Forms :: Total Multiple Pivot Tables?

Feb 4, 2015

I have a report that shows 3 pivot tables on the same page. What we would like to do is total (or perhaps subtotal) the three tables into a summary table.

each table has number code, name, data 1, data 2.

The three tables are identical with the exception of I filter on only specific number codes.

Currently I simply have a 4th pivot table with all the number codes and just hide all the rows except top and totals.

I would love to be able to use something like subtotal to simply display the totals (from my 3 tables)

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Pivot Tables : Total

Apr 3, 2007


I cannot stop Access 2002 from automatic creation of Total column for every column. Is there any method to compute totals only for some columns?

I would appreciate any help!

With kind regards
Maxim Ivashkov

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Forms :: Multiple Selection For Pivot Table

May 2, 2013

I am working on a form (UI). Initially I have used a combo box, where you can pick an option and the rest of the form will display only data related to the option/record. My form contains different subform, and most of them are PivotChart form as subform, and also some table with the text box that will display the data according the selection from the combox box or form control.

I would like to know if there is any way beside the combox box, that will allow me to do multiple select. For example in excel, for pivot table, we can do multiple selection and automatically, the pivot table will show the total (let say sum) of the selected option.

Again, my form has pivot chart form as subform, and label with text.

Also, I have a form that is only have pivot chart as subforms.

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Forms :: Pivot Chart To Show Progress In Multiple Projects Over Time

Aug 30, 2013

I'm aiming to create a stacked area chart to display the progress of multiple projects over time, so we can review and forecast project load over time.

The data comes from this table:

* ProjectID
* DateProspect
* DateConfirmed
* DateStarted
* DateComplete

A project passes through the statuses Prospect, Confirmed, Started, Complete. The current status of each is calculated in qryStatus from the dates in tblProject. The past and forecast statuses for each project will probably be calculated each time the chart is created (or maybe not necessarily so?)

To create the stacked area chart, the x-axis will be months (e.g. Sept 2013 - July 2015). On the y-axis will be the count of ProjectID, and the series will be the different project statuses.

The sticking point is getting from the Date* fields to the past and forecast statuses in each month. After that I imagine it'll be reasonably straightforward to put into a pivot/chart.

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General :: Running Total On Pivot Chart

Nov 7, 2012

I have made a database where i plan the company's resources in form of hours. The idea is that every employee will put in their own data for the upcoming 4 weeks. I do this in a table where i store employeeID, weeknumber, year, PlanneHoursUsed, ActualHoursUsed.

This again i take into a pivot chart to see a forecast for the next month.

I have somehow achieved to get up a graph where i for every month can see the sum of all planned hours and all used hours (See attachment). BUT; my boss wants to see a running total instead of a "weekly image". On the graph attached one can see the numbers for every week. But i would want to see instead a running total.. For instance week1 then week2 would be the sum of 1 and 2, week 3 would be 1 ad 2 and 3 and so on. So the graph would be inclining throughout the year.

Is this possible with functions with my current data? Or do i need to have another field in my table where i store a running total? (This would be tricky when we get a lot of data and when somebody changes an old value...)

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Forms :: How To Incorporate Pivot Tables In Access Form

Mar 25, 2014

How to incorporate access pivot tables in an access form? Also how to subtotal on changes withinin a field in a form?

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Forms :: Counting Multiple Checkboxes And Calculate Total Of Whole Group Of Users

Aug 27, 2014

Access 2003. Job booking data base with up to group of 10 different users. At the end of the month, I need to count the total amount each user has checked a particular check box and then automatically calculate the total of the whole group.I have only a basic working knowledge of Access 2003....

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Problem With Large Database & Pivot Tables

Apr 12, 2007

Hi there,
I've developed over the past 3-4 years a database holding data relating to workload figures for my place of work. It has grown to a large size (eg. one table holds 1-2 million records). I've been trying to run a particular pivot table based on the sql query below:

SELECT Tests.Test, Year([DAUTH])+(Month([DAUTH])<4) AS FYear
FROM Sets INNER JOIN Tests ON Sets.SET = Tests.[Set Code]
WHERE (((Sets.DAUTH) Between #4/1/2003# And #3/31/2007#));

When I try producing a pivot table using the above query it takes forever - has it running for over 8 hours last night - then access closed down with a runtime error. Does MS access have a problem with large databases? Is there any way I can improve the efficiency / speed of access with a download add-on? Or, will I have to resort to using something like MySQL on a LINUX OS which has fewer demands on system resources when using large databases.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks for reading.

