Forms :: Perform Calculations After Text Boxes Updated
Mar 14, 2013
I have a subform based on a query. That query contains a couple of calculations that end up in textboxes on the subform. The problem is that the calculations require me to enter 2 dates that are on the subform. If these are not entered before the calculation is performed I get a "Cannot update record" error message and then #error in both Lease cost and Discount Cost textboxes.
One of the fields in my database stores a path of an image that I want to display on my form. I used the following code in the "On Current" event of my form to achieve this effect:
Private Sub Form_Current() If IsNull(Me.text1) Then Me.ImgPic.Picture = "C:UsersharrDesktopCupCake.jpg" Else Me.ImgPic.Picture = Me.text1 End If End Sub
It works great with the exception that the image doesn't update when the path is changed. If I update the path, I have to navigate to the next record and then back again in order to see the new image. I've tried a couple of things to try to requery the image after the text control is updated, but so far none have worked. This is my most recent attempt on the after update event of my text box:
Code: Private Sub text1_AfterUpdate() Me!ImgPic.Requery End Sub
How I can refresh the image after the text box control is updated?
I currently have 3 tables within a database with student details of three different classes. I need to create a user form that has a dropdown box which I can select a student from one of these tables with a number of text boxes below which brings up all the students details, then once the student has been selected and the correct details are shown then I need to create a button which allows me to move that student from one table to another.
there is a way to convert multiple text boxes to combo boxes all at once, rather than right clicking on them one at a time, and selecting Change to.
I have a form with about 50 fields and most of them need to be converted to combo boxes. I'd always done it manually one at a time up to this point, but I'm trying to build up my learning and look for smarter ways to do things.
I have a form with a List Box (List BoxA) that returns a value from a query. I then have a Text Box (Text BoxB) that uses the value from List BoxB and multiplies it by let's say 2. It works giving me the correct value but only becomes visible after I click inside List BoxA. How can I make it visible as soon as the form is opened? I tried refreshing the form data, didn't work and I tried a requery macro which didn't work either.
I have a form with two text boxes and a button. I want to be able to type a value into the first Text box click the button and the second text box to be filled with the value which is stored in the Table.
The first Textbox is called barTxt, The second Textbox is called CustTxt The button is called SearchBtn and the Table is called BookInTable. I have been trying to use the code.
Private Sub SearchBtn_Click() DoCmd.FindRecord Me.BarTxt.Value, , True, , True CustTxt.Value = "SELECT BookInTable.Customer FROM BookInTable " & _ " WHERE Customer = """ & Nz(Me.BarTxt) & """" & _ " ORDER BY Customer" End Sub
This however instead of displaying the Value for customer which is stored in the BookInTable. Displays The code SELECT BookInTable.Customer FROMBookInTable " & _ " WHERE Customer = """ & Nz(Me.BarTxt) & """" & _ " ORDER BY Customer"
I have a form with numerous text boxes, combo boxes etc. I want to make two of the text boxes active (visible) only if the value entered is "Yes" in the text box above. Otherwise, if the value entered is "No," I want these other text boxes to remain hidden. For instance, if the user selects "Yes" the DVD is out on loan, I want three other text boxes to appear so that the user can enter the borrower's name, date borrowed, and date returned. Thanks!
I have multiple sub forms and want to add specific text boxes of different sub forms into one another sub form. Then all sub forms are incorporated in one main unbound form.
I have similar text boxes on two different forms. On the first form when I add a value and click the add button it automatically submits that value to the second form. However, on the second form when I select a value and click add, it deletes the previous value given by the first form. I have written code that allows the user to input more than one value on the second form, which works fine.(The previous values do not get deleted) I want to write some code that allows the user to submit a value on the first form, and that value remains on the second form's text box even when the user adds more values on the second form. Also the values are inputted to a table.
One previous suggestions was to put field2=field1 & field 2. However this does not work.
Any suggestions would be a of great help. I am pretty new at Microsoft Access. Thanks for the help
I have a form that has 7 text boxes, each of which contains a time value (hh:mm)
Two of them are to be permanently totaled into one text box (lets call it Rate1), and the other five are to be totaled into another text box (lets call it Rate2) - BUT, if the value of a combo above each one of the five text boxes is set to 'BH', I want the value to be totaled in with the Rate1 totals.
I did think about doing an After Update event on each of the five textboxes where the value of the totals text box is updated by doing the current value + the value in the textbox (and the totals text box that is updated is dependent on the value of the combo) - but that idea landed flat on its face upon the realisation that if a user entered a value, then decided to change that value, the old value would not be deleted from the total.
i have build a small project using access 2003 and vba code one of the forms contains sub form the main form contain the main data about school and in sub form populate different > textboxes for details about classes my problem is how to fill these text boxes in this sub >form for different grades depending on id of main form and how can i change the values and >moveing first or next buttons these are simple picture
I have five textboxes for husband with the values typed(HustxtAddress1, HustxtAddress2, HustxtCity, HustxtState, HustxtZip). I have five more textboxes for wife. I have a combo box asking whether the spouse's address is same as the husband - with yes or no. If "Yes" is selected, the text boxes for wife is auto filled with the same values of the husband. I tried with combo box change event setting HustxtAddress1= WifeText address1, it fills only the first field and other fields are empty.
Code: Private Sub Text74_AfterUpdate() Me.Text1280 = Environ("UserName") If Me.Text74 = "MACGH" Then Me.Text89 = "PureGene" Me.Text85.Value = Date End If End Sub
Is there a way to insert a line of code in the above that would add the next number to a 2 specific textbox's (Text103 and Text509)? Maybe if a table was created with all possible values and then the code would reference that table. There is probably a better way though. An example would be, if record 1 is A1 (in Text103) and 1 (in Text509), when record 2 is entered Text103 would be A2 and Text509 would be 2. Record 3 would be A3 and Text 509 3.
