Forms :: Moving From One Subform To Another

Aug 28, 2013

I have two subforms on a main form. When I move out of the last control of the first subform, I use the following code to move to the first control of the second subform:

Forms!frmFMVisit!frmSubFamilyEthnicDetails.SetFocu s

This is giving me problems in that it appears that moving out of the control in this way seems to be creating a record in the table on which the first subform is based.I get the following message: 'Cannot the value 'NULL' into column 'DoB'; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.'Is there a way to navigate between subforms without this happening?

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Forms :: Moving A Subform Within A Subform Of A Form?

Aug 19, 2015

I often move sub forms up and down within a form using something like.


forms!MyMainForm! = 500

However, I am having trouble moving a subform within a subform of a form.


Forms!MyMainForm!!MySubform! = 500

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Forms :: Data Moving Around On Subform

May 8, 2015

I have a form on my database called frmFloorRun in which a user inputs a line number on the main form, and then in the subform they enter what will be running on that line for that given day.

Everything seems to work beautifully except that when a user clicks on a line other than line 1 and clicks the refresh button, the first item scheduled to run on line 1 will move to whatever line the user is currently on.

To replicate this issue: simply open the database (i have slimmed it down so that only the floor run portion is included).

Open the form [frmFloorRun] observe the first line item on line 1 (that should be what the form opens to by default).

Now click on any other line by selecting it from the dropdown (yes I realize it is a combo box, but even when I remove that combo box and enter a line number manually, the issue persists).

After selecting another line, click refresh and that first line item from line 1 will move to whatever line you have selected. This is a huge issue for our company.

Also, I have included the report that is based on this form. It simply proves that the line item does not just move on the form - it moves in the report too.

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Forms :: Subform Record Selector Moving?

Aug 21, 2014

When moving from a subform back to the mainform and requerying one of the mainform controls, the record selector of the subform moves back to its first record. ...

GoToRecord (,,Next) '(in the subform-this is correct)
Object Type Form
Object Name pv '(go back to the main form)
In Database Window No
GoToControl (SubTot)

Requery (SubTot)If I remove the Requery, the record selector remains where it is supposed to be. The SubTot data source does include the aggregate dsum value of the subform's underlying table. What is strange is that this has been running properly for many years until it was upgraded from .mdb to .accdb format. Is there an easy way to make the record selector stay put?

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Forms :: Main Form Jumps Back To 1st Record When Moving To Next Record In Subform?

Mar 24, 2015

When I add a record in the subform and then move to the next record whilst still in the subform, the main form jumps back to its first record? I then have to move back to the right record in the main form to update the next record in the subform.

I want to move to the next record in the subform without affecting the main form.

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Forms :: Saving New Record When Moving To Another Record In Same Subform

Jan 17, 2014

I have a subform with records of call details (date, time, subject) - the date and time are autogenerated and subject is a text field. After entering text in the subject field and then clicking on the close button in the main form, or clicking anywhere else in the main form, the record is saved to the table. However, if I enter text in the subject field and then move up to view previous records (within the subform) and then click the close button in the main form the record is not saved in the table. How can I either save the record before allowing the user to move to another record within the subform or before exiting the subform set the focus to the new record so that it will be saved on exit?

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Moving Around A Subform

Dec 3, 2005


I have a subform where I can edit data and I have the following code;

Public Sub GotoNewRecord()

If Me.sumtransvolume = me.TotalLitres Then
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNext
End If

what occurs is that focus moves to a new record not the next record.

I am puzzles by this? Any clues how to fix this and get the control moving to the next record (some subform has 10-15 records)


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Moving From A Subform Within Multi-Page Tab To Selected Record And Tab?

Mar 30, 2015

I have a Form named Clients with a multi-page tab named TabCtl0.

The record source tables - primary key is [ID] , TabCtl0 has 7 tabs, the 1st named General.

The 1st 6 tabs show information from the same record.

The 7th tab contains a subform named Focus displaying continuous forms with 3 fields in each record including [ID].

What I am trying (for hours and hours without success) to do is to create a Macro that fires when I double click on a control within subform Focus that takes me to the page named General and selects the record where ID = the ID within the selected record of subform focus.

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Forms :: Navigation Forms - Moving Between Tabs

Aug 21, 2013

I have set up my main data entry form as a navigation form with 5 tabs/pages. The first three all contain fields from my main data table, the other 2 tabs/pages have fields from related tables.

