Forms :: Selecting A Specific Country Its Cities Should Appear

May 1, 2013

i have created tables as provinces, districts and sub-districts in my other forms say member i have create a look up wizard to the provinces, districts and sub districts. every province has multiple cities and every districts has multiple sub-districts my question is how to set properties so that if i select a specific province all its districts should appear in district field and districts of other provinces should be filtered. a good example is on some websites when we select a specific country all its cities or states appear in city field and if we change our option to some other country city drop box also changes to the cities of that respective country...

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Cities/Towns+Post Codes

Nov 21, 2005

I have a Contacts DB and at the moment I enter Cities/Towns and Post (zip) codes separately. I now want to set it up so I can select a city or town and have the appropriate post code fill it's own field without my intervention. Is this a case of cascading combo's or can I just bind a post code field to the city/town field? Can someone point me in the direction I need to go please?

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General :: Selecting Specific Table From Listbox?

Apr 7, 2014

I have to make a multi-user manage database.All the usernames are sorted in one table and exported to listbox in Form.For each user there is a separate table with 3 columns where i must fill information from listboxes.The listbox (there are 4 listboxes, one for users select and 3 for different parameters) are located in MainForm where you select the information.My question is how can I select a specific username(table) from the listbox and fill the information from the other listboxes to the selected one?

The usernames table is named - Clients

each table for separate user is named client1, client2, client3 etc.

the form where you choose what to select is named Fill form.

The listbox for users is named - List71 And the listboxes for parameters are named - List75, List77, List79 Also there are 3 textboxes with calculated fields that i also need to insert in the specific user table.

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Help Required Selecting Specific Records From Related Tables

Apr 15, 2008


Hope someone can help me out on this one. Searched the forum but can’t find anything to help me out.

I have two tables:
tblCustomers that contains unique customer records (names addresses etc.)
tblComments that contains comment data for the customers

Tables are joined one to many tblCustomers -> tblComments on account_ref

tblComments can contain several records per customer, all are datestamped.

I want just the latest datestamped comment record per customer, just can’t seem to work the logic on this one. Must be so simple but can’t fathom it.:confused:

Ideally, I’m producing a report of Customer data (Name, address, contacts etc) + the last comment record for each customer. Have started with a simple query, but have hit an impasse. Have tried sorting, group by, top 1, distinct etc, but don’t seem to be getting anywhere.:mad:

If someone can point me in the right direction, and give me a starter for 10 I’d be much appreciated.

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Country / City Combo Box

Jul 11, 2007

My name is Dana and this is my first post here .
I am a DB newbie , i started to teach my self MS Access with a small project as a start .
I made a simple client data table where there are country and city fields + phone , fax , etc etc ... .
I made 2 tables 1 for the countries and 1 for the cities .
I know that it is a very familiar question :o
How can we do the following
when you select a country in the client table , only cities of this country show up in the city combo box .
I found some answers here and there , but as a newbie , the codes where difficult to understand .
I attached my source file and i will be thankful if someone could help and to give me a simple explanation of the codes concept .
I just want to add the codes in the table not in a form , i found some answers by adding codes to a Form :confused: . Because as i know i can export only tables and queries to sql.

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Forms :: How To Hyperlink From Query To Specific Record In A Specific Form

Jul 23, 2013

I want to hyperlink from a query direct to the relevant record in a specific form. I have a hyperlink field in the form which shows up in the query. When clicked in the query, this hyperlinks to the form but I cannot make it select the correct record in the form.How do I get it to select the correct record?

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Using Country Field To Determine VAT Rate.

May 9, 2007


i have a customer form which includes a "Country" combo box.. the reason i did this is because i have a separate table with a list of countries and their VAT (Value Added Tax, you americans call it sales tax i think :)) rates.

i want this country saved in the customers table.. i need the country table to act merely as a source of data. Now ive spent a good hour tying to fix it messing around with the relationship between the two tables and the combo box itself.. but ive only been able to come to two end results

a) access tells me i cant save the new customer record cause a related record is required in the country table.

b) access enters a new line in my country table with the autonumber of the country selected on the add new customer form in the Country field.

im stumped as to where the problem is:// how can i fix it?

