Forms :: Mixing Forms Overlapping Windows And Tabbed Documents

May 22, 2015

Is there any way to mix together on a db based on tabbed documents some overlapped forms?

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Freezing Header Of A Form In Overlapping Tabs Instead Of Tabbed Documents

Feb 16, 2015

I have a form (frmMain) which has a header with some basic links and text boxes I would like to keep as a frozen pane on top as the user are scrolling down the detail section of the form. The detail section does include a subform if that makes a difference (frmhome). When going to Options>Current Database> tabbed documents, the form header stays frozen perfectly.

I however would like to use "Overlapping windows" as the form center aligns in the Access window instead of left aligning when using "tabbed". So either :

1) how do I keep the header frozen in "overlapping" or
2) how do I center align the form in "tabbed" view, as right now the form just wants to go as far left as possible in the full Access window.

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Forms :: Tabbed Documents Icon On Caption Bar

May 25, 2015

Customizing the form with the following code


Public Declare Function LoadImage Lib "user32" _
Alias "LoadImageA" _
(ByVal hInst As Long, _
ByVal lpsz As String, _
ByVal un1 As Long, _
ByVal n1 As Long, _
ByVal n2 As Long, _
ByVal un2 As Long) _
As Long


I can load the little icon on the left on CaptionBar.It works very well on overlapping mode but no on Tabbed documents. How to works with tabbed documents mode?

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Forms :: Set Form Property To Window In Database Set To Use Tabbed Documents

Oct 16, 2013

I'm using access 2010.

How to set a single form's property to act as it's own "overlapping window" in a database that is set to use tabbed documents. I want most windows to have the tabbed layout but there are a few that I would like to have pop out and be their own windows.

I noticed that the Northwind database did this somehow. if you click on one of the products from the home screen a form pops up in its own window. I tried reverse engineering it, but no luck so far.

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Forms :: Access 2013 - Adding Cross Close Command On Tab In Tabbed Documents Mode

May 25, 2015

I would like to add a cross close command on the tab in tabbed documents mode. Is it possible to accomplish?

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General :: Order Of Tabbed Documents

Oct 17, 2012

Because of certain design considerations and the amount of data I'm maintaining, I have chosen to use tabbed documents rather than floating windows or subforms.

The hierarchy is supposed to be a person who is categorized as either a client, family member, donor, etc. Further, a client may use one or more services. In the example, our client uses Specialized Home Care. However, the tabs are intuitively out of order: the people tab is left-most, followed by the Specilaized Home Care tab, and lastly the Client tab. It should be People, People:Client, People:Client:Service. If a person uses a lot of our services, there will be separate People:Client:Service tabs and the People:Client tab will scroll off to the right. I'd like Access to order them properly but see no way to do it.when the forms are opened, it's people first followed by the high-level classification (i.e. Client), and the lastly the specific Client:Service tabs. I would expect Access to open and display them left to right, but, as you can see, it doesn't.

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Forms :: Caret Overlapping Text When Typing And Moving

Aug 20, 2014

I have an Access form that is tied to a recordset. When I Set Focus on 1 text box in particular, I move the caret with the keyboard arrows left-right, and the caret moves and flashes on top of the text characters, basically overlaps the character. When I then try to delete or edit the text, it moves the caret by itself to a different location in the text box and starts adding the text to that location. When I finally get the text how I want it, I set focus on another control, and it occasionally deletes random characters in the text box.

The only way I have been able to work around this is to copy and paste the current text into Notepad, edit it there, and then paste it back into the text box.

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Forms :: Combine 3 Forms Into 1 Tabbed Form

Sep 5, 2014

I made a form for our office to search data through our MS Access database. It was a big hit, and people started using it. Then came another request to make a new form - to search through another few tables. This was a big hit too.

The same process repeated and now I am stuck with 3 different forms, each with it's separate code and selection options.

How can I combine all of them into one and have 3 different tabs for the 3 existing forms without losing all the coding and software flow that I have already created?

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How To Populate Documents Using Forms

May 11, 2012

I'm new to Access and I'm trying to figure out how to use Access to populate documents. I assume I would create a form asking for information, and then Access would populate document(s) using the information.

For example, I need this information plugged into multiple Word Documents (or I guess I could combine all the word documents into a single PDF)

Name: John Smith
Project Number: 12345
Duration: 120 Days
Summary: This work would include...

And then the program would use the information from the form to fill in an already created template, sometime using the same piece of information more than once:

_____________________ has a project number of _________________________. _________________________ has a duration of _______________________. The duration of ____________________ includes days associated with project number ____________________. The summary is __________________________________________________ _____________.

The template may go on for hundreds of pages, but the information from the form would still be used throughout most of the pages.

