Functions Work In Code But Not Queries

Feb 14, 2007

I have a problem where I can create queries in code using functions such as Left() and they will work fine on my clients machines with a complied MDE file but if I try to use the same function in a saved querie they get an error: "Function is not available in expressions in query expression..."

The Queries work fine on my machine but not on those using Access Runtime. From my research it appears to be a problem with them not having the correct Reference on their machine. If that is true then which Reference do they need and is there away of installing that Reference by code?

Thanks for your help....

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Changing Record Source - No Functions / Events Work

Oct 24, 2012

I have created a system consisting of a data entry form etc. It was originally connected to one record source exported from a sharepoint site.I had to add a field to the sharepoint site and so i created this additional field and re-exported the data and changed the forms record source and all occurences in the code of previous to new record source.

However, this change of record source produces the following error on every single event.The expression On Load you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: member already exists in an object from which this object module derives.

I tried to break the code as soon as it hits the load function to track the error - but it doesn't even run this function so the code is not executing at all.When i connect back to the old record source it works fine.

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Can Not Get Code To Work.

Sep 9, 2006

Hi, can someone help me with this code I do not get a return ( 5 ) or ( 10 ) ( 15 ).
Anyone have a solution,any help would be appreciated.

Private Sub cust_credit_score_1_AfterUpdate()

If [Forms]![test credit]![cust_credit_reply_1] = " [Bad Credit]" Then
[Forms]![test credit]![cust_credit_score_1] = 5


If [Forms]![test credit]![cust_credit_reply_1] = " [Poor Credit]" Then
[Forms]![test credit]![cust_credit_score_1] = 10


[Forms]![test credit]![cust_credit_score_1] = 15

End If

End If
End Sub

Thank You John527

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I Am Stumped As To Why This Simple Code Won't Work...

Nov 2, 2006

Form: frmProduct
Field: unitprice.

I have some simple validation that unit price is greater than 0. The code is this:

If Me.txtUnitPrice.Value <= 0 Then
MsgBox "Please enter a value greater than zero", vbOKOnly, "Alert"
Me.txtUnitPrice.Value = Null
End If

However, when I run it, the setfocus doesn't work. It jumps straight into the next field. I can make it run to any other field (productname, productID). But not back to UnitPrice.

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General Q - Code And Why It Doesnt Work All Of The Time

Feb 6, 2008

I am wondering why access does not follow its own code all of the time?

For example I have passworded forms following the tutorial on the Microsoft site. It mostly works when the participants fills in the wrong password we will get an error message box and when they cancel the password dialogue box it wont let the person enter the form - but not all the time. Sometimes if you press cancel it still opens the form anyway (without requiring the correct password).

This is similar with the module that I put in to prevent people from using the mousewheel to leave their record etc. Most times it works but sometimes it just isnt called on form load.

There is nothing wrong with any of these codes and when they work they work well but I cant seem to rely on access to do what is supposed to?

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Tabbed Pages - Code Doesn't Seem To Work

Nov 13, 2006

I'm using a 5-tabbed form and have put it in my detail section.
Within the on click event of one tab knob i would like to activate some knobs in the form header where the tab resides on.

I've coded everything properly but in one or other way access doesn't seem to communicate between the tabbed form within the details and the form header. Anybody an idea?

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Modules & VBA :: Repaint Doesn't Work Until End Of Code

Jul 31, 2015

I have a process which runs lots of slow append queries, so I want to reassure the user of progress, by changing the font colour of labels to green when the relevant queries have finished. This is the code I'm using

'Update the older data if that option is selected
If Me.Menu_YearOption.Value = 1 Then
DoCmd.OpenQuery "2-10 Append FY1112"
Me.lbl1112.ForeColor = 32768
DoCmd.OpenQuery "2-12 Append FY1213"


Each query takes about a minute to run, as it gets data from a sharepoint server, but the labels don't turn green one at a time as expected. Instead, I get the spinning wheel until all the queries have run, then all the labels turn green together.

Is there something else I should be doing rather than Me.Repaint ?

