General :: Achieve Data From One To Many Relationship Database

Mar 10, 2015

I am using Access 2007, I need to achieve some data from my database, what is the best way to do this.

I have a one to many relationship database, so 1 customer could have many orders, how would you achieve this data?

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In MS Access 2003, How Can I Achieve The Followings:

Aug 13, 2007

How can I acheive the following in MS Access 2003:

1) Hide the security warning window appears when you I the project/application.

2) Remove the "Microsoft Access" from the title bar and kep the title bar fully empty as exe file.

3) Disable the Alt+Shift to disable the users from viewing the Database Window.

3) Disable the F11 Key


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Modules & VBA :: Achieve Smallest Possible Number From Among The Largest

Oct 4, 2014

I need to find best combination using Loop to count "NumerOfSheets" To achieve smallest possible number from among the largest. Taking into account additional blocks to allocate. My table before running code looks like

ID Oder Quantity Blocks NumberOfSheets
1 A 350 2
2 B 200 1
3 C 100 1

At the beginning I was using code (I had no additional blocks):

Dim recIn As Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM tbl1;"
Set recIn = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset(strSQL)
While Not recIn.EOF

[Code] ....

It worked! But now I have new field in my main form "Forms!frmGlowny!FreeBlocks" Where I keep number of blocks to allocate (additional blocks which I can allocate in the column "Blocks"). This filed is count by another code. What is important now, this is positive integer (usually no more than 20). I need find best way to allocate my free blocks. What is best way? - The largest number from "NumerOfSheets" should be as small as possible.

Suppose that this example Forms!frmGlowny!FreeBlocks = 1 (so it's very simple example). So Let's find where I should allocate my 1 free block (I need do it by hand, because I don't have a code:/).

Combination 1

ID Oder Quantity Blocks NumberOfSheets
1 A 350 3 117
2 B 200 1 200
3 C 100 1 100

Combination 2

ID Oder Quantity Blocks NumberOfSheets
1 A 350 2 175
2 B 200 2 100
3 C 100 1 100

Combination 3

ID Oder Quantity Blocks NumberOfSheets
1 A 350 2 175
2 B 200 1 200
3 C 100 2 50

The smallest possible number from among the largest is in the combination No. 2 (because the largest = 175 so it is smallest from all largest numbers of combinations), so now I know that my 1 free block should be added to B order to column "Block". It's very simple example because I have only A;B;C oders and 1 block to allocate. But When I will have e.g orders: A;B;C;D;E;F;G;H and 14 blocks to allocate count by hand will be terrible...

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Must Use File Open Command In Access To Achieve Record Locking

Mar 2, 2007

It just read in Access Help that if you have open db using record locking checked that you must open the database using the File=> Open command from the MenuBar. Does anyone know anything about this or can anyone comfirm this a s true?

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General :: Merging Data From One Database Into Another

Jun 20, 2014

I need to merge data from one DB into another.I have a split database with front end DBcompanyFE and back end DBcompanyBE. BE is on the server so users at company (3 users) can access it with their own FEs.I also have 2 users that are working at some other location (geographically) and they have identical BE of database (DBcompanyBE) and their own FEs.Now, my problem is, that at each location there is different data entered, but on both locations all the data is needed. What would be the easiest and mybe most automated way to merge/combain those data.

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General :: How To Transfer Data From One Database To Another

Oct 30, 2013

I recently designed a new database according an old database in order to replace it. I found that I have trouble transferring the data from old to new database.

Only transferring data from one table to another

Database A: [table]![customer]
Database B: [table]![Client]

Field name on both are different

Table Customer:

Table Client:

How can I transfer from "Database A/table customer" to "Database B/table Client"?

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General :: Need To Add Data To Read Only Database

May 7, 2015

I have read only access to a database maintained by a vendor. I am using an append query to search for new records in that database every time my database opens through a macro. This adds any new records to my table. I then add additional information to each record in my table. This is newly acquired information, not calculated, and it is different for each record.

My question is can I keep my table up to date with the vendor table without running the append query macro at open every time as my database may remain open for extended periods of time during updating of records.

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General :: Designing Database Using Existing Data

Oct 25, 2014

I have to design 2 databases base on some data that was given by my instructor but I feel like I'm missing something on both specially the 2nd database. I have attached my work so far as well as the instructions and the existing data..

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General :: Website To Get Data From MS Access Database?

Jan 10, 2013

Is it possible for a website to pull data from an Access database?

