Forms :: Join Two Tables For OpenRecordSet
Oct 24, 2013
I would like to join my two tables in vba together so I can reference them in the same way,
Set rs = dbs.OpenRecordset(SQLstr)
Me.Summarystr = Nz(rs![Summary], Null)
so I want to be able to combine two tables together in the SQL string in order to have both information inside the same record set...
SQLstr = "SELECT * FROM [table1] " & _
"FULL OUTER JOIN [table2] ON [table1].[sequence]=[table2].[sequence] " & _
"WHERE [table1].[sequence]='" & _
Me.seq.Value & "'"
I just tried this but it didnt seem to like it
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Nov 16, 2013
And then called this join as a symbol or variable, and then have it use to select the items from these joined tables, can this be done in Access? Here is an example of a code that I created, but it has an error message saying the FROM syntax is incorrect.
SELECT firstJOIN.trainID, firstJOIN.trainName, firstJOIN.stationID, firstJOIN.stationName, firstJOIN.distance_miles, firstJOIN.time_mins
FROM (trains INNER JOIN ((station INNER JOIN lineStation ON station.stationID = lineStation.stationID)
INNER JOIN bookingLeg ON bookingLeg.startID = station.stationID or bookingLeg.endID = station.stationID )
ON trains.trainID = bookingLeg.tid) as firstJOIN
Can Access do something similar to this, in the FROM statement I joined 4 tables, because each unique fields are in each table and I have to joined them to get those fields. I called this join firstJOIN and in the SELECT statement, I list those columns in the table by calling it firstJOIN.trainID. Can Access do something like this, but syntax it differently?
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Mar 10, 2013
I have been asked to maintain a directory for our local Scout district. It's currently in a spreadsheet, but is crying out to be a database.I have created a "group" table, this lists all the groups in the district.I have a 2nd table called "people" this holds details of all the people in the district.As some people can have a role in multiple groups, I have created a 3rd table called "link", this is to link the people to groups.
Having read various different posts on sub forms, I am still at a loss on how to create a form / subform to populate the link table.My initial thoughts were to have a combo box on the main form, listing the people and then have a list of groups on the sub form (the are only 24). I would have a check box next to each group and if checked, it mean that the person selected in the combo is associated with that group.However my issue is that the tick box would be a "yes/no" field and the entry in the link table needs to be a number.
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Dec 15, 2005
Okay - the other database is in the works and is going sloooow (the one that is being created with normalization).
Meanwhile, my other database that has no normalization I am having a problem running a query (now I know why its so important to have good structure).
To give you an idea on how bad this is...:o .....
3 tables - 94 fields to each table - each table has identicle fields, just different data. :eek:
Anyways, I have students in each table (each table is an Annual Report). I want to be able to run a simple query and combine all the students into one.
How would I achieve this?
Thank you!
And for all who are thinking about designing a database - READ READ READ and do some more reading on normalization!!!
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Jan 10, 2005
Hi there,
Hope someone can help
I am opening a recordset like this, where strDatabase is an SQL Statement
Set rstDatafile = dbDatafile.OpenRecordset(strDatabase, dbOpenSnapshot)
SQL Statement =[tblName] ORDER [Name]
It opens and everything is seemingly OK. However I then run a loop that deletes records as per a set of criteria. If I run this on the same unaltered table I get different results each time. It's almost like the SQL statement is not ordering it the same each time.
Am I doing something worng or is there another way to open a table order it's contents and modify it?
Thanks for your time
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Sep 13, 2006
I’ve the following query definition “selOrders”
PARAMETERS [DateFrom] DateTime, [DateTo] DateTime;
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE OrderDate BETWEEN [DateFrom] AND [DateTo]
I want to open this query as a DAO.Recordset but have problems to assign values to the parameters. I tried different possibilities but invain. My latest try was as follows:
Dim QryDef As QueryDef
Dim Date1, Date2 As Date
Dim Orders As DAO.Recordset
Set QryDef = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("selOrders")
QryDef.Parameters("DateFrom") = Date1
QryDef.Parameters("DateTo") = Date2
Set Orders = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("selOrders")
During execution error 3061 (Too few parameters, expected: 2) occurs.
