General :: Access 2007 Link Table Manager Don't Work

Dec 13, 2012

I have an Access 2007 application where don't work the link table manager.

I also try to complete reinstall the Office 2007 and also I register the Accwiz.dll in the office folder (regsvr32.exe Accwiz.dll) but the module still does not work.

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Is There A Linked Table Manager In Access 2007?

Nov 27, 2007

Hi folks

Is there a linked table manager in access 2007?


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No Link Table Manager

Sep 6, 2005

I am working on a new system. Have been given Full MS Access but Link Table Manager fails it gives a standard security warning that this new system enforces it says Opening: CProg..FilesMSOfficeOffice11ACWZTOOL.MDE however on selecting OPEN nothing happens. If Cancel is hit then
long critical message saying in short " Can't find wizard , syntax error in delerations in VB. Likewise I cannot link to a spreadsheet without using the manager.

Question is there anything I can do or is it the fact that these are options were not installed and it is an administrators job?

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Table Link Manager

Jan 31, 2008

I searched the internet and different forums, but could not find the solution for my problem. In Access 2003 I splitted the database and made a mde file of the frontend. When I copy the front and backend to another computer it cannot find the backend due to the original path is included. To solve this I would like the database to link the backend that is available in the directory of the frontend. No more and no less. Is this possible? I find a lot of questions in this direction, but could not destilate a solution.

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General :: Link In Email Doesn't Work If Underscores In File Name

Oct 22, 2014

I'm trying to create a file, save it, create an email with a link to the file in it, and send the email. But the link in the email doesn't work if there are any underscores ("_") in the file name or file path.

The folder that I need to save the file in and link to in the email has underscores ("_") in its name. I cannot rename the folder.

The attached database, when you click on the button, will create an Excel spreadsheet with "RED", "BLUE", and "GREEN" on it, save the spreadsheet in the path you enter with the name 'Test_File' with date and time appended, create an email with a link in it to the spreadsheet, and send the email. You must enter your email or an email address that you can use for testing in the form and enter what you want for the file path. Enter the file path with a slash at the end. Do not enter a file name. Then click on the button and wait a minute or 2 for the email.

When you receive the email, click on the link. It does not work.

If you change 3 statements in the code for frmMain, it will work:

strNow = Replace(strNow, "/", "_") '<------ Change _ to - and it works
strNow = Replace(strNow, ":", "_") '<------ Change _ to - and it works
filename = "Test_File_" '<------ Change both _ 's to - and it works

Change as indicated.

So how can I get it to work with the underscores? I could actually do away with underscores in the file name but the folder that I need to hit has underscores in its name.

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ACCESS 2007 - Uninstall Wont Work

Mar 18, 2008

Having grown weary of the speed related issues and numerous bugs - I have decided to Uninstall 2007 / reinstall 2003. Now, howver I find that the uninstall fails and then rollsback.... what a pain in the a!

JPG attached shows the dialog that results when I try to remove. Does anyone have any ideas why this is happening - the folder in question does exist and I am System Administrator with full privelegs for write access etc. on the machine!

Why does this (poor excuse for an improvement) software persist in plagueing my life...!

I really would rather not have to reformat the drive to remove all traces of Office 2007.

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Link To Back-end In Access 2007

Oct 29, 2007

Hello people,

Before I ask my questio I want to let you know that I have searched the forums for an anwser but I just couldnt find it. Or the code didnt work.

What I want is pretty simple for the most of you guys....but not for me. lol

I have a front-end and a back-end.
I want to perform a check if the back-end is still in the same place.
When its not it should promt the user for the new location.

Who can help me please?

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Link Table To Outlook (2007)

Dec 14, 2007


Ok this is a weird one. I have used the automated link table in Access to connect to the contacts folder in Outlook. Both of these being 2007v

Originally this seemed to all work fine and i could see all the data. Now however i am having a problem where i can see all of the data apart from the email addresses. These are input in outlook and they are the correct field names - in fact they have shown up but when i though i had cracked it and saved and closed the db, when i reopened they had disappeared again.

I can work out whether this is a bug or a security setting. Any ideas?


