Forms In Copy Of Front End Don't Work.

Nov 30, 2005

I have a project. There is an back end database sitting on a network share. And there is a copy of the front end for each of the users also sitting on the network share. (Ideally I would like the front end to sit on the user's local drive, but we can't trust them update the front end every time we change the code behind the form, and I don't know how to force the code change out to their drives.)

Anyway, So we have these files sitting on the network shared drive. When I do an update, I change my copy of the front-end, and after I test the change and see that it works, I then use windows explorer to copy my frontend MDB file, and paste that over the user's front-end file.

That was working fine. But about two or three months ago, if I copy and paste the files, then the user can't open the form in the pasted copy. That is about the time I was "upgraded" to Windows XP. So I had someone still on Windows 2000 do the copy and paste, and that worked. But about a month ago, with no change in that person's PC, his pasted copies no longer work.

When I say no longer work, I mean you can open the MDB file with no error, but when you try to open the form, the pointer becomes the busy pointer, but the form never opens. (Well, the longest anyone has let the machine sit is about an hour before killing access from the task list.)

So, now, I have to go to each person, and do the copy paste on their PC, and so far, that is working.

Any idea what is going on here and how I can fix it?


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General :: Access 2010 Split Database Hyperlinks Not Working / When Copy Of Front End Moved

Jul 14, 2014

I have built an Access 2010 split database on my computer and it functions as built. My next step was to copy it to the server at work and test it. I discovered the tables had to be re-linked and so did that. As I have read in the Access World Forums in order to function as a multi-user database a copy of the front end must be placed on the individual workstation with the back end residing on the server, however the hyperlinks in the back end will not function when the copy on the workstation is run. I simply get an unable to open "filename" error pop-up. I can run the server copy and everything functions as built. I know that the hyperlinks require all the files to be in the same folder (relative vs. absolute), but if the back end contains all the hyperlinks why does the location of the front end seem to affect the operation of the back end?

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General :: Batch File To Allow Users To Copy Latest Version Of Front End Whenever Change Made

Aug 7, 2014

I have been trying to set up a batch file to allow users to copy the latest version of the front end whenever a change is made. The following is the code that I am trying to get to work properly. The first part works fine, the old front end is copied to a folder on the user's desktop as a backup. But I cannot get the copy of the server - the "P" drive, to overwrite the current copy on the user's desktop. Actually I cannot get the code to copy the new front end from the server and install it on the user's desktop. I think the path is correct for I seem to be able to run the new front end from the server.

When I look for the location on my computer, the server locations is listed as:

General (Servernamefiles) (P: ) (there is no space after the P: it seems to result in a smiley face when I type it and try to post it).

for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /T') do set year=%%c
for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /T') do set month=%%a
for /f "tokens=2-4 delims=/ " %%a in ('date /T') do set day=%%b
set TODAY=%year%-%month%-%day%
rem echo %TODAY%

[Code] .....

This code works so I thought that the path was correct
rem this works
rem start the new DB front end
Start P:AccessMainSplitBENewFrontEndDBMain.accdb

But this code does not.
echo f | xcopy /f/y/ P:AccessMainSplitBENewFrontEndDBMain.accdb c:UsersUserNameDesktopDBMain.accdb

Neither does this:
echo f | xcopy /f/y/ ServerNamefilesP:AccessMainSplitBENewFrontEn dDBMain.accdb c:UsersUserNameDesktopDBMain.accdb

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Forms :: Bring Form In Front Of All Forms

Mar 12, 2015

I've looked for how to do but everywhere people asks how to bring a form in the front of all forms.I have a form emergent and modal. The program hides the access enviroment.But, when the form is loaded, it always appears under the window that I have active (whatever the window is, an excel sheet, internet explorer, etc).Is there any vba command to bring the form (or maybe the access application) to the front as the first visible window?

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Modules & VBA :: Keep A Form At Front But Still Be Able To Use Other Forms

Nov 5, 2014

I am after a script to lock a userform to the front but still be able to work on other forms.

I have an excel userform in access which does this and better still it is like a sticky note as it stays on the screen even when going to another program, but as I am working in vba all day long, every time I change something the form closes, it works great when not using vba though.

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Forms :: Rectangle Bring To Front On Report

Jul 29, 2015

I have rectangle object positioned 'behind' several fields on a report....

I wish to be able to hide these fields depending upon access rights....

In code am I able to bring the rectangle to the front and thus hide the fields in question... to save writing a routine to hide each control individually...?

