General :: Access 2010 - Can Field (Color) On A Form Be Set To Combo Box

May 1, 2013

Is it possible to have a field (Color) on a form be set to a combo box. A drop-down box appears with Green, Red, Blue, Yellow, Other. When other is selected a dialog box prompt appears asking the user to enter the color. The response is then what appears in the Color field.

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General :: Access 2010 / Combo Box Not Displaying The Correct Item?

Apr 28, 2013

Using ms access 2010, I created a table called all items contains the ID, item name, item code, item price.

Second table I created called orders, contains item1,Q1=quantity,Tot1=calculated field.

Then a form to fill the orders table with a combo box for Q1 (gets the value from a table called numbers), second combo box for item1 (gets the value item code and item price from the table all items), and a text box to calculate the total of the Q1-item1(item price) All working perfect except the combo box for item1 ends up displaying a different item code that's only if the items were at the same price, for example, I choose latte from the combo box gives me correct item price but the code is cappuccino, only happening with items with the same price.

If I set the property of the combo box Bound Column to 1, I get correct item code but calculation error, Bound Column to 2, I get correct calculations but wrong item code. how to get the combo box to display the correct item code?

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General :: How To Use Automation To Run Word 2010 Mail Merge From Access 2010

Nov 26, 2013

I have a MS Access 2010 application when the User opens form CONTACTS Form

◦User finds single record to be used CONTACTID is identifier to be used for selection
◦User clicks button to open form frm_MAIL_MERGE
◦Frm_MAIL_MERGE has a drop down combo box that reads the folder location where the application resides and displays all .DOTM files (that is all template files) and one more combo box which contains the CONTACTID.
◦User selects single .dotm file for merge
◦Frm_MAIL_MERGE has either drop down to select CONTACTID or UNBOUND data field for user to type in CONTACTID number
◦User enters CONTACTID to be used for the mail merge
◦User selects SUBMIT
◦Application merges selected .dotm file with the information in table CONTACTS for the selected CONTACTID
◦Merged document is saved on the user Desktop as xxx.docx

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General :: Possible To Have Value In Excel 2010 Cell Used To Update Access 2010 Database

Apr 4, 2013

Is it possible to have a value in an excel 2010 cell be used to update an access 2010 db?

For example, if in a spreadsheet "test" cell A2=3 then in a db "test" a column "value" is 3. However, if the value in the spreadsheet changes so does the db.

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General :: Calendar Synchronization - Access 2010 To Outlook 2010

Mar 23, 2015

I wish to work in Access 2010 with a subset of my Outlook 2010 contacts (all desktop- no network barriers), so I am exploring the Desktop Contacts DB found in Microsoft's templates. It passes contact data back and forth using the standard macros, but I wish to add more fields from Outlook. It seems I need to find the code associated with the macro. I believe I can solve the problem using a Linked table, but am wondering if there is another solution?

Calendar synchronization is another issue. Linking gets me to the Archive Calendars, but not the Current one in Outlook which is what I want.

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Forms :: Access 2010 - Form With Combo Box To Filter Data

Feb 6, 2014

I have a modal form with a combo box and a search button.

When the button in pressed, the value of the combo box is the parameter of a query.

Copy and paste of the search button code:

Private Sub btnSearch_Click()

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qdef As DAO.QueryDef
Dim strSQL As String

[Code] ....

I've tested the SQL query produced by the search button and it works, but when I try to push the button, I receive an error on the following line:

Set qdef = db.QueryDefs("qryFilteredData")

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General :: Sending Form Through Email And Processing Responses - Access 2010

Oct 16, 2012

I'm working on a vacation/time off tracker and was hoping to use the collect data feature. I've created a form where a user submits their requested date and number of hours, at which point I'd like the form to be sent to their manager for approval. The manager's email address is stored in a table. Once the manager marks yes or no, I'd like that reflected in the time off requests table, and an email sent to the requester letting them know if it was approved or not. Is this possible? How would I go about it. I'm pretty new to Access, learning on the fly, but I'm pretty good at modifying code to match my situation/working backwards if you have any examples for me to look at.

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General :: Create Multi-select List Box For All Records In Access 2010 Form?

Jun 3, 2013

I would like to create a multi-select list box for all the records in an access 2010 form.

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Forms :: Find Hex Or RGB Value For Blue Color That Access 2010 Uses By Default For Buttons On Forms?

