Formula Counting Fields In Either Query Or Report

Dec 15, 2004


I would like to count number of items witin a text field,
but breaking it down identifying the different items within the
text field.


Got a field with fruits listed. Now I am identifying the fruit but want
to know how many rotten fruit there was for each specified fruit.

At the moment my query is by date and the fruit including the column
specifying if the fruit is rotten or not. But there is 3 options in the last
column. How can I count this last column to count how many of these
3 options there are for each fruit in my report?

Please let me know if this makes any sense or not otherwise I will try to explain
it a little bit better.

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Reports :: Several Fields In Report - Counting Record Values

May 10, 2014

Suppose we have a report that outlines several fields, one field shows the City. In the report, this week, we see 10 records "New York", 8 records "Houston", 7 records "London", 3 records "Paris" and so on.

Next week's report outlines different cities and different number of records. I need to have in the report footer a "recapitulation" , a field that would say :

New York 10
Houston 8
London 7
Paris 3

Total 28

Next week cities and number of records might not be the same, we may have

Tokyo 12
Singapore 14
New York 6
London 7

Can i make my report in that way that it will count the values without using VBA ? I tried the count values option but it counts the overall report, does not take into consideration the different values.

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Queries :: Writing Formula In Query On Existing Fields

Apr 14, 2015

I have a table linked to SQL Server 2014. As SQL Server 2014 does not support calculated fields I created a query to use formulas. Now I want to write formulas on the existing fields ( TotalMarks ) of table Not to create new fields.

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Counting From A Query To Report

Apr 23, 2007

Okay feel free to stamp "stupid" on my forehead if you want. I've read through all the threads I can before going cross eyed here and nothing I've tried works so far.

I'm creating yet another report from a query or table (both have the same data). I have a table with termed employee data including rate, attendance, efficiency and quality. The query I have has IIf statements for each of these, saying 1=Below, 2=Meets, 3=Exceeds and else is N/A. The table just shows the number value.

I need the report to count how many belows, meets, exceeds, and N/A each field has, and give a percent of the total. I tried copy and pasting some DLOOKUP codes but just got either an #ERROR or a 0. Any ideas?

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Counting Occurrences Of Same Fields After A Query

Mar 14, 2006

I run a Query to determine how many employees attended a meeting, showing the number of years they have worked at the company.
(Example output of query)

Employee Name Years with Company
John Doe 3
Jane Smith 1
Bill Doe 3
Rick Mills 1

How do I count the number of people with each range or particular number of years with company? For example:
2 employees have 1 year with company
2 employees have 3 years with company

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Counting With A Query To Give Results On Report

Dec 18, 2007

I have a query that pulls up information on employees when they receive warning notices. I would like the query to give me some type of warning (report, email, etc.) when an employee has three or more notices.

Can someone help me with this?

- Thanks in advance!

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Using Query Formula Information To Create Another Formula In A Seperate Query

Nov 20, 2006

I have a query that calculates input information into a value that then needs to be compared to another query values and will be used to output a % change in a third query. Is there any way to make this happen? Thank you in advance!

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Formula For Table Fields

Apr 23, 2007

I have two fields on a table that has numeric values.

I'd like to create a third field where i would just like to divide the two numbers, multiply by 100 and display the results on field three.

I can't use forms or reports as i need to be able to export this information to excel.

Can this be done?

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Complicated Formula For A Report

Dec 1, 2006


i wondered if anyone could help me with a formula i am trying to construct.
i have a report which is based on a query where the user types in the ID of the project they want to view.

here is a screen shot of the report

i wondered whether it was possible to have a calcualtion to show how much was spent on different categories.
so there would need to be a formula to calculate all those records named as timber thier indivdual cost times the quantity of each. i need this for each category of items.

is this possible?
any help is appreciated

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General :: Formula In Report

Mar 27, 2015

I want to be able to sum my net amount and other costs in my page footer but it is error why would this error in the page footer =Sum([net amount]) if I did that would it still give the total for more than one page on every page.

