Forms :: Refreshing Table Form Through Search Function

Apr 7, 2015

I am having some minor issues with my current database. The way it works currently is having a MainMenu where you can either go to customers/ ProductList/ Product OR ProductList straight away. I have a CustomerT and a ProductT. I have made a Query where I link the two tabels to have the feature showing the customer to the specific product with the criteria: "Kunde: [CustomerName] & " " & [Subsidiary]" on the form I have a txtsearch (Textbox) connected to a button with this coding:

Private Sub Kommandoknap49_Click()
Dim strsearch As String
Dim strText As String
If (Len(txtsearch.Value) > 0) Then
strText = Me.txtsearch.Value


This allows me to search for text in each of the boxes with information on the single product(s) for example searching for Kunde (Customer in Danish) or ProduktNavn (Name of product) HOWEVER when I do this the "Kunde" turns into "#Navn?" c..If i reopen the Form it will show with the right information. I also tried to code the "Byactivation" to

PHP Code:


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Forms :: Combo Box - Search Function Not Working Within Form

Jul 23, 2015

I recently created a database to be used to store incoming invoices. We have 4 suppliers which supply the same material and wanted each supplier to have its own database.

I began by making a database which included all the key tables, forms, queries and functions I would need to then save 4 copies, one for each supplier. This just meant I would not have to repeat the process for each individual supplier.

The problem is all my data is external and upon importing it into the database it has made the search function (combo box) not return results.

I believe this is because:
1) The form was created before the records existed
2) The records were imported from an external source and not created using the form.

However, the way I have designed the form is so I can see all relevant information linked with a specific invoice. This aids in gathering information quickly about an invoice but also so I can input credit note and invoice query information linked to a specific invoice on the same page.

Is there anyway to remedy this?

Or use a similar search function that returns records in my form "Main View"

The last thing I want to do is have to create the form again, although I don't think this will work either as reason 2) states.

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Forms :: Refreshing Textbox If User Deletes A Record From Table

Feb 6, 2015

I have a form with a Count textbox. It's control source is a field named "Audit Count" in the table "DB Audits". The idea of the textbox is to display a running count of how many audits a specific auditor has completed that day. To do this I have the textbox set up with a default value of:

=DCount("[Loan Number]","DB Audits","[Auditor] = fOSUserName() And [Audit Date] = Date()")+1

Assuming I'm using the DCount function correctly, this is supposed to count the number of [Loan Number] records entered in the "DB Audits" table by the auditor (whose name is found using fOSUserName()) on today's date. So, for example, when opening up the form at the beginning of the day the Count textbox would read 1 and when the auditor clicked Save and New it would increase to 2.

The problem I am having is something I encountered while doing some random tests of the form. If an auditor submitted an audit (let's say the 1st of the day), the form correctly displays the next count as 2. However, if the auditor were to delete the record from the underlying "DB Audits" table while the form was still open, if they were to enter a new record, the Audit Count field would display 2 even though it should be 1 (since the 1st record had been deleted).

How can I have the Count textbox refresh whenever someone deletes a record from the table while the form is still open? I tried a Requery command using the AfterDelConfirm event but I couldn't get it to work.

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Forms :: Field On Form Not Refreshing Until Tab Is Switched

Feb 12, 2014

I've got a form built on a tab control. The form is a sales order form with multiple tabs. One of the tabs is used to enter shipping information and cost. The problem I'm having is:

A field I have added to this tab which is a stored total of the sales order total plus the shipping charge is not showing up after I enter the shipping charge until I switch tabs and return back to the shipping tab.

It's been a while since I've dealt with these refreshing problems. Which event is happening when a tab control is switched so I can call it to trigger my field total?

Btw, the shipping information on that tab is a subform.

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Forms :: Auto Refreshing Form Every X Seconds / Minutes?

Oct 8, 2014

One of the directors of the company I work for would like to have a large screen display the current status of jobs that my database stores. To cut a long story short the table he is interested in is called tblJobsLogging and is updated manually by our laboratory on a regular basis as jobs are completed using a form linked to a query in turn linked to that table.

Think fast food chain order monitor. He wants to be able to look up from his desk and see the progress directly in front of him at any point.

Is there any way that I can have an access form displaying these records in a datasheet view which continuously refreshes every X seconds / minutes or updates as a record is updated in the underlying table?

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Forms :: Search Function Using Multiple Criteria?

Oct 8, 2013

I'm currently trying to build in access a replica of an atrocious search function in excel.

I have a list of data quite simply in 5 columns and i want to filter through this data about (10000 rows).

My form has 5 data points.

The first is Product Name this is a string (i've looked up a lot of codes to search strings and even partial strings but no one seems to have done what i need).

- Basically i need it to search for any / multiple parts of the string entered.
- for example if someone enters apple trees june i need it to look for cells containing those three words in any order, even conjoined for example "appletreejune" would still return or "apples on a tree in june".
- This is attached to a single col called Product Name.