I am trying to sum the row in a access form. There are 3 text boxed called TXT1, TXT2, TXT3. I have added an additional text box and typed the following txt;
Instead of totalling the row it just puts the number together. For example TXT1 contains 1. TXT2 contains 2, and TXT3 contains 3 so the answer should be 6 (1+2+3) but it shows 123. I have tried putting SUM in front but that gives me the total of the whole column not just that row.
I want people to be able to search, or jump to a record by the PO #
I am hoping to just do it in the form, and by that I mean, the user is on the Purchase Order form and needs to look at a previous Purchase Order for editing, deleting, etc. and to just type it in the text box, hit the search button, and there it is.
I need to populate a text box with data from a single cell contained in a table.Im hoping to use two combo boxes that when selected will select the cell. The combo boxes select data sources from the same table. One combo the row the second the column. One combo is already in use and populates several fields in the form. In the same form I'd like to place the second combo and beneath it have a text box that will populate with that cell detail.
I want the calendar to show the date in the field [Next Payment Due] - whenever this value changes, the calendar date should change accordingly.
I want the calendar to be assigned to a text box (txtCalDate), so this would also contain the date of [Next Payment Due].
However, If the calendar date is changed (on the calendar), I want txtCalDate to show this date, but [Next Payment Due] to stay as it's original value. Next Payment Due can only change the value, but not be changed itself.
So I presume VBA would be needed to say when [Next Payment Due] is changed, make calendar this date. And then to simply assign the calendar to txtCalDate so if calendar is changed, this will change with the new date.
2 Forms 1) - Employee Details (source control is "QEmployees Extended") 2) - Employee List (source control is "QEmployees Extended")
in Form "Employee Details" there is field named "HireDate" this field is also found in the table (records) "Employees" and "QEmployees Extended".When Form "Employee Details" is ran the "HireDate" appears as it should in the "HireDate" text box.
What I want to do is add a unbound text box to Form "Employee Details" named "txtYrsEmp" (Years Employed). and perform a calculation that will take the "HireDate" (date) and compare it to "Todays Date" and come up with the number of years employed rounded by 2 and show this result in the unbound text box called "txtYrsEmp"
Now I did a Qurey just to see if I could calculate what I wanted- "QYrsEmp" where in the first column I entered in the Field row (top) Expr1: EmployeeID from table Employee and in the second column I entered in the Field row (top) txtYrsEmp: Round(DateDiff("d"'[HireDate],NOW()/365.25,2))
Now the query returns the exact results I want so I know the calculation is possible at least here in the query.
I have my setup all complete and everything works great. Now, I have a subNavigation form within the Navigation form. Thing is, I am not sure how to go about the code for the query to pick up the Beginning and End Date to generate my report. Here is my Form setup:
frmNavigationForm (Main form) - Tabs on top. NavigationSubform (first Navigation Form, where I have a tab called Admin) frmAdminNav (where I have embedded under the Admin tab) - Tabs on left side. NavigationSubform (Second Navigation form where I have a tab called "Search") I don't recall what the name. How do I find it, stupid question, I know... frmSearch (where I am trying to pull a detailed report from date search criteria)
Here is one of the codes I have been trying to use in my Query and nothing seems to work.
Code: Between [Forms]![frmNavigationForm]![NavigationSubform].[Form]![frmAdminNav].[Form]![frmSearch]![BeginDate] And [Forms]![frmNavigationForm]![NavigationSubform].[Form]![frmAdminNav].[Form]![frmSearch]![EndDate]
tell me that can we use functional keys F1, F2,F3,,,,,,,,,,,,,,F12 in ms access to perform commands like saving a form data , for closing form refreshing form, clear form.Or is there any way to make shortcut keys combination like[(ctrl+s)(ctrl+c) (ctrl+A)] in access to perform action like saving,closing,clearing, current form.
I have a form with two combo boxes. The first box lists switch names from a query, and the second lists switchports from another query. The switchport query lists all the switchports for whatever switch is selected in the Switch Name combo box, and all the settings for that port (one column per setting). I want each text box to display the corresponding data from the switchport query for the switch selected in the first combo box and the switchport selected in the second combo box.
I want to be able to have two text boxes on my form that firstly concatenate the values inputted and then saves this string to a field.
It's a "new record" form that generates a new record in table "tblUsers".
txtB1 & txtB2 and the text boxes would represent First Name and Last Name.
But it can't be allowed to be saved as the acctual names. - Insead I'm looking for a way to take the first two or three letters of the name and concatenate these into one string of text and save that string to the field tblUsers.ConcatenatedName.
I.E.txtB1:"Carl" txtB2:"Chapelle"
would generate "CarCha" and save that from the form to the field ConcatenatedName in tblUsers.
Btw, the values form txtB1 and txtB2 (Carl & Chapelle) cant be saved anywhere either!
Found the answer myself;
create a txtB3
And set that source to Left([txtB1];3) & " " & Left([txtB2];3)
I have a form where I type in the time a person starts a job. The format is Medium Time. I also have a box where I type in the End time for that job. Also formatted in Medium Time. I have another box that is for if a break happens during that job to return the value 10. My formula for that box is: =IIf([Start Time]<"9:00 AM" And [End Time]>"9:10 AM",10,0). The problem that I am having is that it only works when the time is in the 9:00 AM to 9:59 AM time frame. I need it to work where if a person starts at 6:00 AM and gets done at 2:30 PM to return the value of 10.