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Reports :: Sum Function Formula Does Not Display Answer In Report

Jul 1, 2013

I have an access report that there is One column among 9 of them, refuse to give answer.. Its suppose to Sum all the total of each line in the column. See Attachment. This report is group by ID and sort by Shift. The formula is: Sum([Rates]), and the Rate is list in Details Report where the Sum ([Rates]) is located in Id Footer section.

FYI, when I ran this report, it does not know what the Rate is. However, the rate is the formula which listed accordingly in the report details.

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Calculation (Formula) On Report Will Change Every Year - Preserve Historical Date

Oct 21, 2015

So I have a company where the bonus amount for a calculation can change quarterly - if a person accomplishes 50-100% of plan they get that % of their bonus amount.

I have that working on a variable detail DB where the historical data is correct for the report.

i.e. if I want to look at January - the report looks at the requested date: January and calculates using the bonus number from the last update made before January (year is also factored in)

So: January 2014 if they make 50% of plan and their bonus is $100 this month - they receive $50

Good - no problem

NOW: Every year the formula on the report Could Change - so next year if the person makes 50-100% of plan and 30% of secondary plan - they get 30%(% of Bonus)

So now: January 2015 if they make 30% of secondary plan and 50% of plan with $100 bonus the report would give .30*(.50*100) = 15

I can change the calculation on the report - BUT then how would I go back and accurately show what they got in January 2014

Would it require a different report per year?

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Counting Fields On A Record

May 22, 2006

Hi does anybody know how to count all the fields on a record that have a value? Therefore not counting the fields with a null value. Im sure it has something to do with the TotalData expression. Thanks.

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Counting 2 Columns/fields

Jul 17, 2006

I have been pulling my hair out over a query application and I'm looking for some help...

For instance, I have a table with [PrimaryName], [SecondaryName] and [JobDate]. I want a query that will display if there is more than one occurrence of the same name in either name field on the same date.

If it were just one field I could do this using GROUP BY and HAVING but because I need to check both name fields I'm stumped. I tried a union query but that seems to group multiple occurrences together as one entry.

Any help is appreciated.

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Counting Text Fields

Mar 6, 2005

Can anyone tell me how to count (sum) text fields. My current query will search for:

1) Name

2) Ticket Number (ww*, beginning of one type of ticket)

And it works fine except that after running the query I have to manually add up how many of the ww tickets each person wrote. Is there a way to make it change the ww* tickets to a number, like 1, so that it can be added up or to add up by the persons name how many tickets they wrote. I'm using Access 2000.

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Counting The Responses In A Report

Jun 20, 2006

I have a database for collecting evaluation responses for training. There are 20 questions, with a combo box for each with responses: agree, strongly agree, neutral, disagree, strongly disagree, n/a. I want to create a report that counts the number of responses for each question from a session. I don't know how to put a calculation field in a report to count the various responses and am not a programmer. Can someone help me.


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Reports :: Counting On A Report?

Feb 14, 2014

When entering information on the form, there is a combo box with 4 options

In Progress

There are several different areas on site here and i'd like to be able to set up a report which will count the amount of the above 4 possibilities for each section. For example i'd like the report to look something like below

Area A
Started 1
In Progress 6
Verified 3
Complete 5

Area B
Started 3
In Progress 9
Verified 21
Complete 11

So i'm displaying the number of jobs in each section and how far along they are at a glance

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Group Counting In A Report?

Nov 1, 2012

I have a group of inspectors who are assigned a group of buildings. I want to show a count of how many each inspector has. The end result should look like this:

Jones FSL 0: 0 FSL 1: 0 FSL 2: 1 FSL 3: 2 FSL 4: 2 Total: 5

Smith FSL 0: 0 FSL 1: 1 FSL 2: 2 FSL 3: 2 FSL 4: 1 Total: 6

White FSL 0: 1 FSL 1: 3 FSl 2: 0 FSL 3: 0 FSl 4: 0 Total: 4

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Counting Fields In Access Tables

Dec 9, 2004


I am currently creating a report form which only calculates
fields/columns in my main table. However I am currently struggling
counting text fields and checked fields as well as data fields in this

I want it to count all the "yes" checked fields in my main table targeting
another column's data e.g I've got column with Category listed as 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
Along with this there is a check box to say that a job was completed under cat. 1,
2, 3, 4 or 5.