Based on this search i need it to look for data in a col called mark type (which is selected by a drop down)

Then by Market Context (also a drop down)

Then by a start and an end date, however, only one of the values (start or end) needs to be between the start and the end dates listed in the start and end date columns in the table.

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Forms :: Built-in Search Function With Combo Box

Aug 6, 2013

I have a combobox on a form that lets the user select a business name which then populates the rest of the fields in the form appropriately. But when it does this it makes it so that the seach function at the bottom of the screen no longer works, as it only has the selected record as an option. So before selecting a name from the drop down list at the bottom of the screen is says "Record: 1 of 5" but after selecting the name it become "Record: 1 of 1." Is there anyway to still allow the built-in search function to work alongside using a combobox?

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Search Function On A Form? How To?

Jan 4, 2006

I am sure this is a common question but anyway:

I have a form based on a table which I use to fill the table with data.

I would like in the header of the form to have a text box where if I enter a keyword it will display the corresponding entry.

field 1= first name
field 2= second name

Textbox 1= first name
Textbox 2= second name

Search textbox I type: "john" I want it to display/filter to show only the entries where first name=john

I hope my question is clear, I know most DBs do this but I can't seem to find a way of implementing it...

Thanx for your help and suggestions

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Forms :: How To Search Entire Table Through Form

Apr 16, 2013

I have a form with two unbound text boxes: HireMovieID and HireCustomerID, and a button HireButton which runs my query: HireHistoryQuery. Then I have a table: HireHistory. In my HireHistory table, I have my CustomerID's along the top as column names. Then the records for those columns are in this sort of format: "0001 on 19/05/2006" as type Text.How can I make it so that when a user enters a Customer ID (e.g. 23) into my HireCustomerID box in my form, it shows column number 23 and all it's records?

Also, what code do I need so that if someone enters something into the HireMovieID text box in my form (e.g. 0001) it shows all of the instances of that from the whole table in its respective column?

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Forms :: Search From Multiple Table At Same Time In A Form

Jun 26, 2013

I am attempting to create a search form where a user can search by either employee name or company name. I have 5 tables to use. Is there a simple way of creating a search method for this? I would like to be able to have the user type in a name and click a button that says search with any records matching the search come up. However, I could definitely use a method where they type it in a box and it finds it as the person types.

How to search from all five tables at the same time.

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Forms :: How To Search All Possible Places In A Form Where A Table Column Is Used

Feb 9, 2014

I have to change a few column names in my Tables. I am looking for an easy way to check all the places where this column name is used. In VBA modules i can search for its usage, but is there a way to search if the column is used in a form in one of its fields or if its used in a control? At the moment the only way I know is to simple make the table column change and then used all the controls to see where I get errors.

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Forms :: How To Add A Search Box To Form Bound To Query Not A Table

Apr 17, 2015

I have a form based on a query. I'd like to add a search box to the top to look up values and then populate the rest of the form. I can't do it with the combo box wizard because the relevant (third) option doesn't show up, I assume that's because the form is based on a query not a table.

Any alternative method of adding a search?

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Modules & VBA :: Search Function In Locked Form?

Dec 2, 2013

I have a form that I allow my users to view but not to change any of the records.

As the number of records has grown it's become necessary to add a search function.

My problem is that because the form is locked it cannot be searched.

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Forms :: How To Open A Specific File Using Search Function In Access 2003

Dec 5, 2014

I have a access 2003 database, and i am wondering if i can't setup a search function in a form that will open a file in windows explorer?

What i would like to do is have a test box that i enter in a number for example: 1234 then have a button named "Search" hit that button and it opens a corresponding file in windows explorer named 1234, or just opens that folder directly..

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Forms :: Command Button On Click Function - Search By Hedging Program

Jun 26, 2014

I have a command button using this code:

If Me.Setfilter.Caption = "Search By Hedging Program" Then
Me.Filter = "Hedging Program"
Me.FilterOn = True
cmd.Setfilter.Caption = "Don't Search By Hedge Program"
Me.FilterOn = False
cmd.Setfilter.Caption = "Search By Hedging Program"
End If

Hedging program is the column from the table I am trying to filter, it is a yes/no column. I want it to return all yes values in my query if it says search by hedging program and if it says Don't search by hedging program I want it to disregard the filter. I also have it set so that when I click the button it changes the caption from one to the other. So I don't know if I really need the cmd.setfilter lines because they may do the same as my command button on click function.

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Tables :: Find Record Button Added To A Form To Adjust Search Function

Apr 6, 2015

Is it possible on the Find Record button added to a form to adjust the search function so it defaults to a specific box on the form? I have a form for tracking employee's and on my Find Record button I would like it to default to the Last name instead of the Record number.

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Forms :: Search Combo Box To Search For A Field On Form

May 7, 2013

I have a search combo box to search for a field on my form. But it just goes to that particular record. The combo box is for client id and it has more than one record. How can I have it return just the records pertaining to the client id choosen in the combo box.

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Refreshing Forms

May 23, 2006

Is there a way where you can send the data on a form to a detination table without closing the form?????

