Forms :: Way To Stop Automatic Duplication

Dec 17, 2014

Everytime I change the picture of an image, a duplicate is made. I can see this in the "Insert Image" menu. It this moment, I have over 6000 duplicates which slow my form down alot. I know that you can delete these duplicates by accessing the system tables, but is there a way to stop this automatic duplication? An example is a button that makes an arrow change direction. Every time you click the button, a duplicate of the picture gets saved.

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Best Way To Go About This, (stop Duplication Of Entries)

Aug 8, 2006


On our database, we have a form that has 2 calendars. A start date and an End Date. The users fill in the name, and a couple other fields. Then select the start date, and end dates.

When they hit submit, the form enters into the table this info for each date in-between the start and end dates. For example if the users enters they will be taking vacation, then they enter 8/1 as a start and 8/10 as a end date. It will make an entry for each day. This works pretty well for us.

But I would like to improve it if possible.

Let say, a user a month ago made an entry that they would be work 8/23 at home. So in the database it has 8/23 at home.

Well, this week they decide they are going to take a vacation 8/21-8/25. So they make the new entry with start date 8/21 and end date 8/25. The form enters all the info just fine.

But if someone runs a report they see 8/23 at home, and also 8/21, 8/22, 8/23 ect on vacation. So gets a little confusing to where they actually are

So I was wondering if there is a way, for the database to prompt the person making the entry, that there is already an entry for 8/23 and ask if they want to delete it or save it? Then continue on creating the entries for the rest (8/24 and 8/25 in this example?).

Has anyone seen something like this? I was going to search, but not really sure what to search for on the forum.


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How To Stop Duplication Of Data In Building Multiforms

Feb 26, 2008

I am a newbie. I am building mutiple tables/queries in one form. I got it to work but it is duplicating records where a name appears more than once. How can I stop this.


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Forms :: Prevent Duplication In Form Entry

Jul 7, 2014

I've been trying to use some code I've found to prevent a user from entering a duplicate ID. I've tried this:

Dim Answer As Variant Answer = DLookup("[SAR_ID]", "Request", "[SAR_ID] = '" & Me.SAR_ID & "'")
If Not IsNull(Answer) Then MsgBox "Duplicate SAR ID Found" & vbCrLf & "Please enter again.", vbCritical + vbOKOnly + vbDefaultButton1, "Duplicate"

Cancel = True Me.SAR_ID.Undo
End If

but it displays the message even if I don't enter a duplicate.

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Cannot Stop Blank Forms!!

Dec 6, 2006

Hi guys,

I have created a form based on a query that prompts the user to enter a persons name. Once entered, the persons data appears on the form and some other related data appears in a subform. However, I have found a problem that occurs when a name is entered that doesnt exist on the database... the form opens completely blank!! even text and graphics disappear!

Is there a way of stopping this from happening??

Thanks, James

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Stop People Printing Forms

Mar 22, 2006

Hi all,
I have a form that i use for data input, I have limited all of the menu's how ever the print option is still available. This leads to muppet users printing out the form and using it.
There is a print button on the form that prints a report out that lays out the form into a useable item.

So the question is... How can I stop people being able to print out the form?

Thanks in advance


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Forms :: Stop TAB Creating New Record?

Sep 16, 2014

But I use one for creating new records in a table.

And one to View/Edit exiting records.

When I open an existing records, and tab through the fields. Once I pass the last field it creates a new record.

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Forms :: Stop Duplicate Info From Table A To B

Apr 3, 2013

I have a database that lists all the books I have read. The Table "Books" holds "AuthorId' "Title" etc. I have another table that is called "Whats Next To Read" which I store the next book that I will read from that author. It also uses "AuthorId" and "Title" etc. In the form, how can I look to see if the title put in for that author in "Whats Next" does not have the same title already in "Books" table. I can use Dcount to find the title but it could be same title different author. I need same title with same author.

This is what I have so far.

If DCount("Title", "Books", "Title = '" & forms!Whatsnexttoread!Title & "' > 0 Then
Msgbox "Title is already in books.", vbInformation
End If

I need it to only look at the same author.

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Forms :: Stop Tab From Starting New Record In Form

Nov 13, 2013

I have created some control buttons using the built in functions of Access2007 and then using the script supplied here modified the control.

So far the controls can add new record, save record, exit form, open next form and close existing form, open previous form and close existing form.

