Forms :: When Highlighting The Notes / It Appears That You Are Highlighting Correct Text

Jun 12, 2015

We have a bunch of notes that are stored in a database. The program looks for the notes that are relevant to each order, and it adds them one by one to a textbox.In some instances, when highlighting the notes (as certain parts of them are copied by the user) it appears that you are highlighting the correct text, but when the text is copied and pasted, different text was copied to the clipboard (usually a string that is offset a couple characters).

I can't post an image (I haven't posted enough), but highlighting everything in the text box selects what appears to be blank space. I wish I could show you. Maybe I'll get to the needed number of posts and be able to attach the screencap.

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General :: 3075 Error When Using Rich Text Highlighting

Jul 29, 2013

My error: Syntax error (Missing operator) in query expression

Followed by <div> and other HTML code. Ending with a "3075".

I get this error after adding highlighted text to my memo fields. No other rich text formatting seems to trigger it. Specifically, the error is triggered when moving from my subform to another subform or the main form.

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General :: Highlighting Particular Text From Nearby Field To Adjacent Field

Nov 4, 2013

I am having a database in access and i want to highlight particular text from nearby column to the next column. For example,


The first column text it should take as query and then it should only search the adjacent cell and highlight that. While searching in the internet i came across a code also, But i dont know whether i can use that code or not.

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[Search]
@searchTerm nvarchar(100),
@style nvarchar(100) = 'font-weight:bold; background-color:yellow',
@maxLen INT = 100


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Highlighting Appointments

Nov 29, 2007

I am trying to set up a form that will tell me when people are due for reccuring training events. I would like it to highlight the record when they are 1 month away from expiring on their training.

ie. I need the database to automatically put in the date that the training will expire when I enter the date that they had the training.I also want it to highlight in yellow when the training is due and highlight in red if they miss the expiry date.

Can anyone help?::)

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Highlighting Specific Names

Mar 15, 2007

This should be easy but I can't see how to do it efficiently. I have a small application that books people in for a competition and creates a record for each. At most I get about 500 people registered in a day, I need to be able to highlight when anyone from a specific list of names (no more than about 15 people) comes forward and tries to register. I guess this is some form of CASE statement where I compare surnames against a text array or is there an easier way?
ps I don't mind if it's hard coded into the VB code rather than as a look up table.
pps you can do this with conditional formatting but the limit there is three.

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Highlighting Values In Table

Jul 9, 2012

I know tables should not be used for viewing but is it possible to search for all values in the table with the data "Not Found" and hilight the box a different color?

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Form Fields Are Automatically Highlighting

Sep 19, 2006

Hi guys

I just built a tracking database (I can't post it because it contains PHI, and I do hope I don't have to) and it's been giving this issue starting today.

When I am in a field the cursor automatically goes to the end and highlights everything between the end and where I click. So if I mistype the third character I need to delete everything from the end to the third character to edit it.

It just started doing this when I loaded it up. Does anyone have any idea?


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Form Fields Are Automatically Highlighting

Sep 19, 2006

Hi guys

I just built a tracking database (I can't post it because it contains PHI, and I do hope I don't have to) and it's been giving this issue starting today.

When I am in a field the cursor automatically goes to the end and highlights everything between the end and where I click. So if I mistype the third character I need to delete everything from the end to the third character to edit it.

It just started doing this when I loaded it up. Does anyone have any idea?


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Automatically Highlighting Multiple Rows In A Subquery On A Form

Dec 3, 2004


I have a form with a subquery on it that shows all of the records that the form is based upon. The subquery and form are linked already, so whatever record I change to on the form, the subquery will follow. The records are chronologically ordered by date in ascending order. Depending on what day the form is on, I want to be able to highlight the rows/records of that particular week automatically in the subquery. I was just wondering what method I can use to do the highlighting/selecting of the records if there is such a thing. Hope I was clear...THANKS! =)


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Memo Field - How To Stop Highlighting In Field

Aug 7, 2006

when i change records, my subform that has a memo field, shows the memo field data is "highlighted". i can make a mistake and hit any keyboard key and the memo field data will get erased.

is there a way to prevent such a problem?

if not, is there a work around. eg, hide the memo field until needed for more input? ideas on both issues?

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Forms :: Combobox Selection - Fill In ID And Name In Correct Text Boxes

Oct 19, 2013

I have a combobox on an unbound form. After making a selection, I click a command button which opens a bound form to a new record. What I need to code next or add into the macro, is for the selection of the combobox to fill in the contact id, and contact name in the correct text boxes.

The combobox row source is: SELECT qryPBS.ConID, qryPBS.PBSName FROM qryPBS; bound column 1.

