Forms :: View Newly Created Records?

Jun 10, 2014

I have a piece of code that is creating new records when the form loads using recordsets.

I need a subform to show only the newly created records

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Forms :: How To Put Cursor On Newly Created Record After Requery

Apr 14, 2015

I launch a 'CreateNewRecords' form from a 'MainForm' form. When the 'CreateNewRecords' form closes, the new record is visible on 'Main Form'.The underlying query is unsorted, so this code in the AfterUpdate event of 'CreateNewRecords' puts the cursor on the last record displayed on 'MainForm', which is the newly created record:

With Forms!frmMainForm.RecordsetClone
Forms!frmMainForm.Bookmark = .Bookmark
End With

However, I intend to sort the underlying query, which means that a newly created record may appear in the middle of the records displayed on 'MainForm'.

What I want to have happen is that after a new record is created by 'CreateNewRecords', the underlying query is requeried so that all current records are displayed on 'MainForm' but also that the cursor rests on the newly created record (rather than default to the first record).

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How Do I Get The Newly Created Key?

Jun 27, 2007

I have tables which I add a new post to. But I want to find its key. DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
'Lot of data fills out the different textboxes
DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70
When I first save the data and the requery the you should expect the ID field on form to have the new unique number but it doesnt. Can you get the current unique ID on some other way?

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Can You Add The Date/time To A Newly Created Table?

Mar 9, 2007

Is it possible to have the Date/Time appear as part of the name of a table? I don't want to create and rename a table I want to run a Query that will create a Table that will have the name + date or just the date.


"Todays file 20070308 11:10:34 AM"


"2007080308 11:10:34"

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A Button To Delete A Newly Created Record?

Sep 19, 2006

Hokay, firstly my apologies if this is the wrong subforum, but since my question revolves around the behaviour of one of my forms I guessed the thread should go here.

I have a very simple little database which I use to log RMAs (Returned Merchandise Authorizations). The database consists of three forms:

Form A - The switchboard. The main menu, works fine.
Form B - The View/Edit window. Allows me to look at the records in the database and alter them if necessary, works fine.
Form C - The Add window. Has the same form layout as B, but allows for adding records only. This is the one causing problems.

Now the situation is that when I enter Form C, the box for the RMA number gets autofilled out - which is correct - thus creating a new record. However, what I want to achieve is a button on the form that will allow me to quit back to the main menu without saving the record that has been created by opening the form. This is for situations where the form has been accidentally opened, or where a form has been started, but is not required to be finished.

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Forms :: Cannot Search Newly Added Records

Jun 25, 2014

I have a form that lets you add records to my table, it works well and I can see the records in my table but then once I use my search form, which also is working well, the new records won't come up when I do a search, it just keeps searching through the records that were there when I created the search form.

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Forms :: Show Newly Appended Records In Form Based On Table

Jun 26, 2014

I have an append query that appends records to a table, and I have a form based on that table.

Users will click a button that will run the append query and then open a form for users to fill in remaining empty cells. How can I filter the form to show only the newly appended records?

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Forms :: Use Records ID But It Hasn't Yet Been Created

Aug 24, 2013

I'm in a form that creates the new company in the companies table. Then I want to leave a note in the notes table using the newly created company_id. Of course that id does not yet exist. What's a good way to accomplish this?

Private Sub b_EnterSave_Click()
Dim stDocName As String
stDocName = "company_quick_enter_form"
Dim CompanyIdStr As Integer
CompanyIdStr = Forms.company_quick_enter_form.Form.company_id

[Code] .....

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Forms :: No Filters - Cannot View All Records In Form View

Aug 27, 2013

I have 4 tables and around 440 records but can only view up to 417 in the form I have designed. I have been adding new records via form and it has been added to my main table, but when i try to view it in form view - the record is not available to view. What do I need to do to correct this problem?

I have checked that there are no filters, data entry is set to No, Auto deletions, additions and edits are set to yes.

Also to mention it seems that the problem has arisen since I set up some new queries, there is a one to one relationship between the tables!

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Forms :: Records Don't Show When Created From Blank Form?

Aug 29, 2013

Very suddenly today, when I'd done seemingly nothing, all of the records from my form that I'd built from a blank form disappeared, with the exception of the first record. When I try to just close everything down, nothing changes. When I put in a new record to the form, however, it's saved in the table. But when I save and close, the form goes back to only having the first record! This is very annoying, for easily perceivable reasons. I even tried creating the form from scratch, to see if it's some residual SQL update code acting funny, and nothing changed! It seems to work if I select a table and just create a form, though. It doesn't even work when it's a splitform and whatnot.

