General :: Access 2013 - Compact Database To New Name

Jan 30, 2015

Access 2013 ... Is it possible to compact a database to a new name?

(In previous incarnations of Access I regularly 'compacted and repaired' databases to USB sticks rather than simply copy the file in the (mistaken??) belief that this was a more reliable approach)...

I can't see where to do this in Access 2013!

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General :: Access 2013 - Sort Database Window By Description?

Oct 10, 2013

Through a set of circumstances, I have had to quickly migrate a long-standing (and business critical) database from Access 2003 to Access 2013, without the sort of prepping and planning that I would normally do in such circumstances.

Most functionality appears to be working ok...

Many of my database objects, especially queries, were given meaningful descriptions.

For example, a number of queries might have been described as "Accounts Data Validation".

When I wanted to run validation of the Accounts data, I would simply sort the database queries window by description, then scroll to the relevant section and run all of the tagged queries in turn.

However, having migrated to Access 2013, although the descriptions are still shown, I can no longer sort by them !

Medium term, I could probably assign different database objects to "Groups", but we are talking hundreds, perhaps even thousands of different objects and that would be a laborious and extremely tedious process.

Any way of sorting the database window by description in Access 2013 ?

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General :: Database Auto Compact On Idle

Nov 9, 2012

In my access applications i have used the database split built in functionallity to split my frontend and backend tables.I have created a mail mechanism and when the database grows to that level i recieve a mail, ask users to get out of the database and compact the database. But this is tiding. I have a scheduled job that compacts databases early in the morning before users logged on. But during day work databases grow enormous again. Well is there a way by VBA code to create an auto compact function that on idle will log off all users in the database and compact it?

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How Can I Compact Access Database?

Dec 28, 2004

To Everyone

My access database grow exponentially to 170 MB, We share the access database on the network and those tables on
the access database are linked to SQL Server. I tried to compact and converted to 2003 format, It still doesn't shrink too much for the size. Please someone tell me what should I do for it, because someone try to access thur the VPN connect, and it make no sense for her to take 5 mins for loading a report remotely.


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General :: How To Sum Multiple Columns In Access 2013

Nov 28, 2014

I made a new column in a table in access. The table is not linked and linking unfortunately is not an option. In the new column, I want to create a sum for 5 years of funding. There are multiple columns for a different fiscal year.

In excel, it is simply =sum(range), but I am drawing completely blank how to fill in the column with the sum data.

The end result is the data from 4 tables will be displayed in Forms and Reports.

Essentially what I need is an ability to bulk update a column in access table without a need to reupload the entire datasheet (over 100k rows with about 30 columns).

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General :: Lookup Data Type In Access 2013 Web App?

Jan 2, 2014

I want to create a Web App in Access 2013 that contains a table of client names, addresses etc, and a second table that contains order details, including client name. It would be nice to ensure that as someone adds a new order they are give a drop down menu containing existing client names, and I can see how you can do this for a brand new table using the lookup data type. But I already have an Excel spread sheet containing client names. If I import this into my Access web app to create the client table, and import the existing orders to create the order table, I then try and change the data type of the client name (in the order table) from short text to lookup, it won't let me!! (If I create an empty client table from scratch, it lets me define the company name as a lookup data type - but I can't then import from Excel into this empty table)

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General :: Disable Close Button Access 2013

Jul 18, 2013

how to disable the main close button so the user is forced to click the Quit Application button on my main switchboard?

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General :: Query Parameters In Access 2013 Web Apps

Feb 2, 2014

I'm creating my first web app with Access 2013 and I'd like to allow users to run a query after supplying a parameter to be used in the query.Simple example might be to display a list of all records that contain a date older than "x" in a particular field - with the user supplying the value for "x" I understand that query parameters don't work with the web browser and that I need to use a macro to request the input of "x" and pass it to the query, but I can't find any examples of this kind or macro action (OpenDialog, I understand from Jeff's book).

