Forms :: How To Make Tab Control Stretch

Feb 2, 2015

I have an application designed for an 1280x 1024 screen working just fine. Unfortunately need hs arisen to run it on a widescreen laptop, with less than 1024 in y-direction.

On the front pge I have a form and subform. I shrink the subform vertically and then anchor it with a "stretch down" and everything is hunky dory. But, on the min operation page accessed form front page, I have a tb control with 4 subforms, and access to the bottom line under the form is essential in each case.

A tab-control has no anchoring properties, so how to make it shrink nevertheless? Essentially, imagine a form, at the bottom there is tab control, in it is a subform. How to accommodate smaller screens by shrinking the subform and the tab control?

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Forms :: Make Beep Sound When Try To Type Into Locked Textbox Control

Jan 31, 2015

Nothing else to explain really. How can I get my database to make a beep sound when something is trying to be typed into a locked textbox control?

This is so that my users can know that it's locked (much like when the delete button is pressed on a new record).

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Having Details Section Stretch Vert And Horizontal?

Feb 27, 2006

I tried searching, to no avail. I've attached pics to represent my issue a bit clearer. I have a form that I want to be my switchboard, but my clients all have different resolutions, and this is where I run into the problem. I want the switchboard to not only be maximized, but appear maximized.

Here is the design view: Linkage (
Here is the form view: Linkage (

I want the date and bottom line to always be at the bottom. This works fine by simply using form headers and footers. The issue is that the Admin button will appear near the center (vertically) when viewed on a computer with high resolution, instead of just above the bottom horizontal line as I intend.

Does anyone know of a way to fix this?

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Make My Tab Control Go Away, Please!

Sep 11, 2006

I'm upgrading a form that was designed a while ago (not by me). It has various text boxes/combo boxes/etc. and one tab control that has 3 pages (TabCtl87). It works fine, I want to leave it there. My goal is to create another tab control on this form with two pages. One will include combo boxes and (hopefully) TabCtl87, which are already on the form. The other will have a new subform.
My problem is this: I set up the new tab control and cut and paste the combo boxes and TabCtl87 on the first page. When I click on the second page, which is where I want to put my subform, TabCtl87 still shows up!

I tried:

Me.TabCtl87.Visible = False

in the On Click event of the tab on my second page.

But it won't go away!

I also tried embedding my subform over top of the dreaded TabCtl87, but the tabs show through and make a mess of everything.

This is the first time I've delved into the world of Tab Controls and it's ruining my day (several days, actually).

Thank you!

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Modules & VBA :: Make Control Invisible?

Sep 22, 2013

How do I make a control invisible?

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How To Make Control To Browse For Image And Enter It Into The DB

Dec 24, 2006

I know everyone is going to say DONT PUT IMAGES IN YOUR DB< PUT LINKS TO THEM IN!

I am not at liberty to change the structure of what my boss wants, he wants the images stored in the DB so that is what I am giving him.

My problem is this: I have a single form for entering data into my Table, and I want to add a control that will let the User Browse for the right image, and them add that image chosen into the DB with maybe an upload button or something.

Now, if it is VERY VERY poor design to do it this way, and it is SOO much better to do the link to image way, if you could please detail how it works in both ways, I may be able to talk my boss into changing. My problem is I am not very good at this DB Designing and such, and have no experience using OLE type fields.

Thank you for ANY assistance you may give!

PS: All images will be same type and size!

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Make Command Button Visible Based On Value Of Control On Another Form

Feb 27, 2015

Form 1: I have a combo box on my main menu(MenuMainF) called cboCompanyType with typical values 1,2,3,4,5,etc......

Form 2: I have a command button on my administration menu(MenuAdminF) called cmdDevelopment

My goal is to have the cmdDevelopment button of Form 2 be visible if cboCompanyType on Form 1 is equal to 1,2,3, or 4, but if it is any other value, then cmdDevelopment should be not visible.

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Forms :: Invalid Control Property - Control Source

Sep 24, 2013

I added a new field to one of my tables and query, but when I try to add a control for that field into my form it is not recognising it and the field isn't appearing in the sources for the form, even though the table is sourced to the form? Or am I going to have to do the usual and redo the entire form because I made a minor adjustment?

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Forms :: Web Browser Control Inside A Tab Control Display

Jun 18, 2014

I have a form with a tab control, inside the tab control I placed an ActiveX control (Microsoft Web Browser). These are at the bottom of the form.

Everything displays fine if the entire form fit on the screen but if the form is too long and I scroll down the browser control is getting obscured by the tab control and getting chopped off (the contents are covered). It is as if the browser control is staying in space where it was and moving behind the tab control as I scroll.

This problem does not occur if I place the browser control directly on the form. Also I note that the browser control is sitting correctly within the tab control.

