Forms :: Passing Query Results To List Box

Sep 27, 2013

I got a database that has a multitab control. In the first tab there is the data and second one is a search tool. It contains a field where to type the text to be searched and a listbox where the results should show up.So far I only managed to create the query and link it to the field (textbox) where the user puts the search word. I just have no clue how to display the results on the listbox once the text is entered and the button pressed.

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Queries :: Passing Results From A Form Into Query Errors

Nov 14, 2013

I am working on a database that contains patient demographic information. I have a form that prompts the user to enter either the medical record number or part of the patient name. Once you click search it'll then display a 2nd form with a list box outputting the results. Then from there the user can click on one of the entries in the listbox and it'll display the full demographic information on a 3rd form.

Now my problem is on the search part, it completely ignores if I have a medical record number entered. It continues to search by name only.

In my query for med rec # I have


where txtHistn is the text box field passing into the query. And for patient name column in the query under OR I have the following:

Like "*" & [forms]![frmSearch]![txtPname] & "*"

So I am confused why it ignores the medical record number entirely.

I have a test database attached. This is just a sample with dummy data entered and not designed pretty. Through this up for another issue I had yesterday that has been resolved but now discovered this query one. The frmSearch is how it begins. If you search by Smith it'll bring up the two Smiths I have entered. If I leave the field blank and enter 1 for the medical record number it treats it as null and displays everything. How can I fix this?

And while on the topic of query, the true database I am working with resides on an Power I series (formerly AS400s) and only linking to their tables. The data is entered in all Caps in the tables. How can I force whatever the user enters into the search screen that it will automatically uppercase the letters before performing the search? Without having the user to remember to enter with their cap locks on.

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Double Clicking Query List Box Results

Oct 18, 2006


Does anyone know how I can set up the following?

I have a form with a list box in it which is populated by the data from a query.
What I would like is that when a user clicks on one line of data so that the line goes black and the text goes white, I would like the code that when double clicked, will take you to a form with the record displaying the same data as the one that was in the list box.

E.g. The list box would be a work queue of outstanding post items to action and when a record is double clicked on, it takes you to another form but shows all of the data for that record as opposed to just the data in the list box query result.

Many thanks

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Query Results Include Number List

Jun 9, 2004

Hi all. Firts time here.

Got a access database containg sports data. Need to display number list with query result exampl.

Name BA
John Doe .299
Jane Doe .230

Desired Result

1 John Doe .299
2. Jane Doe .230
Need help. Thanks

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Forms :: Selecting Record Results Out Of A List Box In Form - Access 2010

Nov 13, 2013

I am relearning Access and having a little difficulty. I am creating a Access database that links tables from an I series system which I have done trouble free. In the database I have pulled up for example a patient demographic file (hospital). I have form frmSearch that prompts the user to enter the medical record number OR they can search by name. I have a query that takes that information then loads a 2nd form to display the query results in a list box. I would like to be able to click on one of the results from the 2nd form to then load another form that will display all of the patient information that was selected.How do you set this up so that with the results shown, I can click on one of them and it will load that patient into another form pulling the rest of his or her information from the table file?

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Modules & VBA :: Passing Variables And Retrieving Results?

Jul 9, 2014

I wrote this module

Option Compare Database

Option Explicit

Public Function OdometerInput(varodometer As Variant) As Long
Dim varKilometres As Variant
varKilometres = varodometer * 1.609344
OdometerInput = CLng(varKilometres)
End Function

It works fine in the immediate window (although I haven't just fathomed what to do with null values and such) But my question which I am sure will be 'easy when you know' is how do I pass the variable to it from a text box on a form and retrieve the data in another text box on a form.

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Forms :: Passing Check Box Value To A Query As Criteria

Jan 30, 2014

I need to pass values of my two check boxes on my Form

Check box US and Check Box Canada
if both checked the criteria would be "UD", "ud',"b","B","us","US","CD","cd"
if Canada check box checked criteria would be "cd","CD"
if US only checked criteria would be UD", "ud',"b","B","us","US"

how to write the criteria statement on the query?this probably would be a complicated iff statement?

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Passing List Of Parameter

Sep 14, 2011

I have list (server names) in excel file (200 rows), I would need to query the Model of these from in MS access, How do I pass these list in excel to the query.. I can't be running the query 200 times nor I could type them one by one.

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Forms :: Passing Text Box Data To A Function Via A Query

Jan 28, 2014

I have a function in a module that looks like this (it takes 2 dates as arguments):

Function get_KPIScanAgeRange(in_ScanDate As Date, KPIDate As Date) As String
Dim ret As String
ret = "Invalid"
' return value, by default is because age is negative number

[Code] .....