I have managed to get the formula to cound all checked boxes in the databases,
but what about targeting only say category 1's checked boxes or category 2's checked
boxes. I need to work out %'s from these individual totals as well.

Any suggestions on this would be great!


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Problem With Counting Text Fields

May 18, 2005

I'm trying to build a query that will count items in a text field.

How do I do this. I know the statement should read something like this - SELECT COUNT([fieldname]) FROM [tablename] WHERE [fieldname]=yes;

Is this statement correct and where do I place it? Does it go in that specific column. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.

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Forms :: Counting How Many Fields Have A Specific Value

Nov 16, 2014

I have 7 combos, which for the most part set the value in another field - however, there are two values in the combo that do not have a value attached - one is AH, the other is SK. I have two textboxes (one for AH, one for SK) that I wish to have a count (preferably running) of how many times each of these values appears in the seven combo boxes.

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Queries :: Counting Multiple Yes / No Fields

Apr 26, 2013

I have a table, which is being populated by a number of users. The table has 211 rows (customer field - this is a fixed amount) and there are 5 other columns (information which might or might not be available for that customer) which are all yes/no fields. Each row may could have any combination of ticks in those 5 columns.

I have a form to fill out this information, but now I need to use the data.

I'm trying to create one query which counts how many of each field are populated. I need it to give me the total of each of the "information" columns, and another to give me a list of all of the customers which have at least one of the information columns ticked.

I will also need to be able to see how many customers have all of the information columns ticked, and how many have none.

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Report Question - Counting & Grouping

Dec 27, 2006

First of all, we have a database for all company customer cases (through out the whole year of 2006). Every case has its own priority level.

‘Priority’ column has three option, ‘High’, ‘Medium’, and ‘Low’.

We are new to Access, and we are trying group all the case month to month (group them by their created date) on separate pages. At the end of each monthly summary, we’d like to do a number count on ‘High’, ‘Medium’, and ‘Low’.

Here is a sample that we are trying to get to…

Sample Datebase,
Case #// Created Date// Priority Level
001 12/5/06 High
002 12/7/06 Low
003 12/3/06 High
004 12/1/06 Medium
005 11/9/06 Medium

Sample Report we are trying to get to...
Summary for December:
Case #// Created Date// Priority Level
001 12/5/06 High
002 12/7/06 Low
003 12/3/06 High
004 12/1/06 Medium

Total Case: 4
High Priority Case: 2
Medium Priority Case: 1
Low Priority Case: 1

your help will be very appreciated! :rolleyes:

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Counting Checked Checkboxes In A Report

Nov 1, 2004

I have a report, where some features are listed as checkboxes. I'd like to have all checked checkboxes counted at the end of report. I've created text field. What shuold be the command in it ? (to count only checked boxes).

Thanx for any help

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Counting Month Fields For The Current Year?

Nov 4, 2007


This is my first post here, but I've two questions so I'll divide it into two threads.

Normally I can google these to help find the answers but a bit of a loss at this one, probably beginners stuff to some of you.

Heres a link to the database below

Total count is easy: =Count(tblMain!ID1)

What I want to do is count the amount of records for each individual month of the current year so I don't have to change the year date everytime a new year comes round. As soon as the next year comes around they all reset to 0.

The clever way would be to count the records for the current month -1 current month -2 etc and automatically update the month labels but I think that would be getting a bit comlicated.

Thanks in advance for any help. :)

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Reports :: Blank Fields - Counting Times?

Feb 12, 2014

I have a report that is pulling data from a query and on the report, i have a controlled field that is supposed to count only data where a field says "no". Here is the string.

=Sum(IIf([Caller Used Resources]="No",1,0))

when i run the report i get the four results that say no, but i also get a blank field counting the times when this field is blank. If this field is blank, i don't want it to show anything.

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