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Nov 18, 2004
I am trying to open a recordset object using a reasonably complex query. The query uses other queries to get data and some of these queries are totaliser queries (I dont know the proper terminology but they are the ones that group and sum up data in the query).
Dim D As Database, R As Recordset, R2 As DAO.Recordset
Set D = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).Databases(0)
Set R2 = D.OpenRecordset("Qry Daily Losses", dbOpenSnapshot)
The error Message I get is:
Run-time error "3061"
Too few parameters. Expected 4.
Most of the information I have seen on this error message talks about 1 parameter expected not 4.
I can open the query directly by clicking on it in the objects list and it looks fine. It is only when I try to open it in my code that it goes wrong.
I am using Access 2002 (SP3)
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Nov 7, 2004
Hello. I am trying to sort this out and hope someone can help.
Using Access 2002 front end, sqlserver 2000 back end.
In my front end database I have a query called "queEEGBilling" that is used to populate a report. It is quite a complex query which I did using the query designer, NOT with a WHERE sql command. I am not very good with SQL syntax.
The report works fine, and displays the records I want it to display.
However, after the report is displayed, I want to modify one field in each record to indicate that the report for hat record has been printed out (it is a billing package, and I want to indicate that the bill has been sent).
In order to do this, I need to access the recordset that was used to create the report. As I understand it, I cannot do this with a report (no equivalent of the recordsetclone property or anything similar). What I have to do is create the recordset that was used to create the report in the first place. No problem right?
set mydb=dbengine(0)(0)
set rs1=mydb.openrecordset("queEEGBilling")
However, here I get the infamous error 3061. Too Few Parameters. Expected 1.
I have googled this up and down, and it seems to be related to my query being too complex. However, I did not write this query by hand, it came from Access2002. And this query worked fine to generate my report. So, why does it crash now??
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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Feb 24, 2015
The code below should add a record to another table when a box is ticked. It worked fine when I wrote it in a local Access 2003 form.I have since migrated the tables to Azure and connect via ODBC, and now I get this error:nOpenRecordsetBug.PNG
A search for Identities told me to modify the code as in the second screenshot, and I now have a different error: InvalidArgument.JPG
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Feb 25, 2005
i have 3 tables -Recipes, Ingredients and Products.
Recipes table:
RecipeID -PK
Ingredients table:
IngredientID -PK
IngreRecipeID -Foreign key to Recipes table
IngreProductID -Foreign key to Products table
ProductID -PK
how do i join them into 1 recordset? :confused:
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Jul 11, 2005
HELP!!! :confused: I do have a 5 tables 4 tables do have a foreign key of the main table. I join the 4 tables with the main table but when I am editing the information I cannot edit it. and no error appears. so I am just wondering what happen with my joined tables? please help me!!!!Thank you in advance
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Apr 3, 2006
How do I join two tables. I have a table and a lookup table. My table has products on there that are listed as custom or basic. I have a look up table that has an ID for basic and Custom. In my table, i want it to read what the id is for each product instead of it reading "basic" or custom. Someone said that I need to join the two tables and do an update query, but I don't understand how to.
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Mar 24, 2008
That is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
with VBA Programming and the outrageous errors,
Or to take up arms against a sea of Access troubles.
Sorry I was in the mood for Shakespeare.
A quick summary first:
In the attached file I have my Relationships. One main table, Workorders with various one-to-many relationships back to their respective tables. If you look at the attachment and see a field with 'wrk' that's my foreign key.
What I'm trying to do is this:
Where-ever there is a 'wrk' field I want to add in all the fields (minus the ID Primary Key) into the main Workorders Form.
Then on the form itself I should just be able to enter in the data that is required for the fields.