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General :: Access 2013 - Possible To Play Sound File

Jun 3, 2013

Is it possible to play any kind of sound file from Access?

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General :: How To Use Access 2010 Setting Compact On Close

Apr 17, 2013

How would I use the Access 2010 setting, 'Compact on close'?We have a back end on a server and many users with front ends on their computers. So would I set 'Compact on close' on the back end? And then it would compact when the last user logged out?

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Modules & VBA :: Compact And Close Database With Delay - Access 2007

Feb 12, 2014

"how to COMPACT the DB by introducing delay of 10 seconds and then close the DB".In the Database, I'm able to accomplish the "Compact" the database using the function below.

Function Compact()
SendKeys "%(FMC)", False
End Function

As my DB is quite huge, the Compact action takes around 10 seconds to complete.Now, i would like to Close the Database after Compacting the DB. I tried including "DoCmd.Quit" in the function. The commands in the function, closes the DB but the Compact function doesn't seem to have executed as it needs 10 seconds to complete.

Function Compact()
SendKeys "%(FMC)", False
End Function

how to introduce this delay of 10 seconds and then close the DB.

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General :: Access 2013 / Error - Not Enough Memory To Update The Display

Dec 16, 2014

I am regularly getting the error "There is not enough free memory to update your display, close unneeded programs and try again"

Access 2013 on a windows 7 machine with 4 processors and 24GB total RAM.

Today I have 14 GB free memory (unbelievable! my first laptop had 136 MB total memory!) when I got this error (Access using 38MB) which makes me believe its not a system memory issue but to do with how much (or quickly) memory is allocated to Access.

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General :: Some Fields Intermittently Not Showing Data In Access 2013?

Feb 13, 2014

I've recently moved up to Access 2013 (from Access 2010) and everything went well, until one day my splash screen was blank and the program had empty fields...after seeing that all the links to the BE were OK, I re-booted and everything worked fine....until the next day the same thing happened...... The program randomly falls over about once or twice a week and I have to re-boot to cure it.....

My splash screen has a standard dlookup ( [=DLookUp("Banner","tblCompanyInfo")] ) to display the active company name...and sometimes its populated and other times its not..... if its not populated then loads of other fields on the forms are also blank - even if they point to valid data in the database!

I run Win7 (both 32 and 64bit) with Access 2013 32bit on three PC's - same problem on all!

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General :: Rightclick Menu In Explorer - Compact Or Decompile Access File

Sep 24, 2012

I am looking for a registry setting or .reg file to rightclick on an Access file and in the menu i want to compact or decompile the access file.

I know it is possible but i don't know what's the registry setting.

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Cannot Compact A Database

Mar 2, 2006

I know this has been discussed before but I have not been able to find a solution for my problem.

I have a database with linked tables from the back end database. The normal size is about 4.5 mb but after doing some work on a fairly simple form and a function with Select Case statements and simple SQL (the SQL was here before that change) the size has risen to 33Mb. This actually doubled to 66Mb earlier today after a very minor change but did compact back to 33Mb.

I have the Jet Compact Utility to no aval. I have tried creating a new database and imported all the objects from the original but again to no avail.

Help please???


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Database Won't Compact

Aug 10, 2006

I have an access 2000 database, which we copied from it's original location to another computer. I now am trying to modify/update the file, and have discovered an unusual problem. The filesize is roughly 75 megs! It is not a huge database, the biggest table has 2200 entries x maybe 8 fields.

There apparently had been corruption in the 2200 line table, as when I first looked into it, it had something like 275,000 rows. So I deleted back to the 2200 "good" rows of data. Figured I had the filesize problem fixed. But it won't shrink. Tried compact/repair and it didnt help. Crunched data for a long time, seemed to be working, but the filesize turns out nearly the same.

I then created a new database, and imported all of the info from the "big" one. Filesize = 1.5 meg. Great! not really. I cant get any of the code to copy over and I am not a VBA guy. All of the form buttons return error messages, and when I look into the event procedures there is no code. I tried copying all that code over, and it appears to have copied, but it doesnt work.