I'm trying to pass the date in a text box which exists in a form called "d3FormAging". The text box name is "KPIDate". The query looks like this:

SELECT Query_d3_Open.[Company No], get_KPIScanAgeRange([Scan date],[Forms]![d3FormAging]![KPIDate]) AS KPIScanAgeRange, Count(Query_d3_Open.[Scan date]) AS Scans
FROM Query_d3_Open
GROUP BY Query_d3_Open.[Company No], get_KPIScanAgeRange([Scan date],[Forms]![d3FormAging]![KPIDate])
ORDER BY Query_d3_Open.[Company No], get_KPIScanAgeRange([Scan date],[Forms]![d3FormAging]![KPIDate]);

For some reason Access doesn't recognize the "[Forms]![d3FormAging]![KPIDate]" when I pass it to the function. I get run-time error 3070 with information that Access can't recognize this expression even though the code should be correct as it's made with the expression builder and I'm sure the form that contains the text box is open when the query runs.

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Forms :: Passing Operator Values To Criteria Field In Query

Mar 11, 2014

I have a query which contains figures. i have a search form based on this query and need to search using comparison operators such as <10000 or >500.

Is there a way to pass these value to criteria field in query ?

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Forms :: Passing Criteria To Query From Option Group Control

Feb 2, 2014

I need to pass a criteria to a query from my option group control to my query.

It contains three options 1,2 and 3.

If option 3 then Pricing Type 1 and 2

How do I make the code below working?

IIf([Forms]![FrmUserSelection]![PricingType] Like 3,([dbo_AGPricingDiscounts].[PricingType])="2" Or ([dbo_AGPricingDiscounts].[PricingType])="1",",[Forms]![FrmUserSelection]![PricingType]")

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Forms :: Passing A Value From A Query To A Form - Eliminate Negative Sign

Mar 13, 2014

I get a negative value when i run the below expression.

The expression picks the month from the field txtmonth in form "frmYearToMonth" and search's the crosstab query "ctbYearToMonth" for the corresponding value in txtMonth.


The value is correct but there is a negative sign before the value how do i eliminate the negative sign.

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Forms :: Concatenating Query Results

Jan 31, 2014

I have a query that I want to concatenate some of the results onto a single row, but I'm having trouble.I've followed Allen Browne's example, but when I run the query, I either get the #Type, #Name or a 3201 error (I believe, I can't recreate it now).

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Forms :: Displaying Results From Query In Subform

May 9, 2013

So i have a combo box that has a criteria set for the query. I have a search button that runs the query that users click.

What i need to happened is i want the results displayed in the sub form the when query is ran.

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Forms :: Display Query Results In A Form

Jul 25, 2014

I am trying to allow end-users to only use buttons to navigate and display records in my database (so they don't know access is in the background) I have query that runs when they press a button but after they run it there is no way to get back to the main interface screen i.e. there is not a place to put another button and close the query. I was looking into creating a form to display the query results in datasheet view but it is not appearing the way I want. I inserted a subform and the results got better but I also do not like the way it displays because the user can see the subform, simple solution to get my data to display in the form so a user can view the results similar to datasheet view?

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Forms :: Displaying Query Results In Single Row

Aug 7, 2014

I have a Query, which is running on 2 tables and when I run the query I am getting the results like this.


I want the Results like

Rock----------1 ---------- 2

Is there any way to do this.

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Forms :: How To Sort Query Results With A Form

Aug 14, 2013

Essentially I have a table for rooms around my school and what the rooms contain. Most of the details for the rooms are Boolean (e.g. If the room has a projector, Yes/No).

So what I am trying to do is have a form where i can select a checkbox(s) and if i tick one, a query that holds all the room details will only show rooms with projectors in them, which i can then display those results in another form.

My question is how do I get the check boxes in the form to narrow down the room results to only show the ones with the criteria i have selected in the form?

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Forms :: Display Query Results - Dropdown Box

Dec 12, 2014

In my form I have a dropdown box. There are 7 values and based on the value it will run that query in sql server. I would like to have the query open in the form instead of opening up on a different tab. Currently on the command button click there are a bunch of if statements depending on what is selected on the combo box. Each value has a query associated with it because there are 7 different sql server DB's. The code is slightly different with each query.

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Forms :: Updating Subform With Query Results

Feb 21, 2014

I have a basic DB for recording supplier records, you enter a supplier ID and it performs Dlookups to run and display query results on the same form. That part works fine.

I've added a subform and linked it to an existing query which returns the suppliers top selling lines and the query picks up the supplier from the ID field on the main form, however when I enter a new id the subform doesn't update with the results specific to that supplier.

So I think I need a way of getting the subform to re-run the query each time I update the supplier ID field, but I can't see an option for this in the subform properties.