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Adding Forms/documents To Access

Oct 21, 2006

I have a simple database for my rv rental business, I want to be able to import an existing form into access and then use the data in my dbase to fill in the forms to print and have the customer sign the contract etc. I use 2003 how would I go about doing this?


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General :: Button Attaching Documents To Forms

Jul 18, 2012

I'm trying to use this API in my database to be able to attach documents to my forms. [URL] .....

Do I have to put this into its own Module? I'm not familiar with how the code is defining Types and declaring Global variables.

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Sub Forms In A Tabbed Control - Referencing

Oct 19, 2006

I am trying to limit the number of records displaying in a subform [amendedLoans] by selecting only those records that have the same ClientID as the mainform [Customers] and the same loan number as the subforms parent form [ClientAccounts loan changes].[loanno].

I have no difficulty selecting records just using the clientid but as soon as I add the reference to the subform [loanno] field I get no selection of records. I suspect there is an error in the where clause for
[Amended Loans].Loan)=[Forms]![customers]![ClientAccounts loan changes].[Form]![LoanNo]) .

I have built the clause using the expression builder and have had many attempts all ending up with the same result. I'm now at a loss as to where to go from here....

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Forms :: Hyperlink To Tabbed Form

May 5, 2015

I've set hyperlinks to a couple of forms using the hyperlink address in properties. All works fine, and I've done it this way because the cursor changes to pointy hand when hovering over.

However, I need to navigate to a tabbed form in a main form.

Is there a way of doing this? I've been searching all sorts, and the most probable is to concatenate the destination?

description##Page1#page2... or something like that?

Is this correct?

What ever I've tried doesn't work, this includes ...

adding the main form destination to Hyperlink Address, and tabbed form in the SubAddress (Can't find main form)

Using the hyperlink builder. (Can't find anything)

Objects in this database (Only one form).

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Controls For Entering Information In Tabbed Forms.

Aug 5, 2007

I'm not a complete Access beginner, but I'm also far from an expert and not much of a programmer. So I feel that there's a chance this might be a relatively simple issue I'm merely making more complicated than it should be. But hopefully someone can at least point me in the right direction. (For the record, I'm using Access 2007.)

I've created a form to which I've added three tabbed pages. Each of these pages contains a subform the user can use to enter data into three different tables. The tables' relationships look to be set up properly, and there doesn't seem to be a problem with typing the information into the subforms. However, I want a single button press to update the information across all the tables and clear all the fields in the subforms so that the user can then go about entering the next person. I can't seem to figure out how to do this.

I downloaded a number of template databases from Microsoft, and some of them have exactly the kind of functionality I'm looking for: a "Save and New" button that inputs all the data across the tabbed pages and then lets the user start over from scratch with blank forms. I've spent a fair amount of time studying the various forms in the Student template, but I'm having absolutely no luck replicating that functionality. I basically want everything to work almost exactly the same as that, except with different field and table names (of course).

Can someone please explain what I'm doing wrong and how I might fix things, or at the very least how to look at the Students template database to get the information I need on how to do this myself? I'd be very grateful for any help on this matter. Thanks.

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Forms :: Populate A Tabbed Form With A Different Record On Each Tab?

Sep 28, 2014

how to populate a tabbed form with a different record on each tab?

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Forms :: Linking Several Tables On Tabbed Form?

Oct 6, 2013

I want to have a navigation Form where the top tab will show the main Customer, and in the same tab also a sub table with chosen contact information.

With that top tab chosen, I want to chose left tab wich shall open (in this example) the phone number of that contact.

I provide a PDF with a few pictures of tables, relationships and how I want the forms to look.

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Forms :: Date Difference In Tabbed Form

Mar 10, 2014

everything has been working perfectly except for date diffs.I am simply using an unbound text box with a date diff as a calculator of sorts, which meets the form's purposes. Everything works fine when the two dates are on the SAME tab using the formula ' =DateDiff("d",[DOB],[date of treatment]) ' entered in the textbox.

The number of days between treatment and DOB pops up immediately.

However, when trying to create a second date diff between two source text boxes on SEPARATE tabs, (i.e. DOB on Tab 1, and date of treatment and the unbound date diff calc box on Tab 2) the date diff does not work unless the form is opened, and closed again. As in, the only time the number of days pops up is if the form is closed and opened again.

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Forms :: Navigating Fields In Tabbed Form

Jan 22, 2014

I have a form which consists of four (4) tabbed sheets. The first sheet is the main form and the other three sheets are the linked subforms.

Pressing the tab key on the keyboard navigates from field to field in each individual form; however, I would like that when I get to the last field of each form, pressing tab moves to the next sheet or the first field of the next subform.

The problem I am getting is that when I get to the last field of the main form and/or subforms, hitting the tab button creates a new record in the specific form, which I do not want. I want to just tab to the next subform.

