General :: ACCESS Object References

Mar 3, 2014

I am cleaning up a database that has been around for some time and I wish to be able to check for references within REPORTS/VBA Module code/ Form Designs etc. anywhere there is likely to be a reference to either an Access TABLE or QUERY.... I know there is the 'Object Dependencies' function within Access that will go some way to telling you what relies on what, but this is simply not comprehensive enough in that it doesn't go down to Form design level where further references can hide...

Countless times I have checked and subsequently deleted tables that I considered redundant... only to find later on there was some SQL Source reference to a table or query buried in the design of a form that I had overlooked....

Any way to definitively check and to ensure that all traces of a specific table or query are accounted for...?

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Reports :: No Missing References But Object Required

Jun 11, 2014

I cannot get this code to run in access 2010. It shows no missing references, but errors that Object required.

Dim wshShell, btn
Set wshShell = WSCript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
btn = wshShell.PopUp("Filter data wil be removed.", 2, "Data Unfilter:", &H4 + &H20)
Select Case btn

[Code] ....

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General :: Access Object Property Description

Dec 14, 2012

I'm working on a query that lists all the queries in an Access database, and I would like the query to show the object description which is displayed when you right-click an object and display the object's properties. For queries, this is a text box just below the query name in the properties window.

So far, all I have is:

SELECT ID, Name FROM mSysObjects;

I would like to have something like:

SELECT ID, Name, Description FROM mSysObjects;

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General :: Check Users References

Jun 26, 2014

i am having issues with certain users re references, I get weird errors when sending emails through Outlook, is there anyway running some code for me to check a users references?the below is what i have and everything works fine, so would like to check they have these

Visual Basic For Applications
Microsoft Access 14.0 Object Libary
OLE Automation
Microsoft Outlook 14.0 Object Libary
Microsoft Office 14.0 Access Database Engine Object
Microsoft Office 14.0 Object Libary
Mictosoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.5 Libary
Microsoft Excel 14.0 Object Libery
Microsoft visual Basic for Applications Extensibility 5.3
Redemption Outlook and MAPI Com Libary
Windows Script Host Object Model

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Access Can't Remember Where It Put It's References

Nov 22, 2007

Hi All,

I have an Access DB, which keeps having a problem with resources.
When I go in and refresh the resource, it works fine.. For a while then same problem comes up again.

I've had to refresh the references several times this week. Is this down to a bigger problem?

- Elfman

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Setting MS Access 2002 References

Sep 9, 2004

I am using vba code to create a new MS Access 2002 database and copy the current database tables, forms,etc into it.
The problem I have is there are several references that I need that are not set in the new database I created. One of them is the DAO reference. My question is, is there a way that when I copy the DB the references from one will be copied to the other? or is there a way to set the preference and priority using VBA?, DAO needs to be higher up on the list inorder to work.

I use the following code to create a new db
Dim cat As New ADOX.Catalog
cat.Create ("provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & sName & ";")

I then use the transferdatabase command to copy the tables, forms, etc to the new database

is there a different way to copy the current db into a new db that will include the references

I also can add a reference using the following code
Set ref = References.AddFromFile(spath)
AddReference = true

But this doesn't set the priority

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Keeping ADO References Selected In Access 2007

Oct 5, 2007

I have a database with forms that use ADO to access data files. In the design stage, I went into Tools/References and checked "Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.1 Library", which made the ADO work.

For each "case" that is run, the application creates a separate database and copies all forms, reports, etc into it. In Access 2003, the forms in the new database still have "Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.1 Library" checked, but when I run the application in Access 2007, the forms do not have "Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.1 Library" checked, and the ADO will not work until I go in and manually check it myself.

Is there a way to select the ADO objects programatically or to keep ADO set as a default property in Access 2007?
Thanks so much.

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General :: How To Update Yes / No Object

Aug 8, 2012

I'm relatively new to access. I probably use about one tenth of one percent of what it has to offer because I have trouble understanding it at this time. I need to know how to update a yes/no object.

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General :: Database Or Object Is Read Only?

Aug 25, 2012

Been using XP all this time, just got a new computer with Windows 7. Still using old Access 2000, not my call to update as this is the decision of the guy who owns the database.

Anyways, I opened Access for the first time, just a blank database so I can set up the user account. When I go to Tools > Security > User and Group Accounts and try to assign a password to Admin, I get the error message that it cannot update because the database is read only.

Where did this come from? I have never seen this message before, and the person who owns the database has a couple computers with Windows 7 that I have set this up on and did not run into this issue.

I realize that there can be some compatibility issues with Windows 7 and Access 2000 but it has worked on other Windows 7 computers, and not using the virtual XP mode.

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General :: Emailing With Send Object

Nov 23, 2012

I am using a command button to email an invoice to a customer using the sendobject function, whilst this almost works correctly it is adding an additional mailto:address along with the correct email address.

