General :: 2D Matrix That Can Be Populated With Data And Scanned Once Printed

Jul 30, 2014

I found the IDatomation Datamatrix barcode in the ActiveX controls.

Is buying their software the only way to actually get this barcode to work?

Any other way to create a 2D matrix that can be populated with data and scanned once printed?

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Matrix Of Data

Oct 13, 2004

I need to have MS access track various quantities of each of 500 items at 200 different locations. What is the best way to handle this.

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General :: How To Create Printed Label With Concatenated Field

Feb 25, 2013

I am attempting to create a printed label with a concatenated field. I want the field to abbreviate several shapes and colors but i will just start with the shape.


This is what my basic statement says. I am attempting to nest other options inside of this.

=IIf([Shape]="round","RD",IIF([Shape]="oval", "OV", IIF([Shape]="triangle", "TR", "TH")))

Is this the correct syntax? I can not seem to get it to work.

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Missing Data When Printed To PDF

Oct 18, 2012

I am a beginner using Access 2007. The custom written program that I am using has a minor glitch. The report has a subform inside the main report. In this subform is a form header, detail, form footer. The information that is entered into the main report that transfers to the form header, detail, and form footer works and that data is saved with no problems. When I go to create a pdf file from this report all the data transfers to the printed pdf except the information in the form footer. I have looked at the property pages and compared all the properties and they are all identical.

Below is a screen shot of the report in the design view. The areas circled in red are the data that is missing from the pdf when printed. The area in green prints correctly as well as the main body of the report. We insert comments in the comment section and also type initials in the signature section but this do not show up when printed in the pdf. The database saves the information that is input but does not print it. Not everything in the company has access to the database so this is the reasoning for generating a pdf so that it is placed on the company drive for everyone to see.

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Tables :: How To Hold Matrix Data In A Table

Aug 17, 2014

In my DB there is a set of company-running rules that are addressed to different groups within the company, like drivers, bookkeeping, warehouse, electricians etc. Both groups and workers scope and number might change from time to time. I need to make a table that holds which worker belongs to which of these groups (one worker to one or more groups). The easiest way of setting this for the user would be kind of a matrix-look form where lines would hold the name of workers, columns would hold the groups and at the cross points there would be check boxes to set or unset membership. However I can't find the way in what table sturcture this could be utilized.

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Queries :: Data To Display In Matrix Format

Feb 5, 2014

I am trying to get this data to display in a matrix format.How can I get it to display multiple entries in there, such as Fiona and Chloe in the FR box?

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Tables :: Data Entry In Matrix Format

Nov 25, 2012

I am designing a little database to hold physical activity log info for 2 school districts, required by a grant. Four-five times each year every kid (2000) will complete a log form for 3 days that lists separately for 34 intervals (1/2 hour each, from 7am - midnight) in which physical activity s/he engaged (59 options) and the level of effort of each (4 options, from light to very hard).

The log sheets look like a datasheet with 5 blank columns: #1 enter the activity code (1-59) and #2-5 mark an "X" in the column describing level of effort (light to very hard). There are 34 rows, each labeled from 7am thru midnight in intervals of 30 minutes. The kids **have to** enter an activity code and a level of effort on every row. They do this for three days in a row, 4-5 times during the year. (believe it or not ... federal grant requirement)

.........................#1 .......... #2 .........#3 ........#4 ....... #5
TimePeriod ......ActivityCode .Light ....Moderate .Hard ...VeryHard
7-730........ | .................. | ....... | ............ | ...... |............. |
730-8........ | .................. | ....... | ............ | ...... |............. |
8-830........ | .................. | ....... | ............ | ...... |............. |

I am maintaining survey responses (also 4-5 times a year) in this same database. I have a basic demographic table (Id, name, grade level, school). I am also maintaining eating habits (4-5 times per year) from food logs, like the activity logs, but these are for 5-7 days at a time. Finally, I will be importing number of steps walked for 4-7 days (also 4-5 times each year) from pedometer downloads, one per kid.

I have all tables and data entry forms except for this activity log set up, all data entered for the baseline period. What I would like to do with the activity log is something like a main form showing kid name, ID. I think I want to enter each row of the log (34 rows) into something like a datasheet, each row with a date field (I will use CTRL-' to copy down for one page of the paper log), and an activity code field (1-59 as codes) and a level of effort field (1-4, light to very hard).

What I think I want is one table for activity info, each record with these fields:

Time_Interval (these are the 34 rows, 7am - midnight, in 1/2 hour intervals)
Activity_Code (options 1-59)
Level_of_Effort (options 1-4)

I can see this in a datasheet format, but entering 2000 kids * 3 pages * 4-5 times a year [* 3 years] into Excel does not seem to be an efficient solution.

