Forms :: Look Up Information In Backend Table?

Aug 2, 2013

Is there a way to set up a keyword search within a form and use it to look up information in a backend table?

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Modules & VBA :: Unbound Forms Information To Table

Jan 13, 2014

I've tried using the vba to have unbound forms information pasted to a table. The Vendor, Channel and Department are unbound fields in the form and I can't, for the life of me, figure out how to get them to append to the table.

I've tried using solutions provided prior but I must be missing something. Here's my database. I'd like for it to append to the table then ready the form for the next entry.

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Forms :: Form To Display Information From Junction Table?

Feb 3, 2014

I've established a many to many relationship using a junction table.

So I have 3 tables (A for "materials", B for "batches", and J for "junction")

Form A is linked to table A, and contains a subtable linked to a query from table J. This allows me to input materials into table A and then list all of the batches it may be used in that are in table B. I successfully got this to input all the batches and materials combinations in table J.

Now on form B, which is linked to table B, displays the batch information, with the subtable J.

My problem, is that only the materials primary key is showing, not the other information that should be linked from table A.

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Forms :: After Update Event Information To Table Not Getting Recorded

Apr 16, 2013

I have an after update event that populates, Date, Time and User into corresponding fields when the record status changes to closed.

However... Whilst the information is recorded on the form it does not record to the underlying table is there any reason for this, or anything that I am not doing correctly?

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Forms :: Cascading Combo Box SQL Backend

Jan 14, 2015

I have a cascading combo box that successuflyl returns data from sql server tables venue and date, when I save the record it saves the values but when I re open the record for a particular patient the combo box values are cleared and do not display patients appointment venue and date although it is saved in the database. How can I return the values in the combo boxes which were saved.

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Tables :: Frontend Table Relationships Different Than Backend?

May 28, 2014

I created a database a few years ago and it has been working well. This database is split.

Recently I started to update the front end based on user feedback and I am adding some queries.

I am noticing that sometimes I try to create a new query and Access tells me that the tables that are involved in the query are not related. Sure enough if I check in the front end, the table relationships are not the same as those in the back end and while the table relationships I need exist in the back end, they do not in the front end.

While the relationships were initially created in the unsplit database, it is possible that I added some of them later during past development/updating processes when the database was already split. This is the only reason I can think of for them to be different.

When I add a relationship in the back end (new table or bug fix) do I also need to add it to the front end if the database is split? if not, why would they be different? What kind of issues can this create?

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General :: Copy Structure From Existing Linked Table In Backend

Jun 9, 2012

I have a need to copy a table structure from an existing linked table in the backend

i have done this by

a) copying the table structure into a new table in the fromt ebd
b) exporting the new table into the backend
c) dropping the table in the front end

just wondered if there was an easy way to do this directly in the backend?

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Modules & VBA :: Split Database - Moving Table To Existing Backend

Apr 8, 2015

I have a client that is using a split database. I am working on an update to the program and need to transfer a table to the backend that has the correct structure and information included in it. My thoughts are to make a one time use program that transfers the table to the backend. I have seen DoCmd.TransferDatabase and DoCmd.CopyObject as possible ways to go.

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Updating Oracle Backend Tables From MS Access Forms(dynamically)??

Feb 13, 2007


My requirement is this...

I have to use MS Access as front end with ODBC connection to Oracle 9i


The application(forms) should be able to update, delete ,insert records into oracle tables(backend).

i have a main form,which has some unique id's and other info about the ids and the subform shows several matching id's for that unique id in main form. the user who uses this application should be able to
1) search for the unique id in the main form such that the subform displays all its matches
2) they should be able to select anyone match and say approve(there can only be one match), then that particular record should be updated in the table.IF I USE A CHECK BOX AND IF THEY CLICK ON ONE RECORD AS MATCH,HOW
similarly when they select some other record i should give option of deleting other irrelevant matches in the backend table.

the main form and the subform uses the same table as source.updates are to another table, i should also have to put entry into audit table about which record was deleted and which one inserted..

How should i do this?? i am new to MS access .VBA, any help would be highly appreciated!

Thanks so much!