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Forms :: Auto Close Front Ends On A Database?

Aug 9, 2013

I have a split data base and want the front ends to close after a period of time.

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Forms :: Create A Navigation Form On A Split Database With Front End And Back End

Apr 4, 2013

I am trying to create a navigation form on a split database with front end and back end.But Access is not letting me drag forms or reports into the navigation form. Why?

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Switchboard Front Page - Users Able To Access Forms For Data Input

Dec 8, 2011

I have created a switchboard 'front page' through which I hope for users to access the forms for inputting data.

Within this front page I have an 'enter' button - successfully created - everything.

However, I am unclear as to how you activate this, or any other button. I have linked it to the appropriate form and stated the action I want it to undertake, but nothing is happening.

What further instructions do I need to provide ...and where?!

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Forms Dont Work

Mar 9, 2006

please can some1 help??
i created a form using wizard to display the information in three tables but wen the form is in form view theres nothing displayed yet in design view all the information is present. please please some1 help:(

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Forms :: Can't Get DLookup To Work

Oct 16, 2014

I'm trying to build a form that Pulls data from several tables, though will update only one. I'm having issues right now with a field that is supposed to draw from a query. I made a query that is supposed to concatenate different fields in another table, look for duplicated words and remove them, but although that isn't working yet, that's not my issue. My issue is that the DLookup in the form isn't even trying to look at the query. The query prints out workshop IDS and a concatenated field right now, so there is data to pull.

=DLookUp("[Expr1]","[Posting Title Query]", "[WorkShop_ID] =" & [WorkShop_ID])

Query name: Posting Title Query
Query Reference Field: WorkShop_ID
Query Data Field: Expr1

Form Name: Sessions
Form Reference Field: WorkShop_ID
Form Table: Session List

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Forms :: Macro Does Not Work In A Subform

Jul 8, 2013

I have a sub form that contains two fields of FabricNum(ComboBox) and RollNum(ComboBox). The RollNum is restricted to the FabricNum so whenever I choose a FabricNum, list of RollNum changes respectively.

In order to do that, I created a query that contains the FabricNum and RollNum. The FabricNum in the query is restricted to the chosen FabricNum in the subform. I also have an embedded macro on FabricNum which opens the query, close the query and requery based on RollNumber. All what I have explained work perfect once it gets done in a sub form. When I try to do the same thing in a Main form, it does give me an error.

After researches I realized that I have to change the path in a query and I changed it as following:


Unfortunately, I still get an error of 2950 which says the command or action "Requery" is not available now.

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Forms :: Variation On Shrink Won't Work

Jan 31, 2014

I have a simple subform that shows an address block.Created as a form, the can shrink property does not kick in. Created as a report, it works fine.All controls and properties and query they are based on are identical.The report pasted into Access 2010 works fine and missing fields shrink.The form pasted into Access 2010 does not.The problem I have is in how do I reference the "subreport" in the form so as to be able to requery?

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Access Screen Freezes Then The Forms Don't Work

Aug 9, 2005

This happened yesterday at work.

The access form froze and they could do other things but Access remained frozen. They logged off and when they went back in Access opened but none of the form buttons or links were working.

The database is not split because it is used only by one station at a time.

Has this happened to anyone and does anyone know the cause?

Five people were trying to fix it when I walked into work (5 people who no nothing about Access other than using that one database) and I couldn't get a straight answer.


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Query Forms Don't Work W/back-end Database

May 18, 2006

Goal: : To improve an application's performance by basing sub forms and combo

The application has a front and back-end. There is no SQL server involved. I use a module for, seeking out the back-end and automatically linking to the back-end in order that I might be able to provide updates. This has worked for me since first setting everything up.

First let me define what I mean by, “sub form” as to how I am designing my application. I have a number of, what I call, “main (unbound) forms” that are used to open up separate application modules. Each module contains a number of hyperlinks to each of the other application modules. Also, each main form (application module) contains a tab form with bound forms. Therefore, I am calling these lower level bound forms, sub forms and basing them on query files instead of tables. Many of the tables have fields for collecting information across a second form. I did not want to bring back all the fields when they are used in any of the two are three forms bound with the same table.

Problem: When I base either a main form or a sub-form on a query, that particular front-end query form no longer links to the back-end database table via a query file whenever I import everything g into a new/fresh version of the front-end application. Whnever I open one of the query files via the form, I get an error message in each of the fields indicating it can't fine the field even though the table is listed with all the fields. No, I do not have the same problem with forms based on tables.