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Automatically Refreshing Pivot Tables In Access

Jul 11, 2007

Hey all. I posted this over at Mr. Excel too on the Access forums, but I thought maybe someone from this site might know the answer to my question.

I know pivot tables and charts are more up Excel's ally, but my question has more to do with Access I think. I've made a pivot table form from a query and everything is working fine except one thing. I want the table to refresh automatically. I don't want the user to have to go in and refresh the data manually.

I'm thinking I could put something on the forms "On Open" event but I don't know the specific coding. If anyone has any idea on this, I'd greatly appreciate some feedback.

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Tables :: Get Total Of Clip Size And Also Total Of Clip Duration

Dec 31, 2012

I have a table with 4 field which describe clips.

ClipName (txt)
ClipSize ( Long Integer)
ClipDuration (HH:MM:SS)
Date created (dd/mm/yy).

I would like to get the total of ClipSize and also total of Clip Duration either in table down or in query.

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General :: Unable To Modify Pivot Tables / Charts

Feb 11, 2014

When I start my database normally, I'm not able to add fields, change chart type, etc, by right clicking in a pivot chart or table. It works when I open the database while holding down the shift key though, so I suppose there is an option in my database somewhere that I have changed, but which one.

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Filtering And Exporting Data To Excel For Pivot Tables

Jul 15, 2015

I have an Access database with millions of records.I am only interested in a subset of records (250,000+) that I would like to analyze in an Excel pivot-table. My issue is; how do I best export this information to Excel.I've tried filtering and exporting, but all records are exported. I've tried copy and paste but only 65K are allowed. Is there a better way to do this, perhaps linking the Access database?

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Tables :: Calculated Fields As Data Type In Tables - Calculating Total?

Apr 23, 2013

I am using calculated field as a data type in access 2010.

They are working fine.

However, I added a new field and now the final calc won't work.

I have Subtotal adding loads of fields together. Works fine.

Then I have a VATunit field which is a double integer, so enter 20 and my next field is VATTotal calculates the SubTotal + the VATunit by doing (Subtotal/100)*VATunit. This calculation is fine and gives me the correct amount.

The next field is a Total field. Which adds Subtotal and the VATTotal together. Howver, the Total is the same as Subtotal. It is not adding the VATTotal to it?

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General :: Linked Pivot Tables Prevent Updates To Database

Jul 10, 2012

I have built a database and within it my queries I use for reporting make tables in a separate database. This allows me to work in my data base and update info as needed. My problem is that my make table queries wont run if anyone has one of the report pivot tables open. I have added macros to all the Excel files that pull from the reporting DB but I still have several times when I cannot update because someone is using the pivot table, Is there a way to allow me to update the report DB's while the pivot tables are open? I have tried using manual refresh methods and disabling auto update on open but the result is the same.

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Tables :: DateTime - Running Pivot Queries To Excel To Do Analysis Of Data

Aug 27, 2013

I have a larget transaction data set in access with Datetime column/filed.

I have been running pivot queries to excel to do analysis of the data but the datetime field is returning too many unique values for the pivot table to run.

What is the best way to reduce the datatime field to date only and where should this be done?

i.e. should I have a calculated field that trims datetime or should I set someohting up in Powerpivot?

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Forms :: Linking Data Between Multiple Tables / Forms

May 27, 2013

I am a girl guide leader trying to make a faster way to keep track of my unit's completed badge and program work. I have made tables for every area I need (I started with one table but it was too large to change into a form).

In total I have:

- Basic Member table (main information like their name and how many years they have been in, whether they are still in the unit, etc)
- Program area tables
- Interest badge tables

What I want to do is be able to "add/edit" members from the main form, then go to all the sub forms for their program and badge work -- problem is, how to link them!

I am using Access 2007-2010.

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Tables :: Pivot Analysis - All Data Fields Are Blank Every Time On Opening Database

Sep 5, 2014

I work on a pre-created Access database, and the other day I was working on it, and was trying to export something to Excel to sort it and do some Pivot analysis.