I have been through all the settings and properties of both controls and haven't been able to fix it. I searched all over the web but no one has previously stumbled across this one by the look of it.

See the attached image ...

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Forms :: Editing A Forms Control Source To Update A Field In A Table

May 28, 2013

I have created a table for installer invoicing, and have a field for invoice amount. I have created a user input form that allows a user to fill in certain pay rates for different aspects of installation, and would like to know how to make the invoice amount a calculated control that will auto update the field InvoiceAmt in my table. I can't figure out how to do this in the property sheet.

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Forms :: Default Property / Using A Control Of Main Form Without Using Names Of Forms?

Nov 8, 2013

In the default property of a subform control I want to use a control of the main form without using names of forms, but using me and parent.

I used in default property of cboVATDetail: =Me.Parent!cboVAT, but it is not accepted. My aim is to use cboVAT of parent as default in cboVATDetail of child.

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Forms :: Subform Control Event - Identify Parent And Child Forms

Jun 20, 2013

I have a listbox on a subform (or a subform within a subform).

When it is clicked I want all other listboxes to unselect.

There may be listboxes on the mainform, on other subforms, on other subforms of subforms.

I imagine I'm looking at a recursive function of some sort, but I'm not entirely sure of syntax to identify parent and children forms...

pseudocode so far:
loop all controls
if control = listbox, unselect all
if control = subform - recurse: loop all subform controls
if control = parent... err... Fail.

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Forms :: Access Form With Tab Control Pages Each With Embedded Forms

Apr 13, 2013

I have an access form with tab control pages each with embedded forms.In one page I have a list of records as a datasheet form with the record identifier field configured as a hyperlink. When I click on this it passes its value to a form field in the form in the following tab page (works without the hyperlink but its a useful way of highlighting which field to click) which is a display/edit form of the details of the individual record. The Subroutine which does this sets the focus on this field it is passing the value to on the other form and the 'On Got Focus' event in that triggers the query that fills the editor form.

When I click back on the following tab to select another record to view/edit, the identifier value of the other record is passed to the other form but the data displayed in the rest form doesn't change. I understand this is because the field with the 'On Got Focus' never lost focus and so the query function was not called. To correct this I tried adding the same function call to the 'On Change' event however this does not work (the field is a text box set to 'locked' if that is relevant).I can get the form to do a new query properly if I click on a different field in the form before going back to the list tab or (as this is removing the focus allowing the On Got Focus to work again) if I click on a button to select a different record (which just takes me back to the list form).

Is there any way I can get this to work without having to manually remove the focus from the problem field? I have tried setting its On Got Focus event to move the focus to another field after the query function call however this prevents the Setfocus line in the code in the previous form from working. Here is a snippet of my code below.This code is for the list form and passes a value to the editing form:

Private Sub SalesID_Click()
Forms!Mainform!Sales_Admin_Form!Sales_Admin_SalesI D.Value = SalesID.Value
Forms!Mainform!Sales_Admin_Form!Sales_Admin_SalesI D.SetFocus


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How To Make Forms Available On The WEB

Feb 13, 2005

Hello all,
I am looking to make my company's access database (forms, reports, etc) available through a web server. Any idea what type of programming will be needed (ASP, JSP, PHP)? What would be the best way to go about this? If there is anyone that can help me with this please let me know. I am willing to compensate them for their time and help. It should be a fun project.


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Forms :: One Table / Three Forms - Each Form With Control Tabs

Jul 4, 2013

I'm trying to make a very simple click through data entry screen in Access 2007. For each record I want to have a standard form with three buttons at the bottom. Each button opens a new form (each form has a set of tabbed pages on it as there is lots to enter).How do I make sure that each of the additional forms populate the same record as the main form.

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Forms :: Activate Event Not Triggering With Sub Forms On Tab Control

Aug 18, 2014

I have a main form that holds a tab control with a number of sub forms. One of these subforms has a pop up form for adding new records to it. After closing this pop up form I would like to initate code on the sub form where the new record now will appear. One of the things I like to do is simply to set focus to the record the user just added.

My problem is that I cannot seem to get any event to trigger in this setting (bben trying more or less all). If I understand things right the fact that I am using a pop up form and the fact that I am using a tab control both seem to interfer with the Activate event and making it passive.

How I can trigger code on the sub form (after closing the "Add New" pop up form)?

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Forms :: Navigation Form - Using DB Forms Under Its Subform Control

Jun 19, 2013

I am attempting to create a Navigation Form to allow another computer in my network to be able to utilize necessary forms within a database (through RunTime). I was hoping this would be a clean task by simply loading the forms into the tabs of the Navigation Form, however that is clearly not the case.

