Fundamental Design Issue? Form Doesn't Populate Through Db As Desired.

Aug 3, 2007

My database is for Records Management of HSE Files. There are tables built for each of the seperate pieces of information (example: Categories contains a code column and a description column (101 - Air Management). The Data Entry form for the Files Table requires the entry of the Category code and the Category description in order to populate the Files Table. The Labels Report pulls from the Files Table, and if both the Category code and Category description are not populated in the Files Table (which is populated from the Data Entry Form) then the Labels Report does not produce the correct information. Plus, the Catagory code column and the Category description column both have to have the code in order to have the Labels Report produce the Category description (and not the code).

As well, in my Data Entry Form I would like to only enter in '101' and have 'Air Management' automagically populate (I've done it once - but it doesn't replicate through the Database to the Files Table! And then I have to input the data directly into the Files Table to make the Labels Report produce the labels. argh!).

I am wondering - do I even need the two columns in the Files Table (Category code and Category description) or should I just have the one (Category code) and somehow build the Labels report to replace the Category code with the Category description - and would that have something to do with the bound columns?

I've been pulling out my hair on this for a while, but as I have more and more files to enter into the database, I'm not so intersted in entering in data twice!

Thank you for any assistance you can provide.

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More Fundamental Security

Jun 2, 2005

I've searched the forums and can find loads of info about 'user level security' and 'workgroups security'. There's so much, I'm lost in the forest.

What I can't find is at a more fundamental level.

Even if I secure access internally to what users can and can't do, what's to stop an employee directly deleting the complete database over the network as Access requires you to apply 'modify' share permissions to the backend so that network users can use the database.

We have a workgroup network (not domain), I share the backend out to users on other PC (typically XP Home and Professional) and internal access security is fine.

Am I missing something very fundamental or can anyone simply 'delete' the total backend should they so desire ??

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Fundamental Database Structure

Oct 27, 2005

Hi People,

I am building a database of in-car audio systems. Stored in this are simple things like vehicle information, audio brand and other general information. The main information I need to store includes details about speakers (position, quantity, material, range, size etc.) and amplifiers (power output, no. of channels etc.). Sounds simple I hope.

I have been thinking about this extensively and have come up with two solutions, each with its own pros and cons. My primary concern here is how the speaker and amplifier information is stored:

1) Tables specific to car regions (e.g. Rear Speakers, Front Speaker, Surround Speakers) have the fields 'Range', 'Material', Size, etc. Range and material can read their values from other look-up tables no probs. These would be linked to the main table via it's primary key in a 1-M relationship.
Ease of construction and general handling of data
Flexibilty/expandability (in terms of speaker quantity)
When it comes to data entry the form would need to be continuous and continuous forms I have found to be a pain in terms of referring to individual records!
I want some of these controls to conrol a diagram for my report (and input form) - such that they show/hide speaker pictures on a car diagram. Also, I have not yet figured out how to validate a continuous form in this situation or delete records from it either (should the user makes an error).

2) Again, tables specific to car regions but this time with a field for each speaker range (mid-range, tweeter, woofer, etc.) and it's associated data, tied to the main table via the main table ID in 1:M relationships.
Easy to manipulate form/report properties because every speaker has its own field
Easier to remove erroneous data (I imagine)
More complex construction (and less efficient) - e.g. material occurs more than once for each record so to look up material form a central pool requires an intermediate table
Many many more fields!
Non-expandable in terms of speaker quantity

Similar principals can be applied to amplifiers so I haven't mentioned those.

So what do you think? Or is there another way...

Hope that all makes sense!

Thanks for your time,


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Queries :: Save INTO With Desired Name

Mar 4, 2014

How I can save a Query result with a desired name. I use the following simple code.

FROM Query;

Now the results will be saved in "Table" but I want acces to ask me for what to call the table when the query is runned. Is that possible with a query?

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Forms :: Cannot Get Desired Data

Oct 31, 2013

I have a table called tblObligMstr. I have a form called frmAmendRecord that is based (bound) on tblObligMstr - three of the fields are ID, IntControlNr, and Amend.

There is also a subform named tblObligMstrSubform. The Link Master and Link Child for the subform fields is IntControlNr. So the subform shows all of the records that have a specific IntControlNr. The form shows the data associated with the first record with a specific IntControlNr

Here is the problem -

The purpose of the form is to show the data for the last record (not the first) in the subform list of records. Certain data on the form can be edited, and then the edited form needs to be saved as a new record in tblObligMstr.