Ok, so my question is: is if there is a way to go from tab/page 1 through the other 4 in succession with the main primary key (in this case an object ID number) automatically populated through. As it is now, when I start a new record for an object on tab/page 1, and then go to the next tab/page, it registers a new record has been created (at the bottom of the form it updates the total amount of records entered), but I have to manually enter in the ID field at the top the object ID number that I am entering info for. Otherwise it is still showing the details associated with the last record I was in the form updating.

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Slow Moving Forms

May 11, 2006

If anyone can shed some light on my slow moving forms. The BE is on a server and FE is on users PC. When I use the DB it seems to go through the form at about 4 sec a form or instant if it is menu form. Everyone else seems to move a lot (slower 30 -60sec/form) when it pulls forms with info to be entered or retrieved.

I know this is vague but anything to suggest as to what is causing the problem.

I say it is the network/server the BE is on.

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Moving Through Records And Updating Sub Forms

Jan 23, 2006

hi all,

I have this database I'm working on and have a couple of issues I can't work out.

The first is this, I want to have my sub forms go to the last record when moving through the main form, currently I can only get this to work when I open the form?

If I move through the records in my main form (forward and backwards), the two sub forms go to the first record only, so how can I get them to go to the last recor?

I've attached the DB to show you what I mean.
Thanks in advance

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Moving Focus/control On Sub Forms

Feb 16, 2006

I have a parent form called "frm_job_enter"

and two sub-forms called "frm_fabricator" & "frm_engineer"

On the sub form "frm_fabricator" I have a combo box and after updating this combo box (called fabricator) I would like the cursor to jump into a field called “ApllicationsEng” on the other sub form "frm_engineer"

Any help would be appreciated thank you.

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Forms :: Moving Items From One List Box To Another

Jul 16, 2015

I have a form where there are 2 list boxes: Part_List and acbPartList. acbPartList has multiselect enabled and what I want to do is be able to select multipler records in that list box and then press a button to add those selected records into the other list box. Here is my code for my button:

Private Sub addItemButton_Click()
Dim varItem As Variant
With Me.acbPartList_Existing
For Each varItem In .ItemsSelected
Me.Part_List.AddItem (varItem)
End With
End Sub

I'm not sure if passing varItem is correct, but regardless, it isn't working because Part_List is based off of a query, its not a value list.

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Forms :: Hiding And Moving Controls

Nov 6, 2013

I have created a form with some boxes on it which include in their body textboxes and labels and combos. I would like to know if it is possible (or if a control exist) to group this items which are inside the box and with a simple box.visible = false to make them all non visible without tagging them or adding code with their names statically to make them non visible. Any link that shows how to move controls in the form in runtime?

I would like to hide some controls and make smaller the form and if user selects a checkbox to show these controls that exist inside a box and grow the form.

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Forms :: Moving Fields One At A Time

Jun 26, 2013

I'm creating a form, and all the fields moved together. How do you unlock the field so you can move each one individually. I don't need them in columns as they are, nor the same size.

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Forms :: Moving A Group Of Objects When Hiding Others?

Sep 16, 2013

I am building a form where I would like to group fields into 3 groups, A, B & C. I know I could put all groups on their own subforms but I'd like to see if there is a way to simplify it all on one form since there aren't much fields for each group.

I would also like to hide each group when the user clicks 'hide group A' and shift Group B & C up. Then move them back to their original position when 'Display Group A' is clicked.

Same for each group. If Group B - Hide is clicked, Group C is moved up.

I've got each group tagged appropriately and I can hide/display them all properly by a For Each Control loop. Now, how to I move them all up/down a specific amount in addition to that? I would think it would be just as easy but my objects are moving by using the Grid Y property

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Forms :: Moving MP3s From Directory To USB Stick

May 14, 2013

I have an old mp3 player that works off a USB stick. The player plays in the order of when the tracks are copied to the USB stick.

I am nearly there with an Access app that copies the tracks in the order that I want, but I can't get the Filecopy to work. Code below? F: in the location of my USB stick.

Dim Source, Destination, Song As String
Dim lngCount As Long
For i = 1 To lngCount
Song = DLookup("[Filename]", "tblFiles", "[ID]= " & i & "")
Source = "D:Mysongs" & Song & ""
Destination = "F:"
Filecopy (Source, Destination)
Next i

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Forms :: Moving Form By Code On The Display

Jul 22, 2014

I'd like to do the following: when the user does something on Form A, Form B has to be open and the Forms should be located on the sides (Form A to the left side, Form B to the right side) of the display so the user can see them at a time.