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Combobox Country, State, City

Feb 21, 2007

Hi All!!

I need help with the code for a combobox. The thing is that I've created a form where the user has to select the country, then the state and finally the city. What I need is that once the user selects the country, the combobox of the state shows only the states of that country and then the combobox of the city shows only the cities of the chosen state. I'd appreciate all the help given. Andrew.

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General :: Country Drop-down List?

Dec 13, 2012

I have a form (Create Guest). Employees can add guests and fill in the details. There is a label Country that Employees can fill in manually.

The problem now is that this is very fault sensitive (people type: "The Netherlands", "Holland" or "Netherlands" for example while this is one country).

How do I create a country drop-down list so that employees won't have to type the country in manually. I don't think adding all the countries in the world in my table is a good solution.

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Create A Country Info Database With Display Field

Apr 30, 2013

I want to create a country info database. For example, Qatar (country) and the Driving info required when driving in qatar and the visa info required.

I would like a form with drop down options and when i selected which country and then driving or visa, at the bottom it would display the specific info based on my selection in a memo field lets say.

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Forms :: Copy Specific Fields From Selected Record To Specific Fields In Subform?

Jul 9, 2015

I am new to access i have a problem which is i have made a form which contains a subform and a read only subreport, what i want is the ability to select a record in read only subreport as in the picture attached and make a button that when i press on it, it should copy the values of the itemsID field, Packing field, ContainerNo field and origin field from the selected record and then paste them in the subform below.

Also i want to add more then one item, so the when i press on another record it should paste the values below the first record.

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Forms :: Selecting More Than One Value From Combo Box

Feb 3, 2014

In Access 2013, I would like to be able to choose more than one value from a combo box, but I believe this is not possible. However, I can prepare a list box and set the Multi Select to Extended. Doing this, I can indeed select more than one value, but I don't know how to get those values into a text field in the form. (If poss, they would become comma separated in that field). Ideally, the code would call the list box because it would take up too much space if it were there all of the time.

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Forms :: Selecting Record From Combo Box

Jun 24, 2013

I have a form to modify existing property records. Each record has a PIN number and a unique ID which is a combination of year, state county and PIN. The same property can have a record for more than one year. On this form I have a combo box for selecting the record to be modified. The combo box includes PIN and Prop ID. The combo displays each record by PIN then ID as separate records. For example:

06104409012 2007-IL-Lake-06104409012
06104409012 2010-IL-Lake-06104409012

But when I select a record it will always select the first record with identical PINs. In the case above if I click the 2010 ID the record fills in with the 2007 ID.

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Forms :: List Box - Return To Top Without Selecting

Jan 22, 2014

I'm trying to create some VBA that will loop through my listbox, de-select all of the items, and then return to the top of the list without selecting the first item. Below is the code I am using based on what i was able to find through google, but the top item still remains selected.

With Me.AvailableAttendees
For SelRow = 0 To .ListCount - 1
.Selected(SelRow) = False
Next SelRow
End With
Me.AvailableAttendees.ListIndex = 0

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Table With Country, ShipCountry, BillToCountry Linked To One Coutries Table

Nov 13, 2007

I would like suggestions on how to "properly" set up the tables and relationships required to do the following.
We have a customers table that can contain a Country, ShipCountry, and BillToCountry. All 3 countries could in theory be different. I want all 3 to store the CountryID from the Country lookup. I am trying top avoid a circular reference or any data contention issues. What is the proper method to do this?
Thanks very much in advance!

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Forms :: Selecting Few Names From A Long List

Mar 22, 2013

I am currently designing an employee personal development and training database.I have 100 employees and the number that would go on a training course might be a handful so selecting four or five names in a subform list from a 100 seems a bit impractical.