It's probably the easiest solution but it's 4pm and nearly home time so a memory blank is upon me!

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Refreshing Forms

Aug 23, 2006

I have modal pop-up form1 showing list of items. There is a button that opens a new modal pop-up form2 (not subform) to add items to form1, form1 is still open behind form2. This all works fine, but when you click save button on form2 it saves new data to database and closes taking you back to form1
but does not refresh new data to form1 unless you (shift F9) or close form1 and reopen or use refresh button on form1.
I would like to have form1 refresh data as soon as form2 is closed from the save button. I can do a timer event on form1, but this flashes the screen...which is annoying. I have tried various methods to make this work but just can't seem to get it to work. If form2 was a subform of form1 then refreshing mainform would not be an issue. Can anyone shed some light on this?

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Unbound Forms - Refreshing!!

Aug 2, 2005

Hi all, not been here for a year or two, hence i have forgotton a lot of Access stuff.

I have an unbound Data Entry form which when populated, adds the record to the table. Simple enough.

I have some code on the form which basically stops the user entering a new record without having a First Name and a Last Name. This code works well.

I also have some code which confirms that the user wishes to add the record to the table. If Yes, the record is added to the table but when entering data for the next record, the first code doesn't kick in about having a First Name and last name, however the Confirm Add record code kicks in.

How can I solve this, I have tried the me.refresh command in various places but as yet to no avail. Hopefully someone will point me in the right direction.

I have added the DB in both A2k and Access 2003 Versions

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Question On Refreshing Data In Forms

Sep 20, 2004

I have a form which is deisgned to generate the selected reports from a list of reports.

The user selects the Year and Quarter from two drop down lists and checks the reports he wants to preview. There is a command button which generates the preview for selected reports.

It runs fine, but sometimes, when it does not updates the query for reports. For example, if I generate a report for Year 2004, Quarter 3 as an instance, I get one correctly, Now I close the report and try to generate another report for Year 2004 Quarter 4. Now if I click the preview button, I don't get the new report. I still get the previous report.

The code I use :

Private Sub Preview_Report_Click()

DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acRefresh, , acMenuVer70

If Me![RefReport3] = -1 Then

DoCmd.OpenReport "RefReport3", acPreview

End If

If Me![Cover3] = -1 Then

DoCmd.OpenReport "Cover3", acPreview

End If

If Me![ReportPM3] = -1 Then

DoCmd.OpenReport "ReportPM3", acPreview

End If


Exit Sub

Could someone please help ??


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Forms :: Refreshing Unbound Text Box

Nov 17, 2013

1. I have a table called table_1

2. table_1 contains field_A, field_B, and field_C

3. I have form called frm_1

4. frm_1 contains text boxes to update field_A, field_B, and field_C from table_1

5. frm_1 also contains an unbound text box which calculates: field_A+field_B+field_C

How can I get the unbound text box to refresh automatically after any field is updated (A, B, or C)?

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Forms :: ComboBox Refreshing Subform

Aug 17, 2015

I am trying to use a combo box to refresh a subform. I am working with Access 2007 as my front end and SQL 2014 on the back end. On my main form called frmDealers I have an unbound combobox where the user selects a dealer and then text boxes are populated with address and phone number. I have it unbound because I don't want the user to make changes to the dealership at this point. On the subform I have people that work at the dealership. That form is called sfrmDealerContacts. The subform could have multiple contacts for each dealership. The subform is bound to a query called qryDealerContacts. I have it bound to a query because I want email hyperlinks in the table too. I tried searching the forum and found this thread number 279791.

After searching I added:

Form_sfrmDealerContacts.Form.RecordSource = "SELECT * FROM dbo_DealerContact WHERE DealerID = " & Me![cboDealerName].Column(1)

But this brings up an input box so I must have something wrong. My code is:

Private Sub cboDealerName_AfterUpdate()
Me.txtDealerAddress = Me![cboDealerName].Column(2)
Me.txtDealerAddress2 = Me![cboDealerName].Column(3)
Me.txtDealerCity = Me![cboDealerName].Column(4)
Me.txtDealerState = Me![cboDealerName].Column(5)

[Code] .....

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Forms :: Refreshing Navigation Subforms

Sep 15, 2014

I have a navigation form with two tabs. One tab contains a subform for a technician to enter several part request. The other tab is for the parts room to edit and update the request.The issue i am having is i need the parts room form to be requeried every time the technician enters information on his tab.

I added a command button and tried

[NavigationSubform].Form![FRM New Request Part Room] .Requery

but it can't locate this form since it is in a separate do i do this?

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Forms :: Refreshing Non-Linked Forms On Close

Jan 23, 2015

Form1 contains the sub forms Form2 Form3

I open Form4 in dialogue: Amend records and close the form

What do I write in the code to do the following:

on close

Refresh or requery all of the forms.

I've tried


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Refreshing A Table Automatically After Entering A New Record?

Dec 9, 2012

is there any way for a table to refresh on its own after entering a new record?

i tried me.requery but it doesn't seems to work.

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