Forms Updating Tables Correctly

Feb 8, 2006

Hello all. Hope I describe my problem correctly. :D

I have a near complete database with forms linking to tables. Tables have relationships with keys set to ref. integrity/cascade records.

Here is the problem -

My forms are meant for people to input data into these tables. However, I do not want them to change those keys.

Problem 1) If I set primary/foreign keys to "autonumber" I cannot get the relationships to recognize ref. integrity and the records will not cascade, and will not update.

Problem 2) If I set primary/foreign keys to "double integer" then if someone enters a new record into the forms, it is recorded as "zero" when it should be updating in numerical order (I have 479 records in the database, so the next new record should be 480).

Problem 3) If I change it any other way - from double integer or auto number, the tables do not update at all, or do not update correctly.

What is going on here? I thought creating forms was a fairly simple task - create the form, it is related to the table, update the form, it updates the table. I mean, duh. :confused:

Thanks anyone for your help, because Microsoft's site sux.

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Forms :: Continuous Form Not Updating Tables Correctly

Feb 27, 2015

I have a continuous form that is using a select query to populate all of the bound controls. The drop downs and text boxes are displaying the values from the correct places. But, the form is not updating in the places I expected.

The select query that is being used to populate, combines information from 3 tables.'TimeEntries' table (the one that I want records to be updated in). This holds employee ID, and numeric values for Project Name and Project Task.

'ProjectInfo' table (nothing should be updated here). This table holds other details about the project (ex. Project Name) that is used to populate a combo box.
'ProjectTasks' table (nothing should be updated here either). This table holds details about project task (ex. Task Description) that is used to populate a combo box.

The issue I am having is that when records are updated on the form, they are adding records to all 3 tables that are a part of the query, instead of just updating the time entries table.

Record Source (form) = Select Query "EmployeeTimeEntry"

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Forms :: Subform Not Updating Correctly To Show Corresponding Records

Aug 26, 2014

I have been having issues with a subform on the attached database - for some reason it is not always updating to show corresponding records.

What I am planning, this is effectively going to be an interactive learning portal which can test users as well. There will be learning material (not yet included) and a bank of questions with corresponding multiple-choice answers, only one of which is correct. Each time the main form is loaded (Cat1MainForm) it randomly selects and orders questions, then, via a sub-form, returns three potential answers. There will then be radio buttons with which the users can answer appropriately.

If you load up Cat1MainForm and scroll through various questions you will see that sometimes the answers appear, other times not. Sometimes on one record the answers are there, you navigate away and back, and they have disappeared, and vice-versa.

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Cascading Listboxes Not Updating Correctly

Nov 14, 2013

I am working on a very simple DB. The two fields in question are Country and City, both as text. The idea is that the user can choose one country from a single-selection ListBox and after selecting one country the Cities multi-selection ListBox gets populated through the following SQL search. The Table Country_City contains two rows with countries and cities, nothing complicated.

Private Sub BU_AfterUpdate()
'I deselect all the selected items
For i = 0 To AppliesTo.ListCount - 1
AppliesTo.Selected(i) = False
Next i
City.RowSource = "SELECT Country_City.City " & _
"FROM Country_City " & _
"WHERE Country_City.Country = '" & ListBoxCountry.Value & "';"

After I click/select a country on the first ListBox, the second does get populated correctly. The problem I am having is if the user changes the country, then the previously selected city/cities still stay selected. I tried to reverse that by deselecting all the cities each time I change the country, but the for-next loop does not seem to be doing the job. The funny thing is that if I paste those three lines on a buttom and click it right before selecting another country, it does work.

1) I select "France" on the first ListBox.
2) I select "Paris" and "Lyon" on the second ListBox.
3) Now I select "Germany" in the first ListBox.
4) The second ListBox gets filled by all the cities in Germany, but the ones I selected before (Lyon and Paris) appear on it too, selected.

I want to reset the selection on the second ListBox in case the user selects another country on the first ListBox.