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VBA Code Doesn't Work After Saving In ACCDE

Oct 2, 2014

I saved my front end db as .accde in order to distribute it without user being able to edit my objects. As it turned out, when I open the .accde now I see my code doesn't work anymore. I have a lot of startup code and now it doesn't trigger at startup. Basically all my forms use vba code and none of them works in .accde . Accdb version works without any issue.

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General :: Break Points In Code Module Fail To Work

Oct 16, 2013

Does your Tools Reference have an MS Office 15.0 Object Library?

Just had to share this strange occurrence in the VB Code Module:

I use breakpoints all the time, was just using them yesterday.

Noticed that some events seemed to act differently this morning. The front-end was approaching 88 MB (after compress) so it is time for a change anyway.

Created a new blank Access dB (Access 2010) and imported all objects from my last backup revision. Reset the home page and tools References. Matched the settings side by side. As usual, the database shrank from 88 MB to 60 MB. The import all objects will usually compress things about this much.

From the screen shot, put breakpoints in previous code, added a new Lost-focus event and added a message box. None of the breakpoints work. The message box fires on the lost_focus and all of the code in the Click event works fine. But, not a single break point would work.

Totally powered down and restarted the Windows 7 32 bit Enterprise workstation. Still no change.

Took the screen shot of Tool-References from the code module of a two week old archive version. Used it to evaluate my new imported object database.To my surprise, the Microsoft Office 14.0 Object library is now Microsoft Office 15.0 Object Library.Also put all the objects back in the same order. Saved and closed the new imported object database.Now, the breakpoints work just fine.

I had failed to reference the Office 15 Object Library and the VBA Extensibility 5.Office 14 Object Library is nowhere to be found except on my 2 week old backup archive.

Is this a Microsoft auto update? Is this what drives the breakpoint in the code module?

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Queries And Functions

Mar 20, 2007


I need some help with a function inserted into a query.

I created a function to convert numbers into text. I then created a query to pull some fields from a table. the last field of the query, I inserted the function using the build feature. I was able to see the function in the list of custom functions for the query.

However, when I run the query I get an error message of undefined function - name-. Can I use my function there? or is there some other way to do so.

thanks for any help received.



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Queries And Functions Help

Aug 25, 2006

what im trying to do is use the code below, coupled with a append query, to
make the value of the 'lag' variable go into the feild in 'tblplayer' 'Lowes

can anyone see what im doing wrong?

any help would be much apreciated


Public Function fnlag()

Dim cutof As Date
Dim age As String
Dim Birthdate As Date
Dim age1 As String
Dim lag As String

cutof = DLookup("[cutoff]", "[tblseason]", "[tblseason].[is_current] = -1")
Birthdate = DLookup("[Birthdate]", "[tblplayer]")
lag = 1
lag = DLookup("[Lowest_age_group]", "[tblplayer]")

age = DateDiff("yyyy", Birthdate, cutof, vbMonday, vbFirstJan1)
'MsgBox (age)
lag = age + 1

End Function

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Functions In Queries / Expression Builder

Dec 3, 2004

Hi, I need some help using functions in queries. I can calculate simple arithmetic in calculated fields, but fail when using functions. For example I have attached a doc file showing a query. One table displays record ids, the other four have data for consecutive dates for each record. I cannot make the query calculate the standard deviation of the data for each record. What expression would I use, I know it is stdevp but when i try and create the expression i get error messages galore.


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Queries :: Aggregate Functions With Conditions?

Mar 22, 2013

I have the following query. I got an error when I ran it.

SELECT COUNT([encounter_number] WHERE status = 'Death')/ COUNT([encounter_number]) AS Death Ratio, tbl_test.facility_type AS Type,
FROM tbl_test
GROUP BY tbl_test.facility_type;

I think the problem is that first WHERE clause inside.