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DLookup Function To Load Information From Table To Another Table Using Subform

Mar 22, 2013

I have 3 table table; Invoice table, Product table and Sale_product table. Sale product table records all sale from the product table

Invoice table has these fields

Product table has


and Sale_Product table has these

I did main form from Invoice table and sub form from Sale_product table. I want to use DLOOKUP function to load the name and price, quantity and calculate subtotal automatically from the product table based on the product code entered. i have being trying hard and i keep on getting "Name? error"

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Forms :: Relating Information Between Main Form And Navigation Forms

Apr 11, 2013

New to the navigation form: I need several forms in the navigation form to all relate to the same client ID field. I have this information on the main form but the form with in the navigation form will not pick it up.

I have tried =[Forms]![Frm Client Information Navigation Panel]![ClientID] But just cant get it to pick up that information...

I would like to have something like the master link fields and, child link fields but when I add a form to the navigation form this option in not available.

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Information Within A Table

Apr 14, 2005

i am trying to create a form with a sub-form in it. i have got my client details in it - address, phone, etc then within that table i would like to keep a track of treatments for each time they visit in decending order. can anyone help me out with this? hope someone understands what i mean

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Looking Up Specific Information From One Table To Another

Aug 3, 2005

Hey everyone,

Ive got a bit of a problem with my database at the moment. Here are the two tables im specificly having problems with:

Item Stock

Item size
Serial Number
Delivery Date
Date out
Stock level

Item Fitted

Item Size
Date fitted
Reg number
Date Removed
Serial Number

Here I have Item stock as my base table. Item Size and Serial Number info is collected from the base table and put into a combo box.

What im trying to do is when a specific item has been fitted, for access to note the size, serial number and date fitted, and place it into the correct record in the base table. serial number and size to be put in its respective table, and date fitted to be put in the "date out" field.

This is rather annoying i know and a bit difficult to explain, if anyone could help over msn that would be great -



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Query Table Information With T-SQL

Sep 12, 2005

I have been looking all over for the answer to this and can't find the slightest thing about it.

I need to know how I can query information about what tables are in a MS Access database. Lets say for example I can't access the database with the MS Access application and I want to write a web query in asp to list the tables in the database. For example, I may not know what tables are in there and need to find out.

I know there is a way with mySQL using the "show tables" command but it doen't appear to work with Access

I also came accross some code with OpenSchema(adSchemaTables) that is suppose to do the trick, but it either doesn't work or my shared-hosting provider doen't have it set up to work.

If anyone could PLEASE help me out with the T-SQL query code to get table info I would be greatly thankful!

Thanks in advance,

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Need Default Information From Another Table

Feb 7, 2007

Hello, I have been looking around trying to gather as much access info as I can. I could really use some help with what seems like it should be pretty basic to me. I am making database for excavation estimation and have a table with my equipment and a field for default costs. I then have a table where I assign costs to a specific job. So I would choose a piece of equipment from the equipment table and then would like the default values entered in from the equipment table into the job table for the default costs. So a default value is put there that can be edited for the specific job. I am guessing I need to enter something into the default data area on either the table or on a field on a form? Can anyone give me the format for putting this in. The primary key in the equipment table (auto-number) is linked to a foreign key in the job table. Thanks in advance.

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Problem With Getting Information From A Table

Feb 14, 2007

Im using Access 2003.

I have a form with a combo box that has a list of all the names that are contained in a table.

I am trying allow the user to select a name but then when the user selects that name it pops up the email in another text box. The name that is being selected is in the same record that the email is in.

whats the easiest way to do this? vba?

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Sub Cell Information In A Table

Aug 9, 2005

I am not sure if this has been done in a table before. I have seen it in forms but not in tables.

Here is my problem.
I have created a database for a planespotters club. This database has the tables.

I am trying to display selected information in the ac_logged tbl that is related to other cells. For example: If someone selects boeing in the maker field they will only boeing models in the model field. Also, if someone enters Ireland in the country field only the airports for that country would be listed.

I don’t want to do this in a form but I could settle for a query if I have to.

I was just wondering if this could be done in a table as opposed to any other way.

Hope I have made myself clear on this one. :confused:

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How To Call Information From One Table In Two Spots

Jun 19, 2006

Please help!!

I am creating a program that will allow the user to select a sale and pull up only those product items associated to that sale in the details. Any help would be appreciated. Then with in the details section the user will/should be able to enter in the Quantity needed to order. Any suggestions on how to do this. My tblSale does provide the data needed so how do I get the data to go to the form?

I am new to this forum so if I have not asked properly I apologise now.

The Database is attached. Form Orders is the form that I am using to accomplish my task. The getproducts4Sale Query is the information needed.

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Adding Information To A Read-only Table?

