General :: Access Runtime BE Location

Apr 11, 2013

In Microsoft article 291264, it says "In a run-time application, the front-end and back-end databases must be stored in the same folder."Is that really true or am I misconstruing the article?I want to use runtime clients with a split back end on a share drive.

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Add A Trusted Location With Access 2007 Runtime

Oct 2, 2007

How in the world do I add a trusted location with only the Runtime version of Access 2007 installed on the PC?

I am in the process of distributing some new runtime-only applications; how do I stop the irritating "potential security risk" warning from coming up everytime the user logs in??? I can't figure out how to get to the "trust center" with only Access Runtime installed. Users don't have any other 2007 applications like Word or Excel either, and are running Windows XP, NOT Vista.

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General :: Spell Check In MS Access 2010 Runtime

Sep 16, 2013

When distributing a program using 2010 runtime, I find that the spell check doesn't work. Is there a spell-check .dll or is there anyway I can get a spell checker?I have several memo fields with long report-type data entry which is being keyed by mutants. Spell checking is essential to get an intelligible report.

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General :: Access Runtime And ODBC Connection Can't Get It To Work?

Aug 31, 2012

I have a Access front end connected to a MS SQL database using a ODBC connection which is working fine of course.

When I compile it as a runtime version and install it on the business computer I get an error with the ODBC connection (I can't remember exactly what pops up). On the business computer I have installed SQL Native Client and in the ODBC added a System DSN (which works).

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General :: Publishing Access Tables For Runtime Viewers?

Feb 4, 2013

My office recently purchased Microsoft Access for our secretary to keep track of our contacts. No other employee owns Access so we have to distribute the tables through Access Runtime. However, there seems to be a problem.

I save and publish a database using the Packaging Wizard. I then send the associated folder with the install program to a computer which has Access Runtime installed on it. But, when I install the file I created with Packaging Wizard it just opens an Access window that is completely blank. It's actually the same thing that occurs when I try to open an Access file on a computer that doesn't have Access or Runtime installed on it at all.

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General :: Application Always Quit In Access Runtime On Every Run-time Error

Mar 24, 2014

I have setup a small application with front/back end in local network. On client machines i have installed access runtime. Although it works fine but it suddenly quit when there is any run time error while working on client machine. Although on server machine ( where full version is running it didn't close the application ).

What i need is an option to not quit the application completely. As i am not expert in coding of try/catch statements I need a simple solution for time being .

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General :: Access Runtime 2010 Don't Show Some Forms Content

Jul 27, 2012

I have a question that i have implemented database with access runtime 2010

I have a navigation form opens up which provides buttons to open different forms & reports .

But I cannot open some of the forms in runtime although title heading apears but other content just goes blank , it has subforms in it . . some forms opens and some reports as well but some form just doesn't.

And on the notification bar it asks for a save as ??? why is that ...

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General :: Prevent Multiple Instance Of Access 2010 Runtime

Jun 21, 2014

is it possible to prevent

1- running multiple instance of MSACCESS.exe in runtime
2- running multiple instance of same database in runtime.

i have found seems not to work on access 2010 runtime.

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General :: Access Will Not Save Picture Appropriately - Runtime Error 2450

Apr 27, 2014

I have a access program and recently I began getting this Error out of the blue . I really need to fix this error because it shuts down my entire program . When I go to save a pic like i always do and it will not recognize the "quote Main ".


Forms![frm_Quote_Main]![HousePicture] = Me.PicSave
Forms![frm_Quote_Main]![ZoomValue] = Me.ZoomValue
Forms![frm_Quote_Main]![GoogleZoom] = Me.GoogleZoom

Error I receive

Runtime access error 2450 ............. ? Capture2.PNG


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General :: Hidden Access Shell / Runtime And Print Preview Custom Ribbon

Dec 17, 2013

I have created an application. It has a split front end and back end. I plan to distribute the runtime version. I have used code throughout that "hides" the microsoft access shell for popup (modal) windows. In every form & report I have a function to show or hide the access window. Everything works great until I get to my reports. I open reports in print preview. I created a custom table (USysRibbons) and added a Reports print preview ribbon & xml. I assigned that ribbon to my report(s), and I assigned it in options as the default ribbon. If I test the ribbon (by working in the database using "shift" open) I see my ribbon. But, in when I open app without shift or or if I emulate runtime, I can't get the ribbon.

I have multiple popups forms, several non popup forms and a couple of reports.I just want to keep all the access background stuff hidden - except for needing the ability to print.

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General :: Modifying Record And Saving In New Location?

Dec 4, 2013

I'm working on a database that will be used by two different groups. Group A provides a list of items to be investigated by Group B.