Example: CorrectEmailAddress and then#mailto:CorrectEmailAddress

The code I am using is:

On Error Resume Next
Dim Cusemail As String
Cusemail = Nz(DLookup("Email", "invoiceemailQ", "orderID=" & OrderID), "")
If Cusemail = "" Then
MsgBox "No email Address"
Exit Sub


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General :: How To Get Size Of Each Object In Database

Aug 11, 2015

I have adopted someone elses database. It is a front end with about 100 linked tables/forms/reports/modules. The problem is that the database is really large. I would think by looking at the objects that it should be around 5mb tops, however after compacting it is still 63mb.

Is there a way (vba or otherwise) to look at each object and get its size in KB?

Once I can figure out which object is taking up too much space I can work on making them smaller.

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General :: Declare Reference As Object?

Sep 4, 2012

Is it possible to declare a reference as an object, this way we could avoid our issues with broken references? I would just try it, but it seems like there is a quite a lot of testing it would require.

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General :: Save PDF Report Into A Table (OLE Object)

Jul 6, 2013

How could I save a PDF report into a table (OLE object).

I want to click on a button, then that button should save the file into a table which formatted as OLE object ??

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General :: Object Class Does Not Support Set Of Events

Aug 14, 2015

I have Access 2007 database.

I and trying to link to Outlook 2007 using the "External Data/More/Outlook Folder option and keep getting the "Object Class does not Support the Set of Events" error message.

I can link to a DBF and Paradox file without any problems.

I am running Office 2007 Professional and Access 2007 and Windows 10.

I have also done the following:

1. Removed Office 365
2. Decompiled the Access VBA code and corrected any issues
3. Compacted/Repaired the database

I have attached a screen shot of the references that I have selected.

This is a new setup as I recently purchased a new PC and Windows environment. I still have the old PC running Windows XP with the same configuration and it also experiences exactly the same error message.

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General :: Cannot Update - Database Or Object Is Read-only

Aug 24, 2013

I have 2 tables and from them I do a query called "Query_Dates". There, I created 4 calculated fields which compares fields of the two tables previously mentioned.

What I am trying to do is everytime the calculated fields are equal to "Diff", gets the value from the second table (ADHOC) and and puts it in the 1st table (Master_Table). In total there are 4 fields I would change depending on other 4 fields called (CheckRR, CheckQual, CheckProd, CheckCap).

The problem is that it gives me an error 3027, object is read-only.

Below, you can find the code.

Private Sub Comando27_Click()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim rsd As DAO.Recordset
Dim supplierName As String
Set rsd = Application.CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Query_Dates", dbOpenDynaset)
Set rst = Application.CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Master_Table" , dbOpenDynaset)

[Code] .....

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General :: No Current Recordset / Canceled By Associated Object

Feb 6, 2013

My form respectively subform has a couple of problems related to the recordset as it is available in VBA.

The mainform contains material data, the subform contains the components of that material and a quantity, while the components are materials themselves. The subform's control source is an SQL statement created by the query builder.

Everything worked fine before i replaced the material-selecting combobox in the continuous subform by a textbox and a button. That button leads to another (dialog) form with some filtering options, which in turn returns the number of the selected material. This material gets inserted into the textbox. To this point it works fine.

But when i enter a quantity before i selected a Material, i get an error message after selecting the Material: This Action was Cancelled by an Associated Object. This happens while executing the following VBA Code on click of the material selection button (exact position commented in code):

Private Sub cbuSelectComponent_Click()
' Select component
Dim SQL As String
Dim rs As Recordset
DoCmd.OpenForm "Material Selector Dialog", , , , , acDialog, "Dialog"
If GLB_selected_mat = -1 Then 'cancel

[Code] ....

I've found the following Microsoft KB Article: [URL] ..... In their example code they use:

' Restore text box value to the original record contents
' in this case, that is NULL

I assume this is the relevant part, but i have no DataControl (what's that?) and neither found an UpdateControls method in the subform object.

The second error, "no current recordset", occures when i edit an existing component line in the subform that has been added right before (also using the same event and code as mentioned above). If i close the form after adding the component and open it again, it's no problem.

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General :: Name Object - Change Color And / Or Character

Aug 7, 2013

I have in my DB a lot of tables, queries and macro and every time I spent too much time by choose the right object.

Would be really useful give a color or change the character on each object. Is it possible?

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General :: Front End - Object Or Class Does Not Support Set Of Events

Oct 17, 2014

I have distributed my front end on the shared drive for users to copy to their desktops.

In one form I have a formula in the query that show's the word 'Gap' if any of the 15 questions on the form is equal to 'fail'. It runs on current when the user is in a record it shows the word 'Gap' at the top header part of the form.