I thought of selecting the course in a form from a combo box, selecting the employees using a tickbox in a subform and then running an append query.

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Forms :: Selecting Between One And All Items In A Parameter Control?

May 25, 2013

I have a Parameter form which provides various parameters to my queries. The Parameter Form has a Combo box with a list of 50 health facilities which the user can select according to their needs.

There are instances when a user needs data from just one health facility and at times the data is needed for all the 50 health facilities in the district.

How do i address both needs without having to keep adding and deleting the criteria in the underlying queries?

I have added the 'if' condition below in the queries criteria so that if the user does not enter a facility in the combo box, it runs all facilities and if they enter a facility name then the data in the reports is limited to that health facility.

IIf(IsNull([Forms]![Parameter Form]![Combo27]),"",[Forms]![Parameter Form]![Combo27])

It does not work.

Is the expression or VBA code supposed to be entered in the Query or in the Parameter form and how do I make it work?

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Forms :: Selecting Multiple Check Boxes

Nov 18, 2013

I have a form that has three checkboxes (IDDocument, DrivingLicence and Certification) on it. What the form is looking to do is based on the selection it will open a scanned document of the requested documents. There are 5 permutations that could be selected (either first on only, second one only, third one only, first and second and first and third). How do I code the IF Statement this so that the system will look at the different options and then do certain things accordingly.The code I have at the moment is:

Public Sub ProcessRequest_Click()
Dim Form1 As String
Dim Form2 As String
Path = "Staff" & Me!EmployeeName & ""
If Me!IDDocument = True And Me!DrivingLicence = False And Me!Certification = False Then

Do one thing

ElseIf Me!IDDocument = False And Me!DrivingLicence = True And Me!Certification = False Then

Do a second thing

ElseIf Me!IDDocument = False And Me!DrivingLicence = False And Me!Certification = True Then

Do a thrid thing

ElseIf Me!IDDocument = True And Me!DrivingLicence = True And Me!Certification = False Then

Do a forth thing

ElseIf Me!IDDocument = True And Me!DrivingLicence = False And Me!Certification = True Then

Do a final thing

End If
End Sub

All the bits work (the form stuff) but my IF statements are not working. It seems that access is seeing the checkboxes as null and so the IF is not working when i check box 1 and leave the other two unchecked.

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Forms :: Selecting Only One Record In Continuous Form?

Nov 13, 2013

I wish having only one record display in a continuous form, after an "On Click" event. The database in which this question lies is attached.

On opening, the user first interacts with Table 1 (Continuous Form), then by clicking on ID on the details for that particular record appear.

What I would like to do is: When the user clicks on ID, only that record whose ID has been clicked on displays first on the continuous form, and then the PERSONAL form opens. To clarify further, my wish is that the sequence of events is:

User Opens Table 1 Form

User Clicks on ID (for example, let's take 2)

Only Record with ID 2 remains on the Continuous form.

Then details for record 2 display on the Personal Form that opens next.

The problem I currently have is with step number 3 above.

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Forms :: Values Change According To Selecting Value From Another Field

Apr 16, 2014

I am working on a school database, today I am working for fee collection form and I am facing trouble.In attachment At the top right area the hidden field I would like here changes according to selecting Fee Type under Fee Detail. I want to achieve this,

If feetype is ABF then Hidden field = 1500110
If feetype is ASF then Hidden field = 1500120
If feetype is EXF then Hidden field = 1500130
If feetype is MTF then Hidden field = 1500140
If feetype is RBF then Hidden field = 1500150

How I can perform this ?

Table structure is
(tblstudents) Contain students data
(tblFee) Contain, Student Id linked with student table, month, year, amount, date, narratives and FeeType that looup values from FeeType tbl, this hidden field also in tbl fee.

The codes that are 1500100,1500120,1500130

These are necessary for GL entries that's why I must have it on my form. I had as well apply method of Default value but in that case I only present only a single value, but I want that in hidden field values take changes according to the fee type.

