Forms :: Open Form Not In Tab Of MS Access

Jun 3, 2015

How to make application such that only a form is opened (not as a tab in access) just like pop up feature of a form. i have only one form in my application...

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Forms :: Create Hyperlink To Open Access Form

Jul 10, 2015

I am investigating on the possibility of setting up an approval process for our employee intake procedure by using MS Access and Outlook.

The idea is for the requester to open an intake form in Access and fill in the new employee's information and send an Outlook email to the manager for approval. I know how to trigger off an event on the form to send an email to the manager but my challenge is how to create a hyperlink in the email for the recipient to directly open the intake form with the specific record, without the need to open the database and find the specific intake form.

The intake form is built in a frontend .mde file on a shared drive where all users have access to.

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Forms :: Access Database Form Closes Immediately When Open It

Jan 12, 2015

Access database 2007: I have a database with some forms init but when i type my username and password to open the main menu to insert data the form shows 1 second and closes the whole database. I don't know whether the problem is the VB code or the microsoft.

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Forms :: Access Will Not Open New Form With Specific Data Instead It Returns All

May 2, 2013

I am currently creating a database in a hierarchical system that is to be used by multiple users to enter information specific to them. The tables are arranged like this:


Theses are connected using primary ID's and Particular Entries in the next table so they form a hierarchy - when you expand owners it brings up a list of Modules attached to that owner, then expand each module and it brings up a list of tasks associated with that module, expand the task and it brings up a list of highlights associated with that task. This is all very straightforward of course but what I would like to do is create forms that basically match so that the users can navigate from their name, through their modules and tasks and then add highlights to each task.

For this I have been using continuous forms to list all the different entries and inserting a button in each entry that I would like to link to the next form and find the specific data, however when I try to do this the button always without fail will just return all the entries from the form rather than the specific ones requested. I set up the button using the wizard and select 'open form and find specific data' and then select two entries that are identical on each form. I have trawled the internet quite a bit to try and find why this is happening and have inserted various bits of code etc into the embedded macro in an attempt to make it work but to no avail.

I wonder if there is something I need to activate on the form that the button connects to aswel or if I need to connect these forms using the relationship that I used to connect the tables (I am still using a unique identifier).If I connect to a single form it will display the first entry on the list (and I can cycle through them all) on a continuous form it will display all entries starting with the first.I would like it to display all entries for the selected record on the form.

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Forms :: When Open A Form / Want To Open Another From At Same

Jan 14, 2015

when i open a form i want to open another frm at the same time. i have a main form with some buttons in it. when i click on a button and a form opens then i am not able to click on a button to open other forms from the main form.

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Forms :: Open Access In Design Mode From Within Access

Jul 23, 2014

Can I for instance while my db is open, open it in design mode from my form via code?

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General :: Only Open MS Access Form Without Access Running In Background?

Aug 7, 2013

I have made a form on access which will be used by other employees within the company, however they have never used access before and they are wanting to access only just the form as I feel with Access and all the tools in the background will confuse them, plus I don't want them editing the data base its self.

Is there a way to only bring up the form, unless I obviously need to edit the date base.

I've done some research on Google and it seems I need to use:


However I can not seem to find how I would use this or where?

and also if i did find a way to only bring up the form, how would I be able to switch it from that veiw to the veiw I edit in?

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Forms :: Button In Form To Open Different Form And Chose A Customer Based On Last Form

Mar 26, 2013

Basically I have a Customer Form, which I have a New party button on it,this button opens up the party form to a new party, what I would like it to do is open up a new party but make the new party for the customer I had selected in the previous form.I have tried the GoTo macro's but cannot seem to get it to work.

I am thinking on clicking the button it will need to get the Customer ID, and then open the party form, create new party, and paste in the Customer ID, which then updates the Name - Date - Address - Company Fields.

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Forms :: Prevent Access To Open A Webpage?

Mar 19, 2013

I'm using "Application.FollowHyperlink" to send parameters to a remote application.

Each time i hit the enter button an 'After Update' event opens a web page.But i don't want the web page to be opened.

is there another method to send parameters over the web without opening a web page?

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Forms :: Put Password To Open A Tab In Access 2010

Jul 31, 2013

Is it possible to put password for a tab in Access 2010?

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Forms :: Open Blank Form Based On Value In Text Field In Main Form

Jun 6, 2013

I have one table containing name of restaurant with its address etc. Then i created another table to list out the restaurant workers names and details. Just as an example,

Restaurant name
Address line 1
Address line 2
Restaurant #

Staff Role

I have the main form that has all the restaurant details only. And i have another form containing the Staff information. Please note the two table have a relation and it works well.

Now to make it user friendly(basically easier for the lazy ones), I dragged the staff contact form on to my main form and displayed it as a datasheet(basically a sub form).