For starters, When attempting to use a form that has some VBA behind it (Docmd.ApplyFilter based on a selection from a combo box), I am given the error stating: "The action or method is invalid because the form or report isn't bound to a table or query."

After searching on this error, I believe it's because my Navigation Form does not have a record source. If this is the case, then I am confused as to what record source it should have, as with the 3 forms I need to access through the Navigation Form all pull data between various tables and queries within the database (some not related).

Now I've also come to the conclusion that my VBA references now must change in order to correctly use my forms. A correct reference would look something like:[Forms]![Navigation Form]![NavigationSubform].[Form].[My Form's Control]..Is this necessary in order to write any events, such as an AfterUpdate on a combo box?

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Make Forms More 'User Friendly'

Dec 11, 2006


Im coming to the final stages of designing my database - its a Uni project. For extra marks it needs to be pretty user friendly.

One of the things I would like to do to my forms - I will use the following screenshot as an example - is remove the 'X' (Close) tab from the top right but I am unsure of how to do this exactly.

I would also like to remove the grey area around the form including the record navigation at the bottom.

Could someone point me in the right direction?

Screenshot -

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Forms :: Can Make A Color A String Value

Oct 28, 2013

I'm new to VBA - Access but just dangerous enough to get in trouble. Is there a way to make a variable with the code below? I've been scouring the net all day and can't find answer. What I would like to do is make all the "cirsize1" be a string. Particularly the "Me.cirsize1.ForeColor". if I use the "cs" string it works fine with the Me.cirsize1 = 0 (ie "If cs = 0") This is just a snippet of the code.

Private Sub cirqty1_AfterUpdate()
Dim cs As String
cs = Me.cirsize1
If Me.cirqty1 > 0 Then 'if there is a quantity greater than 0 in circle qty and
If Me.cirsize1 = 0 Then 'if there is 0 in circle size
Me.cirsize1.ForeColor = vbRed 'then make the circle size 0 red
Me.txtCirIPM1 = 0
End If
End If
End Sub

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Forms :: Make PDF File From A Report

Apr 1, 2015

i have the following code to make the PDF form a report. but i want to make the PDF in landscape mode and also each time with a new name.

If Me.Combo3.Value = "" Or IsNull(Me.Combo3.Value) Then
MsgBox "Please enter order number!", vbExclamation, "Order number required"
' ElseIf Me.cmb_AuftragNummer.Value Like "*[a-z]*" Or Len(Me.cmb_AuftragNummer.Value) <> 6 Then
'MsgBox "Invalid order number!", vbExclamation, "Invalid order number"
DoCmd.OpenReport "rep_CQAReport", acViewPreview, , "[Fehlercode] = '" & [Combo3] & "'"
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frm_rep_cqaReport_filter"
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "rep_CQAReport", acFormatPDF, "O:ApplicationsCQA ReportingPDFTest01.pdf", False
End If

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General :: How To Make All Forms Acquire The Same Look

Jan 20, 2014

Am preparing a db in A2010. Have imported forms and other bits from 3 A2007 db's, and the forms' looks (colour, background colour, fonts, bits sunken/raised) differ.

How make all the forms acquire the same look?

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Forms :: How To Manually Make New Tabs To Appear On Second Row

Jun 30, 2014

How can I manually make new tabs appear on the second row when they normally would not?

I want to force some tabs onto the second row of a multirow tab control...

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Forms :: Make Form Exclusive

May 1, 2013

When a certain button on a form is click it makes a sub form become visible, I am trying then to make this form exclusive aka, must be complete and stop the user clicking on the main form until this sub form has been complete.

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Forms :: Make Record Read Only

Jul 11, 2013

I have a Workorder form that I want to not allow edits, deletions, and additions when the Workorder is closed. Is there a way to program a button for this that could be password protected in case it needs to be reopened?

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Forms :: Make One Field Dependent Upon Another

Nov 2, 2013

If I have a Form that is used to populate a Table can I make one field entry dependent upon another?

For example, if I have a field for Discipline (with values such as Mechanical, Electrical, Piping) and another field for Equipment Type (with values such as Motor, Gearbox, etc) can I set up the Form so that when I select Electrical for the Discipline, only electrical items (such as Motor) are available to select for the Equipment Type field?

Using the table below as an example, if I select Electrical for the Discipline field in my Form, when I go to select a value for the Equipment Type field the drop down shows only Motor and Fan?

Equipment Type
DN 150 Pipe

Or, better still, can I set it up so that if I select Motor for the Equipment Type field, the Discipline field will automatically be populated with Electrical?

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Forms :: How To Make A Popup Go Away Automatically

Jan 20, 2015

I had used a form to come up as a popup, and on that popup, the person can chose a report to go to (button). Is there a way that once they chose the button they want, to make the popup to go away automatically?

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