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Forms :: Selecting Fields In A Combobox Where ID Matches

Nov 24, 2013

In my Patients table i have a field called PatientID (AUTONUMBER) as my primary key I hve another problem. Is this possible as i hve been trying for two days now. I hve tried a lot of ways but i cant get it to work right. I have a table called dependents. ID , PatientID,,Dependents,DOB,Age id being the PK AND PatientID as a number I have a table called vitals. with ID,PatientID,PatientName( which is a dropdown of Dependents), hpp,sats etc. (This is a subform in datasheet style in another form)

In my table vitals i have the follwing for PatientName . comboxbox.

SELECT Dependents.Dependents, DateDiff("yyyy",[DOB],Now())+Int(Format(Now(),"mmdd")<Format([DOB],"mmdd")) AS Age FROM Dependents;

So it selects fine in a dropdown like John 48, smith 36.

The problem i have is that it selcts all the records irrespective of PatientID.

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Forms :: Combo Box Selecting Beyond Displayed List

Sep 11, 2013

I have a working combo box on a form that displays issue numbers for part number typed into a text box.This all works fine when the list of issue numbers is below the displayed list (16), but when the list is longer than 16 you cannot seem to select anything after item 16.

When the combo box has, say 25 items a scroll bar appears allowing the user to scroll down to item 25, but when you click the mouse the list just reverts back to the first 16 items? The only way to select an item after 16 is to select item 16 which then closes the combo box, then when you reopen it the list now shows items 17 to 25 which you can then select item 25.

This is the same in reverse, when you have item 25 selected, you cannot select item 1. When you click the mouse the list reverts back to items 17 - 25.The combo box is populated in code using the lost focus event on the text box for the part number.

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Forms :: Selecting A Table To Be Populated Using Cascading Combo Box

Aug 6, 2013

I am trying to use a combo box to control which table a data entry form will write data to. I want to create a form that has a combo box to select from a top level table that I will call "Stores". Once a "Store" is selected from the drop down, the next field on the form will be a data entry field. The data entered in that field will be written to the table selected by the preceding combo box.

So, basically I would have say Wal-Mart, Macy's, Sears, K-Mart and etc, listed in my "Stores" table. Once I select one of the stores from the drop down, I would then enter a "department" name in the data entry field and based on which store I selected from the previous combo box, the data would be written to that stores department table (which each store will have its own department table), e.g., WalMartDepts, MacyDepts, SearsDepts, etc...

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Forms :: Selecting Query Parameters From A Listbox - Select All

Aug 26, 2013

I've got a code that allows me to select one or many names from a listbox on a form and return data relevant to the name(s) selected from a query. The following code is triggered by a button on the form...

Private Sub Toggle4_Click()
'Set it all up for CSM selection
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strCriteria As String
Dim strSQL As String


(Toggle 10 goes to the code for the second listbox which has the same code with different tables refered to giving two selections in the query.)

What I want to do is replace the "warning if nothing found" with a code to show data against all the names in the list box if nothing is selected in the listbox.

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Forms :: How To Lose Focus From A Subform When Selecting Record

Dec 17, 2014

I have a form, with a subform,

When a user selects a record from the subform i use this to view the record in the main form

Private Sub Txt_Support_Name_Click()
DoCmd.ApplyFilter , "ID =" & Me.ID
End Sub

However when i select the record from the subform, it populates the form as required, however then the top record of the subform is highlighted.

Any way to either - highlight nothing, or highlight the selected row?

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Forms :: Selecting Record From Subform And Showing In Mainform?

Jul 28, 2014

My Database is really simple, it contains 1 table (called Querys) and a form called Dashboard.

In my main form (Dashboard) I have inserted a sub form which shows all the records in my table (called Querys) when I use my main form and add a record this sub table can then be refreshed and it shows all my records.

This part is fine,What I would like to do is be able to select a record in my sub form and it show the record data in my main form. This would really speed up the navigation process as the database gets bigger.

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