Now, my boss does not want users to add/delete on this sub form(datasheet). So,he wants me to create buttons to open new record of staff for each restaurant(new form)

My issue is with opening a new record to enter a new person to the staff list and give them a role as well in form view.The new form has

So i ran a Macro, with open form with Where condition

[Staffcontact]![Rest Name]=[Forms]![MainForm]![RestaurantName]

But, it does not work .

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Forms :: Continuous Form With Command Button On Each Record To Open Another Form

Jul 30, 2014

I have a continuous form in which I put a command button for each record called "detail". I would like to click on the "detail" button and make it open another form containing all (and only) the info on this record.

At first I refused to use an "id" to link both forms, but finally I added the "id" in the table... however still does not work.

continuous form: "04 - GASTOS_BUSQUEDA"
id field on continuous form: "Gastid"

pop-up (details) form: "GASTOS_EDITAR"
id on pop-up (details) form: "editar_id"

This is what I have tried on the "click" properties of the "details" button field (called "btn_editgs"):

DoCmd.OpenForm "GASTOS_EDITAR", acNormal, , "[editar_id] = " & Me.Gastid

DoCmd.OpenForm "GASTOS_EDITAR", , , "[editar_id]=" & Me.Gastid

stLinkCriteria = "[editar_id]=" & Me![Gastid]
DoCmd.OpenForm "GASTOS_EDITAR", , , stLinkCriteria

Private Sub btn_editgs_Click()
On Error GoTo btn_editgs_Click_Err
Dim strWhere As String
strWhere = "[editar_id] = " & Me.Gastid
DoCmd.OpenForm "GASTOS_EDITAR", , , strWhere
Exit Sub
MsgBox Error$
Resume btn_editgs_Click_Exit
End Sub

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Forms :: Navigation Form - BrowseTo Command To Open Up A Form In Built-in Subform Module

May 3, 2013

I'm working on the Navigation Form template in Access 2010, which is new to me. It appears that one needs to use the BrowseTo command to open up a form in the built-in subform module. I'm trying to create a couple of buttons where each button opens a form in a different data mode; one in read-only and one in add mode. Here is the syntax I used for read-only:

DoCmd.BrowseTo acBrowseToForm, "frmSales","frmNavigation.NavigationSubform", , ,acFormReadOnly

frmSales is the Sales form I want both of the buttons to open and frmNavigation is the Navigation form. It seems to be ignoring the data mode part at the end however. It only will open in Edit mode. Is there something I'm doing wrong with this command?

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Forms :: Cannot Open External App Using Shell In Access 2013

Aug 19, 2014

In previous versions of Access (i.e 2003 and prior) I could use the following code in the On Click event of a form's command button to open an external file:

Dim stAppName As String
stAppName = "C:Program FilesCadroTransPost PlusTransPostPlus.exe"
Call Shell(stAppName, 1)

However, I'm now using Access 2013 and it wont allow me to use this anymore, it gives me the following error:

Runtime Error '5"'
Invalid procedure call or argument

Why this doesn't work in Access 2013?

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Forms :: Double Click Record In One Form To Open New Form?

Jan 27, 2014

I am trying to create a proposal log for my company to make things easier to track. I have made a multiple items form to list the proposals. I want to be able to double click the record to open up another form (that i have already created) that shows the information from the proposal table and the proposal details table. So.....

I want to double click the field named "Proposal Name" and have it open up to form i have called "proposals details form".

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Forms :: Open New Form With Record Data Sorted From Another Form?

Apr 2, 2014

I have a main form[frmResearchNotes] with combo box controls that filters a query populating [subfrmNotelist] containing several records from the filtered query. From there, I double click on a field within one of the remaining records, [CompanyName] for example, and it opens the new form[frmNoteDetail]. The problem is that second form is not displaying that selected record. The second form's record source has been set to the same query so when it loads, it displays the same info but it's displaying the 1st record out of the entire filtered list, not the record I clicked on in that list.

I figured I could use the strWhere function to copy the record I selected in the event procedure and then open the new form with those details. Not sure how to actually do this with VBA or if it's even the correct approach.

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Forms :: Open Form Directly Inside Navigation Form?

Oct 28, 2013

I would like to know if it's possible to open an specific subform inside a navigation form using an event.

I also need to to this using macros ( really can't use vba in this project =/)

Form example:

the main form has "nav_opt1", "nav_opt2", "nav_opt3"

By double clicking a record in "nav_opt1", it will open "nav_opt2" with some filters (but all in the same window), as if I was just browsing through the navigation forms usually.