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Queries :: IIF Statement With Date Functions

Feb 24, 2014

My goal is if the current date = 1st - 4th of the month to return the failure_date if it is >= 1st of the prior month and <= 4th of the current month (ie, 01/01/14 - 02/04/14)

this works:
>=DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date())-1,1) And <=DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date()),4)

But if the current date > 5th of the month to return the failure_date if it is >= 1st of the current month and <= 4th of the next month.(ie 02/01/14 - 03/04/14)

this works
>=DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date()),1) And <=DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date())+1,4)

But when I put it in the iif statement if will not work:

IIf(Date()>DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date()),4 ),>=DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date()),1) And <=DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date())+1,4),>=Dat eSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date())-1,1) And <=DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date()),4))

SELECT table_testing_dates.Failure_Date, table_testing_dates.Failure_Date, table_testing_dates.FailureGrouping
FROM table_testing_dates
WHERE (((table_testing_dates.Failure_Date)=IIf(Date()>Da teSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date()),4),(table_test ing_dates.Failure_Date)>=DateSerial(Year(Date()),M onth(Date()),1) And (table_testing_dates.Failure_Date)<=DateSerial(Yea r(Date()),Month(Date())+1,4),(table_testing_dates. Failure_Date)>=DateSerial(Year(Date()),Month(Date( ))-1,1) And (table_testing_dates.Failure_Date)<=DateSerial(Yea r(Date()),Month(Date()),4))));

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Queries :: Semicolons As Parameter Separator In Functions

Sep 8, 2014

I used to use commas as a parameter separator, but for some reason it is now a semicolon. How can I change it back to a comma?

Currently this works:

SELECT IIF(MyExpression; TrueThing; FalseThing)
FROM ...

Want to use (and have used before):

SELECT IIF(MyExpression, TrueThing, FalseThing)
FROM ...

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Troubles With Aggregate Functions In Queries And Null Values

Jun 26, 2007

I'm having a problem with queries, and I can't seem to find a solution in books - I looked through about ten of them and none of them addressed the problem. This may be because it has a painfully obvious solution...

A little background:
I am designing a database for a debt-collection law firm. One of the functions it must have is to keep track of various different sorts of financial transactions which can pertain to a given debtor (ie, a received payment, a cost expended, and a few other things).

The problem is that, in generating reports, I need to use queries to find several sums of only those transactions which fall into specific categories (for instance, to calculate the amount a debtor has paid against his balance, it needs to sum only those entries which are both linked to that debtor's ID number and whose type field reads "payment", and then subtract from that those entries whose type field reads "cost"). The problem is this: not all debtors may have "costs" entries, and when there are none, the report comes up blank with a single "#Error" written in the name field and nothing else present.

I believe the problem is that the Sum aggregate is returning a null value when the query finds nothing that meets the criteria. I have been unable to find a way around this; the Nz() and IIf() with IsNull() functions don't seem to be helping.

The query runs as intended when there are entries for every relevant type; however, it is undesired to have to enter a "payment" of $0, "cost" of $0 etc for every entry just so that this function works.

Is there anything I can do about this? Any input would be appreciated, as I'm fairly inexperienced with the use of Office Access. (If it matters, I am using Office 2003).

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Queries :: IIF Functions - Control Source Of A Field In Form Data

May 8, 2014

I am new to access, after learning basics I am trying to build my first DB.

Having some troubles with the IIF syntax. I am placing the formula

=IIf([Total]<=(200),[Total]*(0.7)) & IIf([Total]>(201)&[Total]<=(500),[Total]-(200)*(1)+(140)) & IIf([Total]>(501),[Total]-(500)*(1.2)+(300)+(140))

In the form data control source of a field. The first 2 statement seems to work, but the last statement results in some crazzy figures.

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Queries :: Applying Multiple Count Functions With WHERE Criteria Without Affecting Others

Dec 11, 2013

Any way to use multiple count functions in a query with their own individual filters without affect the others?