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Modules & VBA :: Inserting Rich Text Into Lotus Notes Email

Jul 23, 2015

I have been sending plain text emails for a while, but now I have a project where the formatting of the text needs to be specific and I need to send as rich text.

I can use the rich text from a table, excel, or word, but I am at a loss on how to get the data to Lotus Notes.

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Modules & VBA :: Import Formatted Rich Text From Lotus Notes To MS Access

Sep 10, 2013

I have a VBA code to import mail from Lotus Notes into Access. The database user is able to read his email inside Access, similar to any email program.

Unfortunately, when I use the GetItemValue (lotusscript) method to read the body of the email message, Notes will render the Rich Text information as Plain Text, and I end up with no formatting information (bold letters, underline, text color, etc.)

How to import messages from Notes to Access and keep the text formatting? I am storing the data in a Rich Text Memo field in a table. I have found code to write HTML (MIME) messages, but not to import them into Access.

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Forms :: Calculated Control Value Appears But Disappears

Nov 7, 2013

I have a calculated control on a form that is summing other controls and then a subtotal on a subform. This is access 2007

The calculated control does not display the value until I enter a value other then the default in all of the source controls. If I hit the "refresh" button, the value appears in the calculated control for a moment, then disappears.

I have set the default of the source controls to be 0, so none are null.

the calc control value does not stay until I put a value in the subform and its subtotal thus has a value

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Forms :: Data Properties Appears To Be Overridden

Oct 18, 2013

I have a form called frmElements which has its Data Entry and Allow Additions properties set to 'No' so that only existing records can be edited, this is all good and works fine when used from the Navigation Pane.

I have created a macro which opens this form from a button on the ribbon, this is where the problem lies because it opens the form and allows new records to be added, I know this because there is an empty record with an '*' at the bottom of the form. If I change to design mode the Data Entry and Allow Additions properties are still set to 'No', when I then change back to form view the form functions as it should.

It does not seem possible to set form properties using the macro builder and it appears to override the forms property settings.

I am using access 2010 on a Windows 8 machine.

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Forms :: Write Conflict Message Box Appears?

Mar 24, 2015

I have a form for updating contact details of customers/suppliers. Upon clicking an edit button the user can update txt boxes (as opposed to updating the table data directly and making a mistake). When they press save the below code runs:

If Not IsNull(Me.txtp_fname.Value) Then
Dim strFirstName As String
strFirstName = Me.txtp_fname
Dim FirstName As String
FirstName = Replace(strFirstName, "'", "''")
End If


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Forms :: Deleted Appears In Data Entry Fields

Aug 6, 2013

On a data entry form bound to a single table, there is a subform displaying all the records in the source table.If the user accidentally adds a record that they didn't mean to add (or if I add a record to test the form's functionality), and then right-click and delete the record, "#Deleted" appears in all the input controls.

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Forms :: Field Level Size Appears To Change

Aug 12, 2015

I have a form that contains a blank text box for each field in a record. Until very recently it functioned correctly for years. Lately data enterers tried to fill a ten character field with five characters (ANNNN format, example X9999). Some records require an entry in this text box, some do not, so their field is left blank. Lately when a new entry is tried in this field, only the first three characters are accepted, blocking character four through ten from being entered. It acts as if the text length for this text box has been changed to three characters, but it is still the correct length in the Properties box.

The system keeps track of clients who have attended a nutrition education class and the form involved is the location the class was taught.

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Subform Correct Answer Adds To Number Correct In Main Form

Mar 2, 2012

The code I have is.

Private Sub Command26_Click()
If Forms![test site]![prp test].Form.[A Right Answer] = -1 Then
Forms![test site]![number correct] = Forms![test site]![number correct] + 1
End If
End Sub

Then when clicked it checks a yes/no box to see if "A right Answer" is the correct yes. Then it should pop to the main form and take the number correct cell and add one to it. I am trying to get the record to go to the next record inside the sub-form but docmd.findnext seems to be wrong too.

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Notes/Observations Forms

Jul 13, 2006

I have a main form that holds all the data entry info for records except "notes" (which is just general internal notes) and "Observations" (like "notes", but client friendly)

Instead of having the text boxes for these fields on the form, i created 2 buttons to open seperate forms for these records, simply to save room.

When the button is clicked, the openarg is the ID of the created record.
The notes and observation forms are supposed to open this record so you can enter notes in for this record.
Unfortunately, both forms are being bitches and creating new records. When i say "no additions" the forms don't show anything.

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Me.RecordSource = "SELECT Notes FROM Results WHERE Results.[ID]=" & Me.OpenArgs
End Sub

that's what i got and it wont work!