If I could open a form on the screen with a combo box to pick a kid and then pick a date, then fill in 34 rows of activity codes (1-59 as options) with a level of effort for each (1-4 as options), that would be great.

My obstacle right now is how to display 34 empty rows already loaded with an index related to the time interval, so that I don't have to enter that for each row -

Hence my subject descriptor, "data entry in matrix format". I am using Access 2007, Windows XP Pro (all service packs etc. up to date).

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General :: Creating Unique Sequential / Reference Number Every Time Report Is Printed

Feb 15, 2013

I have a rental database and I print several contacts for leases etc. what I want to do is have a unique reference number or something inserted to the report every time that it's printed. What I am trying to achieve is to keep track of which tenant corresponds to the report (Lease) printed by using reference number.

There is a seperate form which holds the tenants details and I would like to have a field on that form which would show the same reference number as the report so I can track which report was printed for who.

Whats the best/easiest way to accomplish this?

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Reports :: Data Correct On Report View But Not When Printed

Jan 8, 2014

I'm tracking some charges and want to report them based on month/year and an Early/Late (yes/no) flag within the query I created. When I wrote the report I grouped on mon/year then on Early/Late, then calculate averages. I then want to calculate the difference in the charges between the Early & Late rows. Here....

Jun 13
32 868 27 (Early row #, charge, avg)
11 1279 116 (Late row)

Now I want to subtract the 27 from the 116. I figured out I could assign the 27 to a field in the header and the 116 in the footer, that's the only way I could make them "stick". I then calculate the difference and things are great. Until I try to print it. When I print the difference is 0 because the group header & footer fields are both populated with the 27.

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General :: List Of Active Links Populated From A Query

Dec 25, 2012

I have a main form (in a single form view) that show a record from a table. I am going to add a sub form (probably a continuous form view) which can show a list of fields (probably a name) from all records from a child table that match condition PrimaryKey = ForeignKey.

What is the best way to make the list of the fields sort of clickable so that I can click on any of them and e.g. open a form with information about a child record? Should I look for hyperlinks in reports, a list box, a continuous sub form with records?

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General :: WHERE Statement - List Box To Be Populated Based On Three Different Criteria In Table

Sep 14, 2013

I have an AfterUpdate event where I want a list box to be populated based on three different criteria based on a table in my database

1. Complete = False AND
2. Supplier on form = supplier in table AND

I am having trouble with the last OR statement criteria, i cannot get this to return values correctly. Here is my code:

Me.cboSupplier.RowSource = "SELECT DISTINCT [Consolidated_Master_Req_Pool].[RFQ Contact] " & _
"FROM Consolidated_Master_Req_Pool " & _
"WHERE consolidated_master_req_pool.Complete = FALSE AND [Consolidated_Master_Req_Pool].[RFQ Supplier] = '" & Nz(Me.cboStatusRFQ) & "' And [consolidated_master_req_pool.Status] = '" & "SUPPLIER_RFQ FOLLOW-UP" & "' OR [consolidated_master_req_pool.Status] = '" & "SUPPLIER_RE-RFQ OTHER SUPPLIER" & "'" & _
"ORDER BY [Consolidated_Master_Req_Pool].[RFQ Contact];"

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Reports :: Show Fixed Size Data In The Bottom Right Corner Of Page When Printed

Jul 3, 2015

I have a report which shows the results of two separate queries in a simple table view.

One set of data varies in size depending on the amount of records and the other is a fixed size and never changes.

I'm wanting to make my report always show the fixed size data in the bottom right corner of the page when its printed.

I've tried putting it in the footer section of the report but don't want it to affect the size of the details section and just show next to the other query results.

Is this possible and if so how would I achieve this?

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General :: Searching Database For Unused IP Addresses From Populated Table / Fields

Feb 18, 2015

I am looking to transfer a number of spreadsheets that I use to track IP Addresses to an Access Database, I have set up the tables and fields, what I would like to do is search for unused IP Addresses from populated table/fields.

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Subform Is Populated Based On Form Data?

Mar 22, 2006

** Additional Note: Could I possibly just have a field in my main form that pulls data from another table? Warning: bad with code**

I'm not sure I'm looking at this correctly and have tried to figure it out (For about two weeks now). I really hope someone can help with this.

I have to add a "Multiplier" to my form. I have tried this numerous ways but it's not working properly.

What I need is to have a main form with a subform only displaying the relevant field (that being if this month/year and location match up between both the subform table and the main form that is displayed, then show this value in the subform on the main form). With this multiplier displayed, another field in the main form is then multiplied by this value.

