I have two table data base (Patient Info) + (Referral Info) with one to many relationship.I devised a form to display patients information and their mental health diagnosis. On my referral form (subform) I have I have list box facility with various possible diagnosis. What I want to do is ... if the user selected "Dementia" from the look up/list box...
I want to display a Butterfly next to the patient's name (Main form)
(1) I don't want the picture to be in C drive rather I want the picture to be part of the database
(2) How can I put the conditional display (if Diagnosis is = "dementia" then Butterfly)
In my Access forms, i display data by month wise; and i want to give the conditional formatting with two condition;
If date of today is greater than target date for that month and if got value more than 0 - Red color If date of today is lesser than target date for that month and if got value more than 0 - green color
Target date for every month in available in a separate table.
Is it possible for a command button to appear on a form only if a certain condition is fulfilled ? Otherwise it is invisible. The condition would be that one of the field entries on the form must equal a specific value.
How might I make that happen ?? (I'm a beginner !)
I'm using Access 2010. I set up conditional formatting in some areas of my report. They're very simple like if a cell is between 0 and .4, then the background color of the field is red. They work just fine...when I click on the field. I don't remember ever running into this issue in the past. I've been reading potential solutions on the web, but haven't found a way to make the conditional formatting rules kick in when the report is loaded.
I'm having an issue getting all of my conditional formatting rules to run on my forms. For some reason it is only running the rule in the top position. I'm running different versions of this rule. Changing the field or table as needed to highlight duplicates in different colors. As you can see on page two of the attached PDF the entry for 33K6-4-3176-1 should be highlighted (yellow) because it is a duplicate. It only works if I change the order of presidance of my rules but then that negates my other rule. I'm not sure what is causing the conflict here.
If the field is red then the "Auth" field is a duplicte within that form if the firld is yellow then the entry in the "Auth" field appears on both forms. Red should take precidance.
I have a drop down box on a continuous form called (cmbItem).When the users choose Option 6 (Other) and on the open event I wish to show another field txtOther which allows the user to give a description of what 'other' means but I only want to show the field for that record. (the user could potentially have more than one record as other)Using conditional formatting I have managed to change the colours of the box so that the background is the same colour as the form unless other is chosen when it reverts to white. However I can't do the same with the border as this is not one of the options provided.
:confused: Hi. Does anyone know a way to change the colour of controls depending on their value in a continuous form?
I can change the colour of the current row in a continuous form, but I cannot adapt this so that it changes colour depending on the value (ie conditional formatting)
I am new here and not very into Access. I know my way around databases (MySQL), but need som practical help using Access.
My girlfriend is a physiotherapist. I want to make a patient database for her. At the moment I have two tables:
Patient: patient_id, name, etc.
Treatment: treatment_id, patient_id, date, time, etc.
I have one form now: patient, where she can fill out all the information about the patient.
What I want is for her to find her patient, then press a button "new treatment", which leads to a new form with treatment_id (autonumber) and patient_id automatically filled out. All she then has to do is fill in the date and stuff.
How do I make this button? Do I have to make a query first or does this require macro's? Any hints would be very much appreciated!
I have an accounting database with queues that list each requisition's important information (ID, vendor, dates, etc) plus the its status (not yet submitted, approved, ordered, delivered, filed, etc).
I'd like the font of the status field to change color depending on its value. I can't use the standard conditional formatting because there are more than 3 statuses.
I've tried an If/Then statement, but the form only looks at the status of the first record, then colors the font of the status fields for the consecutive records that same color no matter what their value. How do I get it to evaluate per record? As in, if the first record has a Submitted status, its font is blue, but the next record is Ordered so its font is red.
Here's my code, I used it in the OnOpen event for the form: If req_process_status_rec_id = 2 Then process_status.ForeColor = 13209 ElseIf req_process_status_rec_id = 1 Then process_status.ForeColor = 8388608 ElseIf req_process_status_rec_id = 3 Then process_status.ForeColor = 8388736 ElseIf req_process_status_rec_id = 4 Then process_status.ForeColor = 16737843 ElseIf req_process_status_rec_id = 5 Then process_status.ForeColor = 52479 ElseIf req_process_status_rec_id = 7 Then process_status.ForeColor = 6723891 ElseIf req_process_status_rec_id = 8 Then process_status.ForeColor = 16711935 End If
I want to make a toolbar on top of my form and put the input label and a lamp behind it, in that,so when the operator enter a specific input a lamp near the input label in toolbar become green and when the operator not enter a value this lamp show red color.