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Link Table Problem - Office 2007

Mar 7, 2008


I have a link table to my contacts folder held within the public folders on the exchange server. The link table was created automatically using the wizard and connect fine. When you open it, all fields are showing except for the email type and email address.

I cannot think of any reason why it would not show this. When you look at the table, the fields are actually there they just dont return any records? Even more frustratingly, every so often you can open up the table and they appear only to disappear again the next time!!

Any ideas?

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General :: Linked Table Manager Looking For Old Table Name

Jun 20, 2014

I have a database that is used in our office. It is split with the backend stored on a network share.

I need to make some updates, and to do maintenance I usually make a copy of the frontend/backend to my desktop, and use the linked table manager to switch to using the local copy of the backend so I don't mess up the main data. All good so far.

however, I recently added a new table, and originally called it "overRides", I then decided that "adjustments" was a more suitable name and changed it.

Now whenever I try to switch from the main backend to my local copy I get a message when relinking "adjustments" that Access cannot find the object "overRides" and to make sure it exists and the name is spelled correctly...

I have been just deleting the linked table and reimporting "adjustments" but this issue keeps coming back and it's driving me nuts!

How can I make Access forget that this table used to be called "overRides"?

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Linked Table Manager In Access Runtime

Feb 12, 2007

Database with front- & back end.
From mdb to mde to Runtime.

The linked table manager is grey if the access application is installed in a different folder then initially set.

I have no idea how to solve this.

Help is welcome.


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General :: BAT File Does Not Work If Access Is Already Open

Oct 18, 2014

I use below simple command line to start a macro in my Access database. Usually all works well. I start my bat file, command is executed and macro does its job.

However it always fails if I have a session of Access already opened even if it is a completely different database. If I use below then it opens another sessions of Access but does not execute the macro. I need to go into the second session and run macro manually. It works fine then.

"C:UsersMeDocumentsDatabas1.accdb" /X Macro

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General :: Possible To Make A Work Flow In Access?

May 19, 2015

is it really possible to make a work flow in access? And if so, can it be done in Ms Access 2010.

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Tables :: Access 2003 Table Data Import Into Access 2007 Table

Apr 26, 2015

i have a database in access 2003 when i open it with access 2003 it shows data in table but when i open same table in access 2007 it shows only header rows , no data

how can i see this data into access 2007 or excel 2007.i want to link these table data with excel 2007 or access 2007 but with above problem i can't do it

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Will A 2007 DB Work In 2003?

Aug 9, 2007

I am building a DB in 2007 yet our department has not yet fully upgraded and won't be until the end of the year. Currently we are running Access 2003, will this prohibit the users that have yet to upgrade from utilizing the DB?

Sorry if this has been touched on before, but I have searched high and low and could find nothing.

- DF

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General Question About Access 2007

Feb 5, 2008

I have a database that works fine on access 2000. The problem is that when I open it in Access 2007 the switchboard does not display correctly and my command buttons do not work. Also, my field that autofill from a combo box do not fill in. I am assuming that access 2007 does not recognize the code for all of these. If this is the problem does anyone know of a reference that can be used to change the code to work.

Also, thought I would mention that I opened it in Windows Vista. I have read about problems with Vista. I have not tried opening the database on a computer running XP.

Just wanting to get working now in case my company changes over to Office 2007 in the future.

Thanks for any info.

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General :: Access Runtime And ODBC Connection Can't Get It To Work?

Aug 31, 2012

I have a Access front end connected to a MS SQL database using a ODBC connection which is working fine of course.

When I compile it as a runtime version and install it on the business computer I get an error with the ODBC connection (I can't remember exactly what pops up). On the business computer I have installed SQL Native Client and in the ODBC added a System DSN (which works).

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General :: Link Access To Word

Apr 8, 2013

If I have a link setup from an access 2010 table to a word 2010 document, is there a way to export the hyperlink address in the table to word as an executable link. Rather than having to insert the link manually as a hyperlink.

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General :: Scroll Wheel Doesn't Work In Only One Table

Jan 11, 2013

happen- scroll wheel stops working in one table- the rest you can scroll in as usual? I know there can be issues with scrolling when you're missing some driver for your mouse, but this happened all of a sudden to just this one table, so I can't imagine that it's the mouse missing any drivers. I did compact/repair, restarted, and also tried repair of office installation. That table still won't allow scrolling unless you move the scroll bar manually first.