Some information on the fields:
Country: Display Control=ListBox, Row Source Type=Value List, Row Source="France", "Germany"
City: Display Control=ListBox, Row Source=Table/Query, Row Source=(empty, updates with AfterUpdate event on Country ListBox)

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General :: Why Tables Are Not Linking Correctly

Jan 4, 2013

Why is it when I click on the TblCarerdetails and try to open a record with the plus sign I am present with the following error message Enter Parameter value CarerID///The frmCarerRota seems to be working ok, the relationships seem to be ok i.e TblCarers can have many rotas i.e. a different TblRota each week (1 - M)

TblClients can have different TblRotas each week (1 - M).why the tables are not linking correctly, if I click on the TblCarer plus sign.I should see the Rota details and a plus sign. If click on the plus sign, I should see the clients details.Therefore I am assuming that my relationships are not correct, I think I need to add an association table, but where and what fields do I need to add/create.

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Tables :: Delimited Text Not Importing Correctly

Sep 4, 2014

I have a csv file with one row containing delimited text via a comma


1, James, Smith, Manchester, email, telephone, notes etc..

Think there are 50 comma separations all together. Anyway when I go to import / link my csv into access the data that is on the first row should it create individual fields where a comma has been placed... But it has doesnt quite worked, some of the fields are created and the rest have been put on a separate row! Rather than going to a new field. Rather having 50 fields I've got 21 fields and 3 rows or delimited text...

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Forms :: Updating Multiple Tables With One Form?

Jun 11, 2013

I have data that needs to be entered. It is the same data across 3 tables but only for the first three columns, then it is different. I can create a form for one of these but not for all three.

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Linked Tables Not Pulling Back Field Data Correctly

Jun 13, 2012

I'm a bit new to Access but have managed to build a very simple database.

I have a main table which I need to add 4 columns onto the end of, the data for which comes from 4 tables linked to it. Below is how they are linked.

Main table------> Table 1
Main table------> Table 2
Main table------> Table 3
Main table------> Table 4

All 4 relationships have a join type of 2 (Include ALL records from 'Main table' and only those records from 'Table1/2/3/4' where the joined fields are equal)

However, 3 of them pull back the correct data when I refresh the Main table, but the 4th one doesn't - which appears to be to be set up in the exact same way. It does bring back data, but it's the wrong data or in the wrong order.

For example, if the related field in the Main table is "Sarah" - It needs to bring back "Programme", but some Sarah's pull through Programme, some are blank and some are another option altogether. Table 4 has no duplicates or typos etc and I've tried deleting it, loading it in again and creating a new relationship but nothing seems to work.

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Updating Oracle Backend Tables From MS Access Forms(dynamically)??

Feb 13, 2007


My requirement is this...

I have to use MS Access as front end with ODBC connection to Oracle 9i


The application(forms) should be able to update, delete ,insert records into oracle tables(backend).

i have a main form,which has some unique id's and other info about the ids and the subform shows several matching id's for that unique id in main form. the user who uses this application should be able to
1) search for the unique id in the main form such that the subform displays all its matches
2) they should be able to select anyone match and say approve(there can only be one match), then that particular record should be updated in the table.IF I USE A CHECK BOX AND IF THEY CLICK ON ONE RECORD AS MATCH,HOW
similarly when they select some other record i should give option of deleting other irrelevant matches in the backend table.

the main form and the subform uses the same table as source.updates are to another table, i should also have to put entry into audit table about which record was deleted and which one inserted..

How should i do this?? i am new to MS access .VBA, any help would be highly appreciated!

Thanks so much!

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Getting Forms Working Correctly

Jul 2, 2005

Hi guys,

I'm trying to create a simlpe database that is use to store time worked for clients (see attached).

If you run the form frmClientEntry i have two issues.

1 - you will see that the title is automatically selected from the combo box. However is i try and enter the form I'm told 'You cannot add or change a record because a related record is required in table 'tblTitle'. If I select one of the entries I get rid of this. I would like the default to be selected...

2 - There is no entry in the hourly rate column field even though there is an entry in the table. How do I get my hourly rate to show? Ideally this will only be a single text box and not a comboBox as the hourly rate will be the same for every client.

If this is a table design issue please let me know and I'll post there.


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Forms :: How To Correctly Filter Records

Sep 10, 2014

currently using 2010 version.

Made some tables with data, then wanted to filter it by form with comboboxes approx 10 of them, so started to write a simple query but it doesn't really work. Then I found this forum and when started to review some threads, noticed that some (most) of you write a query in vba under a button with on_click function.