Is this the right way to do this or no? I'm open to basically anything. It's just that the 'multiplier' changes from month to month and rather then have people manually enter in the multiplier to the main form for every day of the month, I'd rather a field be automatically populated and therefore the other field automatically multiplying by this.

Is this possible??

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Forms :: Blank Data Entry Page But With A Populated Field?

Jun 19, 2013

I have a form, combo box selection, when i make a selection, all the info is good on all my tabs, which holds the subform.My issue is, on one of the subform, it's a data entry form, where I want it to be on a new record page. instead it list all records. I want my users to see a blank page, but have one field populated. is this possible?

1) blank data entry page, but with a populated field?When a CU Name is selected,I want the (Enter Note) tab to go to a data entry or last page or new page.I have tried putting it to data entry form, but the CU Number will not populate.

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Forms :: Newly Added Values In Combo Box - Streamline Data Entry With Auto-populated Fields

Jun 24, 2014

I have a combo box that pulls account name data from tblAcctInfo. the combo box has an OnChange event which updates a textbox, txtAcctAddr.

when i have a new account that i would like to be listed in the combo box, i use a form, frmAcctAdd, to add a record to tblAcctInfo.

what i would like to do, is:
1) when i type a new value in the combo box that isn't in the list, have that string value pre-populate in the frmAcctAdd.
2) when i have added the new account info into frmAcctAdd and then saved the record, i would like the new value to pre-populate in the combo box, with the txtAcctAddr textbox also updated via the OnChange event (or maybe a different event is more appropriate?).

I have created a long version of this which requires a lot more user interaction (1-user typing in a new value into the combo box, 2-user RE-typing the SAME value into a data entry form, frmAcctAdd, 3-user saving the new record, 4-user re-clicking the combo box and selecting the newly added value) but i am trying to streamline the data entry with auto-populated fields.

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General :: Auto Populated Text Boxes To Display Rows From Combo Boxes

Jan 25, 2015

I have strange issue when creating auto populated text boxes which displays rows from combo boxes.

In one database auto populates works with simple text box Control Source edit "=[ComboName].[Column](NumberOfColumn)".

Somehow same method doesn't wotk in different database: here one time I have to insert VBA code at On change Event:

Me.TextBoxName = Me.ComboName.Column(NumberOfColumn)

And other time it wont work with On change but only with After Update Event (code is same).

Another thing this morning happens was that when I tried to add new record trough form where combo box and tex boxes are located, MS Office suddenly stopped working after selecting combo box selection (with message Microsoft Office has Stopped Working). It is 2013 version.

I got it work after deleting and re-inserting VBA code to autopopulate text box at After Update Event.

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Remove 3S From Scanned Entry

Aug 9, 2007

I am working on an access 2003 database for our Shipping Dept that is using tables created from odbc linked tables from a SQL Svr Database. The shipper will scan the BatchNo barcode to a field on a form. If the BatchNo Scanned follows the Format: 07317751 the number is found and the rest of the fields are populated and written to another table(Dock_. This will work fine as long as the 8 character BatchNo Matches. My problem is the Barcode has 2 leading characters (3S) that are inserted when the label is printed by "Bartender" for the AS/400 to identify. I need to remove these 2 characters in order for the "Select DistinctRow" lookup command string will populate the remaining fields. I am only a novice when it comes to programming and this is probably an easy job but I am stumped. I can zip a copy of the DB (With the Data lookup tables populated) to anyone needing to see the complete structure if it will help. My thanks in advance to all responders.


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To Store Scanned Object In MSAccess

Apr 9, 2008

Dear Expertise..

How I can store scanned object in Access. Becuase I have a employee database. I have to store all employees signature in the database Also I have to verify thier signature with the previously stored in database when they are trying to log .

With Thanks

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Forms :: Combo Box With 6 Scanned Signatures

May 16, 2013

I have 2773 equipment records, a form for each and each equipment needs to tested annaully. I use the form to update Test Date and Tester. Tester may change for each equipment. I need either a Combo box with 6 different scanned signatures or an image box that changes based on a combo box I already have that contains the Tester's initials.I can get a sample DB or step by step instructions.

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Queries :: How To Filter Between Times Trays Are Scanned

Jun 25, 2014

How to filter between times that trays are scanned. I want it to tell me basically how many trays are scanned between 9:00 to 17:00 17:01 to 1:00 and 1:00 to 8:59 but not having any luck. I've been able to get it to show me everything from 1:00 to 8:59 but I've not been able to get anything else to work.

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Forms :: Attach Multiple Scanned PDFs To One Record?