I'm wondering if it is possible to:

i) have Group A create an excel file of items to be investigated (let's call the file tblNEW)

ii) open a record in the file through a form (let's call the form frmINPUT) to allow Group B to input investigation findings

iii) save the modified record into a separate table of all the work that has been done (let's call this table tblWORK)

iv) delete the investigated record in tblNEW once it gets saved into tblWORK

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General :: Choose Backend Location From A Form

Dec 18, 2014

I'm making updates for the front end then i send it to 10 pc's in the office then i should change the backend location via linked table manager for every pc

So is there any way to let the user choose the backend location when he open the database nad then it will automatically update the tables link

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General :: Changing Database Location For Sharing

Dec 29, 2014

In the past I have only done data input into Access databases that have already been created. They have been simple text fields only. I was hired on contract to finish data input for a database that serves to catalogue material resources. The database itself was supposed to have been completed by a former contractor but I'm discovering bits and pieces that weren't finished. I don't have any background in IT or coding.

So, this database eventually has to be shared in a "locked" format so that other entities can view our resources (like a catalogue) without changing them. My next step is to add images to each of the items being catalogued (there are about 100 images). The former contractor began a table labeled "Pictures" in which there are 2 columns: PictureID and PicturePath, the latter being a path starting with C:. The issue is, his picture paths include the hard drive name so that it looks like this:C:HardDrivePicturesPictureID.jpg

I need the database and its images to be share-able on other computers. And I need to use relative paths to connect the images to the database so I'm not tremendously increasing the size of the database.does the location/path of the database need to be changed so it can be shared, and if so how do I do that?

Second question: I have all the images I will be using in a folder on my desktop; how do I save them in a "fixed subdirectory" of the database so that they get moved with it whenever it is sent out to another user?

If I change the database name as I'm working on it (I've been saving a new database each day, so that if I screw up something I can go back to the most recent working one) will that mess up my picture paths?

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General :: Attachment Field - Specify Location To Search

Jan 14, 2013

Using an attachment field - can we specify the location to search?

We have an Access 2007 DB and need to attach files from only 1 location - we hope to attach a copy of these files into the database efficiently.

I have a few sample DB's that use VB but I am hoping there is a quick and easy solution for this.

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General :: Small Application Not Working Since It Was Moved From Its Old Location?

Nov 27, 2012

I do IT support for different companies.

I have had a client moving to a new server a couple of months ago.

They have a small access application that reads csv files and exports them into Sage format that can then be imported into their accounts program - it also reports the total invoiced (whatever is inside the data CSV file) and has a printer friendly report with all the invoices inside said data CSV file.

The issue I have is that since the little app was moved to the new server - it stopped working.

I think somewhere in the code / options there is place to state the working path for the app. I think the app is trying to read the input data file from the old shared folder and thus not working anymore.

I can post the code and a sample CSV file. Specially because I did find a place with the old path and changed it to the new file share and it still didn't work.

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General :: Copy Network Folder To Another Location And Rename It

Jul 17, 2013

I'm looking for copy folder functionality and I can't find anything.

In access 2007 when I push a button on a form, I want to copy a network folder to another location and rename it.

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General :: Update Front End With New Back End File Location

Dec 12, 2013

Access 2010

Objective?: I'm attempting to change the file location of the back end portion of my split database.

What I've done so far: I've used the linked table manager to update the back end location of all tables in the front end portion of the database.

Symptoms: When making a change to the OLD back end: If I change the name or move the old back end and then try to re-open the front end, Access opens as if I'm opening the application itself without any database associated with it until I restore the OLD back end to its appropriate state.

When making a change to the NEW back end: If I change the name or move the new Back end and then try to re-open the front end, I get a: "Could not find file" error message until I restore the new back end to it's appropriate state.

I've just discovered a query that I think put me one step closer to resolving this issue. [URL] .....

When I run this query:

SELECT MSysObjects.Database
FROM MSysObjects
GROUP BY MSysObjects.Database, MSysObjects.Type
HAVING (((MSysObjects.Type) In (4,6)));

It returns 2 results:
1. The path of my old back end
2. The path of my new back end.

Unfortunately I'm not able to update the values from the Datasheet, but this does confirm to me that the old back end is still some how being used by the front end even after my tables have all been updated.

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General :: Table Structure For Multi Location Warehouse

Apr 30, 2015

I am working with Access 2007. I have a pretty good working knowledge of access. Here is my problem. I have a warehouse which supports four departments. The warehouse floor area is segragated into four areas. Area 1 department 1, area 2 department 2, and so on. Each department uses the same commodity, so I will have four of each item, belonging to each department. The storage locations will be unique and not repeated anywhere in any department. I receive and issue items for all departments.

The problem is how do I structure the tables and queries to receive an item for department 1 adding it to department 1 only and not have the item added to another department with the same item. Also to issue the item from a department 1 without effecting the on hand balance of any other department. I am too the point of creating 4 separate databases one for each department.

