on the 'week' value.

Now, this is what I want to do:

The user must not be able to edit data in the subform (so should I use a report instead... but then will I be able to do 2...).
Selecting a row in the subform should cause the whole form to go to that record so that the user can then modify info in the fields of the main form.

I don't know VB - the only code I've used is gleened from searching these forums (a great resource, so I'm learning slowly), so I'll need a bit more than 'Do a wrzmitchigob on the bleedlethrop'!

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