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Application Not Giving Desired Results

Jul 21, 2006

Hi There
we have a ms access application which pools data from AS400.
we have scheduled it for every week but there is a situation when its missing the data to feed the tables.
but when we run the queries manually it gives the desired results.
all kind of response are welcome

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Append Qry Not Returning Desired Results

Jan 17, 2005

I have built a query that should append to another table. Please see SQL below -

INSERT INTO tblMyBackupContent ( LoginName, Title, Type, Code, [Date Assigned], [Date Started], [Last Accessed], Progress, [Date Completed], [Time Spent (min)], Score, Result )
SELECT tblConentImport.LoginName, tblConentImport.Title, tblConentImport.Type, tblConentImport.Code, tblConentImport.[Date Assigned], tblConentImport.[Date Started], tblConentImport.[Last Accessed], tblConentImport.Progress, tblConentImport.[Date Completed], tblConentImport.[Time Spent (min)], tblConentImport.Score, tblConentImport.Result
FROM tblConentImport
WHERE (((tblConentImport.LoginName)="iderand"));

When I run this query, it shows that 41 records are going to be appended. I click on yes, but when I go into the table to view the appended records they do not show.

Please help me.

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List Records By Desired Groups Instead Of Sort

Aug 3, 2007

Data in table “tblEmployees”:

EmpName GroupNum
Jon Group1
Sam Group2
Tom Group1
Bob Group1
Hal Group2
Dan Group3
Cal Group2

With sample table above, can I write a query in Access that lists the data by GroupNum based on my criteria, say Group2 1st, then Group3, then Group1? Basically, how do I make the result show:

Sam Group2
Hal Group2
Cal Group2
Dan Group3
Jon Group1
Tom Group1
Bob Group1

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Queries :: Wildcard Like Not Returning Desired Output

Jul 8, 2014

I'm building a query using wildcard "like". See the attached file. My question is that why doesn't the query "result" return "aaaaa" for "aaa" is contained within "aaaaa"?I'm basically limiting my records to those found in tbl_site based on a wildcard "like".

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Forms :: Form Name Switchboard Is Misspelled Or Refers To A Form That Doesn't Exist

Apr 23, 2013

I am using Access 2007. I have had an application running now for about 1 year and now getting an error when user opens the database. (Have one for front end and one db for backend)

Here's the error message:The form name Switchboard is misspelled or refers to a form that doesn't exist.Also, multiple users are accessing the database at the same time.

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Display Records Of Select Query After Selecting Desired Data From Single Combo Box

Nov 13, 2011

I created a subform that displays the records of a select query after selecting the desired data from a single combo box (for instructors name) and then using an OpenQuery macro attached to a button.

Only 1 record is displayed in the subform each time I hit the button. If I look at the query return there is no change. However, if I close the query and select a new instructors name, although I only get one record in the subform, the query when opened shows all the correct records.

What is wrong with my macro/subform?

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Help! My Form Doesn't Show Up In Form View

Aug 7, 2006

I created a form in "design view" and everything is there, but when I go to "Form view" it is just blank!

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Form Suddenly Doesn't Work

Aug 26, 2004

I have a form that worked when I left work Tuesday. It is supposed to look at all the information in my "courses" table in descending order by year, ascending order by date, in edit mode. There is also a look-up list that allows me to select the date of the course and jump to that record.

I came in today and it doesn't work! The form LOOKS like it's in add mode--completely empty. the data is still in the table. I checked all the properties and they all look right. The query still looks like it did when I left. It just quit! When I use the look-up list the dates appear in the list, but nothing happens when I select it.

I know I'm not giving you much to go on, but any ideas?

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Forms :: Create Rectangle Covering Only Desired Controls And Then Make Back Colour Light Gray

Apr 15, 2015

A2010 - on an existing form I have a few controls that I want to hightlight. I thought I would create a rectangle covering only the desired controls and then make the back colour a light grey. But if I do then I cannot see the controls. If I change the back style to transparent then the colour reverts to nothing and I'm back to square one.

It feels like I want to bring the existing controls to the font - but how?If I create new controls on an existing grey rectangle then it works fine.

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General :: Started Form Doesn't Work?

May 24, 2015

I have a DB: This DB was sent to me via eMail (dropbox). It consist in a BE and 3 FEs. In each of the FEs I have a started form with some code activated by the Open event.

The issue: Access do nothing when I open the FEs. Note please that the DB is designed by me and it work very well on the user"s computers.

I use A2007 on Win7

The DB is in a trusted folder. Compact and Repair is not useful.

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Modules & VBA :: Switchboard Form Doesn't Work

May 27, 2014

I have developed a project in Access 2003 and it works absolutely fine. There is a switchboard form too and that works fine as well. But now in our company we are moving all the projects developed in 2003 to 2010. And so I have noticed the switchboard form doesn't work in Access 2010 the way it works in 2003. The Switchboard form doesn't display all the options in 2010.