So here's what I'm thinking for the coding is to Join the various tables to thlet me know if I'm on track or not. I'll start with a small one, because if I can get that right, the rest should be simple.
SELECT Model.ComputerID, Make.ComputerID
FROM Computer
INNER JOIN wrkComputerID ON Model.ComputerID = Make.ComputerID;
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Dec 12, 2005
I've got three tables:
Id (PK) | Event_Name
Id (PK) | Delegate_Name
Id (PK) | Event_Id (FK) | Delegate_Id (FK)
I need to retrieve a recordset with the following information:
Booking Id | Event_Name | Delegate_Name
Can anyone see how to do a SELECT statement to do this?
ANy help would be great, thanks!
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Dec 20, 2005
I have the following four tables:
Group_Id (PK) | Group_Name
SubGroup_Id (PK) | Group_Id (FK) | SubGroup_Name
ProductType_Id (PK) | SubGroup_Id (FK) | ProductType_Name
Product_Id (PK) | ProductType_Id (FK) | Product_Name
I need to select a single Product_Name (first one which appear alphabetically) from tblProducts given a Group_Id.
Is this possible? Presumably I need to join the tables in between?
If anyone can help with this it would be much appreciated, thanks...
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Jun 30, 2005
there must be a way to do this, but i haven't been able to figure it out yet...
table one has three fields i need to be concerned with, member_ID, range_start, and range_end. no part of any range spanning range_start through range_end will be duplicated.
table two has several fields i need, but the field of primary concern is a person_ID that will fall somewhere within a range designated in the first table.
how in the world can i join these tables, since none of the IDs in the second table are actually listed in the first, but fall in between values?
i need to get member_ID from table one, person_ID and several other fields from table two.
any ideas?
thanks for any help,
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Oct 2, 2005
i have 2 tables, A and B
A table
StockDate Price
02/04/2001 1.12
04/05/2001 1.15
14/08/2002 1.14
18/09/2003 1.26
and so on 1.48
up to 2005
B Table
StockDate Price
02/04/2003 1.12
04/05/2003 1.15
14/08/2003 1.14
18/09/2004 1.26
and so on 1.48
up to 2005
i like to know how to write codes to join 2 tables into 1 table like
C Table
StockDate Price
02/04/2001 1.12
04/05/2001 1.15
14/08/2002 1.14
18/09/2003 1.26
02/04/2003 1.12 --> B Table
04/05/2003 1.15
14/08/2003 1.14
18/09/2004 1.26
and so on 1.48
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Jan 30, 2007
how do you join two tables?
help plz. thank you!
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Aug 22, 2014
What is the purpose or the advantage to doing more than one join between two tables? How many joins can you have between two tables?
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Jan 27, 2006
How can I have a user enter the WHERE criteria in the Set Rs statement below.
Set Rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT [Net] FROM [tblRecap] WHERE [Yr] = 2000 and [Event] = 'lancaster'")
I would like a message box to ask the user to define the [Yr] = and [Event] = fields since they would change from time to time and then pass the values to the OpenRecordset method. Is this possible? Can someone help supply the code?
A parameter query won’t work because when you manipulate these queries in DAO through VBA you need to supply the parameter value before you open the recordset object. If you don’t DAO generates an error.
Here is my code:
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub ReportFooter_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)
Dim ConsqWin As Long
Dim ConsqLoss As Long
Dim tmpWin As Long
Dim tmpLoss As Long
Dim Rs As DAO.Recordset
Set Rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT [Net] FROM [tblRecap] WHERE [Yr = 2000 and [Event] = 'lancaster'")
Do While Not Rs.EOF
Do While Rs!Net > 1
tmpWin = tmpWin + 1
If Rs.EOF Then Exit Do
If Rs.EOF Then Exit Do
If tmpWin > ConsqWin Then ConsqWin = tmpWin
tmpWin = 0
Set Rs = Nothing
End Sub
By the way the YR field is a number and not a date so the WHERE clause doesn’t need #2000#
Any help would be appreciated.