Maybe someone out there can offer suggestions? Thanks, Harry Manvel

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Compact And Repair Database

Jan 31, 2006


I was wondering if anyone might be able to help me. What i'd like to do is to be able to get the access to trigger compact and repair database tool automatically just before it shuts. Is it feasible? or has to be done manually?

Thank you in advance

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Unable To Compact Database

Aug 22, 2006


I have created a database with approx ten tables with many queries (make table and append and delete queries). I need to compact this database as I would normally do (usually deal with databases of 500MB and more with no issue) however after over an hour I still get the message 'not responding'. I have tried creating a new one from scrath and get the same issue. Can anyone help please?

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Compact And Repair Database

Apr 17, 2007

The compact and repair utility is very good.
Since all my record operations are done through menu, I would like to put a command button for this utility also. But I dont know how to do this. Would somebody help? Thanks in advance.

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Compact Secured Database

Jan 31, 2008

I am trying to compact & repair a secured database. I log in exclusively as the administrator with the following shortcut property target: "C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOFFICE11MSACCESS.EXE" f:pathnameappname.mdb /User "adminname" /Pwd "adminpwd" /wrkgrp f:pathnameappname.mdw /excl

When I run Compact & Repair, I get the following message: "Microsoft Office Access can't delete f:pathnameappname.mdb after compacting it. The compacted database has been named f:pathnamedb1.mdb."

It goes on to say that it can't delete the original database because it is read-only (even though it is not).

Can I compact a secured database manually, or does it require some sort of utility?


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Compact And Repair Database

Mar 17, 2008

Hi all,

I ahve come across a small problem and i am wandering if someone can helo me out on this.
I have a programme which is for the fast food and uses a order no for each receipt, now the problem is each time the form is closed and opened the number goes to the next avaialable number so last nunber was 32 the next will be 33 etc this number adding is done by code but i am having a problem somewhere along the lines and it goes back to 1 every so often, so the you have to log off and log in to to to the next available record,

So i was thinking rather having to do the number increment by code why not have a auto number field in there instead, the only problem is at the end of the day the number should go back to 1 for the next day so is there a way to compact and repair the database or better still to zero the tables i wish??

Thank you


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How To Compact Database Automatic ?

Nov 18, 2004


Is there anyone out there that knows if it is possible in any way to make a database compact automatic at a certain time. If someone (user) has forgotten to close the database, automatic gets thrown out and then it compacts itself ?

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Unable To Compact Database

Mar 14, 2005

Hello All,

I have found myself with a big problem, One of my databases has managed to become rather large in size, 1,084,576kb

Unfortunatley i am unable to compact the database, as i get the following error on compact "record(s) can't be read; no read permission on L:database name"

The size of the database now seems to be the reason why reports and queries are failing,

I have tried "database utilities" Repair Database - and this has no affect.
I have also tried temporally removing some of the tables and queries into another database, but the Db size remains the same.

Does anyone have any ideas as i'm stumped? p.s. the database in running on ACCESS 97

Thanks and best regards


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Compact And Reoair Database

Jan 6, 2006

i have a database that is 12 megabytes. when i compact and repair it, the database is 6 megabytes.

am i losing information? is there anything bad about compact and repaiir?
my database seems normal after the compact and repairt, but i would like to confirm weather or not compacting makes the database lose info

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Compact And Repair Upon Closing A Database

Aug 3, 2007

Is it possible to make the database compact and repair itself when it is closed to prevent it becoming too large?

Alternatively, can you create a macro to compact and repair at the click of a button?

Thanks, Steve

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Database - Automatically Compact And Repair

Feb 9, 2008

Can anyone give me guidance or code on how to automatically compact and repair.

There is something going on in my database when I open and it goes from 3.7kb to 26 kb each time it is opened - I cant find out why - ope to the why suggestion but another option is to automatically compact and repair

Thanks in anticipation.


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