Jan 31, 2008


I wasn't sure which area to post this question in...since it involves queries, tables, and forms :)

There is a read-only table in my company's data warehouse that stores a lot of records. I wish to set up a form that will allow users to add or relate data (fields) to each of those records.

Updating the data warehouse table structure is not an option.

How can I best do this...

1. set up my own table somewhere, that will automatically append any new data warehouse records every night, so basically I'll always have a copy of the DW table, but with additional fields that can be updated?

2. set up another table/query that are linked to the DW table via unique identifier...but if I do this, how do I display the DW records alongside the new fields in a way that makes sense? another query? will I be able to write in data in this fashion?

3. ...some other way?

Any assistance will be very much appreciated!

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Table Structure - Transfering Information

Sep 25, 2006

I am creating a database for a hyperthetical car hire company. I have a table for the customer details, a table for car details, a mid table with current car hire information. I want to create a table for previous car hire information. Is there a way that i can transfer the details from the current car hire table to the previous car hire table without copying and pasting? (when the customer returns their car)

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Transfering Information From Query To Table

Mar 15, 2006

Hi there, this is probably a very simple problem for people with experience of Access, however i have been having problems with being able to tranfer information from a query to a table.

I have made a query which displays a number of different items with their prices and who bought them (ie. booking ID)

I have then made a query which asks for the booking ID, then once you have input that it searches the items and adds up the price for all the items which that booking ID has.

both these queries work fine. The problem i am having is that i want to transfer this total price into a table. I have been able to do this by manually typing into the sql code the price, however when i try to get the query to collect the price itselfs, it gives the error
"operation must use an updateable query"

btw i am making the query as a update query,

sorry if this post is a tad long and messy,
thx in advance for any help

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Tables :: Pull Information From One Table To Another

Nov 19, 2012

I am brand new to building a database.What I want is a database to store Quote, Job and Invoicing information. We receive quotes first and then they can, but don't always, turn into jobs. We can also receive a job without quoting it. We currently have two spreadsheets. One is for Quotes and the other is for Jobs.

Quote #
Customer Name
Part #
Part Name
Quote Due Date
Lead Time

Job #
Quote #
Customer Name
Part #
Part Name
Est Hours
Start Date
Due Date

As you can see a lot of the information in the Quote spreadsheet is also used in the Job spreadsheet. (Bold represents duplicated items) We currently type the information into each spreadsheet.

Then there are different forms that are filled out for quotes and jobs that contain the information in the spreadsheets.Is there a way that I can have the QUOTE Table automatically populate the JOB Table information?

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Reports :: Table Information On A Report

Oct 10, 2014

I am trying to get some totals on a report, but the totals are from a table that the form is not related to as such.I am trying to get a textbox to show how many records in a query match the given criteria and show me the number of records that match. I was thinking DCount, but not sure if it will work?

I have a query called 'VehiclesAllocatedToday' which is already filtering records to show only those allocated today. On a report that shows Unfit Vehicle (and is related to a different query), I would like a text box that shows me how many records there are where the text "Type One" is in the TypeRequired field.

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Track Changes Of Raw Table Data Information?

Dec 19, 2012

Im working in MS Access 2003.Im creating an audit trail for users actions in a form, to monitor and keep track of what fields were updated/entered/removed from the database, these actions are essentially done from command buttons (and the audit trail, is coded on the button click)

However, I have a few search screens, that return a subform listing results. These datasheets returned are effectivly like opening the raw table and hence are editable, (permission to change is granted as they are admin only searches, yes, they can change the raw table)

How can I track the change to a raw table field, ie, if someone updates the field SURNAME from 'Smth' to 'Smith', is there something that triggers this (obviously if it was in an interface textbox, you could audit this) is their a field change. The only way i can suggest it make a recordset of the intial results, then compare that to the results in the table as they leve and compare the two.

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Forms :: Getting Information To Show Up In Box

Jun 20, 2013

I am creating a new form and right now I only have 3 controls: Employee name, Employee ID, and Hire date.

How can I type in an Employee's Name and when I hit enter I get the info in the other boxes to show up?So what I am wanting is to be able to type in a name and hit enter and have all the other boxes populate in the form?

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Forms :: Getting Information On A Form?

Sep 25, 2013

I have 2 tables

Main table called Site Details

and another table called expense codes

On the form I want to use a combo to look at the expense Number 52, 53, 54 ect

the in the next field to show the description of the code it relates to

How do I do this?

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