When the user opens the form they get an error message pop up that says "The expression On Current you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: Object or class does not support the set of events."

Once they click 'ok' they are able to work in the form until they attempt to filter records by their name it pops up again.

I've tested on my end and no errors or issues come up.

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General :: Copy And Paste With VBA / Error 424 Object Required

Oct 10, 2012

I want to be able to click a field and it copies the field value. Just as if I were using Ctrl+C. THen I can go to excel or internet an paste it. i have the code:

ClipBoard.SetData = Me.GBL & vbCrLf
Me.GBL.SelStart = 0
Me.GBL.SelLength = Len(Me.GBL)

I keep getting an error 424 Object required. How do I fix this or is this even on the right path?

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General :: No Permission To Open Database Object Error

Jan 20, 2015

I have a 2003 .mdb file and the associated Workgroup Information File which normally resides on a network in a folder V:V-Base-DatabaseDATA. I have the Workgroup Information File.

The database is unsupported and we need to migrate the data to a new web based database.

When I try to open the database with the shift key down I get the following message :

You do not have the necessary permission to use the V:V-Base-DatabaseDATAV-Basebe.mdb object.

What is the best way to access the data and do I need to do this on the server instead of a local drive off site?

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General :: Identifying List Of Each Object With Their Relative Size?

May 19, 2015

I have a large database. I want to identify which objects take up the most space. Any way of identifying a list of each object with their relative size?

I can do this in sql server, but no in Access?

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General :: Update Query Has Error 424 Object Required

Jul 10, 2013

I am trying to create an update query. I am trying to update a field in a table with the current date as a request.

I have a table named tblTest and a field named Date2 that I am trying to update with the current date, the button that the VBA is applied to is in a form name frmTest. This is my code:

Private Sub Command39_Click()
Dim t1 As Date
t1 = Date
db.Execute("update tblTest set tblTest.Date2") = t1
End Sub

But when I press the button I get:
Run time error '424'
Object Required

It highlights the 4th of code....

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General :: Copyfile Function - File System Object

Sep 2, 2013

I have a problem in the copyfile function. It says "CompileError - Expected =" and I am not sure if I am even setting this correctly. This is my code:

Dim fso As Object
Set fso = VBA.CreateObject(filesystemobject)
fso.copyfile(me.txtPath,me.txtarchivepath & me.txtnewfile)

I think the problem is the "filesystemobject bit in the code ....

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General :: Error - Object Or Class Does Not Support The Set Of Events

Oct 9, 2014

Couple days ago our database was not opening, Access would open but show a blank workspace. Anyhow, we restored the database from Server and it worked on all 5 shared systems on company's network but this one computer. It is giving the error, "Object or class does not support the set of events."

I tried to copy new local folder but nothing. I checked the links and target folder it looks fine.

I tried to import the everything into new database but it said I don't have permission for that.

what's causing this issue and what can I do to fix it?

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General :: Modules Not Appearing As Object Types In Navigation Pane

Apr 19, 2013

I am now working on this new database. I would like to make a calculation so that I could derive a value called eGFR from a patient's serum creatinine. This is a test of kidney function.I am having the following problems.

a. Modules are not appearing in the Navigation Pane of the Access 2007. When I press 'Object Types' in the Navigation Pane I get all object types such as tables, queries, forms, reports, macros but not modules. I know there are modules as I have written lots of vba code.

b. I have written the following code within this Function. The following is the code.

Public Function eGFR(creatinine, Gender, Age) As Single
If IsNull(Age) Or IsNull(creatinine) Then
eGFR = 0


This code is working fine in another database, however when I try to upload a query in the current database that has this function in one of the fields, I get an error saying the the function eGFR does not exit.

I have inserted the function into one of the modules that I have managed to enter.

Do I need to deposit the code elsewhere? How do I access Modules from the Navigation Pane?

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General :: Slow Queries On Objects - Possibly Old Object Refs In MSysObjects?

Oct 10, 2013

I have a db that is having some strange speed issues on some very basic queries. Objects that have a rowsource/recordsource with a SQL statment in particular are really slow to populate. Likewise on deactivate/activate the report query seems to reload. I've put breakpoints in every object event with no stops out of the ordinary, and nothing seems unusual.

While I know MSysObjects is a user read-only table, I came across some records that reference objects that no longer exist in the front-end. Is this table cumulative? Is there any way to purge the deprecated records? I tried to turn on then turn off autocorrect features hoping that would trigger it to repopulate, but no luck.

I'm thinking this may be the source of the issue. Perhaps if it is looking for an object that it can not find (especially the ~sq_ unsaved queries) then it's looking to the wrong place on a lostfocus/activate/deactivate or similar event.

Some history on this file, it has been through many versions of Access starting with 2003, which I think is part of the issue as well. Shy of looping every object and replicating the read-write properties, I'm not sure where else to go with this.

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