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Queries :: DCount Function Returns Correct Result But Datatype Is Text

Feb 4, 2015

I am using the dcount function as the example I display below. The problem is that it returns the correct result (i.e. 59) but the data type is text (59 is on the left side) . I need this to be number.

=DCount("[OrderID]", "Orders", "[ShipRegion] = 'CA'")

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Forms :: Date Stamped Audit Field For Notes

May 20, 2014

I have a form containing two memo fields - Fld_Note and Fld_History.

What I was aiming for is that when someone enters info into Fld_Note, that either automatically when they leave the form - or when a button is pressed - the text from Fld-Note is copied to Fld_History and date stamped.

Any future notes are also date stamped and appended to the info in Fld_History (ideally most recent first) so that users have an audit trail in Fld_History of what notes have been added and when e.g.

20-05-2014 Contacted group treasurer regarding transfer of funds.
19-15-2014 Application for grant funding approved.
12-05-2014 Grant application received.

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Forms :: How To Switch To Correct Record When Switching Forms

May 7, 2013

I have a form called "Customer Details", on that form i have child forms, including one that has a schedule on.. so far everything seems fine, am able to get it to pull data correctly to the correct fields.. etc

I'm using 1 main table for all of this called "Cases"

Now the problem is, when i i click a button to print (this works so far), it opens another form and then fills in all the textbox's, however this is where i've got the problem, as it always seems to pull the data from the first record, not the record that i'm currently on..

so for example, if in the customer details, someone looks up "joe Blogs" using the navigation search and then wants to print it, by hitting the print button .. it should open another form, fill in the boxs and print "Joe Blogs", however it's always doing "Joe adams" - 1st Record

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Forms :: DLookup For Saving The Correct Value

Jun 4, 2013

I have an old Access 2000 database which needs some functionality update, and I can't get things working as they should.

The issue is related to frmOrderDetails form based on tblOrderDetails table, with following fields:


For entering ordered products there is a combo box for Product_ID which is displaying information about available products, their stock level, and price.

The Row source for Product_ID looks like this:

SELECT DISTINCTROW [qryStock4Orders].[Product_ID], [qryStock4Orders].[Product_name], [qryStock4Orders].[Available_quantity], [qryStock4Orders].[Selling_price] FROM qryStock4Orders ORDER BY [qryStock4Orders].[Product_name];

qryStock4Orders holds the calculated values of stock level (Available_quantity) for each product, grouped by Product_ID and Selling_Price. Selling_Price is from tblX.

Because I can buy one product from different suppliers (for different purchase prices) and purchase prices (so selling prices too) of the same product may vary over time, qryStock4Orders may list more then 1 available Selling_Price for that product, for example:

Product_ID Product_name Available_quantity Selling_Price
123 Product xyz 12 25$
123 Product xyz 42 29$
123 Product xyz 8 30$

What I want to achieve is to turn this code placed on After Update event of Product_ID combo box

Dim strFilter As String
strFilter = "Product_ID = " & Me!Product_ID
Me!Product_Price = DLookup("Selling_Price", "tblX", strFilter)

in something usable, in order to save into tblOrderDetails the selected Selling_Price and not one random Selling_Price from the 3 available above.

As the stock level is updated only after Ordered_Quantity and Product_Price are entered manually, what I'm trying to do with the code above is to automate the data input into Product_Price field of tblOrderDetails.

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Correct Forms Functioning In Access 2000

Sep 28, 2006


I have a problem with making a (simple!) search form work in Access 2000. I wrote the code in (what i believe to be) Access 2000 version, and it runs on my machine that is Access 2002-3. The search form uses VBA code; an if-then logic for 3 fields that are chosen by the user, and discounts fields that are not selected. The code then filters results from a query based on 2 tables and presents these in another form.

This all works fine on my pc, and on others using Access 2002-3, with macro security set at medium (and macros approved to run). However, the search form does not work on pc's running Access 2000. I do not know the security levels for these pc's but please if anyone knows of what may be causing this... please help!!



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Forms :: Button Not Calling Correct Instruction?

Jan 22, 2015

i have a form that pulls in a subform specific to the CurrentUser(). It is meant to be a shortcut or favorites form that holds 8 command buttons. I have Dlookups on the form to pull the correct fields from a table for OpenForm or OpenReport and then the name of the form or report they want to open. My froms work but when i try and open a report, it just prints the (correct) report and does not open it. I just want to open it.

Private Sub cmdBtn1_Click()
If Me.btn1Action = "OpenForm" Then
DoCmd.OpenForm Me.btn1Details, acNormal, , , acFormAdd, acWindowNormal
If Me.btn1Action = "OpenReport" Then
DoCmd.OpenReport Me.btn1Details, acViewNormal, , , acWindowNormal
End If
End If
End Sub

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