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Jan 16, 2013
I split my database into a FE and BE to simplify the upgrading of the clients copy. I had a chance to implement that change today and except for this error all seems to be well.
The error is "Invalid Operation 3219 " and flags this line of code "Set rsTable = dbsCurent.OpenRecordSet("Import650tbl, dbOpenTable, dbAppendOnly) " when the error is triggered. The table Import650tbl is a temporary holding table to which I enter imported records. I then add some supporting information and then the records are added to live data table for further processing. After the data is added to the live table the information in the Import650tbl is deleted by a query to be ready for tomorrows processing.
This error prevents the process from working. I got around the problem by deleting the link to the BE for this table and creating the table in the FE. After that all was well.
Question: Why does the above OpenRecordSet fail on the linked table?
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Sep 5, 2005
Hi there
I am hoping someone can give me a few pointers on how to get started on what I am trying to achieve....
I have 2 tables that form a 1 - to - many relationship.
I have designed a form that I wish to show fields from both tables.
Using ADO I would like to be able to open the form and be able to see my desired fields in the same form.
Can anyone provide any ideas on where I can get started.
Thanks for your help!!
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Dec 20, 2004
First time user!!!
I work for the school dist. and we have 2 tables for 2 different groups.
I need to pull data from them both and create a new Query.
Table 1:
Name, address, phone
Table 2:
Name, address, phone
(No similarities in ether database, and we'd like to NOT export data)
I'm hoping it's an easy fix that I've overlooked.
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Sep 6, 2005
Hi there
I have made a form I am trying to bound 3 tables to.
The 3 tables are
How I am trying to set it up is that I enter someones personal details in once. But using the same personal details someone can have more then one booking.
With the skills....each person can have lots of different skills.
Basically I work for a recruitment agency and I have been asked to build a database that can add new people.add skills to that person.....then add different jobs to the same person.
I have made 3 tables
I have joined all tables togeather (I think wrong but trying) the tblbookinginfo is joined to tblbooking using a 1 - Many relationship using the primary key of tblPersonalInfo to the field PersonalID in the table tblBookingInfo
I have joined tblSkills to the table tblbookingID through SkillsID
I created a query using all 3 tables and have used this to bound the form....
The form contains 3 pages and the 1st page works ok (it only contains info from the tblPersonalInfo) the 2 other pages don't seem to work as I want them to.
I would like to be able to click to add a new person and also new booking and new skills
Currently I am able to add new personal details but nothing else.
Can anyone see what I am doing wrong?
Thanks for taking the time to read this
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Jul 13, 2005
Have some problems with a Purchase Order (PO) System I'm trying to do.
Figure 1 is the PO entry form. The upper part of the form shows the Header, while the bottom part shows the Line, containing all the ordered item details.
I separated the information keyed in into 2 tables, namely Header table (Figure 2) and Line table (Figure 3). The header table shows only the header details. With the order ID, the header is linked to the Line table where all the ordered items detail can be found.
I want to join the 2 tables and put the data into a new table, which will later be exported to text/spreadsheet for other purposes. I know it can be done using the make-table query. But my concern is about the layout/format of the table.
I would want to put my data where there's one header row followed by the corresponding line rows. Then another new header row with its line rows. I'll give an example:
Note that not all the fields for Header row and Line rows are the same. So can I put different data into the same column?
Would appreciate it if anyone could solve my problems. Thanks. ;)
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Nov 6, 2007
I have an unbound form that is based on a query. On the Load-event I have populated textboxes with the underlying records (it works fine).
The underlying query is based on 2 tables that are joined on (PrimaryKey) Table1.ID = Table2.ID (ForeignKey).
The Form has one Add-CmdButton. When the user will click the Add-button the content of the textbox will get added or saved in the underlying database.
I want to know the SQL to add, so that I can write the code behind on the Click-event of the button.
I know on how to add records with a single table (writing code behind), however, I want to know on how to do when it comes with joined tables (INSERT SQL statement ?).
Thanks and regards,
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