Freeze/lock One Record In Subform

Dec 14, 2004

hi! I asked this question before, and i didn't understand the answer.
I have a form with a subform. at first, i disable the subform until the main form is filled completely. Then, I have a button to enable the subform. This button also disables the main form.
My first line in the subform needs to mirror the info in the main form. To do this, i open a recordset, and then use .AddNew to fill in the details.
I don't want this first line to be edit-able or delete-able once it has been filled. How do I lock it from being edited? Also, if I later decide to delete everything on the form, will i be able to clear the whole form if this line in the subform is locked?
Please helpp

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Forms :: Lock Button Based On Subform Cell Value

Aug 30, 2014

I got a problem about form designing. i need to disable my Close Command button while my subform Price cell is null and enable the Delete button.

And while delete button is pressed the delete action occurred and close button enabled.

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Record Lock

Dec 1, 2005

I have a created a database for insurance policies.
I'm using a form in the database to edit the data in the underlying table.
I use "pessimistic lock" in the database and in the form.
The database runs in a multi-user environment.

My question is the folowing:

When a user is editing a record, it is obvious that this record is set to
lock in the table (--> pessimistic lock), but the 4 records that are right before this record
are also locked too!

There is nobody else editing at that same moment in the database and it is
not a one-time occurence!

Can somebody help me out with this one... I'm realy desperite and I
searched the entire forum.

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Lock Down Record

Feb 2, 2005

Hi all. I have a form that when I click a button is automatically changes a field on another form and then closes both forms. Can I add anything to this button to stop that record from being altered again. IE. when i click on this close job button nobody can ever change the record again. Thanks.

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Cant Lock Record HELP!

Jun 15, 2006

Hi All, I've searched the forum and have found a lot of info on locking records/forms. I pulled this from a thread but it doesnt work. I have a subform with many fields with a check box. if the check box is true then I want to lock that record(or the form). I loaded this in the on current event and I can still edit the form and or record.

if me.closed = - 1 then

Me.AllowEdits = No
Me.AllowDeletions = No

Me.AllowEdits = yes
Me.AllowDeletions = yes


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Conditionally Lock Record

Apr 11, 2005

OS/Program :xp/Access 2002

The following problem. Within my main form I have a status field. Dependent of the status of the main field I would like to lock the total record in my sub form at once. Within which event of the sub form could I achieve this and which property locks a total record?


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Lock Edit Record

Dec 31, 2005


I'm new user here and I use Microsoft Access 2003 for my applications.

I use an mdb on a server (datas) and form on station over the network (application).

I would like to lock the record edit by user when this user press "modify" button and unlock the record when this user press "save" button to avoid with the other users modifying the recording.

Is it possible and how ?

Thanks for your answer.

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Lock A Record Through Application

Dec 13, 2006


I am a little bit confused with locking subject

I have a table in ms access database. it has some fields.

I access to this table through the application

but I want to fetch the information of a record and then lock this record. close the connection and then work on this information
after finishing works I want to update the record and then release the record.

the locks that I read are a little confusing

would you please help me and recommend a solution for this problem

thanks for attention
best regard

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Record Lock When Appending?

Jul 6, 2015

It should be noted that this is a shared database with the BE on a network. I have a process that allows users to create an Agenda for a meeting. In order to make the process more efficient the user selects a drop down box which then prefills attendees for that meeting. All very simple really, until more than one user attempts to run the process.

The issue is that this process runs a couple of queries. One to filter the attendees and then another to combine this information with the agenda information which is then finally appended to the MASTER Data tbl.

Is there a way that I can stop users using this at the same time by either giving an alert to the new users saying please wait and defer the process until the current process has completed and then the new request starts.

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Forms :: Disable / Lock Fields On Form And Subform Based On Checkbox

Feb 15, 2014

I am trying to lock records on a form and subform after a checkbox has been ticked, have used the code below from a previous post.

Private Sub Form_Current()
If Locked = -1 Then
Me.AllowEdits = False
Me.AllowAdditions = False
Me.AllowDeletions = False

[Code] .....

This is locking the Main form records is there a way to code this so that the fields on the subform are also locked when the checkbox is ticked?

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Combox Filter Then Lock Record

Oct 10, 2005


I have a combo box to select a record on a form.

I would like then record to lock once it is selected via the combox box and the combo box to clear.

If a records is slected again from the combo box it will then show the new record and lock it again.

The problem is users are sometimes using the mouse button to scroll and moving to a different records by accident.


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Modules & VBA :: Lock Record After Update

Mar 2, 2015

I have a form in datasheet view and on that form I have a yes/no tick box is it possible that when the tick box is ticked it locks the line from further entry.

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General :: Lock Record After Approval

Jan 26, 2015

Is there a way that when I field gets a password entered into a field the form can be locked so nothing on that record or subform linking to that record can be altered ...

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Freeze Form

Jul 14, 2006

Hey Guys,

Well i have a table with 39 observations. I made a form that updates the data of thid table. So the next values would be the observation number 40. What i wanted to do i that my form only showed the field that is not filled up, in this case would be the 40. Its like the form shows the 40 observation in blank and lets me fill up. After i fill it up it should only show me the 41 and so forth. And also block all the previous form editing.