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Forms :: Form Doesn't Open At Top Of Page

Apr 8, 2013

I have a main form that opens on an autoexec macro.When ever i open up the database the form opens but for some reason it always opens a little way down the page so that you cant see the top and have to scroll back up to the top.

This is rather annoying because i have a tab control and it means you cant click the tabs until you move it back up.

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Forms :: Form Sometimes Doesn't Open To Foreground

Mar 27, 2013

We work with Access 2003 and on like 5 out of the 30 machines this problem occurs. When you open a form it sometimes does not open to the foreground, when u alt-tab out of it and go back or just press the windows key en then back on access it seems to refresh the page and showing the one that you have opened.

The weird thing about this is that it seems completely random at which forms and at what time it happens. I have encountered this problem on my own machine maybe 2-3 times in 3 months. The 2 other machines encounter this problem daily.

I have noticed that when I changed the Windows scheme to Classic view the problem occurred a lot less then before. We first thought it had something to do with the speed, but since we moved our database to SQL Server and our application runs very smoothly this problem was still there.

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Form With Subform Doesn't Show Totals Unless Keyed

Aug 2, 2007

I have an application that has two tables, linked on a common key. The main data entry form is for invoices, and has a sub-form for parts used. A similar report/sub-report is used for reporting. Everything is fine for records that are entered via the form. My problem is that when I import data from other sources ( consolidation process ) the calculations are not performed. So when those records are displayed no totals appear until I click on a control that drives the calculations. I don't want to store totals in the database but I need to have them reflected on the viewed form without operator intervention. Otherwise I'm open to incorrect decisions when the operator doesn't notice that an invoice doesn't reflect the cost of parts used.I'm looking for a "one-time" process that I can invoke after loading new data that would "touch" each record (ideally each "new" record but there's no impact to re-calculating existing ones) and drive the calculations so that the viewed form is correct.It doesn't need to be "easy" or automated since the end users won't do it, only myself as part of the data consolidation.Any ideas?Thanks

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Last Name Input Form Doesn't Pull Pertinent Record

Mar 24, 2005

I'm a complete newbie at Access. A friend (she's the Secretary of our small town's Service District Board of Trustees) asked me to develop a database for keeping records of property owners here, to facilitate such things as sending the yearly fee letter, tracking mailing addresses and property addresses, whether the fee is paid, etc.

I figured out most of it by "taking apart" a database she uses for another organization. It wasn't easy, but it's all working EXCEPT the thing she uses most: a last name input form (a combo box entry field with a command button) which is supposed to bring up the appropriate "Edit Existing Owner" form by the last name entered (or give an error message if there's no owner by that name, of course). The form works - but simply brings up the last-entered record.

I've looked at the setup in the other database, I see that when I create this form relationship, the VB code is nowhere close to what's in the other database. Trying to use the code from the other database is ineffective, even though the relationship is exactly the same. I'd be happy to have someone look at the forms etc. but the database compressed to a .rar file is 818k which is pretty big - and I'm not sure how to provide just the parts which aren't working.

I can upload the database to webspace and direct someone there if they'd be willing to take a look....

Thanks for any help!

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Form Doesn't Always Update When Opened. Is This A Requery Problem?

Apr 11, 2005

Please refer to the attached file. The form of concern is frmAssessmentInput.

Select the appropriate criteria per instructions (in red), including entries on the continuous subform. Then click the "Input data" command button. A 2nd form opens (frmObservations) that contains a textbox labeled DocumentStreamID, and this textbox SHOULD contain the value from the corresponding DocumentStreamID textbox contained in the master form, where you clicked the command button. However, even though the sources are linked properly, the value doesn't pass if you click the command button immediately after adding a new record to the continuous form; it only passes if 1) the master form is closed and reopened first, or 2) if you close the 2nd form, toggle to design view and back to form view for the master form, and then click the "Input data" button again.

What is going on here? Given that the value passes once another procedure is run, do you think this a requery problem? I tried placing a VBA control requery in the 2nd form's On Current and On Load events, but this didn't solve things for me so I took out those event procedures (code could have been wrong though).

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Forms :: Query Doesn't Work To Filter In Form

Nov 4, 2013

I've got a single form ("Lead Data") that has Cascading Combo boxes that work perfectly, entering data into "tblLeadData":cboMatterTypeIDcboMatterIDcboAttyIDcboPlglID Attorney & Paralegal are the people assigned to the Matter. My problem is in finding a way to allow a specific Attorney or Paralegal to filter for only his or her records. I made a query of tblLeadData that works perfectly as a query, but when I use it as a filter in an "on click" macro event, it doesn't work. I suspect it's because of the cascading combos, because I've successfully used this kind of query based macro filter in the past.