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General :: Control System To Put Stock That Come Into Specific Location

Jun 18, 2015

I have created a stock control system where i put stock that come in into a specific location i can put the same item over several locations depending of the size of the location or i can can put more than one product in a location .

The problem im having is when i do a order that say remove half of all the stock in it is split over more than one location i cant seem to get it to remove the stock from the location to show space available.

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General :: Copy A Folder To Location Selected By The User?

Sep 4, 2012

I have a folder with Access files, subfolders, and some .vbs files in it. It requires one person to navigate through a setup process. Once the setup is completed, they need to copy the folder and its contents to a location on a shared drive, which is unknown to me and will be chosen by the user at the site. There could be many sites.

It basically works like this:

Files are downloaded to C:Program Files.

A vbscript is run and extracts a folder directly to the C:Drive and opens it. I'll call it C:Test.

The user manually moves the BE file to a shared drive.

The user opens the FE file and is walked through using the Linked Table Manager.

The user then follows a series of forms to input data.

After this, the FE closes and another DB opens.

The second DB walks them through the Linked Table Manager and closes.

Option #1 At this point I would like to have a script and have it copy that folder, C:Test, and its contents, and have a dialog box open telling the user to paste it in a location where all users have access to.

Option #2 A script that will backup the folder and all its contents to a shared location selected by the user.

Either option will l allow others to navigate to that location, copy the folder, and paste the folder to their C: Drive.

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General :: Split Database - Unable To Find Table Location

Mar 24, 2014

I'm having a problem with a database that i had split. While creating teh database, i had it stored on my personal drive at work, but wanted to move it to the shared drive so the data could be stored there. this is to deal with cross site network connectivity issues that we encountered with another database here at work.

When splitting the database, i split it on my personal drive and then dragged the back end to the common drive. I realized my error, but when attempting to correct it, i somehow have two of the same file, and no back end?

I receive the error on the attached document when attempting to access any of the tables or information in either of the files, the "back end" that i placed on teh drive, and the "front end" that i have on my personal drive.

I also tried to relink the tables through the linked table manager, but receive the same error when attempting that.

Is there a way to recover from this? I had backed up my file by making a copy prior to splitting, but somewhere in this process, this became linked to these and is having the same issue. Is there a way to recover the old "unsplit" version? I cannot copy over all of teh tables, etc. because i get the same error as earlier.

I can attach a copy of my database for reference...

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General :: Database Opens As Read Only When Opened From Shared Location

Jul 15, 2012

We have a database on a PC located on our network. The database is located in this computer's shared folder. Another database grabs data from this database occasionally. We're running into a problem where we cannot open the DB located in the shared folder (permissions granted) without it being a read only instance even with no users accessing the DB.

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General :: Database Design - Stock Tracking / Set Up Table For Each Location

Sep 10, 2012

I am planning my new DB and am contemplating the best design. It will be used for warehouse stock rotation and control of pallets. I want to track each pallet (product/time in/time out etc) to each pallet space within the warehouse. There are a total of 400 pallet spaces or 'locations' as i will refer to them as.

Now, would it be possible for me to have a table set up for each location? Will access object to having 400 tables in my data base?? Is there a limit?

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General :: Split Database With Runtime?

May 21, 2013

I haven't done any testing yet on splitting the database I'm working on but a question came up today about networking.

This database is going to be used by a few equipment operators to record machine readings on the manufacturing floor. There is a wireless network and we are in the process of confirming that the wireless signal reaches all the areas. The users will be using ruggedized windows tablets to enter the data.

The BE of the split database will reside on a network drive to ensure everyone that needs it will have access and it will be regularly backed up. etc.

Since there is alot of heavy machinery, there may be some spots where connectivity will be weak or non-existent while they are entering their readings.

The question is how will the runtime FE handle it if connectivity is temporarily interrupted?

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General :: Hyperlink Location - Hide Entire Path In Backend And Show Only Name Of File

Sep 26, 2013

I have a field named Location of type Hyperlink. I have copied the respective filepaths in those location column.The location filed looks like


If the user clicks on this link then the respective file should be open..I don't want the front end users to see the entire path. So, I would like to have the names as 1234.pdf in the location column instead of M:New1234.pdf. Is it possible to hide the entire path in the backend and show only the name of the file. so that if users click on 1234.pdf then the file needs to open.

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General :: Auto Scale To Fit Runtime 2010

Sep 30, 2013

I have created a db in which the front end has been distributed around the office and opened in runtime. The basic function of the db is to track current projects and contact between ourselves and clients.

When we have update meetings we use the large screen TV to view the db but it only takes up one small corner of the screen and is near on impossible to read.

I would like to know if there is any way that the picture can be stretched to fit the screen that it is being displayed on? Or would I have to create a separate version for the large screen so that people can read?

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