My next question is when the user reaches the end of the form fields how do I stop the form from automatically starting a new record?

For example, I use the TAB key to move from field to field and when I tab out of the last field the form goes straight to the next empty record.

I want this to be a deliberate action performed by clicking the Add New Record button and not an accident of a key press.

The other thing is, how do I get the form to open with blank/empty fields and not at the first populated record?
Some of the data is updated frequently so the records need to be able to be edited but I need to prevent accidental editing of the existing records.

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Forms :: Input Box Will Not Display Or Stop At Command

Jun 18, 2015

NO matter what I do I can't get the InputBox to work


NewEmailAddress = InputBox("There is no Client Email Address on file would you like to enter one?", "Information Required")

It just won't display or stop at the above command.

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Forms :: Stop Record Selector On Form?

Nov 15, 2013

I am using Access 2013. I have a form with 2 subforms, each time the form is opened, the first record on both subforms are selected. Is there a way to turn off the record selector so no records are selected when the form opens?

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Forms :: Command Button - Stop Window From Popping Up

Sep 9, 2014

I created a command button from using the wizard so when I click to delete the record the button is for, a window pops up asking if I am sure I want to delete the record. Is there a way to not have the button pop up?

Here is the code:

Private Sub cmdCompleted_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdCompleted_Click
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdSelectRecord
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdDeleteRecord

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdCompleted_Click

End Sub

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Forms :: How To Stop OpenArg Code When Field Is Already Populated

Sep 4, 2013

I have an order form that auto-populates details from the customer table into adderss and contact controls. But I don't want it to auto-populate when the underlying order table already has data in the related fields. Here is the code I use on Load form event...

Private Sub Form_Load()
'Use this version if the ID is a number
Dim x As Variant
Dim strControl As String
Dim lngID As Long
'If parameters exist, use them
If Len(Me.OpenArgs) > 0 Then

[Code] ....

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Forms :: Automatic Insertion Of The Value Of Field?

Aug 10, 2014

I have a form that when I insert a registration number I would like the value of the field "nom" the name automatically appears in the "nom" field of the form. The form uses a query.

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Forms :: Automatic Folder Creation

May 23, 2013

I currently have a database where users input new parts into a database using a part form. When they put in the part type, a tracking number is automatically generated. I would like a folder to be created for each part where we can store pictures and a report. How would i have it create a report to a certain area using the tracking number as the folder name? I also want to be able to upload pictures and eventually save the report in there but creating the folder is the first step.

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Forms :: Automatic Counter Resets Each New Day

Nov 13, 2014

is there anyway to make a counter field that is automatically filled (1,2,3,...) rather than filling it manually and also it resets each new day?? I'm not talking about autonumber field because of its nature also because I use it as a uniqe field "VisitID",

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Forms :: Automatic Updation Of PPT In Access

Jun 26, 2015

I have an excel sheets with tables (Numbers). I have inserted this excel files into PPT. I have a button on my page. I have linked the PPT path to that buttom (using hyperlink). So, when I click the button the PPT which contains the excel charts is opening (this is good so far)The data in excel sheet is used by many people and they can change it.

When in Access the ppt is opened then it's showing the old data but not the new modified data. (We are right clicking on the ppt table and then updating the links)We just don't want to do that as we have lot of tables in PPT.when we open a ppt via access then it should automatically update itself in the backend and should open with the new values.

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Forms :: Stop Generating Message Boxes On Form Close?

Mar 6, 2013

I have some code (see below) that checks if the start date text box is blank or greater than the end date, and if so, generates a message box and sets the focus back to the start date textbox. There are command buttons on the form that open queries based on the date fields. This all works fine.

However, if the user changes his mind and closes the form without filling in the date field, the message box "Please enter a start date" pops up repeatedly. How do I specify that a text box is required UNLESS the user is closing the form?

Private Sub txt_startdate_LostFocus()
If ((IsNull(txt_startdate) Or (txt_startdate) = " ")) Then
MsgBox "Please enter a start date.", vbOKOnly


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Forms :: Student Register - Cannot Stop Updating Prior Record

Apr 26, 2013

I am building a student register for a school for disabled children. There is a screen listing all students, one showing detailed student data chosen by #=IIf(IsNull([ID]),"(New)","Open")# clicking on "Open", one listing all the guardians, choosing a guardian by #=IIf(IsNull([ID]),"(New)","Open")# clicking on "Open", to diaplay Guardian details.