Sep 5, 2014

Where can I find the Hex or RGB value for the blue colour that Access 2010 uses by default for buttons on forms? I need to change some buttons to yellow (I know the code for that) but later change them back to the previous shade of blue, which is shown in the Properties pane "Accent 1, Lighter 40%".

By clicking in the standard colors area at the bottom of the colour chooser I can find a very similar blue #D6DFEC but it doesn't look quite right. And the "accent" colour does not give me a Hex value.Is that "usual" blue even one colour? How can I reset a button to that style having changed it?

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Modules & VBA :: Access 2010 Copy Data From One Field To Another In Form

Jul 1, 2013

I am using Access 2010.Most of the time a tenant pays his exact rent. When that happens, I currently type in the payment (taken form the Rent field) and date of payment (current date) into a form. The date should not change.

I would like to place a checkbox into the form. If checked, the rent would be entered into the payment field and payment date (current date) would be entered automatically. Otherwise, I would just enter in the payment and date manually.



on form chkPayment

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Forms :: Access 2010 Form Calculated Field Not Showing

Sep 18, 2014

We have a recent issue on client PC. After application running for a while, all the sudden the calculated field on the form not showing the details, though there is data on the control. After restart the PC, the calculated field display correctly. We guess this may be due to the theme we use.

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Populate Combo Box Based On Selection In Another Combo Box (Access 2010)

Jul 11, 2012

I'm have quite a difficult time getting a form in Access 2010 to perform the way I would like it to. I have multiple tables that I've created, and a query that contains the data from the various tables. I then ran the form wizard to select the data from the query that I wanted to populate in my form and I've added 2 combo boxes.

What I want to do:
1. I want users to be able to select a category in combo box #1 (example: "Bag")
2. I want users to be able to select a detail in combo box #2 based on the category they selected in combo box #1 (example: Combo box #1, "bag" would populate the following selections for combo box #2: "sandwich" and "tool")
3. I want users to then receive a list of suppliers that provide the product they have selected, either "Bag: Sandwich" or "Bag: Tool"

I have combo box #1 populating a list of categories already. However, I am not able to get combo box #2 to provide choices based on the selection chosen for combo box #1.

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Forms :: Display Field List For The Table Associated With Form - Access 2010

May 21, 2013

I am new to Access 2010. When working with a form, how do I display the field list? The list of fields for the table associated with that form.

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Forms :: Color Text Field Based On Value Of Combo Box

Feb 28, 2015

I have a table named ColorValues with the following three fields:

- ID
- MunsellCode
- RGBValue

30 fields from another table called Color_Analysis are linked to the above with one to many relationships (I've already thought of other ways to normalize data, but this is the most efficient, so no need to go into this topic).

Now, I've constructed a form for Color_Analysis and all 30 fields recording color are included as combo boxes bounded on the ID in ColorValues and displaying the MunsellCode for the user. I've also created unbounded text fields next to the combo boxes and want to use them to display the color that the user selected in the ComboBox. The question is how do I do this?

Essentially I need a piece of code that picks up the value of the combo box (this is essentially the ID in ColorValues), looks up that value in the ID column of the ColorValues table and uses the corresponding RGBValue of the same table as the .BackColor for the unbounded text field.

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General :: Change Access Background Color

Aug 18, 2014

I'm using the sample that I found here at Lebans site. URL....I'm trying to find a way to keep the color that I picked after the database closes. I tried to follow the example here URL....but couldn't get it to to get the color to stay on the color that was picked from the dialog box?

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General :: Access 2010 And Access 2003 On Same Desktop?

Mar 5, 2013

is there a way to have both Access 2010 and 2003 exist peacefully on the same desktop. My company uses Office 2010, but my department has an Access 2003 application. As a result, I have to have A2003 on my desktop and use it quite frequently for this one application.

I have some small databases that I really want to move onto A2010 so we can take advantage of SharePoint functions, etc. Is there anytning I can do to be sure that the .mdb and .mde open in A2003 and the new .accdb opens in A2010, without getting errors and the Windows installer going through the Office installation process for the respective version? I've gone to the file locations and set the "Open with" setting to the respective version.