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Forms :: Query From Form To Return All Results

Jan 6, 2014

I have a form that displays multiple records in datasheet view. I want to query off of that form and return all results for all records being displayed. However, I'm not sure how to tell Access to do this. Access instead wants to return records for only the first displayed record in the form or the record that is highlighted by the cursor.

In the attached image you can see a list of AccountingUnits (AU) going down. My query using AU from the form as criteria will only return records for AU 114510 since it is the first record, but I would like to see records for all AU's being displayed by the form. How can I do this?

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Noob - Question About Showing Query Results On Forms

Dec 13, 2007

I am fairly new to access, but do have some experience with SQL & PHP.

I am trying to do something which I would have thought was quite straight forward. But I keep hitting a brick wall and all I get is #name? error on my form.

I have a table "tbl_Job_Spec" and a table "tbl_Tool_List".

I would like to have on the form for tbl_Job_Spec a drop down for selecting the tool number from the "tbl_Tool_List", which then automatically puts into a text box on the form the tools location, which is stored alongside the Tool Number Field on tbl_Tool_List.

I've tried loads of things, I have a query setup ("qry_tool1loc") which seems to correctley identify the relevant information, but when I try to reference that query on the form if just comes up with #Name? in the box on the form.

Anybody got any ideas? I'm only at an early stage in what is quite a big project, but to be honest this is about as complicated as it's going to get, so once I can get past this hurdle it should be plain sailing!!!!!

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Forms :: Query Results From Main Form To Subform

Feb 19, 2015

My Form is taking its results from a parameter query, and since my subform also has the same control source (the query).

It always prompts me twice, although not a major problem it is irritating!

Is there any way that when I type the search results once the sub form takes the results from the main form?

(P.S. The form asks me for parameters even when printing and saving, is there not a way that this can be stopped too by maybe taking the results off the current page?)

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Forms :: Open Query Results In Unbound Subform

Oct 28, 2014

I have a main form (start_protocol) with an unbound subform (placeholderform).

Using a button in mainform I open a search form (search_protocol) inside the unbound form, by the code:
[placeholderform1].Visible = False
[placeholderform].Visible = True
Me.placeholderform.SourceObject = "SEARCH_PROTOCOL"
The search form (has a run query button) is build from a query named: search_protocol.

I want to be able, as soon as I pass the button, to have the results (from the query) inside the unbound subform, of the main form (Start_protocol).

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Forms :: Using Form To Limit Results Shown In Query?

Aug 14, 2013

Essentially I have a table for rooms around my school and what the rooms contain. Most of the details for the rooms are Boolean (e.g. If the room has a projector, Yes/No). So what im trying to do is have a form where i can select a checkbox(s) and if i tick one, a query that holds all the room details will only show rooms with projectors in them, which i can then display those results in another form.

My question is how do I get the check boxes in the form to narrow down the room results to only show the ones with the criteria i have selected in the form?

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Modules & VBA :: Filtering Results In List Box

Apr 21, 2014

I am using a form in which i am filtering the results in the list box based on the textbox value. I am dynamically switching 3 row sources for the list box.

My Need is that the results produced in the listbox should get filtered again when typing in the second text box i.e based o the country name.

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Forms :: Binding Results Of Query To Textbox Then Writing Value To Table?

May 19, 2015

Basically, I originally wanted to create a form which I can input data into Access with by using a button (I was unable to get Access to append the information from the forms to the table, so it didn't work out!). I did not want the fields on the form to be linked to a table, as then a record (and most importantly an auto-number) is created as soon as somebody starts typing. Should somebody stop typing halfway through and quit the form an autonumber will have been generated, which makes the number of "users" seem higher than it actually is. I got around this by changing the field from autonumber to number and then creating a query that selects the maximum value of ID in the table, then adds 1 to it (which is essentially the lowest unique number. I tend to call this newID).

The problem I now have is setting this to be written to the table alongside the data from the form (the rest of the fields on the form are now connected to the table, as I am no longer using an autonumber). I have tried the following: Setting the form to run the expression "[ID] = [qryMaximumUserID]![NewID] " on load. This returns the error "The object doesn't contain the Automation object 'qryMaximumUserID.' Setting the control source of the text box to be dLookup. This fills the textbox with the correct value, but then it doesn't write it to the table! Setting the default value of the field to be 0, then running an update query to update any ID of 0 (criteria "0" to the value of newID "update to: [qryMaximumUserID].[NewID]. "). However this doesn't work as whenever the query is run it asks for a parameter to be entered, rather than just taking the value from the other query. Writing a macro that is run on load to SetValue of item:[ID] to expression: [Forms]![qryMaximumUserID]![NewID]. However this returns an error "Microsoft Access cannot find the referenced form 'qryMaximumUserID' you entered in the expression.

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