I suspect that my problem is in what I am calling a main and sub form; and that the main form is really the first level bound form and never the top unbound form if one is used. I have a lot of forms. I just wanted to get some feedback on
my suspicions or find out what else could be the source of my problem before re-doing everything.


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Forms :: Cannot Get Multi Combo Box Search To Work

Jun 14, 2015

I used the Contacts demo on Access 2010, made all the elements Client from web based and then exported to a new database. It worked for the most part but now I am trying to put in a 4 box search and am getting stuck on which form to link it to and also where to put these boxes.

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Forms :: Predictive Words Don't Work In Combobox

Apr 3, 2013

i have a combobox which i want to use on a touch screen using touch buttons in ms access 2010

i set the combobox ime sentence mode to phrase predict, allow autcorrect to yes, row source type to value list and typed some words that i want in the row source eg. "kitchen"

i've set the on click event of my buttons a,b,c,d..... as following Me.Combo56 = Me.Combo56 & "A" for button a and so on.

the problem is that when i press the first letter of the word lets say "k" for the "kitchen" on my onscreen keypad the combo can not predict the word.

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Forms :: Delete Record Fails To Work

Mar 28, 2013

I'm very new to Access, Macros, and VBA. Basically I have a form in ContinuousForm format that has a delete button next to each record. It's been working fine for the past few hours but for some reason Access can't delete the corresponding record(s) (DeleteRecord) now. The button is run by a macro that's made by a wizard.

Also, is there an appropriate way to show code (if that is the term used) for Macros?

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Forms :: Filter Between Two Instances To Work Without Values?

Mar 25, 2013

The thing I've been trying to do is make it so that my form filters my records, and I'm trying to make a between function for it. My form is shown below in the attachment.

What I need to do is make it so that my form filters my records Between the two year boxes AND between the two Length boxes. But I need it so that if nothing is in the boxes, it shows all records, and if something is in only the Year boxes, it only filters the years and not the lengths.

Field: Length
Criteria: Between [Forms]![SearchForm]![Length1] And [Forms]![SearchForm]![Length2]

Then in a separate column I had

Field: [Forms]![SearchForm]![Length1]
Or: Is Null

This works fine if it's only for Length, but if I try to do the same for the MovieYear boxes, it screws up and just shows me no records...?

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Cannot Copy Forms

May 28, 2006

I cannot copy Forms from one db to another db. I can copy everything else, report, queries, tables, etc.
When I "export" the Form, it appears to copy. However, it does not appear in the directory where it should be. If I recopy, it says "its already there and ask to overide the present Form. Still no soap. How can you copy Forms from one db to another? This sucks big time!
Please help if you can.

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Cannot Copy Forms

May 28, 2006

I cannot copy Forms from one db to another db. I can copy everything else, report, queries, tables, etc.
When I "export" the Form, it appears to copy. However, it does not appear in the directory where it should be. If I recopy, it says "its already there and ask to overide the present Form. Still no soap. How can you copy Forms from one db to another? This sucks big time!
Please help if you can.

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Making A Look-Up Form Work The Way I Want It To Work!

Feb 27, 2006

We are creating a simple database to maintain driver license information for faculty, staff, and students who use cars from the university’s motor pool.

To do this, I have created two tables: tblDRIVER and tblLICENSE.

The fields in tblDRIVER are:

The fields in tblLICENSE are:

Information about the driver is stored in tblDRIVER and the driver’s license information is stored in tblLICENSE. Periodically, we run a report that identifies drivers whose licenses are due to expire within a certain number of days. All this works fine.

My problem is that I am trying to create a lookup form that will load from a data entry form that will permit the Motor Pool Clerk to look up a driver by name and review the licensing information (which appears as a subform).

All this sort of works- I am using a combo box (based on a query) to look up a driver’s last name (which it does) and to populate all the driver’s information on the look-up form (including license information in a subform). Currently, the combo box locates the driver (including the unique index, last, and first names), and populates the form with first and last name but the rest of the information is not displayed on the look up form. Worse still, sometimes one driver’s last name matches up with the first name of the next driver listed in the table! This seems to happen only if a look up is attempted more than once. What gives.

Thanks for the help.