The question is, what is the correct way of writing a query? Is is a vba code under a button, or is it a code in the actual query?

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Forms :: Embedded Chart OLE Not Plotting Data Correctly

Aug 8, 2013

I am using Access 2007 with Windows XP. I have a scatter chart embedded in a form that is plotting data from a subform with a trendline that is extracted and used on the form for calculations. After having the table set up correctly and running fine, I closed the database and then reopened it to have the table plotting the data in a made up 1 to 1 relationship rather than what is in the datasheet. The only way I have been able to fix this error is to change the chart type to something else then back to a scatter plot and remake the trendline. Why this is happening and how to prevent it?

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Forms :: Subform Not Connecting To Main Form Correctly

Dec 19, 2013

I have a form based on tblContact with a subform based on table tblCategories, and another subform based on tblCompany. I have a one-to-many relationship between tblCategories and tblCompany, with the pk in tblCategory linking with a fk in tblCompany. All of the fields in tblCategories/ sbfrm Categories are yes/no fields, not sure if that plays into my problem at all.

When a user checks one or more of the check boxes in the categories subform, closes the form and re-opens it, none of the check boxes are checked for that person. I know this has something to do with the relationships and how the categories are linked to the contact... but I can't get it straight in my mind as to how that should be set up.

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Forms :: Table Doesn't Read Combo Box Info Correctly

Nov 24, 2014

I have a form "FrmMaintenance" based on the query "QryMaintenance" that is taken information from the table "TblMaintenance".

In the form, I have to pull the serial number of a machine from a drop down list which works perfectly fine in the form and it also updates other associated records.

When I go to the table, it puts associated number instead of the serial number that I've pulled.

Same thing happening for the pull down list "Engineer".

I've tried to look at the format of the "SerialNo" and changed to text, then to Combo Box but it didn't work, and the same for "Engineer"

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Forms :: Diary Filter Not Returning Correctly Filtered Records

Sep 12, 2013

I have created a piece of code that filters a sub form of diary records using criteria the user has selected or entered. It was working fine when I made it a month or so ago and now is seems to be returning incorrectly filtered records, for example, I enter 2 dates to return all diary entries between the 2 dates. Yet it misses some records out that should be within the date range, and it sometimes include records that are outside the date range. I am also getting an error when I try and filter the diary entries via the supplier, "data type mismatch", here's the code that, bearing in mind, was previously working fine.

Public Function filter_diary()
Dim dbs As Database
'Dim qdf As QueryDef
Dim Sqlstr As String
Dim sqlstrwhat As String


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Forms :: Grid-rows Not Displaying Selected-state Correctly After Many VBA Requeries

Mar 2, 2014

when i select rows in a ListBox control on a form, using access VBA, some rows behave exactly the opposite of how they're supposed to behave-- they APPEAR unselected when i select them, and selected when i unselect them.

oListBox.Selected(lngRow) = True

However, when i check their Selected property with VBA they return the expected value (meaning the row Selected value is TRUE if i set it to TRUE, if tho it LOOKS UNselected).

Print oListBox.Selected(lngRow)

Access ListBox Control Under VBA Control Behaving Wacko - YouTube.It seems that the more times i requery the listbox, the worse the problem gets.


This problem seems unrelated to the number of times i select rows. Only seems related to multiple requeries. At first, it does not happen. Then with repeated requeries, the problem gets progressively worse. Note, 'Row Source Type' is set to 'Table/Query'. 'Multiselect' is set to 'Simple'.

i'm not using the "Form_" syntax anyplace (which can created unintended instances of forms). this listbox source-query contains a VBA function in a module, which in turn calls the code-behind of another form.

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Forms :: Updating Fields Via Code Not Updating Table

Dec 16, 2014

I have a form that has combo boxes and text fields (as well as sub forms). There is also a button linked to some code that says'

Private Sub cmdQuote_Click()
'Creates quote date and prints quote
Me.QuoteDate = Now()
DoCmd.OpenReport "Quote", acViewPreview, , "BookingID = " & Me.BookingID
End Sub

When the button is pressed the QuoteDate field (it is bound) should be be populated, but unfortunately it is not. I have played with refresh and requery but cannot derive a solution.