Can anyone help

Thanks a lot :)

Kind regards

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Record Lock Status & Exist Query

Feb 12, 2007


I have had a search through the forum however am unable to find anything...

I have two questions:

a) How do I check whether someone else is currently accessing a record / form?

i.e. Opening the form (SchemeDetails) like this:

DoCmd.OpenForm "SchemeDetails", acNormal, "", "", acEdit, acNormal
DoCmd.GoToRecord acForm, "SchemeDetails", acGoTo, tempVal

Can I check if someone else is in the specified record before I open it? Record Locking is (deliberately) set to "No Locks".

b) How do I check to see if a table exists?

i.e. If DataTable2.Exists = True then ...
Or something like this?

Hope someone can help me!

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Tables :: Any Way To Lock A Single Record From Editing?

Dec 19, 2013

I use the first record of my table as a blank when the form is opened. Users are supposed to use a drop down to navigate to a record for updating. Some users have populated fields into my blank that i've had to go in and delete.

I'm wondering if there is a way to prevent that first record from being edited.

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Forms :: Lock Fields Once Record Is Closed

Aug 29, 2013

I have several forms in my database that have a closed (1=Closed) option button. Is there a way to make all of the fields for that record readonly if the closed option is set to equal 1?

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General :: Way To Get Access To Immediately Lock Record

Aug 15, 2013

I have a sales call tracking program.a list of available numbers are displayed to multiple users running the a user clicks on a record to get a call screen displayed with client info they then call the client and try for a sale.

the problem exists that two users can click on the same list record and open up the same call screen - they then both try to call the customer manually on the phone. one agent will get through the other will get a busy signal and record the call as a Busy Call. When the user with the customer is done he tries to record a Sale or No Sale and is met with an error message saying the record has been modified and they cannot save changes!!

I need a way to get access to immediately lock the record when it is clicked so only one person can open the call details screen? What is the best way to lock the records?

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Forms :: Temporarily Lock Form Field In A New Record

Jun 13, 2013

I would like to be able to lock a form's field temporarily until certain information has been added to other fields. Once the required fields are complete, I want to be able to allow the field to be updated.

Here is a simplified version of the table fields (only including relevant fields):

LastName (Text, Required field, Duplicates OK)
FirstName (Text, Required field, Duplicates OK)
CurrentEmployee (Yes/No field)

Basically, I don't want the user to be able to update the CurrentEmployee field in a new record until the LastName and FirstName fields have been completed.

The reason I want to prevent this is that when CurrentEmployee field is updated, the record is then assigned a ContactID number (PK autoID field) which means that my subform is assigned an ID# and the result is messy if the user decides to abort the creation of the record.

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Forms :: Lock Individual Record When Certain Check Box Ticked?

Dec 24, 2013

I want to lock an individual record when a certain check box is ticked so it can't be edited again. I've tried setting the form to read only when this check box is ticked on the form OnCurrent event, but this locked every record and I had to remove the code to untick the check box and be able to edit the record again.

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Lock And Un Lock A Text Field Through A CMD Button

Jun 13, 2005

I need to lock and unlock a a few text fields with a CMd Button.

and i do know about the allowedits thing, but i only need to apply this to a few fields on my form.

can some one throw me a clue?

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Now () When Adding (form), In A Table NOW () Must 'freeze'

Jan 8, 2006

When I add something in a table using a form, I always want an automatic date, namely today's date. So I set this in the form with NOW (). The only thing is, when I view my records a day later, it automatically adjusts the dates. I don't want to type in the date every time, because it's always todays date. But I don't want the table to adjust the data-capturing dates automatically.Any suggestions to get around this?

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List Box - Freeze Columns When Scrolling

Jun 3, 2005


I have a list box which sometimes needs extensive scrolling to the right to see other data.

Im wondering whether I can freeze the first few columns (key info) so I can trace the other data when scrolling. (i.e. like in an Excel spreadsheet)

I dont mind what coding if I have to - any suggestions please?

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Tables :: Lock Record From Erroneous Data Entry Or Editing?

Apr 12, 2013

Is it possible to have a 2 step confirmation process.

I have a yes/no control box to confirm that the record is OK or correct.

Is it possible to have a second process where by I can lock the record from erroneous data entry or editing? Like a "Post" in accounting.

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General :: Check Box Event - Lock Textboxes Depending On Each Record

Aug 30, 2013

I have a checkbox which when checked then turns textboxes to locked as below. However when I navigate to the next record which may not be checked the text boxes remain locked. I obviously want to lock the boxes depending on each record. I am navigating via the windows next/back record buttons. How do i do it?

Private Sub Check44_Click()
If Check44.Value = -1 Then
serial.Locked = True
gain.Locked = True
swst.Locked = True
serial.Locked = True
gain.Locked = True
swst.Locked = True
End If
End Sub

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Tables :: Lock Single Record In A Table To Be Read Only On Permanent Basis

Dec 29, 2014

I want to "lock" a record in a table so that it is read only and cannot be accessed/edited/deleted. Is it possible to lock a single record in this way on a permanent basis? It's actually the first record in the table.

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