From the student list, I select and view student details, including a pointer to their guardian details. After selecting the first student details, and then viewing their guardian data, any subsequent student details and guardian details updates the prior guardian data with the next guardian's data.

How can I prevent the successive guardian details from updating the prior guardian table when it is exited? I view the guardian details using ADO recordsets populating a form. When I exit, it updates the previous record.

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Forms :: Stop User From Moving To Next Text Box In Access Form

Jun 20, 2014

I have a form in which user will enter few values but I need users to enter the comment in relevant text box too only if they have any non zero value.

I have attached an example for reference....where red encircled portion is for values and blue is for relevant comments. If value is non zero then user should be enforced to enter the comment too......system should not allow user to move forward or backward until there is some comment.

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Automatic Posting In TextBox/ComboBox In Forms

Jan 9, 2006

Hello Everyone!

I hope someone can guide me in the right direction. I have developed a database to keep track of Service Calls we receive. We manufacture and/or service a wide range of products from Automatic Laundry/Kitchen chemical dispensers to office furniture. We are currently using this data base and it works well, I'm trying to make it easier for the user.

I have a form to enter information into a table, tblService Calls. In the form I have a ComboBox labeled Issue Code which looks up information in a table tblService Issue. I also have a ComboBox labeled Service Issue which also looks up information in the tblService Issue.

tblServiee Issue looks like this:
Issue Code Service Issue
101 Laundry Install
201 Kitchen Install
and so on

What I'm trying to do is when I enter issue code 101 in ComboBox Issue Code, I would like the Service Issue (Laundry Install) to automatically post in the ComboBox or TextBox labeled Service Issue. Is this possible?

Thank you in advance for any help you can give me!
Larry D.

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Forms :: Automatic Alphanumeric Increment Field

Mar 5, 2015

I've got most of what he wants sorted but this last task I am completely flummoxed. All of his projects are allocated an ID (named Project Reference), starting from P010010 and increasing by 1 each time. I've made a form that allows a new project to be recorded by entering all the details and hitting the 'record' button, but he wants the Project Reference field to be automatically filled in each time (understandably), increasing by 1 from the last record.

So if the last record was P010311, then when the form opens the Project Reference should automatically be P010312.

I've looked into this and found many guides talking about DMax and DIM and strCriteria and whatnot, but no matter how many of them I follow and try to adapt to my own database I can't get it to work at all.

The table the ID comes from is called General, and the field is Project Reference. The ID should automatically be filled into a text box called txtRef whenever the form opens and a button to add a new record is pressed, being 1 higher than the previous ID.

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Forms :: Create Automatic Unique Number?

Apr 12, 2013

I am trying to create an automatic unique 'number' (actually text) in a form. Here is an example of the format...

1456 is the project number
R stands for revision
1 is the first revision

So, in this database there could be 1456.R2 etc. but there could also be other project numbers, say 2323.R1, 2323. Looking for expression I need to enter to have Access look up the last revision for a specific project and then add 1 to it?

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Forms :: Automatic Population Of Field When Name Is Selected

Mar 20, 2014

I am putting together a simple database to do with monitoring maintenace of buildings. I was the building number to automatcially populate when the building name is select.

I have got the the point where I have building name and number in the building name combo box but i'm stuck with the after update code builer part.

I currently have:

Me.Building_NameControl = Me.Building_Number.Column(2)

But doesn't seem to work.I don't really understand syntax!

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Forms :: Stop Access From Creating New Record When Inputting Data In Field Or Tab

Dec 17, 2013

How do you prevent access from adding a new record when u input data in the current record or tab to the next field? My database is set up to open with a form where the user picks his name and then a week ending date once that is complete u open a new form where the name and date auto populate along with other fields to fill out such as job charge, charge type , times charged for each day of the week. But I don't want access to create a new record everytime the person inputs or tabs..... .

I have attached my database for better clarity!

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Duplication Problem

Apr 28, 2008

Thank you for taking the time to look my question. Hopefully I can be pointed in the correct direction.

I am trying to stop duplicates in my customer table, the table is as follows

CustomerID PK

I have the surname, address1, City & Phone number Indexed(Duplicates ok)
but if the combination of all 4 fields match then I want this to be not allowed.
I guess maybe I should make the primary key the combination of all 4 fields, not sure how to do that though.
Hope this makes sense.


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