We have all our department's policies in a MS Access database on our server. Some of these policies need to be made available to the public on our website. I'm wondering if there's a way for the website to pull directly from the database rather than having to manually upload the policies to the site every time they change (annually, semi-annually).

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General :: Merge Two Database Having Same Field Name But Different Data

Sep 27, 2013

I have two db's that I want to merge. they both have the same field names, but different data and some of the have same ID's, How do I merge them?

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General :: Access Based Database / How To Use Data

Apr 26, 2015

I've used MS Access a fair bit in the past but am somewhat lost since moving to 2013Pro.Some years back I was using software to document radio intercepts, this was based on Access but used a program to display and enter the data.That program was lost after upgrading to a new computer (tied to the CPU) .And the company has long since gone out of business.So I am left with the MS Access elements.In the form of a 3mb database that has nothing but a long list of tables to show for itself.Each table opens and has some ID columns with text like this in them 'L096e0dd24757c 1533a7cc1 53e 6ba44 bd' and after has usable data. What I want to do is set up Access so I can use as much of the data as possible.

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General :: Merge All Data To Identical Central Database

Jan 20, 2015

I have started working on an existing MS access application (Front-end & Back-end) built with VBA. The frontend linked to a back-end access database which contains only tables. Because of the nature of the work involving vehicles. Each user has their own copy of identical databases with their individual data stored in backend.

Right now we just copy each back-end database via ftp and store it as usr_backenddb_date.accdb Back end databases contain around 16 tables with most of them containing a autonumber field as a primary key. Further tables are connected with each other referencing the primary key as a foreign key .

I would like ideally create a function in vba that lets me select the database and merge all the data from that database to a identical central database. For the initial part, I am thinking of combining each individual table in each database and changing the autonumber field with SQL with possibly trying to cascade the change so the refrences remain intact.

Constant Access to one back end db via internet (or server) is not really possible as the users are able to connect to internet (network) only few times a day. There are over 100 backends (for each vehicle) with over 1000 records in each.

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General :: Cannot Change Field Data Type In Database

Mar 18, 2014

In my database i have a field for Tonnage (quantity) ...

I need for example to input 38.60 or 37.89 so my values must have 2 decimal places, ive searched and found changing my field type to double or decimal should solve the 'numbers rounding up/down' but access will not let me change the data type?

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General :: Automatically Update Data Inside Database

Jun 30, 2014

I have data in all sorts of tables and databases that are linked together through different systems. I'd like to update some of the information automatically in the evenings or in the middle of the night without needing someone to push a button. Is there a way to do this?

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General :: Allow Colleagues To Input Data To Access Database?

Aug 6, 2013

How do I allow colleagues to input data to the Access database, but at the same time prevent meddling with the database design? Is it possible to password protect some functions but allow others (students/ nurses!) to input data?

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General :: Possible To Set Up Access Database To Retrieve Data From Control Logix

Nov 21, 2013

Is it possible to set up an access db to retrieve data from a control logix 5000 and put it into a report or form of some sort?

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General :: Archiving Data - Improve Response Time Of Database?

Apr 30, 2015

Will archiving older data improve response time of a database?

What is the best way to archive data knowing that older records will still be accessed twice a year?

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General :: Designate Unique Codes In Database During Data Entry

Jun 21, 2012

I wish to designate unique customer codes in my database during data entry.

For example;
Liz Stimp = LS1
Liz Stamp = LS2
Lyne Small = LS3
Lipo Suction = LS4

I have successfully linked the first and surname using a "Left 1st letter" in the expression but I do not understand how to add a 'unique' number to the code to give me the result I am after.

Expression so far is .....Left([First Name],1)+Left([Surname],1)

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Database Relationship Diagram

May 25, 2005

I need some help. I have to design a relational database for a small bookstore that operates 3 stores.Books are sold by a sales person to a customer through an order. A order may consist of one or more books but assume that for a given order, all the books sold are all from one store and are sold by one salesperson.