Anyway, I must have pressed something, because now every time I open the database, rather than saying "record 1 of 20463" and showing the data from record 1, it shows "record 1 of 1" and all the data fields are blank. If I go to "Records" and "Show All Records" they'll all come up, but I don't want to have to do that every time, and as I import and export all the time, I'm worried that the next time I try it it'll mess up the years of data I have.

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Forms :: Pivot Chart Going Over 100%?

May 9, 2014

I am writing in access 2007 and want to make a trend analysis chart based upon performance date.

I have created a query using 3 criteria from a table - date, client and performance percentage.

I've then put this into a pivotchart no problem BUT as some clients have more than one entry per day its giving me figures over 100%.

Is there a way to exclude multiple entries for any given date while retaining the other criteria ?

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Update Multiple Forms/tables

Apr 7, 2006

I would like to create a text box where I can input todays date, then I want to be able to select the tables I want to update with that information.
So if I input todays date I can then update my Stock, Sales and Control tables with todays date. Tomorrow I would only like to update the Control and Tape tables with it as its the weekend.
I been playing around with 'new date for next record' scenario but the problem is that on the weekend we would not input any data into some of the tables.
Hope I've explained myself clear enough.



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Binding Forms To Multiple Tables

Sep 28, 2006


I wonder if it's possible to bind one form to more than one table without using 'sub-form'?
I basically have one text box that I want to bind to a different table than the one the form is linked to and I don't know if I should use a subform.


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Forms Sourcing From Multiple Tables

May 3, 2005


I am interested in making a form based on 2 tables. I would like to put in ID and wish that the name and contact information is automatically filled using the ID match from a second table. Then I proceed with the data entry which is saved in the first table. How do I do the autofill based on the ID check. Do I need some code for that?


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Forms :: 1 Form To Multiple Tables

Mar 25, 2013

I currently have 1 form linked to 1 table which data from another table is appended to for editing, re-appended to original table and then rows are deleted. However, this process will need to be done by 4 other users soon and I needed to know if I need to create 4 separate tables and 4 separate forms or is there another way to implement this? The append query has clauses that will display only a specific user data for editing, however, I do believe that if 1 user is in the editing table, then when 1 of the other 4 users attempt to run the query to append their data from the original table, they will get an error message that this table is already in use. I just need to know if there is a way to set up an alternative to re-creating 4 tables/4 forms again.

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Multiple Summary Total In A Report

May 19, 2015

How can I generate a report that contains multiple summary total by year. I run the query to give me selected time period(s) for my report. For example: I want to have the summary for the date ranges from the year 1994 to 2001, and then 2002, 2003, 2004 etc. I'm having difficulty for the first summary total which is the date range from 1994 to 2001.

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Forms :: Input In Pivot Like Form

Feb 28, 2015

I have a table like

date1 sensor1 value
date1 sensor2 value
date2 sensor1 value
date2 sensor2 value
date3 sensor1 value
date3 sensor2 value

How to create a pivot like input form with for example

SOURCE date1 date2 date3 ... date7
sensor1 value value value ... value
sensor2 value value value ... value

So that we can enter all the details for one week on one form.

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Forms :: Pivot Chart For Report?

Oct 16, 2013

We have a chart that is showing jobs by customer. I'd prefer it be in a pie chart but it's way too many to read. We changed it to a bar which is much easier to read but it displays the percentages as 100% for everything.

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Creating A Report From Multiple Tables/forms

Jun 2, 2006

Could you please help me out.

I am trying to develop a DB that is multi user. i ahve not split the data from the forms into separate db's as the users are in different locations and our network can be very slow.

part of the requirerment is to produce a drawing approval form, my current sticking point is that the method i am currently using to create the forms only allows one person at a time to use the process.

currently i have a command button that runs a query and then creates a table from the results. the table is then used as the data source for a mail merged form in word.

what i ultimatly need is a process which allows multiple users to generate these forms at the same time and have the ability to save the form (with no code behind it) as a word document (either RTF etc)

i am thinking that if i create a query on the fly in VB and then use the results to use in a report this would allow me to do the above.....

So my questions are:

1) is my assumption correct
2) If so, how do i do it as i have never done it before
3) If the above is not the best solution/ does not work... what will/is

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