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Forms :: Creating Cascading Combo Boxes In Access 2010

May 10, 2013

I am trying to create a Cascading Combo Box for my Form in Access 2010. I ahve written the code:

Private Sub Combo11_AfterUpdate()
cboCombo13.RowSource = "Select TblAcc.SubFamily " & _
"FROM me.TblAcc " & _
"WHERE me.TblAcc.Family = '" & cboCombo13.Value & "' " & _
"ORDER BY me.TblAcc.SubFamily;"
End Sub

But keep getting the same "Run time error message 424: Object required"

And when I define the error it says "Identifier under cursor is not recognized" (the yellow arrow comes up and is pointing at the "ORDER BY" line.

I would like Combo Box 13 to give me the SubFamilies of the certain Families choosen from Combo Box 11. (Each Family has different SubFamilies). But if I ignore the error, Combo Box 11 lets me choose a Family and Combo Box 13 gives me options to choose any SubFamily in my DB.

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Queries :: Access 2010 / Query Not Showing Results From Combo Box?

Aug 13, 2014

Access 2010. This has worked before but I don't understand why this is not working for me now. When i select an item in a combo box in a form and click on a button to run a query with the results, the query is blank. If I run the query alone, it prompts for an item, I can type it in and it works. I have even tried the DoCmd on the combo box but still same results. Attached is a dummy down DB. If you run the query, it will prompt, select Paper or Rock, see results. But run the form, the drop down will not show the results. What am I missing?

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Forms :: Combo Box Returning Wrong Results In Access 2010

Jun 11, 2014

I have an unbound combo box that I set up in a form using the combo box wizard in Access 2010. I selected the option that says, "Find a record on my form based on the value I selected in my combo box." The problem is that the combo box will not always display the correct record. It seems to only display the first record of a group of similarly named records in a table.


Last Name First Name SSN
Smith Alex 123-45-6789
Smith Jane 234-56-7891
Smith Mary 345-67-8910

If I select Smith Jane, the record for Smith Alex will display. I know that this has something to do with the bound column property, but I am unsure what to do to fix the issue.

What I have tried: I tried setting the primary key as the first field, but then I could only search by the primary key, which is unrealistic for this database. Users will be searching based on last name. How do I make the combo box select whichever record I select from the drop down list?

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General :: Access 2007 Multiple Pie Charts - How To Get Consistent Color Slices

Jul 4, 2014

I have created a series of pie charts in reports based on queries. The data that is being charted are agree, strongly agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree, and strongly disagree. I want the colors for these to be consistent in all the pie charts but they are coming out different colors on each chart: i.e., agree may be blue on one pie chart but yellow on another pie chart. How can I change the colors either in the pie charts or legends so that they are consistent on all the pie charts?

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General :: Access 2010 - Status Bar Not Visible?

Aug 15, 2014

I am using Access 2010. I Have the 'Display Status Bar' box ticked in Application Options but the Status Bar is not being displayed.

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General :: Editing MDB File With Access 2010

Nov 15, 2012

Any issues with using Access 2010 to edit an mdb file..I know there are backward incompatibility issues with 2007 and 2010, but these are both accdb formats.

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General :: Get Rid Of Dialog Box When Closing Access 2010

Oct 21, 2013

I have a Access 2010 DB. The mainform have a subform with one table alone.

I have a button who close Access when the user are finish on the mainform. Still I have the upper right corner X-button who also closing the app.

My problem is that when the user use the X-button then a dialog box appear and ask for saving the changes for the table in the subform on the main form. The user must then do the choise 'yes' , 'no' , 'Cancel'.

There is no need for this dialog box, (I take care if it's necessary earlier) but I can't get rid of it.

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General :: MS Access 2010 Cannot Remove Password

Apr 23, 2014

I have MS Access 2010. I cant remove password because when I open in exclusive mode, file, info, there is no decrypt password option.

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General :: Hide File Tab In Access 2010

Jan 25, 2013

I just upgraded to Access 2010. I was able to solve all migrational issues, but my custom ribbon is showing two File tabs, one that I created and the default access file tab. How to get rid of the default File tab or at least disable it?

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General :: Access 2010 - Database Only Working In PC?

Aug 27, 2014

I am Using Access 2010 Version. I have created a Database which consists of Linked Tables (from remote Server), Queries and a Form.

I am using Form to search the required Data. Every thing is working in My PC. But, when the Database file is trying to open from my colleague PC. It is not working. I mean, The Form is opening but when I click the Button nothing is happening. My Colleague is using 2007 Version of MS Access.

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