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Open The Same Form When Access Is Executed

Apr 6, 2006

Hi all,

I want to open a form everytime MS Access loads this DB. Can pls guide me how it shld be done? Thks

FT :)

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How To Open A Form In New Access Dtabase

May 27, 2005

Hello Guys,
I am new to access 2000 and i have an issue,hope to get answer my boss needs fast ahh.. :o
1)I created access project name A.Mdb
which has forms,reports,tables
there are 2 forms ,Form1,Form2
in form 1 it has message which has 2 buttons yes and no.
Form 2 has a button to generate data using sql query ,generate a new access database b_username.mdb(for diff. users) on c: drive
So now A.mdb creates new b_username.mdb with reports and tables but I am not getting how I can show the Form 1 to be seen first whenver user double clicks the b_username.mdb access database.
This databse is created by multiple user ,so for all user this form1 which is a message to be seen first.
So please help me in solving..


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Open PDF File From Access Form

Sep 8, 2012

I have a lot of pdf file that we save every day and name them like this 8012012,8022012, that are 2 digits day, 2 digits month and four digits of years no slashes. The fields are txt fields that we receive from banks. After processing their data, the upper management wants me to open those pdf files form access . I have created form named frmOpenPdf, placed text box named txtName and placed also command button named cmdOpen . I research code over internet and here is below, but it doesn't work;

Dim avCodeFile As CAcroAVDoc
Dim MYSRTING As String
MYSTRING = txtName.Value
Set Acroapp = CreateObject("AcroExch.App")
Set avCodeFile = CreateObject("AcroExch.AVDoc") 'This is the code file
avCodeFile.Open "C:Documents and SettingsDesktopETFPdfFilesMYSTRING.pdf",

I would like to have like this : an user types 08012012 and the code execute to open file names 0802012 in command button .

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Open PDF File From Access Form

Feb 13, 2012

I have a form where I enter data about Cities (just an example). The user will be able to to pick a pdf file (for example history of the city) and add its location in the matching record. Then anyone reading the form will be able to open (from a simple command button) the proper file.

City File
London london.pdf
Athens athens.pdf

I need a browse button for user to select the proper file and a command button. And I think that the file should always be available in the same URL.

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Forms :: Open Word Document Via Access Command Button

Feb 4, 2014

I am creating a database. I have all my forms, queries, tables, reports just as I need them. However, I would like to have a command button on my switchboard that will pull from a query to feed to a Word document (that's actually a letter on my company letterhead). I know a Macro has to be involved with this, but again, I have little to no knowledge of Macros. Also, I would like to be prompted to enter a client ID number when I click on this command button (because I only want to print a letter for a new client, not all of them).

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Forms :: Open Second Form On Related Field From First Form?

Aug 22, 2013

how to write code to open a second form on the click of a button on the first form and specifically to continue on the record set I am focusing on.

I have 2 tables. The first is tblAccount (fields: AccountID [the PK]; AccountHolder) and the 2nd is tblUser (fields: UserID [the PK]; UserName; AccountID). They are linked so that one account can have multiple users. Each has a respective form; frmAccount and frmUser.

My goal is that once the AccountHolder field has been populated in frmAccount I can click a button to open frmUser with the AccountID field already showing in the form header.

I have managed to do something similar by selecting from a combo box before but I am having trouble making this work after directly populating the AccountHolder field and using an open Form button.

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Forms :: Open A Form Based On Current Form?

Nov 23, 2014

When I have a form called "SiteForm" open and click a button "NewCalloutButton" I would like it to open up a form called "CalloutFormEntry"

I've done this using

Private Sub cmdOpenDetail_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "CalloutFormEntry", , , "CalloutID = " & Me!CalloutID
End Sub

However this brings up all the records linked to the calloutID

What I'm after is to open the CalloutFormEntry from the SiteForm in a dataentry kind of format but to carry over the current SiteID based on which site is open on the SiteForm. That way there's no user error logging callouts to incorrect sites.

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Forms :: Open A Form With Subform From Separate Form

Oct 23, 2014

I'm trying to open a form with a subform from a separate form. I've never had any issue before, but all of the sudden, the subform doesn't seem to open immediately. I get the error

Method 'Form' of object '_SubForm' failed.

After that, it opens (subform and all), but some calculated text fields just say "#Name?#"
The only thing I did today was add a command button to that subform.

When I try opening the form (or subform) from the navigation pane, I get

The expression On Current you entered as the event property setting produced the following error:

A problem occurred while Contracts was communicating with the OLE server or ActiveX Control

When I step through the code, it doesn't reach the On Current event.

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Forms :: Open A Form With Previous Forms ID

Sep 17, 2014

I am trying to have cascading forms running on my database. The first form adds a new staff member. When you press the next button this happens...

Private Sub Command12_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "Frm2"
End Sub

But I want it to open Frm2 using the ID from the previous form. The stumbling block for me is I close the first form before opening the next so I cant pass the ID across.

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