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General :: Alt Key Scrolls Subform To Top - Access 2007

Oct 22, 2014

It seems that if I have a continuous subform open and scroll down through the records, then hit Alt, the subform immediately scrolls back to the top again?

I only noticed this today when I scrolled to a particular record, then wanted to use Alt+Tab to switch to a different window. When I Alt+Tab'd back to my DB, the subform had scrolled back to the top and I had to scroll again to find my record. It was only then that I realised the auto-scroll was happening as soon as I hit the Alt key.

How to disable this behaviour as I use Alt+Tab pretty frequently (as do my users, more importantly) and it will get pretty annoying pretty quickly if the subform keeps reverting to the top?

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General :: Access 2007 Ribbon XML Syntax

Mar 25, 2014

I am upgrading an Access 2000 system to 2007 and replacing user toolbars with Ribbons.I have a strange parsing error that I think is not my error.

I have placed the following control into a group:

<control idMso="GroupPrintPreviewClosePreview" label="Close Preview" enabled="true"/> and "the system" rejects it with Error Code 0x80004005 Element <group> is not expected in <group>I

t turns out that it is finding the word Group within the double quotes and interpretting is at part of the XML syntax.

Change to another idMSO and the problem goes away. Same happened with another control that had the word Group in the id.

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General :: MS Access 2007 - Graph 2 Fields

Aug 2, 2013

I think the answer will be very simple but I can only seem to graph one field using the Graph wizard. I have a table that have running totals:

Date-----Sales ---- Budget
1/8/2013 0 2000
2/8/2013 2500 4000
3/8/2013 2500 6000
4/8/2013 4000 8000

I can only seem to chart the first column after the date.

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General :: Access 2007 Show Form On Top

Apr 10, 2013

I have a button which runs some VB, it brings up various message boxes as it prints a report to file, runs a query etc etc. I am hoping to display a basic form, which simply covers most of the screen and states "Please Wait" or something. I have already built the please wait form (frm_please_wait) and have set it to pop up. I have added it to my VB to open before I run the queries/output to file however the messages still appear on top..

How can I force the form to display on top of everything else in access ( it is only visibly for a few seconds, depending on the spec of the pc).

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General :: Link Excel Files To Access DB

Sep 11, 2012

So I've just started with a company where my job is to manage a ton of data. I am new to Access (2010) and am completely impressed by all the awesome things it can do. However, I am running into some issues with knowing the best way to get my current data (which is all in Excel spreadsheets) into Access.

We are working with about 68 customers in 6 different focus areas (or areas of improvement). To make it easier for them, my company has not required them to enter all their data for each area into a centralized database. Instead, we are pulling reports (into Excel) from 3 different databases. The customers who are not currently submitting data to these databases are sending us Excel spreadsheets with their data (they send a seperate spreadsheet for each focus area). So you can see where my problem lies ... NOTHING is the in the same format. Even then the Excel spreadsheets look different from month to month (and customers submit a new, updated form every month with the current month and previous months) because the people managing the data before I came along changed the format a few different times and the customer has the ability to change them too.

Basically, I would really really really like to be able to just link the Excel files to my database, but I am struggling knowing how to do that with my data in so many different places and forms.

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General :: How To Link Customer To Postcode Table

Mar 6, 2014

I am using access 2010 and have the following question?

I have 2 tables, 1 called UKFile and the other Customers with the following fields



How do I link these so that when I enter the customers postcode it grabs the data from the UKFile table.

Should I change structure at this early stage,

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General :: Export Link Table To Another Database?

Apr 22, 2014

I want to export my data in "Asset_Table" link table to another file store in "d:Database1.accdb" with table name "AssetList". The Code i used as below. But when i opening the "Database1" file, the Table "Assetlist" is a LINK table type (I want Local Table). how to export the Link table data to Local Table data on another Database file.

Private Sub Copy_Click()
DoCmd.TransferDatabase transfertype:=acExport, _
databasetype:="Microsoft Access", _
databasename:="d:Database1.accdb", _
ObjectType:=ACTable, Source:="Asset_Table", _
Destination:="AssetList", structureonly:=False
End Sub

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