Fried Graphics Card. What Do I Do?

Jun 4, 2006


I'm in a a lot of trouble. My graphics card has stopped functioning, leaving me with a perfectly good computer that I cannot use.

In order to retrieve the information from the harddisk, I got a cable between this computer and another one.

This is my plan:

When the "blind" computer is started, I will enter the cmd. From there I would like to be able to "share" one of my folders on the small network (ie the two computers). Is there a DOS command for this?

second question:

If I have VNC server installed, will I be able to see the desktop from another computer allthough I can't see it on the blind computer? Does that information go through the graphics card before it is sent over the internet, or after it has arrived in the VNC viewer computer?


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Oct 6, 2005

Just wondered what was everyones opinion on how I should best included a graphic file (just for the eye it has no functional purpose). At the moment i have just pasted it in but it increases the size from 1mb to 17mb.

Thank :cool: :) :cool:

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Animated Graphics

Jan 18, 2008

Is it possible to insert animated graphics into a switchboard?

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New Twist On Graphics

Sep 17, 2006

I have read, mostly understood, and abandoned most of the KB and WWF suggestions on using images in forms. I am _this_ close to having it my way, but I can't seem to get there.

The paper form I am emulating has a medical diagram of the human body, and the interviewer circles, crosses, or otherwise marks a particular part (say head or foot) that the interviewee indicates is giving him/her pain. In order to do this on a form, I need to load a blank medical image into a field, and let the interviewer edit the image as they would on paper, by leaving cirlcles or X's.

One of the Northwind examples uses embedded images in an OLE field, and when I double-click the image is brought up in 'Paint', and I can edit. Close to what I want. I can also copy the employee photo from one record to a new record, and still edit. Closer yet. But when I try to put in a new image, I'm back to the icon-with-file-name, or 'package', or varous other ways of not seeing a picture.

Has anybody had success with this yet?



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Form Graphics

Oct 17, 2005

does anyone know if is possible to create some forms with different graphics like round edges etc.
Does Access allow this kind of utility or are we stuck to simple ones? THanks.

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Need Help With Combobox And Graphics On Form

Dec 14, 2005

I have a form that is bound to a table of chemicals. On the form I have a combobox that displays records from another table of chromatograms for each chemical. There may be none, one, or multiple chromatograms for each chemical.

On the form I also have a graphic to display the chromatogram (.jpg file).

I want to have the graphic of the chromatogram update upon the change of chemical on the form. At the present time, I have the graphic display from the after_update event of the combobox. This works fine.

Is this the best way to proceed, or should I use a subform for what I'm trying to do.

Any help wouuld be greatly appreciated!

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Graphics In A Form (show/hide)

Jul 26, 2007


I've got Form with some drawings on it and I'd like it change depending on what the user has entered in certain fields on the same form.
For Example: when the user selects a certain type of item in the "Item1" field, I'd like the graphic to change (or another one appear) in the form. Basically an "If this is true, show this picture" type thing.
I've been trying a few things to make this happen, but to no avail... :(
Any incite anyone could give would be most appreciated.



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Forms Queries With Graphics? Bill Get Up

Nov 4, 2006

Does anyone try to play with graphics? I use a form with 3 tabs and tree forms the second form (tab) I get some numbers from a customer and in the 3rd form I got a graphics with these two numbers but there not working ..i try to get these numbers from the form direct .. I get it but I can see only the numbers and not the graphic…
I try it with a query I get the numbers (Like CustomerId= forms!frm_customers!id or forms! or what ever workd) I get the numbers but again when I try to see in my tab the form or the form only I can’t see the graphic//
Does enyone know what happen?

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Inline Graphics In Text Fields

Oct 25, 2013

I am in the process of creating a 'how to' knowledge database using MS Access. I would like to create an input form that has a large field capable of entering both text and graphics.For example, the data inside Field1 would say...