For example:

SELECT [E&I Table].System, [E&I Table].DeleteRecord, Count([E&I Table].[Status#1]) AS [CountOfStatus#1], Count([E&I Table].[Status#2]) AS [CountOfStatus#2]
FROM [E&I Table]
WHERE ((([E&I Table].[Status#1]) Like "ITR Rcv'd by QA" Or ([E&I Table].[Status#1]) Like "Completed" Or ([E&I Table].[Status#1]) Like "Ready for T/O" Or ([E&I Table].[Status#1]) Like "Reviewed by JVV") AND (([E&I Table].[Status#2]) Like "ITR Rcv'd by QA" Or ([E&I Table].[Status#2]) Like "Completed" Or ([E&I Table].[Status#2]) Like "Ready for T/O" Or ([E&I Table].[Status#2]) Like "Reviewed by JVV"))
GROUP BY [E&I Table].System, [E&I Table].DeleteRecord;

I am trying to count in each column of the E&I table with criteria using WHERE but the problem is when you have more than 1 WHERE it affects the other columns as well... tried a bunch of different ways and I am now having to create seperate Queries than combine them using another Query...

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Search Code Work On One Form But Not The Other Form?

Jul 18, 2015

* This code works to search frmMember for criteria found in tblMember:

Private Sub cmdSearch_Click()
If Len(cboSearchField) = 0 Or IsNull(cboSearchField) = True Then
MsgBox "You must select a field to search."
ElseIf Len(txtSearchString) = 0 Or IsNull(txtSearchString) = True Then
MsgBox "You must enter a search string."

[Code] ....

* But this next code which I have copied and Pasted to frmEventInput, then renamed the frm and tbl, retrieves the same criteria as the above (tblMember) instead of the tblEventInfo...

Private Sub cmdSearch_Click()
If Len(cboSearchField) = 0 Or IsNull(cboSearchField) = True Then
MsgBox "You must select a field to search."
ElseIf Len(txtSearchString) = 0 Or IsNull(txtSearchString) = True Then
MsgBox "You must enter a search string."


What am I missing?

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Can 2 Random Queries Work?

Sep 27, 2005

Hi all,

I am not real sure whether or not this can be done with a query, but here goes.
I have a query randomly selecting the top 6 from a selected group.

SELECT TOP 6 tblConsortium.ContactID, tblConsortium.RandomID, patients.LastName & ", " & Patients.Firstname AS [Employee Name], Contacts.Company AS [Company Name]
FROM patients INNER JOIN (Contacts INNER JOIN tblConsortium ON Contacts.ContactID=tblConsortium.ContactID) ON patients.PatientID=tblConsortium.PatientID
WHERE (((tblConsortium.ContactID) In (SELECT ContactID FROM tblConsortium GROUP BY ContactID HAVING Count(*) <25))) And (((tblConsortium.PatientID)=Randomizer())=0)
ORDER BY Rnd(IsNull(tblConsortium.patientID)*0+1);

What I would like to do now is: The randomly selected Employees need to have a randomly selected TEST. There are only 3-Test to choose from. I have placed the TESTS in a separate table and entered 20 of TEST1, 4 of TEST2, and 1 of TEST3. I then set a query randomly shuffling these items. I need these TESTS to randomly be assigned to the randomly selected Employees above.

I would greatly appreciate any thoughts or help…
Thanks Enviva

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Queries :: IIF With Sum Doesn't Work

Jan 9, 2014

I need to do the price in table [price] multiply by 1.20 if the price is higher then 150. If the price is between 75 and 150 it have to multiply by 1.25. Continue... continue... continue...

expr1: IIF([Price]>"150",[Price]*1.20,IIF([Price]>75,"[Price]*1.25",IIF([Price]>50,"[Price]*1.28",IIF([Price]>30,"[Price]*1.35",IIF([Price]>15,"[Price]*1.45",IIF([Price]>0,"[Price]*1.6"))))))

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Need To Standardize Some Records So My Queries Will Work.

Jun 20, 2007

The records that I'm working with are pulled weekly from another db, which has been modified by a boatload of folks, over the years. Every one of them had their little ways of doing things.
The data in "Product" field isn't always entered the same way. For example:
SS_11_0101__Z2 and SS 11__0101_Z2 and SS 11 0101 Z2 are all the same product, just apparently selected from different drop down boxes which (of course) are usually slightly different, usually a problem with the underscores.