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Forms :: Unbound Form With Tabbed Controls?

May 31, 2015

I have an unbound form with 2 tabbed Controls on it.On the first Tabbed Control my command button code works but not for the 2nd tabbed control. Although the command buttons themselves work as far as going to the appropriate record.

What I mean by this is that I use code to enable/disable the command buttons depending on what record you are on.

Example: If there is only 2 record, the other command buttons will be disabled, Do I have to refer to the Tab Control ?

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Forms :: Adding Records - Tabbed Subforms Not Updating

Oct 10, 2014

I have a form with a tabbed area, each tab containing a subform. One of these subforms adds records to a table. Another subform shows the totals from that table.

But when I add records, the totals tab is not updated with the new quantities unless I close the form completely and go back in. I tried adding Me.Dirty = False to the subform that adds the records but that makes no difference.

It seems as though the 'totals' subform gets those values as the form is loaded and does not change, even when records are added and then that tab is selected.

How can I get the totals subform to show the updated totals?

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Forms :: Tabbed Form Validation Before Switching Tabs

Mar 20, 2013

I have a tabbed form built in Access 2007. It's a series of about 32 different questions, with some being fill-in, some drop down boxes to select from, some radio buttons to choose a rating from 1 to 5. The reason I used a tabbed form was just to keep things consolidated on one screen where no scrolling was involved. All of the entries on each of these tabs are deposited into the same single table. I have 7 tabs, and all of the fields on the 7 tabs compose a single record in the table.

I have the actual tabs hidden, and instead use a button to switch to the next tab (Continue button at the bottom) once all the fields on that tab have been completed. I have all of the necessary fields set to be required, but Access does not validate the entries until the very end of the survey when they click a 'submit' button that actually saves the responses and returns to the opening splash page to start the survey again.

What I want to happen is for the fields on the current tab to be validated before it lets the user move to the next tab with the continue button. If they click continue and have left any fields blank they should get a message that all required fields must be completed or something similar to that.

I have found a thread here entitled "Form Validation before Moving to another Tab" which sounds similar to what I'm doing, but using the button method to navigate to the next tab, there is no BeforeUpdated event to assign that code to.

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Forms :: Update Number Value From One Tabbed Subform Across 4 Tabs

Feb 10, 2014

I have an on click event that checks if entered number values on my first tabbed subform are not null. I then pass the values to three other fields each on a different tabbed subform using If Then Else syntax that seems to work. When I click through the tabs after the code has finished I can see the updated values on their respective tabbed subforms. However, when I click back through the tabs or requery the record all but the first and last subform values have saved.

I have tried inserting If Me.Dirty Then Me.Dirty = False in the subform after update and on data change events as well as in the on click event. I have also tried RunCommand acCmdSaveRecord and neither seems to work.

If IsNull(Me.AMT1_AF) Then
Forms![SCH_ENTRY]![ENT1subform]![AMT1] = Me.AMT1_AF
End If
If IsNull(Me.AMT2_AF) Then


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Forms :: Tabbed Page Change When Data Entered?

Mar 15, 2013

On that form we have 4 tabbed pages, 3 of which get used regularly. Unfortunately though, the Notes page does not get used very often. The reason is because people say that they don't want to click on the page if there is not going to be any information there to read, and they don't want to enter information if no one is going to read it.

Therefore, I was wondering if there was a way to have the page name, "Notes", change color if notes have been typed? Or, maybe an asterisk (*) shows up next to the page name if notes have been typed.

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Forms :: Adding Subform To Main Form As Another Tabbed Page

Jun 25, 2013

I am modifying an existing form that has some tabbed pages(subforms) in it and I am wanting to know how to add another page. I have created another subform that I am wanting to add to this main form as another tabbed page.

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Forms :: Duplicating Tabbed Form And Change Record Source

Aug 7, 2014

I have a navigation form that has a tabbed form on one of its tabs. The tabbed form has a 'current client' query record source and allows one to choose from a list of current clients and when a client is selected - details relating to client are displayed on various tabs on tabbed form.

I want to duplicate tabbed form and change record source to a query selecting 'exited clients' so I can see same information but for exited clients.

I have created a new tab on navigation form for my new exited clients tabbed form and changed record source by creating a new exited client query but when I change record source on exited client tabbed form it automatically changes record source of current client tabbed form to the exited client query and visa versa.

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Forms :: Creating Tabbed Form In Access 2007 - Control Alignment?

Mar 29, 2013

I'm creating a tabbed form in Access 2007, and in the first 3 tabs, when I dragged the field controls onto the form, they stretched to the width of the form and all stacked nicely underneath each other.

Now on the next tab they are coming out as much smaller. I don't want to stretch them to fit as I want them a uniform size and I just want to find how to get that setting back! I've been messing with the anchoring buttons to what seems like no avail!

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