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Forms :: Open Form To New Record / ComboBox Won't Work

Sep 25, 2013

I have a database with a Supply Receipt Form. The first field in the form is a combobox for the user to select a material/supply. I'd like for the form to open to a new record every time. When I use:

DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

in the Form On Open property, I lose the ability to select the material/supply. Same thing happens when I set the Data Entry property to Yes.

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Forms :: Query Doesn't Work To Filter In Form

Nov 4, 2013

I've got a single form ("Lead Data") that has Cascading Combo boxes that work perfectly, entering data into "tblLeadData":cboMatterTypeIDcboMatterIDcboAttyIDcboPlglID Attorney & Paralegal are the people assigned to the Matter. My problem is in finding a way to allow a specific Attorney or Paralegal to filter for only his or her records. I made a query of tblLeadData that works perfectly as a query, but when I use it as a filter in an "on click" macro event, it doesn't work. I suspect it's because of the cascading combos, because I've successfully used this kind of query based macro filter in the past.

Okay, more on how it is set up. The same people are always assigned to a specific matter, so when you pull down the Atty & Plgl combo boxes, there's only one person. So it isn't a true Parent/Child relationship, but it's working. And there were two advantages of this set up over an autopopulate set up (which I considered): 1) When I change something in the reference tables (refAtty and refPlgl), it also changes in tblLeadData & 2) in case there's an exception to the usual assignment pattern, we can just leave Atty & Plgl blank and put the correct assignment in a text box called "AssignmentNotes."

So my query of tblLeadData that works, qryLeadDataAssign, uses the following fields:

Expr1: [Atty] & " " & [Plgl] & " " & [LeadAssignmentNotes]Criteria: Like "*" & [Who?] & "*"

The Join Properties in the query between tblLeadData and refAtty is set to "2: Include ALL records from 'tblLeadData' and only those records from refAtty" where the joined fields are equal." And the same for Plgl.

When I run the query, it asks me a single time, "Who?", I put in the name and it pulls up all instances of the name from any of the 3 fields. It acts as a "contains" filter, not an "equals" one.

As for my cascading combos, here are the settingsMatterTypeIDRow Source:

SELECT refMatterType.MatterTypeID, refMatterType.MatterType, refMatterType.[MatterType] FROM refMatterType ORDER BY refMatterType.[MatterType]; On Change Event:Me.cboMatter.Requery
MatterIDRow Source: SELECT tblMatter.MatterID, tblMatter.Matter FROM tblMatter WHERE (((tblMatter.MatterTypeID)=[Forms].[LeadData].[cboMattertype])) GROUP BY tblMatter.MatterID, tblMatter.Matter, tblMatter.Matter ORDER BY tblMatter.Matter;
On Change Event:Me.cboAtty.Requery

[Code] ....

I put a button on the form and put an embedded macro as an "On Click" event. The macro is an "ApplyFilter" and the filter name is qryLeadDataAssign. When I click on the button, I am asked to enter

data 3 times:Enter Parameter Value: Atty
Enter Parameter Value: Plgl
Enter Parameter Value: Who?

Clearly, the expression in the query doesn't function in the button. And the result, no matter what I put in, is that all of the records are still there, although the filtered button is activated.

I tried putting the expression from the query into the macro builder window, but I for sure don't know what I'm doing there and haven't been able to make it work.

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Forms :: Calculating A Future Business / Work Date

Sep 14, 2013

I am trying to find a simple way to determine the work date based on knowing the Start date and how many days ahead I want the date for. These means I need to exclude weekends and holidays.

I tried Pat Hartmans solution located at


I discovered that the function in there that is supposed to do this does not account for weekends, only holidays.

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Forms :: Record Navigation In A Form Fail To Work

Jun 2, 2013

I have a data base in which there is a table where each record describe properties of one fishing trip. The first column in the table is a number (unique but not autonumber format) and I already made 10,000 records with only this index number . Now me and others in my lab are entering data to this table for each of the records.

The data entry is done using form which show one record at a time (lets call it "sail_info_F").

I made another form which has only two elements:

1. text box in which I enter a number
2. button which opens the data entry form ("sail_info_F") showing the record with the same index number as the number I enter on the text box.

(the code for this button is "DoCmd.OpenForm "sail_info_F", , , "[RECORD_NUMBER]=" & Me.TEXT_BOX_NAME"

So far so good and it does open the form in the wanted record. BUT when the form opens I can't use the buttons I have placed in this forms which move between records. Those were made with the wizard, and are working OK when I open the form directly without using the second form (The one which opens "sail_info_F" on a specific record).

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