Field name
Author ID
Author Name
Book ID
Book Type
Book type description
City country
Cust ID
Cust name
Cust Type
Cust type descr
On hand
Order date
Order no
phone number
phone typr
phone type descr
publisher ID
Publisher name
salesperson ID
Salesperson name
Salesperson Phone
Selling Price
Store Address
Store City
Store email

How do I start the database

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General :: Connecting Access Database To Website To Import Data Automatically

Jun 30, 2015

I just created a database and need to connect it to the data source. The data comes from a http website (intranet from work). When I open the link using firefox, I can view the website with the data in it, but when I open it from Internet Explorer, I get a save as pop-up message to save a csv file which contains all the data. The extension of the http website ends with csv. So it is something like http (slash slash...) Intranetname/referral_dbase.csv

Currently, I am opening the file using firefox, copying all the data manually, and pasting it in a text file using notepad. After that, I import the file into access. The delimiter of the data is this symbol: |

I am trying to find a way to link my database to the website where the data is located so that I can skip the manual process of opening the website and copying the data and saving it into a text file and then importing that file into access. I was thinking to have like a form in access with a bottom that will automatically import that data from this link and paste it into a table in access using the delimiter symbol mentioned above.

Is this too complicated? Is it even possible in access 2010?

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General :: Hide External Data And Database Tools Tabs From Access?

Jan 17, 2015

i want to hide external data and databasetools tabs from my access program.

how i do it ?

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General :: Managing A Many-to-one Relationship From One End

May 10, 2013

use of a query, or a report or it could involve changing the table structure.Say I have a many to one relationship, for simplicity we'll call the table on the 'many' side tblThing and the table on the 'one' side tblGroupofThings.When managing the records in these tables it is important that each Group of Things contains at least one Thing, but it isn't important that each Thing is part of a Group of Things.

Things and Groups of Things are constantly being added to the table. As I see it, the only way to manage this is from the Things table, or at least a form based on the Things table, as I am editing a foreign key for tblGroupofThings inside tblThings. However it would be easier for me to manage it from the Groups of Things end, so that my workflow goes as follows:

-I add a new Group of Things to tblGroupofThings,
-I then 'put inside' that Group of Things, the Things that belong inside it (i.e. make the foreign key field in those Things point to the Group of Things.

Managing from the Things end means I have to start of with the new Groups of Things which are 'empty' at the moment, decide which things need to go in them then swtich to Things and remember which Things need to go into which Groups of Things.all the talk about putting records inside other records when I'm really talking about foreign keys. I know that's not know it really works but to the user that's how it should appear to work.

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Relationship Problems In Database Design.

Sep 20, 2005

I am trying to design a database that would help track the daily supply of natural gas on multiple contracts. Each contract has a supply side and a delivery side which are equal in volume (when fuel is taken into account). My problem begins with the fact that each contract has a different capacity. That capacity is a total of the capacities of each point on the contract. Some points are on multiple contracts so they have different capacities on different contracts. I can’t figure out how to setup the relationships in order to make this database successful. Any hints?

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Relationship Problems... Of The Database Kind

Nov 29, 2007

(see sig for details on what I'm capable of before you toss code at me ;P )

Here's my current setup:

Instructor <related to Instructor table, pulls data from there)
Academic Year
Fallcourse# (where # = 1, 2, 3, 4), (course pulled from Courses table)

Coursename (unique)
Coursetype (required, elective)
Courselevel (ugrad, grad, MAS)


The purpose of the database is to assign courses to various professors and append supplementary compensation and, if necessary, notes to each course assignment. Each professor can be assigned up to 4 courses (or something to take the place of a course) per quarter.

My problem. I have created a quite a few reports with this setup including an academic year schedule, compensation reports for the year, sabatical / course release listings, etc. I am having trouble with what I am hoping to be my final report.

Requirements for the final report:
List of all courses for an academic year (filter by year)
group by level (easy)
group by type (easy)
append instructor's name to the end

Report/Relationship Problem:

I can't seem to set the relationship to allow more than one field's data into the report. I can only show courses from the [Fallcourse1] because I can't relate multiple fields from the "Assisgnments" table to one field in the "Courses" table. Effectively, that's what I want to do, but my mind's burnt and can't seem to figure it out.

Maybe you guys could help me out? Suggestions, questions - all welcomed.

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How To Get A Page From Access Database With Relationship

Oct 22, 2012

I want to get a page like following through DW8+ASP



database like following

ID name profile website
1 Yageo *** ****
2 Vishay *** *****

ID name category
1 yageo resistor
2 yageo capacitor
3 vishay diode
4 vishay transistor

How can I do to get a page above?

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General :: How To Set Up A Suitable Relationship Between 2 Tables

Feb 17, 2013

the line setting up a property database and i cant figure out how to set up a suitable relationship between 2 tables .

Table 1 is for leases, which can have up to 4 tenants (each has seperate field)
Table 2 is a table for each tenant

now I need to relate the two, each lease can have multiple tenants at the same time and each tenant can have multiple leases over several years.

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