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Forms :: Duplicate Records Created Using Two Subforms In Main Form

Jun 23, 2014

I have created a database in microsoft access 2010 to show invoices for different customers in different countries. In doing so, I created using a two subforms in a main form. I have used the "country name" to link the subforms to the main form. When I enter new records into the subforms for a specific country, I realized that a duplicate record of an old record are being created in the subforms. What can I do to prevent this from happening? I tried to change the query link between the main form and subform to "invoice number" but the same problem has occurred.

I am novice to microsoft access 2010 ...

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How To Get Newly Added Records To Appear In A Search In Access

Oct 13, 2015

Basically I have one table with all relevant information needed, etc, and I have the original spreadsheet data inputted to the database. The original data appears fine when a search is done, eg, the user searches for something using a form that then uses a query and ultimately brings up the information that matches. In the queries, I use the same basic criteria

"LIKE "*" & [Forms]![FormName]![FieldName] & "*" "

My question is, now that I have a form to add a new record to the table so a user can add to it, what would be the best way to get the added record to appear during the search, like the original records? I have used " IS Not Null" at the end of the criteria within the query, but it tends to bring up all the new records no matter what the user searches.

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Queries :: After Importing Data Query Not Picking Up Newly Added Records

Apr 21, 2013

I created a database. exported some Excel data into Access tables, created a number of lookups, default values etc. and created a pretty simple query.

My problem is that after importing and tweaking the data, when I add new records, my queries do not pick them up!
I have tried:

1. saving, closing, opening and re-running the queries.
2. putting an Nz expression for each field in the query as I read that null values may cause a problem.
3. wrote the query again, field by field to see if all records were received.
4. Exported the table back to Excel and imported to a new Access table in my database

None of this works.

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Forms :: Filtered Datasheet View - Select Records Without VBA

Sep 11, 2013

The table has PK and city column can be one of several. I need to create a filtered datasheet view (few columns only).

Since there are quite a few cities, I need to select one to display all the records in that city. My questions

Since it is a datasheet view I cannot use Combo Box. What to do then ?

If I use subform with a combo box, and bind the query in the subform with the selected combo text, it does not work.

here is the subform query

SELECT tblClient.ClientName, tblClient.HqCity FROM tblClient WHERE (((tblClient.HqCity)=[Forms]![frmSearchCity]![cboCity]));

I get nothing.....

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Forms :: View Records Automatically Without Pressing Refresh Button?

Nov 20, 2014

I added several records in another table but it wont show the records until I press the Refresh button at the ribbon of Home-> Refresh. How can i view the records automatically without pressing the Refresh button?

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Forms :: Limit Records Shown On Open In Datasheet View

May 16, 2015

I have a question on number of records displaying in datasheet view on a form. Is there a way to limit the number of records showing on open.I have a command button on a Navigation form that opens a frmEnterPartsOrder using a Macro.

I have set the Macro to OpenForm, View Datasheet then GoToRecord, Record New..Works perfectly, but it does open the form and fill the screen with records, putting focus on the "new" record at the bottom of the form. Is there a way to set it to open this form, but only display say last 10 records and then focus on "new" record.

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Forms :: Cannot View Added Records When Press Navigate Buttons In Form

Apr 12, 2013

I can add record successfully... but can't view it accordingly when I press navigate buttons in the form...

Database is attached ....

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Forms :: Newly Added Values In Combo Box - Streamline Data Entry With Auto-populated Fields

Jun 24, 2014

I have a combo box that pulls account name data from tblAcctInfo. the combo box has an OnChange event which updates a textbox, txtAcctAddr.

when i have a new account that i would like to be listed in the combo box, i use a form, frmAcctAdd, to add a record to tblAcctInfo.

what i would like to do, is:
1) when i type a new value in the combo box that isn't in the list, have that string value pre-populate in the frmAcctAdd.
2) when i have added the new account info into frmAcctAdd and then saved the record, i would like the new value to pre-populate in the combo box, with the txtAcctAddr textbox also updated via the OnChange event (or maybe a different event is more appropriate?).

I have created a long version of this which requires a lot more user interaction (1-user typing in a new value into the combo box, 2-user RE-typing the SAME value into a data entry form, frmAcctAdd, 3-user saving the new record, 4-user re-clicking the combo box and selecting the newly added value) but i am trying to streamline the data entry with auto-populated fields.

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Queries :: Return Most Recently Created Records?

Mar 3, 2015

query to return the most recently created records in a composite key field, and only the most recent ones.

there is a screenshot of the composite key field attached

I want to get te records with the highest InvoiceID, there can be multiple records with the same InvoiceID and I want to get all of them.