This is causing me to miss some listings when I run my queries.
Fixing the main db is NOT an option.
What I need to do is figure out how to find any "_" (underscores) and replace them with a single space, in my db.

I run some searches here, but haven't found anything that triggered an "AHA!" moment.
Anyone have any recommendations about how to tackle this?
Update query, Replace() function or maybe a macro?

As always, thanks in advance for any suggestions you may have.


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Two Queries Almost Identical Except One Doesn't Work

Nov 23, 2006

I have an access 2003 database which holds data for lorry loads of timber delivered to different places at different prices and by different hauliers who get paid different ammounts.

I have tables that hold the prices for both haulage (sorted by the delivery location and haulier) and product price (sorted by the delivery location and the haulier.

I have two almost identical queries which give the haulage price for a particular load and the product price for a particular load.

Only the haulage prices seem to be returned - i have checked the settings and relationships in each of the tables invlovled and they appear to be that same.

Why would one query return the value and the other not???

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Queries :: Last ID From TblTest Cannot Work With DLookup

Jan 13, 2014

I read a lot about retrieving the LAST generated Identity from an SQL-server table. Everythings seems to work, but I get a wrong result.It seems that SELECT SCOPE_Identity does not work with access when working with such a code for example:

strsql = "INSERT INTO tbltest ( myDate ) " _
& "SELECT '" & dteDate & "' AS dte; SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() AS TestID; "
Call SQL_PassThrough(strsql,"myTest_PT")

2nd parameter is an existing PT-Query with the connection and return values=yes. If no 2nd para then there is no resultset, only the insert.

So I changed it to:
strsql = "INSERT INTO tbltest ( myDate ) " _
& "SELECT '" & dteDate & "' AS dte; "
Call SQL_PassThrough(strsql)
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("select @@Identity as TestID from tblTest")
lastID = rs("TestID")

This brings me to my big surprise an Identity from ANOTHER (!!) table, but not the last one from tbltest. The code is running for test reasons in another modul and not in the one I creating the received ID.

As I have to get for sure the last ID from tblTest I cannot work with DLookup, as in my multisuer App this is not sure a construction where I get the last ID from the table where I just made my insert.

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Queries :: Sum To Work Out Annual Leave

Mar 6, 2015

I have a database with shifts in for staff. They have a bunch of times in and times out over a four week period. I have gotten an average weekly amount of hours for each staff member based on this but I need another equasion to work out their leave entitlement. It breaks down like this...

Average weekly hours x 5.6 x number of days working in this period (ie start date and end of financial year day count) divided by number of days in the financial year (ie 1/4/2015 - 31/3/2016 day count)

I'm just wondering of a way to do the day count based on me keying in the start date of the staff member (default 1/4/2015) and that access can work out the days in that financial year left and the actual days in that financial year.

It sounds simple enough but I want to get it to automate based on my start date.

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Queries :: How To Make Whole Statement To Work

Jun 14, 2013

I am trying to get an IIf statement to work, but I am not quite sure how I can lay it out properly so that it works.So this is what I need

(IIf(Not IsNull([SAON_TEXT]),[SAON_TEXT] & " ","") & (IIf(Not IsNull([SAON_START_NUM]),[SAON_START_NUM],"") & IIf(Not IsNull([SAON_START_SUFFIX]),[SAON_START_SUFFIX] & " ") & IIf(Not IsNull([SAON_END_NUM])," - " & [SAON_END_NUM] & " ","") & IIf(Not IsNull([SAON_END_SUFFIX]),[SAON_END_SUFFIX] & " ","") & IIF(([PAON_TEXT]= "Abbey Parade" AND [SAON_TEXT] AND [SAON_START_NUM])," ","") & iif(NOT IsNull([PAON_START_NUM])," " & [PAON_TEXT],"")

I know the syntax for the FALSE PART is wrong how can I make the whole statement to work?

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