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Forms :: Update Form / Query Without Updating Underlying Tables To Query

Jul 23, 2015

I have a form which will be used as the basis to print a label.

It is bound to a query and when I open the form I pass over a 'where' condition to return 1 record. I then use the query to produce a report/label.

What I want to do is to update the form/query without updating the underlying tables to the query.

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Tables :: Updating Fields In Multiple Tables Without Onclick Event

Oct 23, 2013

I am working on a database which has two tables used as part of a registration and login process.

I would like a couple of fields from table one to automatically update in table two, once the fields in table one are populated without using an 'on click' event.

The reason I would prefer not to use an onclick is because the completion of the form used to generate the users table does not require any buttons for the data to save.

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Updating More Than 4 Tables

Oct 15, 2005

i have 4 tables in access and i need to be able to add information in one table and it to appear in the other 3 without me having to go in to each individual table and enter it.
Is this possible?

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Updating Tables

May 18, 2007

Good morning, I'm a newbie....and I inherited this db.

I have an existing table. I need to add two rows of information. When I add the rows, they are empty. I have tried running a query with all the fields from the table plus the two rows I need, but I loose 90+ records. What am I doing wrong???

Thank you for any help...

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Updating Tables

Mar 8, 2005

I have a button on a form that queries my table for observations that meet a certain set of conditions, and then updates a field to mark these observations. But I keep getting the error message 'Compile error: Method or data member not found.' I have used the code successfully in a previous database and cannot figure out why it won't work here. Thanks for any suggestions. Here's the code:

Private Sub OK_Click()
Dim db As Database
Dim rst As Recordset

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("Appointment Letter JW Q")

With rst
Do While Not .EOF
![Status] = "08"
![DateMail] = Date
End With
End Sub

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Tables Not Updating Properly

Jan 26, 2005

Need help and advice desperately,
I am trying to update about 10 tables each time a visitor visits my site..
however there are often missing counts, meaning the total data in each table are not the same frequently They are supposed to be since all the tables get updated each time.
Im using MS Access 2003.
What could be the problem?

Below is an example of one of the function that updates one of the tables in my DB.
************************************************** *****
function GetIdRes(sName)
'Get ResID
sUserID = Request("UserID")
sSQL = "SELECT ResID, ResName, Total, UserID FROM Resolutions WHERE UserID = '"&sUserID&"' AND ResName = '" & sName & "'"
rs.Open sSQL,,,adCmdTable
if rs.eof then
rs("ResName") = sName
rs("Total") = 0
rs("UserID") = sUserID
end if
rs("Total") = rs("Total") + 1
GetIdRes = rs("ResID")
end function
************************************************** ****

I've got another 10 similar tables. The Column "Total" is often different among the tables.

Please kindly advise...

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Updating A Record Using 2 Tables

Apr 25, 2005

I have one table (call it tblMax) which holds a number designating a maximum amount for items. I have a second table (call it tblItem) which holds the items current inventory, along with several other values about the item. Is there a way to reference fields from both of these tables on one form, AND have the record be able to update? I've used a query to bring them all to one form, but the record is not able to update using that method. The tblMax will be used for reference only, after the initial values are entered. I also tried leaving the form's Control Source blank and typing in Control Sources for each field, but was unable to get that to work. TIA.

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Updating Two Tables From One Form

May 21, 2005

I have a table called Primary Employees and another table called Secondary Employees. I also have a form where you can add new employees, which updates the Primary Employees table. What I would like to do is, after I add a new employee have the new data update both the Primary and Secondary table at the same time. These tables have the same information within them. These two tables are currently relational to one another, but I still have to go in and manual update the Secondary Employee table after I add a new employee. I have to have two databases because of other form requirements. Any help you could provide would be greatly appreciated.

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Updating Tables With Imports

Jul 17, 2005

Hi Im quite new to access, but Ive got a little database running thats contains balances of customers account over 30 days 60 days etc and logs querys on there accounts, Im given a spreadsheet each week which shows that the customer may have paid something to their account so I need to import these new balances into the table and update the record. Can anyone give me any pointers as how Id achieve this, as append query or import dont seem to fit what I need.

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