However both Form A and Form B has an automatic centering function set when used alone.

Is there a way I could push this from code? I can't fine anything like that among the form's property.

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Forms :: Combo Box Not Updating Upon Moving To New Record

Jun 26, 2014

I have a tab control with a Counsellor Training tab on it inmy form frmCounsellors. The issue I am having is that when I select a training type from the drop down in the sub form on the tab control on the counsellor training tab and then go to a new record of the main form, not on the sub form, the training type I selected on the form stays the same. If I change it on the second record, it stays at whatever I changed it to, even if I return to the first record it stays at what I changed it to as well.

How do I get it to stay with the counsellor and have it zero out for a new counsellor and it to allow me to enter something different for the new counsellor then save it for that counsellor?I just realised, I am having the same issue with the location combo box but I am sure I could apply a fix to both boxes if I knew one.

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Forms :: Moving Controls In Design View

Jul 19, 2013

I created a form through the form wizard in access 2007 and based it off fields in a table. the form is done but if I want to move the controls in the design view... I dont have the ability to move just one. I can either move all of them or none of them. Is there a way to change that?

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Forms :: Moving Subforms Based On Input

Jul 9, 2013

I'm creating a database for work, and one of my forms currently has 8 subforms on it. For each individual account there can be one, none, or many of any combination of these subforms that will have information on them. I need the form to be able to show all of them, as someone else will be inputting all the information when the database is complete, but to make it easier I have set it up with checkboxes so that when a checkbox is checked, a subform shows, if not checked it doesn't show. I have very limited skills with VBA, so that in itself was an accomplishment for me.

My questions is: is there anyway in access to do it so that if a subform doesn't show, all the ones beneath it that do show will get bumped up so that it is easier to read/input data?

I have attached my DB and the appropriate form is "ICinfoT."

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Forms :: Moving View Of A Form SetFocus?

Sep 19, 2014

I have a data entry form.

There are some selection controls that require the user to enter data before the next one becomes enabled.

My form then has two different groups of controls that the user see's depending on the selections earlier, either one group or the other is made visible.

My question is how to move the view so that the appropriate group is where I want it.

If I use setfocus to a control the form moves but not how I want it to (The control that i setfocus on is half way up the screen rather than close to the top.).

I know there must be a better way, I tried move size but it didn't seem to do what i wanted.

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Forms :: Moving Vertical Scroll Bar To Left Side?

Aug 4, 2014

I have a subform that�s in datasheet view, is there a way to align the vertical scroll bar to the left side?

Win 7
Access 2010

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Forms :: Caret Overlapping Text When Typing And Moving

Aug 20, 2014

I have an Access form that is tied to a recordset. When I Set Focus on 1 text box in particular, I move the caret with the keyboard arrows left-right, and the caret moves and flashes on top of the text characters, basically overlaps the character. When I then try to delete or edit the text, it moves the caret by itself to a different location in the text box and starts adding the text to that location. When I finally get the text how I want it, I set focus on another control, and it occasionally deletes random characters in the text box.

The only way I have been able to work around this is to copy and paste the current text into Notepad, edit it there, and then paste it back into the text box.

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Forms :: Find Current Record When Moving From One Form To Another

Aug 7, 2013

Lets say,

Form A has fields: ID, LN and FN

1 A F
2 B G
3 C H
4 D I
5 E J

Form B has fields: ID, LN and TR

1 A Y
2 B N
3 C Y
4 D Y
5 E N

I would like to be able to switch between these two forms and the form automatically set focus to the record that I was on the form prior. Meaning if I am on record 3 on Form A and navigate to Form B, I would like to automatically set focus to record 3. Is this possible?

A possible issue after this gets sorted out is what happens if with the same scenario above record 3 does not exits? is it possible in that instance to simply requery the form?

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Forms :: Cursor Moving On Multi Subforms In A Form?

Mar 6, 2015

Issue with Cursor moving on multi Subforms in a form.

I have 2 sub-forms in a main form as per screenshot. So Cursor moving from main form to 1st subform working well. After can't move the cursor from 1st subform to 2nd subform with tabbing or entering. Still there in 1st Subform in the last entered filed after tabbing or entering. I've checked on tab orders also they shown correct but it is can't move to 2nd subform.

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