Forms :: Make PDF File From A Report

Apr 1, 2015

i have the following code to make the PDF form a report. but i want to make the PDF in landscape mode and also each time with a new name.

If Me.Combo3.Value = "" Or IsNull(Me.Combo3.Value) Then
MsgBox "Please enter order number!", vbExclamation, "Order number required"
' ElseIf Me.cmb_AuftragNummer.Value Like "*[a-z]*" Or Len(Me.cmb_AuftragNummer.Value) <> 6 Then
'MsgBox "Invalid order number!", vbExclamation, "Invalid order number"
DoCmd.OpenReport "rep_CQAReport", acViewPreview, , "[Fehlercode] = '" & [Combo3] & "'"
DoCmd.Close acForm, "frm_rep_cqaReport_filter"
DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "rep_CQAReport", acFormatPDF, "O:ApplicationsCQA ReportingPDFTest01.pdf", False
End If

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General :: Make Accdr File Out Of Accde File?

Sep 10, 2012

How do I make an accdr file out of an accde file?

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How To Make Setup File From Access File

Dec 7, 2006

i have develop an application in Ms Access, now i want to have setup file for that, how a setup file can be created.

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Forms :: Attach Pdf File To Report

Jul 30, 2013

I have a report (a contract) which I can send as a pdf file. However, on the printed version of the report, I have the "terms and conditions" on the reverse side. The "terms" are already printed; the report is merely printed on the reverse side.I've saved the "terms and conditions" file as c:AccessFiles erms.pdf. What I would like to do is when I execute the code to send the contract as a pdf attachment via email, the "terms.pdf" file is combined with the report as one pdf file. Is this possible?

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General :: Make A Copy Of BE File Rather Than To Make A Copy Via Code

Nov 26, 2012

Would it be ok just to make a copy of the BE file (every so often) rather than to make a copy via code?The user can then just paste over the original if it becomes corrupt.

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General :: How To Make A Report Using Crystal Report Direct From MS Access Form

Jun 3, 2014

I'v looking for since a couple months a go to make a report direct from access form using crystal report but i havent found it yet. I'v tried this code and its giving me errors. " run time error 1004 method range of object _global failed "

how to make a report using crystal report direct from ms access as front end application ? is it possible to use crystal report ?btw i use database sql server 2008 and MS Access 2007 as my frontend's the code that i'v found and gives me an error

Dim CR As New CRAXDRT.Application
Dim rep As CRAXDRT.Report
Set rep = CR.OpenReport(Range(" ??? ")) * i getting error in this line, what should i do to fill it ??
rep.ParameterFields(1).AddCurrentValue "Boston"
rep.ParameterFields(2).AddCurrentValue "Cars"
rep.Database.Tables(1).SetLogOnInfo "tool", "db_tsel"
rep.PrintOut promptUser:=False, numberOfCopy:=1 ' promptUser:=True doesn't work

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'Make MDE File' - Gone..

Jun 8, 2005

Hey guys.. I am trying to make my DB into an MDE file however that option which is in Tools > Database Utilities is not highlighted on this particular database. Anyone know why? Thanks!

EDIT - This features seems to be inactive on all atabases on my computer (I haven't tried another computer yet). I am using Access 2000 and running Win XP Hme. SP1.

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Make MDE File

Oct 1, 2006

I created an Access/VBA database with a number of forms, reports, tables etc and I want to make it an MDE file.

I split the database into a front end and back end, relinked the two and tested it fine. Then I read I had to convert to 2002-2003 format. Again I did that and relinked and retested, so far so good.

However, when I go into the front end and try to make an MDE file I have a problem. It asks me to select the database, so I point it at the front end (Dry Clean) and then it asks for the name of the MDE to create (Dry Clean1) after that if I look in the folder it immediately creates a db1 and then sits there eating up cycles until I cancel it.

I have let it run for over an hour and it is just a blank screen with 'Make MDE/ADE' down in the lower left. I look in task manager and it says it is not responding, but it is eating up most of the CPU and doing some IO (thus I let it run for an hour once). If I cancel it and go into db1 (which is not the name I specified) it says that the VBA files don't exist and just keeps popping up errors.