How do I change the resolution of a monitor?
Step 1: Right click in the middle of the screen
<Display picture>
Step 2: Select Screen Resolution
<Display picture>
Step 3: Etc.

The total number of steps and pictures for each knowledge article would be different for each item. There could be 1 picture in the article, or there could be 50.

Sadly however, I don't see any field types that could support what I would like to do. So far I've only seen examples where the pictures and texts are separate and static. I'm open to using links to point to the pictures inside the text field to a remote folder. I'm even open to creating a report that takes all of the information on the input form and organizes it in a way so it looks like the example given above. Are there any scripts, controls, or template examples I could look at?

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Using A * (Wild Card) In Pop Up Box?

Aug 3, 2004

Is it possible to use a * (Wild Card) in a pop up box for a query?

I read the previous post about pop up boxes for quires and it worked worked great! I created one for my month field

My criteria in my search fieled is a follows:

As you can see someone would have to type a 08-August to get the results for August, can a wild card be used? Example 08* would return all of 08-August data. I tried it but it wouldn't return any data.

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks, Scott

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Wireless Network Card

Dec 21, 2005

Sorry All,
I have a simple question, how can I tell if my laptop has a wireless network in it. Thanks.

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Magnetic Card Reader

Apr 7, 2008

Looking at creating a database that looks up records based on a number from a magnetic card. Has anyone ever come across any code that will pull the info from the serial port? I have been looking for 2 days and not able to find anything. I have the card reader but do not have any software to get the info from the serial port and my limted coding does not even come close to what I need. Any help or a push in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.


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Business Card Scanner

Nov 17, 2006

I want to use a business card scanner, and use the data for my Access 2000 order database. Most card scanners, can send data to Outlook, can you go from Outlook to Access? Any advise would be appreciate it . . . THANKS!:o

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Wild Card In IIF Statement

Jan 28, 2008

I am using a criteria entry form as the source of parameters for a select query, and I am using IIF statements in the query so that if the user does not want to specify for that particular field, the search still works based on the other parameters specified. Therefore the statement I am using is;

IIf([Forms]![Criteria Form]![Customer Account] Is Not Null,[Forms]![Criteria Form]![Customer Account],[Data]![Customer Account]).

This works.

However for some of the criteria I want to also use wild cards, so that the user can enter just part of the data, and the relevant records will be returned. I understand that wild cards cannot be embedded into the IIF statement above.

I have tried many methods, and trawled the web for ideas, but I cannot get this to work. I either want the user to enter the wild card themselves ie "100*" returning records starting with "100", or for the query to append the wild card itself.

Can someone help please?

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Wild Card Name Searching Help

Feb 27, 2008

How would I make a query find a person like this:

Inputted Data: Smit
Outputted Data: Smith, Smithy etc..

The formula I have entered in the criteria of my query is:
Like [Enter the person's last name]

With this formula, if I type Smith, then the data that comes out is Smith. But if I type in smit or smi, Smith doesnt come out.


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Wild Card Searches

Jun 22, 2005

Ive read loads of posts about Wildcard searches but am unable to find the answer to my problem. In one of my boxes on my search form the user places in the search criteria value, this can be from A1 - A16 all the way to G16. At the moment i'm using this as my seasrch query:


So if I put in C1 then I get all the C1's, great. If I want to wildcard then I put in Like "*" & [Forms]![Search]![BoxNo] &"*", and again it works, this time it call enything with C1 in it i.e C13.

How can I adjust my query to do both, sometimes I only want the exact match othertimes I want to wildcard :confused:

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Credit Card Processing

Apr 18, 2005

Does anyone know of any software or have any code that would allow to process credit cards.

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Employee Time Card System

Nov 15, 2006

I need to develope a system that will allow for employees to login and imput their "time card". I found one post on here about something similar, but it didn't give much info. I am very very new to Access so please give info in simple terms or very well explained. I am hoping that I can have a login and password so employees can't access eachothers time card. All it will need to track is
Type of work
I am hoping that this is going to be an easy task, but I need some help. Anyone have any ideas or directions... or even better know where I could just download a template.