Is there a way to use conditional formatting with a date? For instance, in my form I'd like the date field to turn red once a particular date has passed (to show that memberships are expired). Can this be done or am I better to just format a report of upcoming expiration dates?
I have a continuous form that has several checkboxes in it. Only one is initially enabled and I want the first to impact if the others are enabled, but only in the currently selected record.
I tried VBA but quickly found that this enables/disables the checkboxes in ALL of the records. Next I found out about conditional formatting--which does exactly what I want, but only works on text boxes and combo lists.
Is there any way that conditional formatting can be used to impact (vs. be impacted by) a checkbox?
I have a continuous form and I'm using Conditional Formatting to color the controls that are not filled in.Ex: Expression Is = IsNull([txtNetProduct]). But I don't want to color the controls of a NEW record or row unless a record is created.
Basically I have a form which records primary and secondary reasons for people writing off money, and in the secondary reasons I have an option for 'other', in case any of the other options aren't applicable. There is also a comments section on the form which is optional.
My issue is, I want the comments section to become mandatory if the 'other' option has been selected. I don't want it mandatory all the time, and I don't want it disabled if 'other' isn't selected, but I need to force people to write at least something in there if they have selected other.
I tried variations on code I found from other places but was unable to get this to function, and I am not sure if this can be done with validation or something like that.
I have a continuous subform on a form. I have applied conditional formatting with expression is.. so that the formatting on one object (field on the subform) depends on whether there is anything in another field on the same subform named "Remarks".
My problem is that I this is not working to my expectations. First of all when the form with the subform is loaded the conditional formatting does not appear immediately. One has to run over the fields with the mouse with the hope that the conditional formatting appears.
Secondly the conditional formatting is not working well as they should.
I have a subform that is purely to display information (no edits will be made on it). The subform has a special color on it (company color) that I can not deviate from. My problem is the first record in the subform (displayed as a continuous form) gets the focus. The font is white and standard access has a white background. My end goal would be to elimnate the focus for any record in the subform (if it is possible). I know that I could change the color with conditional formatting but the colors in conditional formatting do not match the company color.
I wanted to use a conditional formating when in a subform the field "Field_Name" has the value "Case Status New" and then the field "New_Value" should become orange color.
I guess it can be put togheter like a formula (expression) in the Edit Formating Rule.
I am trying to create a form where I store the literacy and numeracy results of a group of students. So far I have designed a form which gives me a tick box as to whether the test they took was literacy or numeracy, then a box where I enter the score. Literacy tests are scored out of 72 and numeracy out of 50.
what I would like to do is write something that shows the literacy numeracy levels of each student after each test. So for literacy, the score ranges are as follows:
What I would like to be able to do is tick whether or not they sat a literacy or numeracy test, enter the score and the db to come up with their level and display it on the form.
I would like to have a conditional formating colour of green if the field contains a value like 10%..If the field has no value and is blank there will not be any background color change
I have a continuous form that is used as a sub form, and one of the fields is a check box which ideally I would like to set not visible; however, I would like the font colour of the other fields to turn red if this check box has a value of false.
I have a form which basically has - employee, work done, hours and a calculated field (w/hour) of work done/hours
I can manually set the conditional formatting however as time changes targets will go up and it would be easier to update the targets in another 'admin form' (i can manage that part)
Its just referencing the other table to say the likes of :
if work per hour is greater than tbltargets.convtargetmid then vborange, if work per hour is greater than tbltargets.convtargethigh then vbgreen else vbred.
I want to add a conditional formatting to a combo box to highlight if the value is not on the list.There is a process to read in data from a 3rd party excel sheet that has truck arrival dates and times. My form displays this data and allows the internal users to change it. My form has the "Trucks" field as a limit to list combo box - so basically any data can be read into this field but internal we can only change it to trucks on the list (from the trucks table). I want to highlight where the trucks value is not in our trucks list.