Apr 20, 2013

I would like to be able to add more than one scanned document and link them to one record.

If it is possible, I would like to have a command something like "Attach file" on the form displaying the record. The user could browse to find the scanned document and it becomes a link. The user could then scan and browse for another document, which becomes a second link, in some kind of list box.

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Creating A Database To Store Training Records That Saves A Scanned Copy

Jun 8, 2015

I'm a access novice who is looking to create a database to store training records for permanent and agency staff, and contractors staff. I need the database to be able to produce reports on how many courses were trained over each month, and the total duration of the course completed (in hours).

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Apparel Matrix

May 1, 2006

I'm trying to setup an apparel matrix that will allow me to validate user entry on my inventory database.
We have garment styles and each style can have a variety of different colors and sizes. Some garment styles are available in some colors/sizes and not others. I created a table each for Style, Color and Size which contain the possible values for each of those. I then setup a form that lets the user pick a style and then in a subform create however many combinations of color and size they need. From this I would like to generate an item number such as 1100-Red-XL(style-color-size). I would also like to create a table from this that is essentially a list of all possible item numbers. Then later, when the user is adding/removing inventory I want to check to make sure that the style/color/size combo they are trying to Add/Remove exists.
I would also like to use the item number list to generate inventory status reports.
I'm stuck at how how to take the matrix form data, concatenate each style/color/size into a single field and then generate a new table with that.

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Creating A Crosstabulation / Matrix

Feb 20, 2007


I have a dataset with the following structure.

ClassA -------->OtherStud----->WorkWith----->PlayWith

AA --------------> DD ----------> 1 ------------> 0
AA --------------> EE ----------> 0 ------------> 1
AA --------------> BB ----------> 1 ------------> 1
BB --------------> FF ----------> 1 ------------> 0
BB --------------> GG ----------> 1 ------------> 1
BB --------------> KK ----------> 0 ------------> 1
CC -------------> AA -----------> 1 ------------> 1
CC -------------> BB -----------> 1 ------------> 1

ColumnA refers to students in ClassroomA, and Column B refers to "Other Students" in the school who could act as work and/or playmates. Note, ColumnB could also include some of the same students in ClassroomA who work or play with each other (For example, Students: AA and BB).

If a Student in Classroom A works with a student in ClassroomB, ColumnC takes the value of 1, and 0(zero) if otherwise

If a student in Classroom A plays with a student in ClassroomB, ColumnD takes the value of 1, and 0 (zero), if otherwise

So, looking at ColumnA, we find that there are three students: AA, BB and CC.
Student_AA for instance interacts with three students but only works with DD and BB. Similarly, Student_CC interacts with two students and works and plays with each of them.

Now, I am interested in constructing 2 separate matrices indicating which students in ClassroomA (1) Work and (2) Play with each other. This means that student_AA for instance works with student_BB, who is in his/her classroom, hence the cell in their matrix will have a "1". Again, Student_CC in ClassroomA works with and plays with 2 other members of his/her own class. So CC would have two "1s" in the matrix.

The resulting matrix for the "Works With" relation (ColumnC) among the 3 students in ClassroomA would look like this.



This matrix is the output I am interested in. I would need to produce this matrix for the relation specified in columnC and ColumnD.

I would certainly appreciate some ideas to help me produce this.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

Sincerely, DK

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Non-Values & Matrix Linking

Mar 2, 2006

Hey all,

I'm not sure whether I should put this in two separate posts, but here goes...

I have just started constructing a database which has many levels.
Some of the field records may not have an entry (as they may not be known) and calculations must be done between these levels. The bottom level is in the form of matrices and I am unsure of what implications this could cause to implementing them in the calculations.

1) I assume from what I know that non-values (or empty record fields), will not work in queries (i.e. they will not be ignored, they will be given a value such as 0 to be used in the calculation). I therefore ask, is it easier to exclude these non-values from the query - or is it better to assign a default value such as -9999, then filter these values out?
Would it be easier to do this exclusion using a filter, or using code?

2) My second question may not even be possible but...
My calculations will involve using values from matrices. I am not sure of the most effective way of using these values in a query? I think there are several options, of which, these two may be the best options.
- turn a matrix from Excel into a table in Access (will mean lots of records - but can be done)
- link a matrix in Excel to an existing query in Access.

Now, the second option may not be possible, but what I would like to do is link a certain cell from Excel to a certain query - depending on the calculation.
i.e. Cell A4 used in Query1 and Cell A5 used in Query2.

I am sorry that I am so ignorant in these matters, but I have been asked to find out what the best way of approaching this is.

Thankyou all very much for your time, I hope what I am trying to achieve is clear!

Kindest regards,


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