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Modules & VBA :: Authenticating User Using Their ID Card

Jun 30, 2014

I want to create a database that utilizes the user's ID card to authenticate them and tie any changes to their name.If not that way, using their stored information (SSN, or other ID) as a means of creating a username/password. I've never messed with creating different user levels in Access so this is uncharted territory for me.

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Wild Card On Search Form Issue

Nov 3, 2007

Hi all,

I need a little help with a wild card issue, Ive looked and looked and cant spot whats wrong.

I have two forms "Requisitioner" & "Engineers", each form has a subform.
These are basic search forms (unbound) that find related records in the subforms. The work is done in the query of the subform and then the form is refreshed. I have used this approach many many times without issue until now.

If the engineers form is opened "G*" is entered into the text box then all the entries beginning with "G" are found in the subform.

If the "*" is then removed from the text box leaving "G" no results are found in the subform, (Working Correctly)

Now if the "*" is added again "G*" then the subform shows all the entries beginning with "G"

Everything is good with the Engineers Form, If the same steps are made on the Requisitioners form after adding the "*" again no records are displayed.

I could change the way this works by doing a recordset find but i really want to know why this is working on one form but not on another.

I would appreciate any help with this.


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Seeking Much Help With Generating A Card Number From Another Field

Jan 14, 2008

Hi guys,

I need some help here and any would be muchly apprieciated.

I am building a database for a theme park fast pass system where a customer can book themselves a place on a ride at three session times a day.

Now my problem is, that I need to generate a card number. 5555 1946 as the first 8 digits (this always stays the same) and then the last 8 digits is the customer ID number, which is in the same table. So there are 16 digits in total.

Let me give you an example:

A new customer registers and are assigned a customer ID of 1000 0001. Therefore the Card Number for that customer must be 5555 1946 1000 0001.

I have used auto number for customer ID so when a new customer signs up, there ID is 1 more that highest already in te database.

Simple question really...but how is this done?

A million marks for someone who breaks it! Hehe


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Table Design For A Clock Card System

Jan 8, 2005

i'm try to create a database to record staff sign in and out times and to get reports but i cannot for the life of me get it working after many many efforts. can any one help me?

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ID Card Making Printing And Data Base

Oct 23, 2004

I have got a dbase created however getting it to print in the order I need for the PVC Id card just is not working.

Any Ideas


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Queries :: Wild Card Searches With Brackets

Jun 26, 2014

I want to prompt the user to enter a merchant name, but want the results to return close matches.I know how to use the wildcard in the Criteria field of the query, but I want to use brackets.I know that "*Southwest*" Will return Southwest Airlines.So I tried *[Southwest Airlines]* and it treats the criteria like a text string.

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Forms :: Hyphen Not As Wild Card Character

May 18, 2013

I have a series of dates that I inherited from former DB. Some of the dates are Mon-Fri, Mon-Thu, Sun-Fri, etc. That is, there is a hyphen "-" in the middle of the text. I have an unbound control with an IIF statement using the LIKE condition, I just get an error. I tired the following to no avail. Using Access 2010.

IIF([Day1] Like "*-*", 5, 1)
IIF([Day1] like "-", 5, 1)
IIF ([Day1] like '-', 5, 1)
IIF ([Day1] like [-], 5, 1)

I've looked it up and the hyphen _ is used as a wild card character, but I need to include it just as a dash.

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Open A Card Directly From Table View

Jun 7, 2015

In fact, I have one principal d/b running on my access, ad/b which I had imported from my iPad... The import went smoothly enough but I face this problem. I usually scroll the table in order to locate a patient's name.

I can't find a way to select this line and have it switched to a card view in order to update it. I need to move to card view, search from there in order to locate this person in card view. I am sure there is a way to select a line ( a record) in table view and jump from there directly into this record in card view.

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