Using the screenshot as an example I need to query to return the last two records as they both have the Same, highest InvoiceID.

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Modules & VBA :: Message Box To Display Records That Have Just Been Created

Jul 24, 2015

I have a button that duplicates records 'X' amount of times based on a value in a text box.

I need a message box to advise the user that they have created record number from - to


User creates 5 records - first record created has a auto number of 3200

I need the message box to say 'you have just created records 3200 - 3204

Is this possible?

Here is the current code on the duplicate button courtesy of Uncle Gizmo

Private Sub AddRecord_Click()
On Error GoTo AddRecord_Click_Err
Dim x As Integer
For x = 1 To (Me.txtAmount.Value - 1)
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSelectRecord
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdCopy

[Code] ....

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Displaying Form Records Created By User And Specific To A Date

Jul 24, 2005


I was wondering how difficult it would be to do the following:

1. A user opens up a form.
2. The user uses a combo box to select his/her name.
3. There is a date combo box on the form and by default, it is set to today's date. So when the user selects his/her name, the records for today are displayed. Changing the date will show only the records for the date shown.
4. The user will have the ability to add and delete records specific to the criteria chosen in the text boxes. Adding new records will only add records for the date chosen in the combo box. E.g. if he/she adds a record for today, it will only be seen when today's date is selected.

Will a subform have to be used for something like this? Or could it be done with one form using filters?

Any thoughts and/or approaches on this would be greatly appreciated.


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Automatically Adding New Records In 5 Other Tables When ID Is Created In Main Table

Jan 13, 2008

Okay I had an idea and I thought I might get ffedback as I am relatively new to this. I went through a period a couple of years ago when I used access alot and was becoming familiar with VBA etc but I havent touched it in 2 years so Im pretty rusty.

I am running a study and need to have to create a database that:

a. collects data about participants
b. Has a number of questionnaires (5), each of which can be filled out by participants.

THe main table has a number of fields that collects info about the participants the most important of which will be the ParticipantID - an automatically generated number which is my primary key.

In table 2/form 2 I will host questionnaire one. This will be linked to Table 1/Form 1 (Particpant Information) by this tables primary key - also the Participant ID. The relationship will be 1:1. Each participant can only have one Participant ID and will only need to fill out questionnaire one once.

Is it possible that when I add a new participant to the Participant Information table/form I also automatically create a record in Table 2/Form 2 (Questionnaire 1), as well as Table 3/Form3 (Questionnaire 2) and so on so that they have the same ParticipantID...?

I was reading a similar query somewhere else and they said to use the Form_AfterInsert Event command? Is this right (see here

I feel a bit stupid but I am willing to learn and try new things Once I get started I think I will be okay. If you could steer me in the right direction it would be much appreciated.

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View Records In Form View

Apr 6, 2006

Hi, I am in the process of creating a new database - I am a bit new to this. I have a main form, which also contains two subforms. The record source of the main part of the form is 11 tables, and then each of the subforms is based on one table each (so there are 13 tables altogether).

Everything seems to be linked up ok, and when I add new information to the form (and the subforms), the information gets saved to the tables as it should be. However, I want to be able to view past records in the form view, so that users can regularly update past records using form view. I can't do this. Each time I open the form view, the thing at the botton left says 'record one of one.' THen if I put the curser in (for eg) the box called 'client name' and click on the search button, I get a message saying:

"you can't find or replace now, the fields are not searchable due to:
- the fields are controls;
- the fields have no data;
- there are no fields to search."

well I don't really know what that means. There is definately data in there somewhere, because I can view it in the table view, but I'd like to be able to view and update old records, and search, in the form view.

any tips?

thanks for helping

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Forms :: Text Boxes Showing In Design View But Not Display In Form View

Apr 19, 2014

I have a Form which I have linked correctly to a subform. The Text boxes are showing in the Design view but are not when one switches to the Form View. Labels for Fields are visible in the Form View. Have even created a new subform and that will also not display the Text Boxes.

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Forms :: Unable To View Object Properties In Form Design View (Access 2010)

May 16, 2014

Why the ability to view the properties of an object within a form is not available when you double click on it in design view?

I was happily working away double clicking on a command button to edit some code when for some reason the next time I tried to edit it did not open up for me.

I was unable to access it even by right clicking on the object & selecting properties as that also appears to be disabled, not greyed out or anything but just does nothing when selected.

Have I inadvertently changed a setting somewhere that prevents the properties from being displayed?

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!!??? All My Forms Are Blank Under Form View - But Fine Under Design View!!!

Jul 13, 2006

Anybody ever heard of this before? I open a form, and it is empty, just a blank window. I open the same form in Design View, all appears well. :mad:

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