Is this a bug? Did I miss a step? Am I just doing this wrong?

I need to make this last step to 'blackbox' the code from the users to complete this project.

Any help would be greatly appreciated! :-) Thanks.

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Unable To Make Mde File

Dec 5, 2006


I'm using A2003 to try and create an mde file but it is not playing ball. The mdb is compiling fine with no errors but when I click on "make mde file" and supply the path/filename, Access appears to try to open the mdb again and prompts me with a security warning saying that 'opening this type of file may be harmful.....etc'. The mde does not get created. Any ideas?

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General :: How To Make New Changes To A File

Apr 25, 2014

I have created a copy of an access file to make some changes to tables, forms and etc. Some of them are deleted, new ones created or the codes are changed.

Is there a way that I can apply all the changes to the original file?

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How To Make A Save File Dialog Box

Jul 16, 2007

I have a problem. This problem is that when I generate the report, I want to show a save file dialog box. How can I do this and and retrict the files show to only "*.pdf" files. I tried it as follow:

Private Sub SaveFile_Click()

Set FDialog = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogSaveAs)

With FDialog
.Filters.Add "Acrobat Files", "*.pdf" .Show
End With

End Sub

error is araised when executing .Filters.Add "Acrobat Files", "*.pdf": Object doesnt support property or method.

ALSO How can I pick the path the user selected?


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Make A File On Harddrive The Constant Datasource

Jul 29, 2006

Can anyone help me with setting up a Visual Basic project to where the datasource I use is a Access database on my harddrive. This Access database isn't linked to a server or anything. It's just a database I created and would like for my project to open this file everytime it's attempting to pull data. How can I make this connection? If I am able to use ADO, how do I go about doing this? I would think ADO wouldn't be necessary though.

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Queries :: Make Table Query In Different File

Aug 30, 2013

I need to put together a make table query, already got all the fields sorted the way i want the problem is that query is located in my databases Front End and i need the table to be made in the Back End (giggity), the filepath for the back end is actually stored in a "Master Control" table if this makes the process easier...

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General :: Make File Name Part Of A Field Value

Jun 13, 2013

I'm trying to split up the filename into four separate fields. Here's an example of the filename:

123112 427900 55261 1156833.jpg

A 12312
B 427900
C 55261
D 1156833

The values A, B and C are always the same number of characters. The last value, D, changes in size. It can be anywhere from four characters to twenty. But it always starts at position "20" as with "1" in the case of the 1156833. The extension, jpg, is of no value.I might also add my programming ability is close to nonexistent.

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Modules & VBA :: How To Make Excel File And Export It To Mail

Aug 18, 2015

i want to make an excel file from a query and then export it to mail. i want to make an excel and then send it as an attachhment. also i want to insert the mail address to manually because each time it is sent to a different person.

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General :: Split Database - Modify Backend File And Make A New Front End

Jun 12, 2012

So a while back I created a database which I use to keep track of my companies large list of products. It is very simple only 3 tables, 1 query and 1 form. After running into a problem with copying and pasting updates on each computer in the office I decided to split the database on a network drive. This worked for a bit, however I had to add new fields and modify the form, which corrupted the file. Luckily I had a backup before the split.

As far as I could tell all I had to do was modify the backend file and make a new front end. However it seems like it is not as easy as I thought it would be. How do you modify a split database without corrupting the files or using a non-split copy?

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Special Report I Need To Make

Jul 27, 2006

Hi, I'm running Microsoft access version 10 and i need help with a report i need to make. I need to print out a roster report showing what students show up on what days. I have boolean variables in the table for each day and it is quite easy to make a report of the students i want with the days of the week and a check under which day the student comes in. What I want however, instead of a check to show up under Monday (or any day) for the students, i want that students name to appear. So i teacher can just go down the list and on any given day see the students names very easily. when a student does not show up that day that row and column can just be blank

Here is a very crude sample of the report a have. a slash is a check

Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Jack / /
Brian /
Kelly / / /

Here would be the exact same report but formated the way i want it

Monday Tuesday Wednesday
Jack Jack Jack
Brian Brian
Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly

thanks for any help.