Okay, more on how it is set up. The same people are always assigned to a specific matter, so when you pull down the Atty & Plgl combo boxes, there's only one person. So it isn't a true Parent/Child relationship, but it's working. And there were two advantages of this set up over an autopopulate set up (which I considered): 1) When I change something in the reference tables (refAtty and refPlgl), it also changes in tblLeadData & 2) in case there's an exception to the usual assignment pattern, we can just leave Atty & Plgl blank and put the correct assignment in a text box called "AssignmentNotes."

So my query of tblLeadData that works, qryLeadDataAssign, uses the following fields:

Expr1: [Atty] & " " & [Plgl] & " " & [LeadAssignmentNotes]Criteria: Like "*" & [Who?] & "*"

The Join Properties in the query between tblLeadData and refAtty is set to "2: Include ALL records from 'tblLeadData' and only those records from refAtty" where the joined fields are equal." And the same for Plgl.

When I run the query, it asks me a single time, "Who?", I put in the name and it pulls up all instances of the name from any of the 3 fields. It acts as a "contains" filter, not an "equals" one.

As for my cascading combos, here are the settingsMatterTypeIDRow Source:

SELECT refMatterType.MatterTypeID, refMatterType.MatterType, refMatterType.[MatterType] FROM refMatterType ORDER BY refMatterType.[MatterType]; On Change Event:Me.cboMatter.Requery
MatterIDRow Source: SELECT tblMatter.MatterID, tblMatter.Matter FROM tblMatter WHERE (((tblMatter.MatterTypeID)=[Forms].[LeadData].[cboMattertype])) GROUP BY tblMatter.MatterID, tblMatter.Matter, tblMatter.Matter ORDER BY tblMatter.Matter;
On Change Event:Me.cboAtty.Requery

[Code] ....

I put a button on the form and put an embedded macro as an "On Click" event. The macro is an "ApplyFilter" and the filter name is qryLeadDataAssign. When I click on the button, I am asked to enter

data 3 times:Enter Parameter Value: Atty
Enter Parameter Value: Plgl
Enter Parameter Value: Who?

Clearly, the expression in the query doesn't function in the button. And the result, no matter what I put in, is that all of the records are still there, although the filtered button is activated.

I tried putting the expression from the query into the macro builder window, but I for sure don't know what I'm doing there and haven't been able to make it work.

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Forms :: Subform Doesn't Update After Values Being Updated By Another Form

Feb 27, 2015

I'm running into an issue with my forms. I have a form that contains a subform, that contains a list of projects. This list is read-only. To update a record, you can double click on it, which opens another form filtered on this record, and which contains the fields in the first form as well as some others.

I have a command button on that last form to "Save and close", which fires up a macro that saves the record and closes the window.

Now, the issue that I'm having is that, when the window closes and I'm once again in front of the first form with the list of projects, the values of the record I changed are not updated and when I click on another record, Access tells me there's a conflict in the values and asks me if I want to keep the changes, discard them or copy to the clipboard.

It seems to consider the old values from the first form as a change, and thus asks me which to keep between these, and the actual (proper) changes I made in the dedicated form.

For the proper changes to be applied, I need to select "Drop changes".

I tried to requery the first form, also undo the changes to it after closing the window, but none of that worked.

I'm actually basing this on one of the templates, which does exactly what I want and which obviously works...

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Adding Existing Fields To Form Doesn't Allow For Record Selection

May 13, 2015

So, I have two forms that I am trying to make work the same way.

With F1Entry I can use the combo box in the header to select different request numbers.

With F2Finance I cannot do this. It works if I set the Form Record Source to T2FIN, but when I try to Add Existing Field, something about selector combo box breaks and I cannot select different request numbers.

Database attached

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Form Doesn't Filter On Load If User Has Restricted Access

Jul 27, 2012

I have a report that has a link to open a a form "ProjectDetailsActive" to a specific record ID from the report. It works.

I have 3 subsets of users who have restricted access to the form "Project Details Active". By that I mean that when they open this form, it hides and rearranges some tabs, and disables certain controls. If a user from one of these 3 subsets tries to open the link to a specific record in the form, it does not work. The form opens to the first record available instead of the selected record. This is only a problem for these 3 user groups. For users who do not fall into these 3 groups, the filter works.

This is the only code in the form that does the restriction, but I don't know where the process is going wrong.

Private Sub Form_Current()
CancelRsn.Enabled = False
'detect number of line items for current project
Me.lblOrderCount.Caption = GetNumRecords & " line items for this project."


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Split Access Database Doesn't Load Records In Form To Edit

Aug 23, 2011

I have an Access 2010 database that I have split. In the database I have a couple tables, forms and two reports. I have entered some data into one of the tables, but when I go to edit the data in the form the next time, there is no data (though I have verified that there is data in the table). Also, there are two reports that can pull the data without any problem.

Why the data wouldn't show up in the form.

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