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Need To Make My Report Look Like An Excel With Lines In It!

Jun 15, 2006

Does anyone know how to make a report have lines in it like excel can do when you print out. My boss likes to read this data with lines seperating stuff. Thanks.

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Need To Make A Report List! Nothing Seems To Work...

Jul 7, 2006

Ive been trying to make a form that has a report list for filtering. Everything I research and do just isnt working for me. Ive followed a video about it and visited these sites.

I think the code just isnt working in 97...

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Need To Make A Report List! Nothing Seems To Work...

Jul 7, 2006

Ive been trying to make a form that has a report list for filtering. Everything I research and do just isnt working for me. Ive followed a video about it and visited these sites.

I think the code just isnt working in 97...

Any Ideas? Maybe I just need more help or the code needs edited!?!?!


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Make Table Query In A Report

Oct 31, 2005

How can I get a make-table query to run in a report?

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Use Query Results From Report To Make Table

Aug 2, 2006


I have a query that prompts the user for input to generate a report.
I would like to in essence copy that same record set and append it to a different table (archive table).

Not quite sure how to go about it.

Thank you

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Onformat For Report Make Visible Is Not Null

Aug 13, 2005

I want my fields on the report to show up if there is data to show and to disappear if no data is avaliable. Also, will the fields format together or will they still stay apart? I need them closer together for the report.

Here we go.

In the report are months 1, 2 and 3 as well as the label box for each. I need the label box and the data(text box) to disappear when the data box is null. This is where I had started:

Private Sub GroupHeader1_Format(Cancel As Integer, FormatCount As Integer)

If Not IsNull(Me.Ctl1_Month) Then Me.Ctl1_Month.Visible = True
Me.Ctl1_Month.Visible = False
End If

End Sub

But when I try and run the report I get this error:
Can't Execute Code in Design Mode.

Can someone help as to what I have done wrong or where I should place this type of format?

Many thanks.

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Make Text BOLD On A Report (criteria).

Feb 5, 2008

Not sure if this is possible but here goes (even if I make a fool of myself for asking).

I have a report that lists data based on criteria set in a form. The main criteria is Month (Month4Report) and Year (Year4Report).

The report lists all jobs that started that month and also any jobs that had work done during that month - even if they started in the previous month.

What I would like to do is highlight any job that has an actual start date prior to the current searched month (Month4Report). By making it bold or other way.

Is this possible?



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Queries :: Validating A Query To Make A Report

Feb 20, 2014

I am making a football database for my sixth form project. It consists of 6 teams and i need to make a top scorers report for each team. I am attempting to make a query for each report which will consist of the fields needed, under the field 'Team Name' i need to validate it for each team so that each query only shows their specific team, then i can make it into a report. But i do NOT know how to validate it. In human words i want it to say something like this " Only include this player if value of the team name if it is equal to 'St.Albans city east' (one of my teams)".

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Forms :: (Upload File) Button Stopped Showing All File Types

Oct 7, 2013

I recently upgraded a DB from 2003 to 2013 and ran into the following problem.

I have a button that opens a file dialog box and allows the user to upload a file to a predetermined location (and store the address as a hyperlink). I borrowed this code from someone else on here and modified it slightly.

In any case, the button still works, but now when it opens it doesn't have an option for "All files" under file types. So I can upload MS Office files, text files, etc., but not PDF files which are by far the most common types my users upload.

Private Sub Command35_Click()
Dim dd As Integer
Dim fileDump As FileDialog
Set fileDump = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen)
dd = fileDump.Show
Dim Yourroute As String
Dim yourrouteName
Yourroute = fileDump.SelectedItems(1)
yourrouteName = StrReverse(Yourroute)
yourrouteName = StrReverse(Mid(yourrouteName, 1, InStr(yourrouteName, "") - 1))
FileCopy Yourroute, "us170fp00dataWBO_Tool_RoomDrawings" & yourrouteName
Me.Drawing_Link = yourrouteName & " # us170fp00dataWBO_Tool_RoomDrawings" & yourrouteName
End Sub

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